As false a dichotomy as it may be, on a choice between globalism and 
nationalism, I choose not globalism.

Australians - all ~13 million whites - simply cannot compete against ~1.4 
billion Chinese willing to work for literally a few dollars a day.

Globalism means no tarriffs in Australia protecting Australian jobs.

Jobs for Aussies, rather than enslaving and entraining government "dole" 
handouts and the consequent DGAF population that results, requires what we may 
term "reindustrialization".

Whilst we have a government, and prior versions of this government 
deindustrialized Australia by literally exporting almost our entire 
manufacturing sector to China, and removed all tarriffs, and therefore we lost 
most of our jobs, it is right that the present version of our government is 
getting behind MAGA, which may as well be an alias for reindustrialization.

Previous government caused the problem (deindustrialization) so the present 
government appears to now be allowed to fix the problem, in the face of the 
China virus and Wuhan Health Organisation.

The situation applies in America.

To speed up this reindustrialization, our respective governments have no choice 
but to reintroduce significant import tarriffs, possibly up to 100% or more.

We in Australia, and I believe also the USA, simply cannot compete against the 
will of the Chinese to work for peanuts.

So in the context of all this, and in the face of a lack of viable options 
(sorry about the dichotomy, feel free to suggest better moves forward), I 
choose and support nationalism over globalism.

We have the right to act "collectively" by proxy of our government, at least to 
the extent this is possible/a reality.

To the extent it helps return Australian jobs to Australia, and Australian land 
and the fruits thereof to Australians, and whilst we have a government and are 
awaiting the promised anarchist utopia, our government can even use targetted 
export taxes where appropriate, e.g. on beef, or land sale by foreigners etc., 
in order to get this renationalisation show on the road...

Interestingly, there are shimmers of a simmering discontent, some of which may 
well be putting a rocket boosted shiver up the spine of the Rothschilds:

   Italian Town Creates New Currency To Cope With COVID-19
   Authored by Joshua Mapperson via,

   The Italian town of Bisaccia is the latest to offer homes for $1, and this 
time there's no minimum you have to spend on renovations
   Two Italian Towns Are Selling Homes for $1—Here’s How to Get One

   Italian town prints own currency to help locals and businesses

   Italian Town Prints Its Own Currency to Fight Austerity Measures


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