Check out my new article:

Maximizing Global Litigation Portfolios

Burford Capital is a worldwide leader in legal asset management and
litigation finance. With a footprint in New York, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Sydney and Washington, Buford’s legacy is pegged to innovating law
structures and philosophies.

The Buford Quarterly
profiled thoughts and ideas focused on maximizing litigation finance
portfolios. Buford’s Craig Batchelor directs the firm’s investment
underwriting risk. Batchelor further outlines some strategies for
accelerating legal capital via litigation funding.

*Here are some key takeaways from Batchelor’s findings: *

   - Litigation finance portfolio management is not understood by most.
   Therefore, experts must teach and learn from global thought leaders on
   litigation finance portfolio management structures.
   - Data should be engaged to assess how litigation assets may appreciate
   over time, via clever execution of portfolio planning.
   - Prioritization of litigation assets is best focused on winning at the
   beginning, for exponential legacy portfolio returns.
   - Mergers, acquisitions and competition based litigation funding is
   currently undervalued, according to Batchelor.

*Gunnar Larson - <> | <>*
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