by Eric Margolis 

NEW YORK – I’ve had many strange experiences in my decades of covering 
intelligence affairs. These run from being invited to KGB HQ in Moscow, Chinese 
intelligence in Beijing, US intelligence in Virginia, Libyan intelligence in 
Tripoli, South African intelligence, and even Albanian intelligence in Tirana.

But none was odder than the day I was invited to lunch in New York City with 
the by now notorious figure Jeffrey Epstein. The golden boy of Manhattan and 
Palm Beach society now sits in a grim jail cell accused of having sex with 
underage girls. He’s been doing this in plain view since the early 1990’s but, 
until recently, he seemed bullet-proof.

Soon after I walked into the entrance of Epstein’s mansion on E 71st Street, 
said to be the city’s largest private home, a butler asked me, ‘would you like 
an intimate massage, sir, by a pretty young girl?’ This offer seemed so out of 
place and weird to me that I swiftly declined.

More important than indelicacy, as an old observer of intelligence affairs, to 
me this offer reeked of ye old honey trap, a tactic to ensnare and blackmail 
people that was old when Babylon was young. A discreet room with massage table, 
lubricants and, no doubt, cameras stood ready off the main lobby.

I had arrived with Canada’s leading lady journalist who was then close to 
Epstein’s sometime girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell and, it was said, procuress – 
something Maxwell denies. Bizarrely, Maxwell believed that I could get KGB 
Moscow Center to release satellite photos that showed the murder on his yacht 
of her father, the press baron Robert Maxwell, who was a well-known double 
agent for Israel and KGB, and a major criminal.

Also present was the self-promoting lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, who had saved the 
accused murderer Claus von Bulow, as well as a titan of the New York real 
estate industry (not Trump) and assorted bigwigs of the city’s elite Jewish 
society. All sang the praises of Israel.

Epstein reportedly had ties to Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Britain’s Prince 
Andrew and repeatedly flew them about in his private jet, aka ‘the Lolita 
Express.’ All guests deny any sexual activity. I turned down dinner with Prince 

Epstein’s residence in Manhattan and Palm Beach, both of which I visited, were 
stocked with young female ‘masseuses.’ All were working class girls making big 
money in their spare time. I did not see any interactions between these girls 
and the guests.

Epstein and Maxwell became too big for their britches. They flaunted their 
sexual adventures and laughed at New York society. Everyone wondered about the 
source of Epstein’s lavish income but no one knew its origins. He claimed to be 
an exclusive money manager for a group of secretive millionaires. But the only 
one identified was billionaire Leslie Wexner, the owner of L Brands and 
Victoria’s Secret. Wexner denied any knowledge of Epstein’s alleged crimes.

Besides sexual frolics, Epstein and Maxwell were up to many odd things. The FBI 
found diamonds, cash and a fake passport when raiding his mansion and documents 
showing his net worth at $559,120,954.00. The IRS tax people will be eager to 
review the sources of this income.

It seems likely that political influence was brought to bear on then US 
attorney Alexander Acosta (he just resigned under fire last week) to make a 
sweetheart deal with Epstein, who had been charged by Florida with child 
molestation. Epstein got off with a token, 13-month jail sentence that allowed 
him to work from his office much of the day.

Were Trump or Clinton involved? How much did they ‘party’ with Epstein and 
revel in his fleshmart? There was talk of some sort of ‘intelligence’ angle to 
the affaire Epstein that spared him a harsh sentence.

A respected former CIA official, Phil Giraldi has come right out and accused 
Epstein of being an Israeli agent of influence. Epstein was let off with a slap 
on the wrist on his first child abuse charge, says Giraldi, because of his 
powerful Israel connections. To Giraldi and this writer, the Epstein ‘massage’ 
operation was a classic intelligence operation designed to blackmail men of 
influence into doing Israel’s bidding. Clinton had reportedly already fallen 
into this trap years earlier while still president.

Now watch this stinking pile of corruption be hurriedly covered up. Talk about 
draining the swamp."

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