Anudda week, anuddah shoah :D

Today Project Veritas takes the wrecking ball to none other than everybody's 
favourite ANTIFA sugar daddy, George Soros ...

Almost exacty one week after dey Soros made rare public statement (see O.P. 
further below) explicitly denying "paying protesters", he be pinged muh 
muffaluggerahs :D

   Project Veritas Video Shows “Refuse Fascism” Leader Admitting Donations 
Received from George Soros
      June 13, 2020

      We’ve got a brand new Project Veritas video that will knock your socks 

         BREAKING: George Soros and @TomSteyer named as financial supporters of 
@RefuseFascism national organizers
         “We did get a grant from [Soros]”
         “We’re trying to meet with @TomSteyer…has political ambitions…not want 
to be directly connected”#DefundAntifa
         — Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) June 11, 2020

      This guy could just be dropping names on the fly to exaggerate the 
importance of his Antifa spin-off organization.

      But does anyone really think George Soros would just sit back and watch a 
Cultural Revolution take place in America, and not throw money at it?


         As part of its series of undercover videos exposing left-wing 
organizations like Antifa, Project Veritas released footage claiming to show 
far-left Democrat activists bragging about George Soros funding and political 

         Tom Steyer – who unsuccessfully campaigned for the Democratic Party’s 
presidential nomination for 2020  – and liberal financier George Soros are both 
named as financial contributors in the new clip on Refuse Fascism, an 
organization dedicated to removing President Donald Trump and Vice President 
Mike Pence from office.

      Steyer and Soros are both Jewish, for anyone keeping score on that front. 
The Jews recently published an article declaring that Antifa is a Jewish 

and on and on the merry-go-round goes... you know you love it :)

On Sat, Jun 06, 2020 at 05:24:18PM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> So, the "Liberal Lefty Lunatics" in the USA have been, on the political 
> front, wildly successful - Trump's approval figures amongst the Black 
> population have just plummetted, Democrat run cities are saying "good 
> riddence" to the white priviledged patriachy of businesses, and to top it all 
> off, Soros' public image has improved by huge percentage points and so a 
> Democrat revival leading into November is a certainty.
> .. or something.
> Ahem, read on muh grits :D :D
>    Rasmussen: Black Approval For Trump Surges To Over 40%
>     Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
>       Despite the recent riots over police brutality, Rasmussen has indicated 
> that black approval for the job President Trump is doing is now over 40%.
>          “Our Daily Presidential Tracking poll today shows Black Likely Voter 
> approval of the job @realDonaldTrump is now over 40%,” tweeted the polling 
> agency.
>       The full results of the poll are yet to be published, but the number 
> suggests that the media’s campaign to frame Trump’s response to the riots as 
> draconian and racist has completely failed.
>       .. For comparison, back in August 2019, Rasmussen’s numbers showed 
> black support for Trump hovering at around 26%.
>       Several polls conducted in December 2019 also showed black support for 
> Trump over 30%.
>       With the economy starting to bounce back and May seeing a record 2.5 
> million jobs added, the numbers will be encouraging for Trump, who as 
> recently as last month saw his overall job approval job sink to a two-year 
> low.
>    Chicago Mayor Begs Walmart, Other Looted Retailers Not To Abandon City
>       [picture of apropos perfection of Mayor Lightfoot, not attached - you 
> know you want to see it :)]
>       While Chicago officials give slaps on the wrist to arrested protesters, 
> Mayor Lori Lightfoot is begging Walmart and other major retailers who were 
> hit by looting and vandalism to reopen their doors despite riots over the 
> killing of George Floyd by a Minnesota police officer who now faces charges 
> for second-degree murder.
>       Lightfoot held a conference call with Walmart and the other retailers 
> when she pleaded with them not to abandon Chicago, according to WBBM.
>       "I think in the case of Walmart, what they were focused on was 
> assessing the damage. They are doing an effort to donate fresh produce, to 
> the extent of what's left so it doesn't perish, and other perishables, and 
> they are talking their time, as I would expect," she said.
>          There were earlier reports that Walmart expected to rebuild all 
> stores trashed by looters and vandals, but company officials later said they 
> would open some stores and would not say which ones.
>          The Mayor said most of the others said they are committed to 
> Chicago. She said she hopes Walmart follows suit. -WBBM
>       "My hope is that they will come back," said Lightfoot. "But I got a 
> resounding, 'Mayor, this is our city, this is our home,' from a lot of other 
> retailers and I would hope that Walmart would follow suit."
>    In Rare Statement, Soros Denies Paying Protesters To Riot
>       Following accusations that paid protesters are hijacking the George 
> Floyd protests and inciting riots, George Soros' Open Society Foundation has 
> issued a rare statement claiming that he - nor anyone else, is funding the 
> chaos.
> [Riiiight.  Yep, glad we cleared THAT one up.  Mm hmm...]
>       Introducing the statement, Spokesman Michael Vachon writes:
>          .. We are appalled by this attempt to delegitimize the genuine 
> outpouring of anger and concern from people in the U.S. and around the world.
>       Open Society's statement claims that "We abhor violence of any kind, 
> and will not allow the destructive acts of a few to distract us from the 
> crucial work of coming together and forging a better future for all of our 
> neighbors."
>       Soros then claims that the Open Society Foundation nor "any other" are 
> funding protests.
> [You see, Soros and OSF know all protesters, all lefty liberals, all 
> financing of all protests, and they can tell you that no one but they do the 
> financing of these things without coordinating with Soros first, and there's 
> literally no one else in the world financing this shit except for Soros, so 
> it cannot possibly be anyone else! Glad we cleared -that- one up :D]
>       Many began to question whether the protests have an organized, staged 
> component after piles of mysterious bricks were discovered in major protest 
> towns,
>       and a video of what appears to be an organizer paying a protester 
> emerged.
> [But if anything, Soros has just told us that this coordination and these 
> 'protest' resources are NEVER paid for, not by ANYone EVER. Says Soros. 
> Really really glad Soros cleared this one up. I would have had doubts 
> otherwise.]
>       .. In 2016, Clinton operative Robert Creamer - who visited the Obama 
> white house nearly 350 times -
>       'stepped back' from his role as an organizer after a Project Veritas 
> undercover video revealed a discussion on paying agitators to incite violence 
> at Trump rallies in 2016.
>       "One of the things we do is we stage very authentic grassroots protests 
> right in their faces at their own events. Like, we infiltrate," said 
> Creamer's former minion, Scott Foval.
>       ...
> Just remember boys and girls, leftists, and especially ANTIFA, would never, 
> ever, co-opt any peaceful protest ever, anywhere ever, for their violent 
> disruptive chaos... and Soros, Obama and others would never, ever arrange 
> direct or indirect payment to such folks. Ever.
> Did I mention 'never ever'?

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