Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-15 10:25 am, Punk wrote:

So now the question is what the fuck do you mean by 'leftism', because 
by any common standard, the plutocratic fascists from twitter, facebook, 
amazon, and all the rest of silicon-valley-US-military-govcorp are anything but 

Take a look at a the recently leaked list of sites deranked by Google. 
Right wing sites are artificially deranked, left wing sites are 
artificially upranked.

Google has a policy of responding to searches by producing politically 
correct results, even image searches for couples will systematically 
uprank mixed race couples, image searches for high status profession 
will systematically uprank images of members of the profession that 
belong to official victim groups.

You tube, similarly, purges and artificially deranks politically 
incorrect videos.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-15 10:25 am, Punk wrote:

On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 07:17:57 +0800 wrote:

On 2019-08-14 2:22 am, Punk wrote:

Tell me James, who created and who controls twitter and facebook and 
all the infrastructure that enables those honeypots? Yeah, it was 'white people'

Leftism is defection against near, and alliance with far in order to
destroy near.

You just make up bullshit as you go james. You were talking about 
'whites' and when I presented the obvious fact that 'whites' are the number one 
enemy of freedom you had to change the script on the fly and switch to 
'leftist' whites.  

Your argument is that those imposing second class status on whites are 
themselves largely white (though a lot of them are Jews that probably do 
not identify as white)

I then explained why white people do this to other white people - for 
much the same reasons as the the largely Jewish Soviet Communist party 
disproportionately murdered Jews.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: member the Fed - global debt jubilee is due about now (ish) - [PEACE] [MONEY] [FORGIVENESS]

2019-08-14 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 08:13:38AM +0800, wrote:
> On 2019-08-14 3:06 am, John Newman wrote:
> > James is a bitter, crazy old fuck, a member of a bunch of dumb assholes
> > who call themselves "neo-reactionaries", who wants to be able to enforce
> > a patriarchy with Donald Trump as the "God Emperor" and
> Democracy has been tried before.  It always self destructs much the
> way it is self destructing now, leading, after a longer or shorter
> period of chaos and ruin, to rule by Caesar.

In the FLOSS world we are becoming aware of certain concepts which
may be useful to us collectively in the near future when we see the
next cyclical currency reset:

 - the model of the benevolent dictator (e.g. RMS, Linus, van Rossum

 - the right to fork - any sub-group, or individual, has the right to
   fork, to start again, to discard any or all, and to create anew

 - absolute individual sovereignty - the right to pursue ones own
   path, unilaterally

When a benevolent Soul is identified, that one ought be recognised,
'loved' by those who seek a benevolent dictator - kind of an implicit
in foundation in "democracy" which sadly ends up mob or oligarchic

Stable money is possible, e.g. 800 years stable, even where private
bank interest are sucking the life blood of the nations:
  … The most prominent and best recorded use of the split tally stick
  or "nick-stick"[6][7] being used as a form of currency[8] was when
  Henry I introduced the tally stick system in medieval England in
  around 1100. He would accept the tally stick only for taxes, and it
  was a tool of the Exchequer for the collection of taxes by local
  sheriffs (tax farmers "farming the shire")[citation needed] for
  seven centuries. The split tally of the Exchequer was in continuous
  use until 1826. In 1834 tally sticks representing six centuries
  worth of financial records were ordered to be burned in a stove in
  the Houses of Parliament. The resulting fire set the chimney ablaze
  and then spread until most of the building was destroyed.[8] This
  event was described by Charles Dickens in an 1855 article on
  administrative reform.[9]
  Along the Danube and in Switzerland the tally was still used in
  the 20th century in rural economies.

... and remove the parasite (((international banker))) (((European
style socialist))) "elites", and have a system of identification of
benevolent dictators (i.e. no "God given" right to rule due to
birth), and long term stability, along with phenomenal prosperity for
the entire planet, is possible.

The "old testament" consciousness is solidly poverty consciousness -
a zero sum game.

The industrial revolution demonstrates both

 a) incredible abundance beyond the wildest dreams of our forebears

 b) the greatest possible slow down in this advance due to the
 poverty consciousness of our (((parasitic overlords))) - suppressing
 Telsa, indebting the world, keeping all on the treadmill of survival
 in the face of the most fantastic abundance we've ever known

> One of the common modes of self destruction is that people vote
> their tribe, ethnicity, race, and religion, which eventually
> results in tribal warfare and the recreation of states with a
> common race and religion, which is the failure mode that we are
> entering into now.

The banking system of servitude and indebtedness (fundamentally
poverty consciousness) plays a very large part in this forever war,
tribal or otherwise.

Some education in gratitude, empathy, creativity and non zero sum
games is sorely needed yet denied to the majority.

Those who accumulate wealth (at the highest levels at least), have
done so by the creation of a mathematically unstable system - and
this foundation of money creation through debt is arbitrary - we can
have stable money, just as much as unstable money, but TPTB have
gained great wealth and control through the catalyzing of chaos such
as WWII and the leashing and using of that chaos to their own ends as
they have done.

This chaotic opportunity creation (a fundamentally abusive and
enslaving construct) is merely one of many constructs or 'shared
common delusions' which we may collectively create/ institute/ uphold
as our education, will and insight allow...

> The reactionary movement is people positioning themselves for the
> coming end of democracy.  We hope to survive it, we hope for our
> children to survive it, and our politics and plots are aimed

Some would disagree with this - our politics of "democracy" where
those elected once each four years are divided into two "supposedly
oppositional" halves, each of which has a small cadre or caucus of
"their executive", provides a ready, and almost entirely
non-democratic, system of control by those with money.

Thus the creation and expansion of oligarchic power and control.

Let's not forget the big picture…

> at making the transition shorter, smoother, and less bloody.


Google:. "Don't be evil" turns to "Be evil"

2019-08-14 Thread jim bell
Google whistleblower reveals tech giant DOES blacklist some news sites via

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 07:17:57AM +0800, wrote:
> On 2019-08-13 4:14 pm, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> > > > It is NOT fine to ANY person to be rude, being orange, white, black,
> > > > yellow, red, green, blue, violet, rainbow, et al.
> wrote:
> > > On the contrary, it is totally OK to be rude to white people.
> > > 
> > > Look at all the murderous hatred spewed against white people on twitter
> > > and facebook.
> On 2019-08-14 2:22 am, Punk wrote:
> > Tell me James, who created and who controls twitter and facebook and 
> > all the infrastructure that enables those honeypots? Yeah, it was 'white 
> > people'
> Leftism is defection against near, and alliance with far in order to destroy
> near.
> Thus white leftists ally with none whites in order to destroy their nearby
> white enemies in the pursuit of power.  Democrats import non whites to live on
> crime, welfare, and voting democrat, without thinking beyond the next
> election.  Hatred of white males is the KKKrazy glue that holds the Democratic
> Party coalition of the fringes together.  To seize despotic power and loot the
> country, you need an enemy, and the deplorables in flyover country have been
> nominated as the enemy, much as Trotsky nominated the more successful
> peasants.
> Without that KKKrazy glue, the mestizo portion of the Democrat coalition would
> be shooting  the black portion of the Democrat coalition in the streets, and
> the Muslim portion of the Democrat coalition would be tossing the gay portion
> of the Democrat coalition from high buildings.
> Thus, for example, the Populares, who wanted a more democratic Roman Empire,
> allied with the Samnites, who wanted to kill every Roman male and overthrow
> the walls of Rome.  And similarly the Democracy protestors in China ally with
> the USG state department (far), who want China to return to poverty and chaos.
> Facebook is controlled by a Jew, and Jews notoriously fail to identify as
> white, and delusively imagine that the pets that they have affirmative
> actioned into positions of power will go along with Jews adopting white or
> nonwhite identity as convenient at any given moment, hence the Jewish
> enthusiasm for the Islamic conquest of Europe, even though it is obvious that
> they will be the next to be liquidated.

-Surely- you got the memo about it being anti-Semitic to name a the
Jews in power?

Any PC sheeple should know by now that Jews may not identify much as
White, but that the rest of us goy are supposed to identify -them- as

Sheesh! Back to the Neo-Marxist FaceSlut Ministry for you or it's a
lifetime being rectified by the Jewish Googlag!

> The Jew Trotsky, a failed urban money lender, told the peasants that he too
> was a peasant, and their real enemy was the kulak, that the enemy of the
> peasant with one cow was the peasant with two cows.  Meanwhile he told the
> Jews that he too was a Jew, and that together with him, they would murder the
> peasants - except that he soon noticed it was more lucrative to torture the
> Jew for hoarded gold coins, than to torture the peasant for buried seed corn,
> and the disproportionately Jewish Russian communists wound up murdering far
> more Jews than Hitler did.

Now that's interesting ... where can we read up on this juicy little
snippet of 'istory?

> Trotskyists, who are mostly Jewish, hate Jews more than Nazis do, just as
> white Democrats hate whites.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Ars Technica: Found: World-readable database used to sec

2019-08-14 Thread jim bell
"Ahhh be back !"
  On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 6:09 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:   
On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 10:38:50PM +, jim bell wrote:
> Ars Technica: Found: World-readable database used to secure buildings around 
> the globe.
> Jim Bell's comment:
>   Probably found in a sub, sub, sub, sub, sub, subdirectory of .

Clearly they needed an extra sub directory, as 6 levels of subdirs
was too easy to crack.

I'm guessing 11 might have been sufficient?
On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 10:38:50PM +, jim bell wrote:
> Ars Technica: Found: World-readable database used to secure buildings around 
> the globe.
> Jim Bell's comment:
>   Probably found in a sub, sub, sub, sub, sub, subdirectory of .

Clearly they needed an extra sub directory, as 6 levels of subdirs
was too easy to crack.

I'm guessing 11 might have been sufficient?

Re: Ars Technica: Found: World-readable database used to secure buildings around the globe

2019-08-14 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 10:38:50PM +, jim bell wrote:
> Ars Technica: Found: World-readable database used to secure buildings around 
> the globe.
> Jim Bell's comment:
>   Probably found in a sub, sub, sub, sub, sub, subdirectory of .

Clearly they needed an extra sub directory, as 6 levels of subdirs
was too easy to crack.

I'm guessing 11 might have been sufficient?

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-14 3:06 am, John Newman wrote:

James is a bitter, crazy old fuck, a member of a bunch of dumb assholes
who call themselves "neo-reactionaries", who wants to be able to enforce
a patriarchy with Donald Trump as the "God Emperor" and

Democracy has been tried before.  It always self destructs much the way 
it is self destructing now, leading, after a longer or shorter period of 
chaos and ruin, to rule by Caesar.

One of the common modes of self destruction is that people vote their 
tribe, ethnicity, race, and religion, which eventually results in tribal 
warfare and the recreation of states with a common race and religion, 
which is the failure mode that we are entering into now.

The reactionary movement is people positioning themselves for the coming 
end of democracy.  We hope to survive it, we hope for our children to 
survive it, and our politics and plots are aimed at making the 
transition shorter, smoother, and less bloody.  We look at how people in 
the past have successfully dealt with the problems we are now 
encountering, and look at the past how people in the past have bloodily 
and catastrophically responded unwisely to the problems we are 
encountering now, to learn from past success and past failure.

Trump as holy American Emperor (King under God) would be the ideal 
solution, God Emperor Trump (cult of personality and all that) a more 
realistic and practical solution, but a long period of bloody chaos is 
more realistic and likely.  Trump is a deal maker, not a warrior, 
therefore not the best candidate for God Emperor.  But war approaches, 
and you go with the leader you have, not the leader you want.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: PCR: “It's open season on ZenNazi”

2019-08-14 Thread jamesd

On 2019-08-13 4:14 pm, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

It is NOT fine to ANY person to be rude, being orange, white, black,
yellow, red, green, blue, violet, rainbow, et al. wrote:

On the contrary, it is totally OK to be rude to white people.

Look at all the murderous hatred spewed against white people on twitter
and facebook.

On 2019-08-14 2:22 am, Punk wrote:

Tell me James, who created and who controls twitter and facebook and 
all the infrastructure that enables those honeypots? Yeah, it was 'white people'

Leftism is defection against near, and alliance with far in order to 
destroy near.

Thus white leftists ally with none whites in order to destroy their 
nearby white enemies in the pursuit of power.  Democrats import non 
whites to live on crime, welfare, and voting democrat, without thinking 
beyond the next election.  Hatred of white males is the KKKrazy glue 
that holds the Democratic Party coalition of the fringes together.  To 
seize despotic power and loot the country, you need an enemy, and the 
deplorables in flyover country have been nominated as the enemy, much as 
Trotsky nominated the more successful peasants.

Without that KKKrazy glue, the mestizo portion of the Democrat coalition 
would be shooting  the black portion of the Democrat coalition in the 
streets, and the Muslim portion of the Democrat coalition would be 
tossing the gay portion of the Democrat coalition from high buildings.

Thus, for example, the Populares, who wanted a more democratic Roman 
Empire, allied with the Samnites, who wanted to kill every Roman male 
and overthrow the walls of Rome.  And similarly the Democracy protestors 
in China ally with the USG state department (far), who want China to 
return to poverty and chaos.

Facebook is controlled by a Jew, and Jews notoriously fail to identify 
as white, and delusively imagine that the pets that they have 
affirmative actioned into positions of power will go along with Jews 
adopting white or nonwhite identity as convenient at any given moment, 
hence the Jewish enthusiasm for the Islamic conquest of Europe, even 
though it is obvious that they will be the next to be liquidated.

The Jew Trotsky, a failed urban money lender, told the peasants that he 
too was a peasant, and their real enemy was the kulak, that the enemy of 
the peasant with one cow was the peasant with two cows.  Meanwhile he 
told the Jews that he too was a Jew, and that together with him, they 
would murder the peasants - except that he soon noticed it was more 
lucrative to torture the Jew for hoarded gold coins, than to torture the 
peasant for buried seed corn, and the disproportionately Jewish Russian 
communists wound up murdering far more Jews than Hitler did.

Trotskyists, who are mostly Jewish, hate Jews more than Nazis do, just 
as white Democrats hate whites.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Ars Technica: Found: World-readable database used to secure buildings around the globe

2019-08-14 Thread jim bell
Ars Technica: Found: World-readable database used to secure buildings around 
the globe.

Jim Bell's comment:
  Probably found in a sub, sub, sub, sub, sub, subdirectory of .

Re: TIME: Russia Says Small Nuclear Reactor Blew Up in Deadly Accident

2019-08-14 Thread Razer

On August 12, 2019 9:37:26 AM PDT, jim bell  wrote:
>TIME: Russia Says Small Nuclear Reactor Blew Up in Deadly Accident.
>Jim Bell's comment:
>Rocket involving isotopes.  Stable isotopes are so much safer !


-- Rr
Sent from my Androgyne dee-vice.
Please excuse my brevity. (Not!)

Re: TorGate: Court Filings Detail Drama

2019-08-14 Thread jim bell

On Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 12:37:48 AM PDT, grarpamp 

Some elements are now in court, there are a number
of people filing statements, here is one of them...
For Exhibits A through P, run the 0.pdf from 1.pdf through 16.pdf .

                        UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
                              OAKLAND DIVISION
PETER TODD, an individual,          Case No. 4:19-cv-01751-DMR
                                    DECLARATION OF JACOB APPELBAUM
      v.                            IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'
                                    OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT'S SPECIAL
                                    Date:    August 22, 2019
            Defendant.              Time:    1:00 p.m.
                                    Location: Courtroom 4
                                    Complaint Filed: April 3, 2019


Jim Bell's comment:
It looks like the defendant is confused, claiming "SLAPP" (Strategic Lawsuit 
against Public Participation) status.See:
"On July 15, 2019, Lovecruft filed an anti-SLAPP motion , asking the Court to 
dismiss Todd’s lawsuit.  “SLAPP” is an acronym for Strategic Lawsuit Against 
Public Participation. California’s anti-SLAPP law enables the Court to weed out 
lawsuits brought to punish citizens for engaging in free expression on matters 
of public concern, such as discussions of predatory male behavior in the #MeToo 
and #TimesUpera of hopeful awakening."     [end of quote]
 I feel quite certain that the anti-SLAPP laws would not be applicable in the 
case of a libel lawsuit.   From what I read (and I wasn't aware of this case 
before) Lovecruft accused Todd of rape.   That accusation, if false, would 
clearly be libelous,    Libel is an exception to free speech in the First 
Amendment.  Maybe it shouldn't be, but at least as of now libel is actionable. 
             Jim Bell


TorGate: Court Filings Detail Drama

2019-08-14 Thread grarpamp

Some elements are now in court, there are a number
of people filing statements, here is one of them...
For Exhibits A through P, run the 0.pdf from 1.pdf through 16.pdf .

PETER TODD, an individual,   Case No. 4:19-cv-01751-DMR
 Date: August 22, 2019
Defendant.   Time: 1:00 p.m.
 Location: Courtroom 4
 Complaint Filed: April 3, 2019

I, Jacob Appelbaum, do hereby declare:
1. I am a US citizen and a legal resident of Germany for
the last six years. I
executed this declaration in Germany. I am not a party to this
lawsuit. Unless otherwise
stated, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this declaration.
2. I am an investigative journalist and an academic
researcher in the fourth
year of my doctoral studies in mathematics at the Eindhoven University
of Technology
(TU/e) in Eindhoven, Netherlands. I was a contractor and an employee
for approximately
eight years with The Tor Project non-profit, a primarily U.S. and
European government
funded free software project designed to provide online anonymity.
3. I met the Defendant Sarah Michelle Reichwein a/k/a Isis
Agora Lovecruft
("Defendant" or "Lovecruft") through a mutual acquaintance in a
non-work context, they
later joined the Tor Project as a contractor.
4. I have been a target of Defendant's pattern of
malicious behavior, in a
manner mirroring that described by Plaintiff Peter Todd ("Plaintiff"
or "Todd"). Lovecruft's
malicious behavior has included Lovecruft's publication of a number of
public statements
falsely claiming that I had sexually assaulted and raped Lovecruft and others.
5. For example, on June 3, 2016, the website
published. The website as originally launched was written as an
impersonation of me,
and then rewritten to pretend that the authors were concerned about my
well-being after
it received extremely negative feedback. A true and correct copy of an
archived version of the  website as it originally
appeared is
attached hereto as Exhibit A.
6. As later modified, the website displayed several false
and primarily
pseudonymous stories by a "victims collective" alleging that I had
"harassed, plagiarized,
humiliated, and abused -- sexually, emotionally, and physically." True
and correct copies
of complete pages from this website are attached hereto as Exhibit B.
7. A true and correct copy of one of the false claims of
sexual assault against
me, whichwas initially published   under the
pseudonym  "Forest"   on
, is attached hereto as Exhibit C.
8. On June 13, 2016, Lovecruft stated on their personal
blog located at
, that Lovecruft was Forest in Forest's
claim of sexual assault
on . A true and correct copy of Lovecruft's June
13, 2016 blog post
is attached hereto as Exhibit D. Further, Lovecruft stated that they
had spent two years
"seeking out other victims, in order to develop the collective
capacity to defend ourselves
and to have the simple ability to speak out in a manner which would be
heard and not
9. Lovecruft later escalated their allegations against me
to include claims of
rape. A true and correct copy of an August 15, 2016 Tweet by Lovecruft
falsely accusing
me of rape is attached hereto as Exhibit E. Based on my prior personal
and professional
relationship with Lovecruft, I am familiar with Lovecruft's Twitter
account and handle.
10.Lovecruft also falsely claimed that I had harassed
them, threatened them,
and sought to retaliate against them. A true and correct copy of a
chain of Tweets that
Lovecruft posted on October 11, 2016 containing a sampling of these
false claims against
me is attached hereto as Exhibit F.
11.Lovecruft's statements accusing me of rape and sexual assault are
absolutely false.
12.Further, Lovecruft's statements accusing me of
retaliation in any form,
including harassment and threats, are also absolutely false.
13.Following Lovecruft's publication of false claims
against me, I repeatedly
and publicly expressed my commitment to working to resolve any conflict