Re: JIM Bell caught lying again

2021-08-30 Thread jim bell
My comments inline: On Sunday, August 29, 2021, 08:48:00 PM PDT, professor rat wrote: "Jim Dumb-Bell has just spent the last half-a-decade LYING-BY-OMISSION about a competitor to his pet-project." I am not aware that there are "competitors".  Any functional implement of AP is quite

One for all the ignorant, stupid & plain evil supremacist trash here.

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
Karl Marx, Capital, Volume One, Part II: The Transformation of Money and Capital CHAPTER FOUR: THE GENERAL FORMULA FOR CAPITAL: "The capitalist knows that all commodities, however scurvy they may look, or however badly they may smell, are in faith and in truth money, inwardly circumcised Jews

War on the Mongoloids

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
cypherpunks Subject:winds of war From:   mattd Crypto-anarchy or Cyber-liberty... choose one. It took me all of 2 weeks on this list.

Re: Freedom of Speech: Islam Goes Apeshit over Charlie Hebdo Muhammad Cartoons Repub, Quran Eating, and Successful Critical Analysis

2021-08-30 Thread grarpamp
> Video: Somali immigrant slaughters innocent people... Tucker hints the coming mayhem The Woke Stupid Ignorant West has no idea the amount of terrorist and other issues they're importing

A Brief History of Hopium

2021-08-30 Thread grarpamp
A Brief History of Hopium The Corbett Report Video Show notes and mp3 With all these decades, and in the case of the oldest democracies, centuries of broken political promises, you'd think that the public would

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2021-08-30 Thread grarpamp Absolute Power Is No COVID Safety Net

Re: Coronavirus: Thread

2021-08-30 Thread grarpamp Americans Have Traded Their Freedoms For Safety From COVID, And Now We Have Neither

GOVCORP can't be that bad

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
If Gov-Corp* was HALF-as-bad as some on this list opine then surely at least one of these whiney little bitches would have joined in the long-standing ( over 20 years! ) deadpool on this prominent ' Govcorp ' representative. *Assuming there is a

Re: 1984: Thread

2021-08-30 Thread grarpamp
> You Allowed The Mark Of The Beast To Be Put On You, Thus > You Will Be The Next Victim Of Your Own Satanic Digital Creations! India's AADHAR full biometric system... implemented, and now coming to surveill, rule over, and gatekeep your entire life worldwide. How does your enslavement feel?

Trump alleges tech is acting as state actors

2021-08-30 Thread jim bell Jim Bell's comment:     I think Trump's team has a valid argument here.  Those social media companies have been acting as 'state actors' by

The Antiwar-Nazbol Industrial-Complex

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
A danger exists - and will persist - in our counsels, of the power of an Antiwar dotcom - National-Bolshevik industrial complex  ( Qanon, 8chan, KGB, Wikileaks, GRU Counterpunch, etc ) Such an entity arose due to the outsized influence Americans had on the net circa 1975 - 2005. Its weakness

[ot][crazy][random][wrong] self-description

2021-08-30 Thread Karl
I'm presently having one of those bursts of craziness that often results in weird fiction or other nonsense. It's kind of like some of the parts in me have urgently come together to say that whatever I am doing, it is the wrong thing to do. At weaker periods in my life I would be on a trip to a

Re: Trump alleges tech is acting as state actors

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
TRUMP knows so much about this from his Bully-Pulpit, Twitter presidency that became exempt from normal Twitter rules about half-way through. On Tuesday, 31 August 2021, 08:41:44 am AEST, jim bell wrote:

A govt-corporate-complex capable of global totalitarianism is nonsense

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
I was a fugitive from the Cheney Gang The last chance for any govt-corporate-complex capable of global totalitarianism was 20 years ago.  They squibbed it. They rolled out COVERT fascism instead.  And if the Gestapo-style spying is top-secret it loses a lot of its traditional fascist power.


2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
Jim Bell’s Assassination Market Politics. He reiterated his 1995 essay, where he outlined how anonymously sponsored assassinations can be voted for online, based on a gambling method. Anarchast With Jim Bell: Assassination

Austin Hill considered harmful

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
Mongo, Perry Barlow, Backstabber, Pinker and Bostrum; oh my! Some people are too stupid to be activists let alone anarchists ( SPATSTBALAA ) Take Jim Dumbell - Please.

PINKER caught on Lolita Express

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
Steven Pinker hates Bakunin - so now he's fair-game for any anarchist worthy of the name. 

APPLE stock price rise predictable

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
I  take that as a vote in favor of their decision to scan Icloud  pics for child-porn.  So I say again this is the only ' Horseman ' ( of the proverbial " Four Horsemen of the Infopocalypse ) with any traction.  We don't need this spanner thrown into our works. I suggest we proffer critical

Tom's Hardware: New AMD Patent Proposes Teleportation to Make Quantum Computing More Efficient

2021-08-30 Thread jim bell
Tom's Hardware: New AMD Patent Proposes Teleportation to Make Quantum Computing More Efficient. "Beam me up, Scotty"

'Antiwar' criminals using human-shields

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
Not just endemic to Wikileaks Dead-Enders on this list.  Ross Ulbricht, the Dread Butt Pirate, was preening online as a pacifist while hiring Hitmen to kill innocent civilians in the line of his fire.  Disgusting, despicable behavior - and completely unacceptable in any anarchist society.

Oh Captain; Mercaptan

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
Your license to kill has been revoked and you will hand over your weapon. You have been re-assigned and demoted. Report to your new ship. Now.

ASSASSINPHONE call for Jim Dumbell

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat
Point-and-shoot  - Fire-and-forget  - Launch-and-leave  - when you absolutely, positively have to kill every Nazi-Fag-Moron in the chatroom. APster on board - the original KILLER-APP and still the best. Accept no cheap ' AP ' substitutes from any cheap carpetbagging creeps. Like Jim Bell. When

[ot] [sacred] Tears of Genocide

2021-08-30 Thread Karl
The things that have happened to us, indicate that entire communities of people have been enslaved and eradicated elsewhere, both in the past and ongoing. I would like to hold this apparent fact, as a context for actions. To know that what we do is incredibly important. That every choice we

Cypherpunk OG Austin Hill interviewed

2021-08-30 Thread professor rat Almost interesting throughout.