Was In-Reply-To: <cc851965-474a-5bae-0e31-1d1df66b7...@riseup.net>

On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 08:13:00PM -0700, Razer wrote:
> I stand corrected.

Humility is a good thing - and me pushing the bible of humility down
your Jewishy throat should certainly improve you on the humble front.
For sure...

> I conflated GoDaddy's rationale with Cloudflare's CEO
> statement:

OK, a quote - a purported fact no less - what a delicious thing :)

Finally we can cut to the chase:

> > Earlier today, Cloudflare terminated the account of the Daily Stormer.
> > We've stopped proxying their traffic and stopped answering DNS
> > requests for their sites. We've taken measures to ensure that they
> > cannot sign up for Cloudflare's services ever again.

... simple fact (as in, non-germane)

> > Our terms of service reserve the right for us to terminate users of
> > our network at our sole discretion.

... corporate justification for evil actions and disclaimer by said
corporate of any and all moral/ethical duty of care to the rest of
us, whilst claiming exercise of moral authority (aka, self parody at
its finest/saddest)

> > The tipping point for us making
> > this decision was that the team behind Daily Stormer made the claim
> > that we were secretly supporters of their ideology.

... fact-less assertion

> > Our team has been thorough and have had thoughtful discussions for
> > years about what the right policy was on censoring. Like a lot of

... internal self-justification (and "please believe we're good
peopl" virtue signalling)

> > people, we’ve felt angry at these hateful people for a long time

... more virtue signalling (gettin embarrasin)

> > but we have followed the law

... virtue signal pre-empting their implied "but now we say F*CK the
law! We now exercise our star chamber extra-judicial rights YO!" and
you, Razer (and others) say "but they're a corporation, so they're
allowed to be evil, so y'all just shut up about it now!"

> > and remained content neutral as a network. We
> > could not remain neutral after these claims

... "these claims" - the opinionated words you echoed as supposed
"fact" - notice how now claim, no reference, no fact no nothingk is
provided by CloudF-U's "public virtue signal justification w$nk"!

> > of secret support by
> > Cloudflare. 

Well well well, looky here - not a fact in sight.

Gee, I'm so surprised - I was just, like, you know, SO SURE Razer was
gonna put a fact - I can't believe it's just more drivel, I really
can't believe this coming from Razer...

  Why am I not surprised when a corporate overlord conducts their
  star chamber based on a public spewing of their nutty lefty
  fact-less opinions as their basis for extra-judicial star chamber
  evil, since there are not any facts to support an actual court

  Antifa, USA-Corporation style!

> https://blog.cloudflare.com/why-we-terminated-daily-stormer/
> ...and I stand by what I said on another thread about an overweening
> reason DNS's take an incredible risk hosting Sturmer crap:

First you vehemently smoked GoDaddy, now you smoke Cloudflare,
and finally repeat more of your rubbish non-facts (though I do
expect you to smoke yourself of course).

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