Re: james donald - US government shill

2019-08-26 Thread jamesd

Obviously Epstein had a little bit of help in his suicide.

On 2019-08-26 11:09 am, Punk wrote:

and who says he's dead?

If he is not dead, he is being tortured to reveal the locations of his 
stash of blackmail data, and will be killed when he reveals it.

You are blowing smoke to direct attention to anyone other than the 
Clintons and the FBI.


There are a whole lot of odd and suspicious deaths of people that the 
Clintons had reason to get rid of, Epstein's death being the most 
suspicious one yet.

Epstein is dead, because people inconvenient to the Clintons tend to 
wind up dead.

The criticism of #ClintonBodyCount is that this would require a vast and 
improbably competent criminal conspiracy.

The FBI is vast, and you don't need to be competent in committing crimes 
if you have the FBI and the Justice Department in your pocket.  Notice 
that the FBI is investigating Epstein in a manner that reveals it does 
not want to discover anything about his death.

The striking difference between the way Barr is investigating, and the 
way the FBI is investigating, suggests FBI involvement in Epstein's 
suicide. The Justice Department was obviously in the Clintons' pocket 
until Barr was appointed, hence competent murder was not a requirement.

You are blowing smoke in every direction other than the obvious and most 
likely direction.

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AMD Zen2 Delivering 2x Efficiency Over Intel

2019-08-26 Thread grarpamp

Re: Social credit system in America

2019-08-26 Thread grarpamp
On 8/26/19, jim bell  wrote:
> Silicon Valley turns to social credit system to judge their users
> I think this will be declared controllable using libel suits.

It was said here that shit was coming to USA land
of fake freedom. Well look at what just arrived on
your shores, lol.

Libel suit won't do anything, same as any other scoring
system, credit or otherwise... the cost, trouble, hoops,
time, laws, and resale sharing into their many legally
independant and corporate secret distributed silos of
"products and business solutions", are all aligned against you.
Same with government ones around the world, eg...

You're all just a fucking number to them,
a revenue and tax source for their wealth
and power, something to be smoothed
away into entirely complacent homogeneity,
devoid of any human nature, boring, lifeless.
And if you're lucky enough to be immune to
the first couple implementation waves, then
ultimately censored, scarlet lettered,
impoverished, coralled, extinguished.

You already let them tiny dots trap you in their matrix,
your job now is to wake up and unplug [from] it.

"This is Edwin Black's explosive book IBM and the Holocaust - The
Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful
Corporation (2001) which exposes for the first time a thoroughly
researched and meticulously documented history of the relationship of
a corporate giant and the advanced technology it sold to the Third
Reich, its war effort and its plan to exterminate the Jews. Was IBM,
"The Solutions Company," partly responsible for the Final Solution?
That's the question raised by author of this book, the most
controversial on the subject since Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing
Executioners. Black, a son of Holocaust survivors, argues that IBM
founder Thomas Watson well deserved the Merit Cross (Germany's
second-highest honor) awarded him by Hitler, his second-biggest
customer on earth. "IBM, primarily through its German subsidiary, made
Hitler's program of Jewish destruction a technologic mission the
company pursued with chilling success," writes Black. "IBM had almost
single-handedly brought modern warfare into the information age [and]
virtually put the 'blitz' in the krieg." The crucial technology was a
precursor to the computer, the IBM Hollerith punch card machine, which
Black glimpsed on exhibit at the U.S. Holocaust Museum, inspiring his
five-year, top-secret book project. The Hollerith was used to tabulate
and alphabetize census data. As he says the Hollerith and its punch
card data ("hole 3 signified homosexual ... hole 8 designated a Jew")
was indispensable in rounding up prisoners, keeping the trains fully
packed and on time, tallying the deaths and organizing the entire war
effort. IBM and the Holocaust provides a chilling investigation into
corporate complicity and the atrocities witnessed raise startling
questions that throw IBM's wartime ethics into serious doubt. Edwin
Black's monumental research exposes in shocking detail how IBM and its
subsidiaries helped create enabling technologies for the Nazis,
step-by-step, from the identification and cataloging programs of the
1930s to the selections of the 1940s. Hitler's regime was
fantastically, suicidally chaotic but could IBM have been the cause of
its sole competence - mass-murdering civilians? With impeccable
documentation the author proves just that and much more as he has
created a must-read work of history and definetly a book IBM just
doesn't want you to read. 535 pages. A must read for everyone."

Re: Free Assange: Assange in Belmarsh

2019-08-26 Thread grarpamp
On 8/26/19, Douglas Lucas  wrote:
>> Legends
> What about his face and upper body is of importance? Why is it his image
> memorable, whereas specific of leaked documents and actions taken as a
> result are forgettable? Every email about Assange is an email not about
> a leaked document ,when weighing that scale of opprortunity cost, what
> for you regarding Julian's upper musculature, tendons, facial hair,
> persuades you to continue the quest to make him the most famous
> individual ever to have lived during the exterimination of humanity? Or
> you yet another Goebbels victim - repeat something often enough and it
> becomes the truth - and gorged by WikiLeaks advertising, fearful or
> perhaps aroused by @WLTaskForce -- you no longer think and can be
> nothing but an unpaid repeater station for not even Assange, not even
> that mammal in Belmarsh, but rather, a mere visual-digital
> represetnation of Assange? You describe assange as a legend and yet he
> does not know who you are and you cannot even procure a face to face
> meeting with your idol, you must be content with merely a jpeg.
> Who is the most famous individual in the world currently? What
> individual has been the most famous individual in the world for the
> longest period of time? For example, you might imagine individual A has
> been the most famous person in the world, but only for 5 days, whereas
> individual B in a different century has been the most famous person in
> the world, and maintained that unfortunate position for a full five
> years. That's including only living humans. People's fame might continue
> after death, or may even precede birth in the case of dynasties,
> prophecies. Also what of other primates or mammals? Is the dog Laika (a
> canine) more famous still than even your beloved Julian? If so, will you
> take arms against a sea of troubles to ensure than Julian is more famous
> than Laika after your and his death (Laika is already eliminated)? How
> much will you be paid, in cash, bitcoin, or upvotes, for day in and day
> out -- as people in Assange circle -- sharing images of Julian, Kristinn
> Hraffson, gazing so deeply at their faces
> -- and what about his face and upper body is it that is of importance? I
> need some clarification from those wh compulsively, repeatedly, and
> eternally share his images. Is it his irises that you have a bro crush
> on? Or is it his shoulders? Might it be his nose? I wish someone would
> explain in particular what it is that confers upon his visual aspect
> value --
> while of course cables, emails, and other leaked documents languish
> When in 2050 human civilization collapses, and without tap water you
> walk outside to begin migrating across the highways as your neighbors
> complain with open carry, you will turn to your loved one (if you have
> any, which is a stretch) and say:
> "We saw all this end of civilization coming, we had the documents, we
> did nothing. But oh! Oh! There is one thing we so profoundly recall, the
> one take away, the bottom line of my life, now without food clothing an
> d shelter: A man who I have never met, Julian Assange, I remember: his
> face. He of course has food clothing and shelter, I do not, but it has
> been my lot in life, to retweet my betters and to share images of him"

Re: Free Assange: Assange in Belmarsh

2019-08-26 Thread grarpamp
> leaked documents

Of course more massive dumps of TOP SECRET and damning
docs from all around the world, an ongoing effort by many
new leakers, year after year with hardly but one between,
until there is nothing left to leak... would be a more presently
interesting read, each a useful window of change oppurtunity
thrown open, than all the pixelated history of prior messengers
and their caches as time does render all things.
Until then, and even throughout, all the prior art stands,
even if naturally compressed by the human mind over
time into an easily remembered pictographic representation...
some say as some combination or forms of... inspiration,
proofs that such actions are possible, that some impact
and thought comes from them, a respect, an affinity
and peership upon the wall a substitute for what is rare
to find or too risky to seek publicly, and that among
other things, the entirety of it all is somehow... important.

Squinting at the particulars of any image with mere
point to name the depicted objects, that will leave
you blind... contemplating all the the different
meanings any image may represent, that will
let you see, even with your eyes wide shut.

Social credit system in America

2019-08-26 Thread jim bell
Silicon Valley turns to social credit system to judge their users via
Jim Bell's comment:
I think this will be declared controllable using libel suits.

The Next Web: Cryptography startup sues Black Hat conference after getting booed and heckled

2019-08-26 Thread jim bell
The Next Web: Cryptography startup sues Black Hat conference after getting 
booed and heckled.
Jim Bell's comment:    "BOO !!!    HECKLE "
(Sorry, couldn't resist...) Disappearing act: Device vanishes on command after military missions

2019-08-26 Thread jim bell Disappearing act: Device vanishes on command after military missions.

Kalaidzhi Tradition, Witches Politics, and Bizarre Creations

2019-08-26 Thread grarpamp
Trad Life

TaxFree Pols (end of vid)
