[MINISTRY] facts must not be aired/ discussed publicly - cultural death of a nation/ USA

2017-09-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Some will applaud the toppling of (in PC-speak) "White Supremacist"
statutes, the renaming of streets and the banning of cultural
'historical' movies such as Woodrow Wilson's "terrible truth" as he
named/ commented on the movie "Birth of a Nation" - a breakthrough
3-hour "historical" in 1915! - which can no longer be aired in "the
land of the free, home of the brave".

The cotton-wool brigade has taken over America, and perhaps the
majority acquiesce in an unspoken submission to "assumed historical
guilt" or some such rubbish.

Although facts will undoubtedly support the "assumed historical
guilt" perspective, I call it rubbish because the individual in a
community has a duty to live his own life, and support his current
community whilst being the greatest he or she they can be - this is
primarily a duty to oneself, and there can be little but madness in
the burial of, essentially a fervent attempt to deny, one's actual

How can our grandchildren learn from the mistakes of our grandfathers
when we erase our history from our shared collective consciousness?

Logic (and facts!) of course never convinced the majority...

Good luck fellow humans,

The cinema’s turn has now come. Now, the brilliant movie "Gone with
the Wind" runs the risk of disappearing from all American screens.
The Memphis precedent will work. And they will certainly never ever
show one of the first US full-length films, "The Birth of a Nation,"
directed by David Griffith, who, by the way, is considered the father
of American cinema.

It was he who laid the foundations for sensible editing and even
special effects. "Birth of a Nation." 1915. Three hours. The
historical period the movie was set in was the Civil War in the US
and the events immediately after.

The film had unprecedented battle scenes for cinema of that time. The
drama lay in a gripping account of a fratricidal war and the drama of
the defeated where "the White South was crushed by the Black heel of
the North." Without regard to rules of war and decency. The North
unleashed Black brutality on the Southern Whites in the name of
revenge for the past.

How can this film be shown now, especially since the birth of the
awful Ku Klux Klan is also realistically depicted in the movie as
well? It emerged as a necessary organization for the self-defense of
Whites. And, the cavalry charges while "Ride of the Valkyries" by
Wagner is playing as the score. All of this is unacceptable now, so
this picture will be permanently banned from American cinemas. All of
this even though the US President, Woodrow Wilson, who was a Nobel
Peace Prize recipient, but who was also considered an authoritative
historian, called the film "Birth of a Nation" a "terrible truth."

[ PFKR ] Netanyahu's son removes anti-Semitic meme from Facebook following outcry

2017-09-17 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Nice to see humour making a comeback - might be the only thing that
can wake people up to the war against our right to free speech that
Lauren "Kangz FTW!" Kangztein is so passionate about.

PS: Note that the below is NOT a parody, even though literal names
such as "Kangztein" have been used, although one could be forgiven
for noticing a slight self-parody going on in respect of all parties
involved in this "comedy sketch" - the fallout, as usual, is funnier
than the original meme since important people continue to really grok
how the Streizzkang effect never works on them.

- Forwarded message from "PFKR (People For kangz (lowercase "k") 
Responsibility) Announcement List"  -

To: pfkr-l...@kangz.org
Reply-To: "PFKangz"
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 18:12:19 -0700
Subject: [ PFKR ] Netanyahu's son removes anti-Semitic meme from Facebook 
following outcry

Netanyahu's son removes anti-Semitic meme from Facebook following outcry


The image, posted by Yair Netanyahu on Friday, appeared to be
a local take on a classic anti-Semitic cartoon suggesting that
Jews control the United States. It has appeared widely on
extreme alt-right websites.  In this instance, it depicted his
father's perceived foes:  American Jewish billionaire
philanthropist and investor George Soros, outspoken former
Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, activist Eldad Yaniv, and
Meni Naftali, a former housekeeper for the Netanyahus who
successfully sued them for mistreatment.  Yair Netanyahu, who
goes by the name "Yair Hun" on Facebook, had captioned the
meme "the food chain."  Over the weekend, his actions drew
praise from neo-Nazi groups in the United States as well as
from Holocaust denier David Duke, a former grand wizard of the
Ku Klux Klan.  "Yair Netanyahu is a total bro," wrote Andrew
Anglin in the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer. "Next he's going to call
for gassings."

 - - -

Vile criminals -- with the Netanyahus, it's the family business - I'm
just pissed I wasn't invited to the partay.

Lauren Kangztein (lau...@kangz.com): https://www.kangz.com/laurenkang
Lauren's Blog: https://lauren.kangz.com
Google Issues Mailing List: https://kangz.com/google-loves-kangz
Founder: Network Neutrality Squad: https://www.nnsquad.org 
Co-Founder: People For Kangz Yo: https://www.kangz.org/kangz
Member: AKM Committee on Kangz and Public Kangz
Google+: https://google.com/+LaurenKangztein
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurenkangztein
Tel: +1 800 KANGZ
--- Impeach Trump, cuz Life Wad Bedder Wid Kangz ---
pfkr mailing list

- End forwarded message -

Re: [Fwd: Re: Why I can't sleep soundly with blockchain, being the cypherpunk]

2017-09-17 Thread b0z0

On Mon, 18 Sep 2017, Zenaan Harkness wrote:

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 09:10:10 +1000
From: Zenaan Harkness 
To: cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Why I can't sleep soundly with blockchain,
being the cypherpunk]

The bottom posted point implies that if they were "ethical", or if
someone else is and the source is open (it's gotta be just to have
level 0 trustability), go start another currency without the graft at
the beginning.

When the founders demonstrate, on the record, that they founded their
DC with greed, and to top it off they justify this "more times than
anyone cares to mention" (e.g. "well, at least it's better than the
current fiavil system" is no honour), is it any wonder folks avoid

Still way better than printing money out of thin air, or jumping 
onboard another currency run by the blue team. ie zcash or other anti goy 
currency eh.

All that's left is opportunist to ride the pump and dumps until it
crashes and burns under the weight of collective greed grambling.

Cest la vie...

On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 10:24:06PM -, b...@sdf.org wrote:

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Why I can't sleep soundly with blockchain, being the cypherpunk
Date:Sun, September 17, 2017 9:47 pm
To:  "juan" 

Dash is the most democratic and anonymous tech you are ever likely to see.
As you rightly brought up there was briefly a time where mining was
favoring the earliest miners which was a one off unlike fractional reserve
banking, anyway this has been addressed more times than i care to mention
and if people are so concerned, then lets compare it to our current

fiat currency = Zero accountability in regards to production of money, or
much else as far as i can see (Masons may preach - Checks and balances -

crypto currency = Transparency. Usually. In terms of amount in circulation.

Thats what im talking about!

On Sun, 17 Sep 2017 18:58:24 + (UTC)
b...@sdf.org wrote:

dash.org hasthe most anonymous tech will will ever see in your life.

not run by blues

you mean, run by scammers who issued a few million coins to
themselves in a few hours?

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

[Fwd: Re: Why I can't sleep soundly with blockchain, being the cypherpunk]

2017-09-17 Thread b0z0
 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Why I can't sleep soundly with blockchain, being the cypherpunk
Date:Sun, September 17, 2017 9:47 pm
To:  "juan" 

Dash is the most democratic and anonymous tech you are ever likely to see.
As you rightly brought up there was briefly a time where mining was
favoring the earliest miners which was a one off unlike fractional reserve
banking, anyway this has been addressed more times than i care to mention
and if people are so concerned, then lets compare it to our current

fiat currency = Zero accountability in regards to production of money, or
much else as far as i can see (Masons may preach - Checks and balances -

crypto currency = Transparency. Usually. In terms of amount in circulation.

Thats what im talking about!

> On Sun, 17 Sep 2017 18:58:24 + (UTC)
> b...@sdf.org wrote:
>> dash.org hasthe most anonymous tech will will ever see in your life.
>> not run by blues
>   you mean, run by scammers who issued a few million coins to
>   themselves in a few hours?

Re: the tor self-parody

2017-09-17 Thread juan
On Sun, 17 Sep 2017 00:26:13 -0400
grarpamp  wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 4:00 PM, juan  wrote:
> > so it's a plain 'scientific' fact that there is no 'illegal'
> > content hosted in any 'hidden' service, and so it is a plain
> > scientific fact that the tor network is a complete
> > failure...
> >
> > ...if we assume that that tor network is not a US military
> > honeypot (which of course it is).
> >
> > what's going on with tor 'hidden' services?
> Tor's hidden services are vulnerable to at least two published
> deanonymization attacks. At least one of those is not fixable
> under tor's current design / accomodations made to users.
> There is "illegal" content on tor's hidden services, same
> with clearnet, so this means nothing.

No that's not true. There's barely any 'illegal' content on
clearnet, and there's just as much 'illegal' content on tor. 


As I said, the obvious conclusion is that tor's hidden services
are a complete failure, because people who use them to publish
'illegal' content end up in jail. But 'failure' is not the most
accurate word here. 'Honeypot' is.

And I am talking of course about 'illegal' content as deemed 
by the worst scumbags on the planet - the US government - the
same scumbags who fund and own tor. 

So grarpamp, where's are the link to the 'uncensored'
stuff on the 'dark web' 'powered' by tor's 'hidden' services?  

Did you bring up this issue on tor's mailing list? Have those
champions of anti-censorship already censored you? Or maybe
they didn't censor you because you toe their party line? 

> There are things tor the sw is good and bad about, same for tor the
> org, tor the funding, tor the history, etc, so evaluate and operate
> appropriately. And / or contribute to and use whatever other
> overlays / systems liked, or wished to create.

> Unknown why that reply re the multiple shitstains playing the
> "hidden wiki" of long ago gone.

Not sure what you mean by that.