Re: "Pre-crime"

2021-11-17 Thread Cari Machet
Thanks Jim

On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 3:33 PM jim bell  wrote:

> --
cari machet

Re: Spy v Spy: Top Secret CIA Cable Admits "Dozens" Of Agents Abroad Are Being Captured, Killed

2021-10-07 Thread Cari Machet


Why aren’t they afraid of the Mossad

The real enemy is the Mossad but they are too gullible to understand it and
get sidetracked by squirrels and shiny objects

Secret documents ? bullshit if it’s so secret then why aren’t they asking
for heads like they do with Wikileaks

It’s their proof and PR for their plan to keep hitting at the usual pretend
suspects Russia China Asians … on the scary internet that they pretend is
so nebulous it’s like some ghost haunting them

The CIA are baggage handlers for the elite > the CIA are children

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 11:36 PM grarpamp  wrote:

> It was revealed this week in a bombshell New York Times report that
> the CIA has raised the alarm with all its overseas stations and
> officers that an unusually high number of US informants are being
> captured and executed abroad. There are "dozens" of such instances,
> according to an agency memo.
> The report is an incredibly rare instance of the media getting hold of
> a fresh, very recent highly classified memo that's also sure to be
> embarrassing for the agency. "The message, in an unusual top-secret
> cable, said that the CIA’s counterintelligence mission center had
> looked at dozens of cases in the last several years involving foreign
> informants who had been killed, arrested or most likely compromised,"
> the NYT writes.
> "Although brief, the cable laid out the specific number of agents
> executed by rival intelligence agencies — a closely held detail that
> counterintelligence officials typically do not share in such cables."
> Image: AFP/Getty
> The cable warned its officers across the globe against put "mission
> over security" - which it strongly suggested was a key cause that's
> leading to poor tradecraft, putting agents at risk. "Agents" in this
> context means foreign and local assets recruited by the CIA to spy in
> their home countries, a dangerous endeavor which puts all the risk on
> the foreign person (and their family) who feeds sensitive information
> to their CIA handler.
> The cable also cited the growing capabilities and awareness on the
> part of foreign and rival agencies of US intelligence's methods.
> According to the NY Times synopsis of what's in the top secret memo:
> The cable highlighted the struggle the spy agency is having as it
> works to recruit spies around the world in difficult operating
> environments. In recent years, adversarial intelligence services in
> countries such as Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan have been hunting
> down the CIA’s sources and in some cases turning them into double
> agents.
> Especially the growing biometric technology deployed by China is seen
> as a serious problem for maintaining local assets' cover.
> The report continues by spelling out, "The large number of compromised
> informants in recent years also demonstrated the growing prowess of
> other countries in employing innovations like biometric scans, facial
> recognition, artificial intelligence and hacking tools to track the
> movements of CIA officers in order to discover their sources."
> Pakistani intelligence very effective at hunting down CIA sources
> and flipping them into double agents, according to this must-read NYT
> reporting on a secret agency cable.
> — Rupert Stone (@RupertStone83) October 5, 2021
> Though this wasn't addressed in the cable, there's also the
> possibility of leaks and the question of double-agents gaining
> compromising material, further exposing other assets.
> The NY Times report further quotes former CIA operatives who described
> a somewhat flawed internal system and bureaucracy that's set up to
> reward ambition but not recognize when officers prudently exercise
> restraint. Promotions are often handed out to operatives who recruit
> the most agents abroad.
> One former CIA operative, Douglas London, told The Times, "No one at
> the end of the day is being held responsible when things go south with
> an agent." But of course in general it remains that few if anyone are
> ever held accountable for failures when it comes to Washington's
> massive national security state bureaucracy.
cari machet

Re: My blog post on FOIAs, executive function, Alan Turing, avoiding propaganda

2021-06-16 Thread Cari Machet
Life forms live life

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 5:08 PM grarpamp  wrote:

> Humans nature is to deliver works...
> Signs from Occupy
cari machet

Re: My blog post on FOIAs, executive function, Alan Turing, avoiding propaganda

2021-06-16 Thread Cari Machet
Let’s discuss your plan(s) and the execution(s) of your plan(s)

Tell us wise one

I am not being sarcastic I am actually wondering

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 11:31 AM Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 

> > your appeal to other foxes guarding the same general henhouse may be
> unlikely to succeed,
> > Once the appeals process fails, you then file a lawsuit, asking the
> judicial branch (basic separation-of-powers bullshit) to step in and
> overrule the executive branch or legislative branch agency you’re
> contending with. Because this process can take years and be expensive if
> lawyers are required, it prevents a lot of important information from being
> released and entering the news cycle.
> So you, like anybody else with half a brain, know that the system
> is a scam.
> To make the self-parody even more hilarious, the useless stuff the
> govt 'releases' is in turn 90% censored!!! Maybe when you get your 'pdf'
> all covered in black, you can fill a ... what? LMAO!
> So now let's look at the people(i.e. you) who use this govt
> 'service'.  What journos like you are doing is wasting time begging your
> masters/accomplices for bits of PROPAGANDA to publish. You're publishing US
> govt propaganda while playing the govt game of pretending that your idiotic
> bullshit entails 'freedom of information'
> What you are actually working for of course, is freedom FROM
> information.
> bottom line Dougles, you're a good, loyal, govcorp boy. (as
> clearly proven also by your previous, revolting radical feminazi vomits).
> --
cari machet

Re: My blog post on FOIAs, executive function, Alan Turing, avoiding propaganda

2021-06-15 Thread Cari Machet
On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 9:32 PM grarpamp  wrote:

>  MDR - Mandatory
> Declassification Review


> Few know about it, many should be using it more.
> Dig deeper.
cari machet

Jeremy Hammond report

2021-05-17 Thread Cari Machet
When you get a chance check out this newly published report for Jeremy
cari machet

Re: CNBC: SpaceX wants to connect its Starlink satellite internet network to moving vehicles

2021-03-08 Thread Cari Machet
Humans not help mans > fuck

On Mon, 8 Mar 2021 at 20:42, Cari Machet  wrote:

> Fuck
> On Mon, 8 Mar 2021 at 20:40, Cari Machet  wrote:
>> Father fuckers will hook a satellite to help mans make people more robots
>> than they already are
>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2021 at 13:05, jim bell  wrote:
>>> CNBC: SpaceX wants to connect its Starlink satellite internet network to 
>>> moving 
>>> vehicles.
>>> --
>> <>
>> cari machet
>> <>
> --
> <>
> cari machet
> <>
cari machet

Re: CNBC: SpaceX wants to connect its Starlink satellite internet network to moving vehicles

2021-03-08 Thread Cari Machet

On Mon, 8 Mar 2021 at 20:40, Cari Machet  wrote:

> Father fuckers will hook a satellite to help mans make people more robots
> than they already are
> On Mon, 8 Mar 2021 at 13:05, jim bell  wrote:
>> CNBC: SpaceX wants to connect its Starlink satellite internet network to 
>> moving 
>> vehicles.
>> --
> <>
> cari machet
> <>
cari machet

Re: CNBC: SpaceX wants to connect its Starlink satellite internet network to moving vehicles

2021-03-08 Thread Cari Machet
Father fuckers will hook a satellite to help mans make people more robots
than they already are

On Mon, 8 Mar 2021 at 13:05, jim bell  wrote:

> CNBC: SpaceX wants to connect its Starlink satellite internet network to 
> moving 
> vehicles.
> --
cari machet

Re: RISC-V, the Linux of the chip world, is starting to produce technological breakthroughs | ZDNet

2020-11-30 Thread Cari Machet

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 9:55 PM jim bell  wrote:

> --
cari machet

Re: Magnetic skrymions

2020-11-30 Thread Cari Machet
Incredibly gorgeous thank you

On Mon, 30 Nov 2020 at 19:59, jim bell  wrote:

> --
cari machet

Re: Make it rain, baby girl.

2020-11-22 Thread Cari Machet
Plants and animals are profoundly more charitable than ANY human ever

On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 11:37 PM grarpamp  wrote:

> On 11/22/20, Cari Machet  wrote:
> > I am black block
> > But I am not one dimensional
> Black bloc left, and the ruthless oligarchs, are
> both dispicable. They both rape and destroy to
> keep for themselves, one literally steals,
> the other frauds away, one violates private
> property, the other teeters on falling from too
> much, both force, both kill, and neither mature
> enough to give to charity. Both should die.
> Peace love libertarian voluntary anarchism
> with personal local charity to assist those
> who cannot (which is far more than animal
> kingdom does, of which humans are still
> DNA programmed and a part of) if you want
> to smooth over chances at problems, in
> many areas actually.
> No government, no politic, no system, no force,
> as all are false and have been tried before, will
> ever work... but what is guided from within, and
> with others, freely, voluntarily, with some sense
> of responsibility for the full circle of what
> you create coming back to you and yours.
cari machet

Re: Make it rain, baby girl.

2020-11-22 Thread Cari Machet
I am black block

But I am not one dimensional

On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 11:48 AM Robert Hettinga  wrote:

> Make it rain, baby girl.
> Geodesic Culture
> Robert Hettinga
> Seafeathers Bay, Anguilla, BWI
> November 22, 2020
> A long-time friend and I have lunch every Saturday.
> We go sit in a beach bar here -- these days the beaches empty, the views
> as preternatural as ever -- drink fizzy water, no, really, decrepit
> diabetics like me like fizzy water, and, as I used to joke when we started
> this, well, tradition, plot world domination. We talk about business,
> mostly, current projects in general, making, hacking, and otherwise.
> Hardware, software, wetware. Guy stuff for geeks.
> Wetware as in the stuff between your ears. Mind outta the gutter. Perverts.
> In these days of pandemic-panic-porn-induced incipient global collapse --
> both the empty beaches thing in what used to be the kickoff of high tourist
> season around here, but also what could fairly be called a US electoral
> fight for the survival of western civilization -- one can say ‘world
> domination’ with a tinge of anger in one’s voice about the other side, so
> the joke isn’t very funny anymore.
> Besides, both of us are way too old for that world domination shit
> anymore. We’re lucky if we can hobble off to a beach bar, have a chicken
> caesar for lunch, and get home in one piece. Well, I am, anyway. He seems
> to be doing better. I need some new knees, among other things, which I’m
> not likely to get anytime soon here in formerly-libertarian paradise, and
> short of an unaffordable medical airlift to the States, practically
> impossible in any case with the quarantine, I’m not going anywhere anytime
> soon.
> So, at the moment, my friend is desperately trying to keep his eyes from
> rolling back into his head. Because he’s driving.
> I’m trying to explain to him, in as much detail as I can muster as he
> swerves his not-quite-a-pickup around a pothole, the current state of play
> in this whole business with the Universal Voter Fraud, and the Soros guy
> who’s now a life peer, and Chavez standing over the guy with the keyboard
> changing the numbers on a constitutional referendum giving him absolute
> dictatorial power, and... Wait, he says, these machines are hooked up the
> the net?? Well, yeah. I think, anyway... That’s bullshit. I can’t believe
> that for a minute. Nobody’d be that stupid. Well, anyway, they did a rush
> software update the night before the election, so, what, FedEx and flash
> cards? And it’s running on, what, Windows 7? Oh, come on. No, really.
> Pretty sure...
> I mean, I’m not even sure Windows 7 had internet sockets in it, or
> whatever, I’m a Mac guy, bleed in five colors and all that, no, not those
> five colors. Pervert. But that’s how fun things here in the Year of Our
> Lord 2020. As John Batchelor, The World’s Last Gentleman, no, really, look
> at his little videos on Instagram these days, liked to say during the
> once-and-future GWOT, “In war, the first three reports are wrong.” And
> we’re only two reports in. Maybe one and a half.
> My friend and I are old-school cypherpunks, you see. And no, crypto
> doesn’t mean “cryptocurrency”, it means “strong cryptography”. We even
> started a conference here on what I called “financial cryptography” a few
> decades back, so we even get to claim at least passing familiarity, if very
> dated in my case, and fuzzy at the best of times, with the idea of machine
> security in the presence of a, cough, global geodesic internetwork.
> On cypherpunks, back in the day, it was all about spooks, crypto
> protocols, financial and otherwise, rubber hose attacks, more spooks,
> actual fucking Rothbardian anarchy, not that statist commie black-block
> crap that passes for it these days, and, well, world domination.  Punks
> these days give millennialism a bad name. Get off my lawn.
> So, I’m very prepared to believe Sidney Powell.
> I just saw a NewsMax clip on YouTube(spit!) where she says she’s gonna
> kick off the fun in Georgia, and, she says, it’s going to be biblical.
> Make it rain, baby girl. Make it rain.
> The fate or Western Civilization is in your hands. No pressure.
> --
cari machet

Re: MORE On that Jeremy Hammond imbecile

2020-11-21 Thread Cari Machet

Prove it

On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 at 17:49,  wrote:

> On 2020-11-22 08:06, professor rat wrote:
> > " Anarchist News " - Jesus Fucking Christ...
> >
> > FAKE Makhno defends Jeremy Hammond’s idiotic and counter-productive
> pro-Assange crimes that got him a second term of jail.
> > What a dick.
> NSA shill issuing an NSA script.
cari machet

Re: Crypto plus anarchy

2020-11-17 Thread Cari Machet
Anarchy is much bigger than that definition

On Tue, 17 Nov 2020 at 02:21, Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 09:41:57PM +, professor rat wrote:
> > Frank Braun, a privacy extremist and a Paralelni Polis old-timer,
> explains the differences between the philosophies. “The cypherpunk movement
> is about using technology to provide more privacy and anonymise
> interactions; and anarchy pushes for personal freedom with minimal or no
> interference from the state. Cryptoanarchy simply brings those two
> together.”
> >
> > This is fine up to 1996 - after that it limits our degrees of freedom.
> Cypherpunk revolutionaries fight for
> >
> > cryptoanarchism where ' crypto' and ' anarchy' are increasingly seen as
> just ' anarchism ' in its latest
> >
> > and greatest incarnation since 1936.  Its not just technology now either
> - recent advances in physics and cosmology
> >
> > strongly indicate a crypto-anarchist universe ( Wheeler - Lloyd - CK
> Rhodes ) and ' anarchy ' can't be read so
> >
> > narrowly for us. After all, Bakunin said, " Freedom without anarchism is
> privilege and injustice "
> >
> > We also don't accept the continued existence of any state ( or theocracy
> ) Frank Braun and his ilk might be
> >
> > just talking about tax-dodgers playing silly word games devoid of
> meaning just to pass the time.
> >
> > Perhaps like a ' Good soldier Sjek " only without the wit, charm,
> good-looks or intelligence.
> >
> > Anyway, these rubber-cZech losers have been warned.  GET OFF OUR FUCKING
> When you spend a long lifetime in relative isolation, neither understood
> nor permitted to be, love denied, pains unhealable (apparently), a world in
> hypocrisy no real truth, endless lies and deceptions, double standards and
> power abused...
> ... it is no wonder that some recede to very dark places.
> Blood bath - a lure for some - that inviting, attractive and "sane" exit
> in comparison to the life experienced, glee from the border 'tween sanity
> and evil lunacy.
> There -are- other experiences of life..
> --
cari machet

Re: AnarchoVegas needs a co-panelist on political prisoners on July 18, 2020

2020-05-26 Thread Cari Machet
I have some friends in NYC that were in federal prison

Let me know if I can connect you and I will give you details- great panel

On Tue, 26 May 2020 at 01:38, jim bell  wrote:

> AnarchoVegas
> I have been invited to act as a co-panelist on Saturday, July 18, 2020,
> along with Lyn Ulbricht (mother of Ross Ulbricht), to speak about being a
> political prisoner in the Internet age,  They have asked me to make a
> suggestion for another speaker, and I decided to put the question to you,
> the people of Cypherpunks.  If anybody has an idea who would be good in
> this position, please speak up.
>  Jim Bell
cari machet

Re: KGP propaganda - Re: On the need for banks

2020-05-05 Thread Cari Machet
Thank you

Fear is a massive hook

Let me know if I can be of service as you go

On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 11:40 PM Zig the N.g  wrote:

> On Sun, May 03, 2020 at 10:21:50PM -0500, Cari Machet wrote:
> > Transition is a false dichotomy
> Thank you - that's an interesting proposition.  I'm working on grokking
> this, will try to understand...
> > Paper Money was invented in China and they soon realized it could be
> faked
> > and banned it
> >
> > Life is a build
> >
> > The problem with bitcoin and blockchain is that the government can become
> > that also but we cannot let that deter the process
> >
> > We build a new structure as they are taking on our old structure
> >
> > Everything is always at play not in stasis
> >
> > Anarchist rule ? Wtvf anarchy is not about ruling and it’s so fucked
> up
> > to write that please clear your conditioning ASAP
> I guess my conditioning is more to the "anarchy = chaos" colloquial term
> ... yes, the "rule" of anarchy is no rules or "laws" whatsoever - just
> personal responsibility, private (party party) agreements.
> I struggle to escape the looming fear that "real anarchy", due to the
> present, say average state of consciousness of humans, would descend into
> survival of the fittest - so perhaps this "anarchist rule" phrase comes
> from a fear of "being ruled by thugs", which, irony of ironies, is what we
> to a real degree suffer under in today's fake-democracies of course ...
> I have much to work on internally (including fear), so really, thank you
> for the reminder!
> > On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 9:04 PM Zig the N.g  wrote:
> >
> > > On Mon, May 04, 2020 at 10:15:52AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > > > On Sun, May 03, 2020 at 03:29:14PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > > > > On Sun, 3 May 2020 21:03:22 +1000
> > > > > "Zig the N.g"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > One of the ways to reinforce a nation against such predatory
> > > oligarchical financial rule, is a state-run development bank,
> > > > >
> > > > > fascist spam, like the rest of Z.g's spam
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > It's a possible transition step, in the context of the existence of a
> > > government, rather than anarchist rule.
> > > >
> > > > Another possible step is printing your own currency rather than
> > > borrowing every dollar from private banks - JFK tried this, although
> it's
> > > not overly dissimilar to creating a federal development bank which
> issues
> > > its own "credit" - in Australia, this is even in our constitution at
> the
> > > state level, although prior to the thieves at Bretton Woods, we also
> did
> > > this with our Commonwealth Bank, and were thus the ONLY nation to come
> out
> > > of World War II with ZERO debt.
> > > >
> > > > Funny how printing your own money means you don't anyone shit.
> > >
> > > "... you don't -owe- anyone shit."
> > >
> > >
> > > Also, our real challenge is how to transition from the world we are
> > > actually in - we cannot begin from utopia, although it may be useful
> to lay
> > > out some of the parameters for your own version of utopia, as then we
> can
> > > think clearly about how to transition from here, to there.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > Rothschilds did not like that though, and so we Aussies were brought
> to
> > > heel at Bretton Woods.
> > > >
> > > > The technical term for this is "shit show".
> > >
> > --
> > <
> >
> > cari machet
> >
> > <
> >
cari machet

Re: KGP propaganda - Re: On the need for banks

2020-05-03 Thread Cari Machet
Transition is a false dichotomy

Paper Money was invented in China and they soon realized it could be faked
and banned it

Life is a build

The problem with bitcoin and blockchain is that the government can become
that also but we cannot let that deter the process

We build a new structure as they are taking on our old structure

Everything is always at play not in stasis

Anarchist rule ? Wtvf anarchy is not about ruling and it’s so fucked up
to write that please clear your conditioning ASAP

On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 9:04 PM Zig the N.g  wrote:

> On Mon, May 04, 2020 at 10:15:52AM +1000, Zig the N.g wrote:
> > On Sun, May 03, 2020 at 03:29:14PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > > On Sun, 3 May 2020 21:03:22 +1000
> > > "Zig the N.g"  wrote:
> > >
> > > > One of the ways to reinforce a nation against such predatory
> oligarchical financial rule, is a state-run development bank,
> > >
> > > fascist spam, like the rest of Z.g's spam
> >
> >
> > It's a possible transition step, in the context of the existence of a
> government, rather than anarchist rule.
> >
> > Another possible step is printing your own currency rather than
> borrowing every dollar from private banks - JFK tried this, although it's
> not overly dissimilar to creating a federal development bank which issues
> its own "credit" - in Australia, this is even in our constitution at the
> state level, although prior to the thieves at Bretton Woods, we also did
> this with our Commonwealth Bank, and were thus the ONLY nation to come out
> of World War II with ZERO debt.
> >
> > Funny how printing your own money means you don't anyone shit.
> "... you don't -owe- anyone shit."
> Also, our real challenge is how to transition from the world we are
> actually in - we cannot begin from utopia, although it may be useful to lay
> out some of the parameters for your own version of utopia, as then we can
> think clearly about how to transition from here, to there.
> > Rothschilds did not like that though, and so we Aussies were brought to
> heel at Bretton Woods.
> >
> > The technical term for this is "shit show".
cari machet

Re: Oddly silent

2020-01-04 Thread Cari Machet
The amount of libertarians on the list and not to generalize but racist
libertarians also ... the history of the list reflects

If a white guy is murdered by the state > problem - if a brown guy is
murdered by the state they sing hallelujah

Libertarians are a strange breed - hey libertarians anti-federal government
includes anti-mass murder by the federal government even if the people have
brown skin and don’t talk like you

On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 10:42 AM John Young  wrote:

> Quietly waiting for AP by Muslim Oswald.
> At 10:27 PM 1/3/2020, you wrote:
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> >Content-Language: en-US
> >
> >I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
> >US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
> >new war with Iran.
> >
> >
> >
> --
cari machet

Re: The Cypherpunk's 1995 Archive has been forged, and what are we going to do about it? (was:Re: Could someone add news of Cypherpunks Archive...

2019-11-22 Thread Cari Machet
Ok what can be done about this?

On Fri, 22 Nov 2019 at 15:35, jim bell  wrote:

> To Ryan Carboni,
> It looks like you are familiar with the practice of writing and filing
> Freedom of Information Act requests.
> Given that these requests can take a long time, I think it would be
> appropriate to make such a filing for any Cyperpunks mailing list emails,
> especially but not limited to those from 1995-1996.   Naturally, we will
> want the output on a computer readable format, such as writable CD,
> writable DVD, or some other downloadable file system.
>   We will probably want to compare these emails from those that will be
> obtained by other sources.   What do you think?   Would you help this
> process?  Can you write the FOIA request?   Thank you.
>   Jim Bell
> e
cari machet

Re: Demonstration of a tinc network linked through Tor v3 onions

2019-04-29 Thread Cari Machet
Non corporate? >>> non navy how bout ? It has been analyzed that USG is
Authoritarian Capitalism and a hybrid of corp and gov ... > interlocked in
a special way ... hand in hand ... BFF... heart emojis

Why navy need you on tor network? Cover

On Mon, 29 Apr 2019 at 08:07, grarpamp  wrote:

> >> It can be communitied, or forked.
> > Seems unlikely.
> Either can work if people want them to,
> that is the very point of opensource if so merited.
> >>> Reported bugs have been closed without action.
> >> What ticket numbers are of interest?
> >
> >
> >
> > I can't find the one where they explicitly said that it's not worth
> fixing
> > v2-specific bugs.
> Statements always nice to have for reference.
> Bugs not needing architecture rework should be fixed.
> >>> Fetches of v2 rendezvous descriptors fail, and so OnionCat services
> are "unavailable".
> > Analysis? Not really, just lots of notices logs. Basically the same
> stuff as
> > in #19966. Lots of it.
> Any tickets should be revalidated using current release
> on unix, then bumped if still valid to get them fixed.
> The version issues below can be gamed as needed if applicable.
> > how tinc uses onion circuits vs how OnionCat does.
> They're just apps bound to onions, no special knowledge of tor.
> There can be things like layer 2/3/+ keepalive packets, etc
> going on depending on the app. Circuit timeout settings, etc.
> See also OnionBalance regarding overall subject.
> > Or maybe v3 onions work better than v2 onions, either because
> > they're better designed, or better supported.
> v2 is still in the code and will be for a long time,
> even possibly modularized for third parties indefinitely.
> So if there are v2 problems, ticket them, join together,
> and get them fixed.
> > It's also possible that I've tested them differently. With OnionCat, I
> was
> > using Freenet. And with tinc, I've used bittorrent. So maybe Freenet and
> > bittorrent have different enough packet dynamics.
> Tests should only change one variable at a time.
> > I initially picked that IPv4 range because of ChaosVPN. But maybe it'd be
> > better to integrate with dn42, and use IPv6
> IPv4 is dead, IPv6 gives much more room for people to play
> without colliding with each other or other things... lots of
> people's stacks and private usage treat RFC1918 as their own,
> not that of some third party apps (which really need to use their
> own space outside of RFC1918, etc). So you need more space.
> Overlays can use either 4/6 on clearnet and emulate either
> 4/6//N-bits for internal use, and can also setup separate instances
> integrating into each. IPv6 has some space options, and lots
> of unallocated slack space. But also search "AF_OVERLAY"
> for a grander more universal overlay interop scheme than
> even IPv6 can ever provide.
> > What worries me is that the Tor community will see this
> Though exit is and should be a priority in tor at the moment
> given the gamut of todays overlays, tor does not, should not,
> and won't have exclusive claim to that functionality in both other
> currently developing and future overlay networks.
> > as DDoS, and implement blocks.
> tor- was the last version without some statistical blocking
> changelog "denial-of-service mitigation"
> > I wonder whether they've done that with OnionCat.
> No. Tor can't pick out apps like that, only patterns,
> those can be really hard for an overlay (like tor) to
> discern, and impeding of many false positive users.
> Fork tor if tor censors people (they've already tried to
> censor relay operators and posters for speaking freely).
> Say to a non-corporate more globally volunteer opensource tor.
> Or simply support the development of and migrate to
> better more resistant overlay networks going forward.
> Diversity in designs, and with more deployed overlay
> networks in live competition, are important.
> Anyway, happy hacking :)
cari machet

Re: Internet Archive Labeled Terrorist, Political Takedown Pending

2019-04-12 Thread Cari Machet
Mother of god

On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 at 04:20, grarpamp  wrote:

> We've been trying to explain for the past few months just how
> absolutely insane the new EU Terrorist Content Regulation will be for
> the internet. Among many other bad provisions, the big one is that it
> would require content removal within one hour as long as any
> "competent authority" within the EU sends a notice of content being
> designated as "terrorist" content. The law is set for a vote in the EU
> Parliament just next week. And as if they were attempting to show just
> how absolutely insane the law would be for the internet, multiple
> European agencies (we can debate if they're "competent") decided to
> send over 500 totally bogus takedown demands to the Internet Archive
> last week, claiming it was hosting terrorist propaganda content. [...]
> And just in case you think that maybe the requests are somehow legit,
> they are so obviously bogus that anyone with a browser would know they
> are bogus. Included in the list of takedown demands are a bunch of the
> Archive's "collection pages" including the entire Project Gutenberg
> page of public domain texts, it's collection of over 15 million freely
> downloadable texts, the famed Prelinger Archive of public domain films
> and the Archive's massive Grateful Dead collection. Oh yeah, also a
> page of CSPAN recordings. So much terrorist content!
cari machet

Re: Meditation with Stephan A. Schwartz

2019-01-02 Thread Cari Machet
And the corollary

On Thu, 3 Jan 2019 at 01:23, Cari Machet  wrote:

> --
> <>
> cari machet
> <>
cari machet

Meditation with Stephan A. Schwartz

2019-01-02 Thread Cari Machet
cari machet

Consciousness and Reality with Thomas Lombardo

2019-01-02 Thread Cari Machet

This whole channel is amazing remote viewing et al
cari machet

counting 1's and 0's - Roger Nelson on global consciousness

2019-01-02 Thread Cari Machet

cari machet

Re: Tim May 1992 Post on Future of Cyberspace/Cryptology/Digital Money/Transnationalism

2018-12-24 Thread Cari Machet

some freedom some imprisonment - just like life we are free we just happen
to be experiencing life in a very limited container

so what about those pesky little undersea cables all going to the turtle
island - u s of a ?

umn without them we got nothin goin too fast anywheres

when did they get laid ? 1854

by a coorporation

life is a build and dualism has run its course ... good and bad boys do
good and bad things and sometimes what they do that is considered bad ends
up being overall good and vice versa

happy winter solstice - when the sun is still - all the beautiful people on
this listserve

On Mon, Dec 24, 2018 at 9:19 PM juan  wrote:

> On Sun, 23 Dec 2018 22:55:23 + (UTC)
> jim bell  wrote:
> >
> > >> 26 years is "forever" in technology.   26 years ago, very few people
> had even heard of the "Internet".
> >
> > >Actually in the last 26 years there hasn't been any significant
> 'technological' change *at all*. The only thing that happened is that
> microelectronics got relatively cheaper.
> >
> > You forgot that in 1992, typical dialup modems worked at 9600 bps.  Now,
> most people have access to 25 megabits/sec Internet.
> I don't think I've forgotten that. That fact isn't just too
> relevant to what I'm saying.
> TM : "Networks are multiplying beyond any hope of government
> control,"
> Point is, 26 years ago there was no 'technological' reason for
> that to be true just like there's no reason for that to be true now.
> Networks were (supposedly...) beyond govcorp control simply because govcorp
> wasn't devoting many resources to control them, not because they lacked the
> 'technology' to control them.
> Yet another point is who 'owned' those networks. Oh wait, they
> were and are owned by a few monopoplies chartered by the government,
> monopolies that are of course just arms of the government.
> > I occasionally see people in discussion areas claim that "the U.S.
> Government" was responsible for making "The Internet".I shut that talk
> down,
> You do? =) Yet it is a plain historical fact that the US govt and
> military were heavily involved in the creation of the internet.
> >by pointing out "Do you think that The Internet would have 'worked' if a
> person, at home, had to connect up to his ISP at with a 300 bps modem?
> 1200 bps?  2400 bps?"I counter by pointing out that the people REALLY
> responsible for a usable Internet were those who developed the 9600 bps,
> 14,400 bps, and 28,800 bps modems.  Rockwell, USR (US Robotics), Hayes,
> Telebit, and a few others.  Had that not existed, it would have been hard
> to make the Internet available to most people.
> The main or only reason those audio modems were developed was to
> use the existing telephone lines. Yet in 1995 ethernet run at 100
> megabits...
> > It took a lot of work to learn how to shove 28.8Kbits/sec down a 3000 Hz
> channel.
>   By and large, those people who did that were the ones who made the
> Internet of the late 90's possible.
> Nah. On the other hand, it's true that all the hardware was
> produced and is produced by pseudo 'private' government chartered firms.
> Which is how highly corporatist mixed economies work.
> Bottom line : the belief that freedom is 'served' by 'technology'
> is fully detached from reality.

cari machet

Re: Cody Wilson

2018-08-14 Thread Cari Machet
Not kinda entertaining ... totally entertaining

On 23:58, Tue, Aug 14, 2018 juan  wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Aug 2018 08:17:42 -0300
> Cecilia Tanaka  wrote:
> > Juan, my dear,
> >
> > Cody's e-mail is "crw at defdist dot org".
> Thanks =) - I didn't mean to write to him (and I won't) - I was
> just browsing and I saw that he uses cloudflare, which is
> kinda...entertaining.
> >
> > You can complain personally about all the JavaScript stuff and security,
> > but do _not_ annoy the guy being a troll, please.
> >

Re: We must preserve the Cypherpunks Mailing List archives! IMPORTANT!

2018-07-19 Thread Cari Machet
lets ask the internet archive about it

On 7/8/18, grarpamp  wrote:
> Oops, unmaintained.
> So Windows users can try this warez instead...
> ... or build their own from the standalone tools linked at the
> above page, or by embedding them as tc4 does in this tool...
> Or just use unix.
> Mutt and notmuch are within neomutt now.
> MD5 and SHA1 are broken long ago.
> Bandwidth, [overlay] transfer times and [distributed] storage
> aren't free, why people keep posting 500+MiB links
> when <190MiB <40% is under 3 backgrounded minutes away.
> https://facebookcorewwwi.onion/juang71atgmaildotcom


cari machet

Fwd: You're invited to Lost Landscapes of New York

2018-06-06 Thread Cari Machet
-- Forwarded message -
From: Brewster Kahle 
Date: 23:59, Wed, Jun 6, 2018
Subject: You're invited to Lost Landscapes of New York

The Lost Landscapes of New York:
A Benefit for the Internet Archive
Friday, June 15

[image: Moonalice]

Since 2006, film historian and archivist Rick Prelinger has presented
twenty participatory urban history events to enthusiastic audiences in San
Francisco, Detroit, Los Angeles, Oakland, and at festivals throughout the
world. Now, for the first time, LOST LANDSCAPES visits New York City.

Get Tickets Here

The 83-minute program, which is filled with rare and stunning views of the
city shot on 35mm, 16mm, and 8mm film mixes home movies by New Yorkers,
tourists, and semi-professional cinematographers with outtakes from feature
films and background “process plates” picturing granular details of New
York’s cityscape. The combination of intimate moments, memories from many
New York neighborhoods, and a variety of rare cinematic perspectives forms
a 21st-century city symphony whose soundtrack will be provided by the
audience. Viewers will be invited to comment, to ask questions and to
interact with one another as the screening unfolds.

*What: The Lost Landscapes of New York:

A Benefit for the Internet Archive

*When:* Friday, June 15
Doors Open and Reception Starts: 6:30pm
Show Begins: 7:30pm

*Where:* Internet Archive
300 Funston Ave
SF, CA 94118

*Tickets:* Suggested $10 to $25 sliding scale,
but no one turned away for lack of funds.

A Little Bit Funds a Lot of Bytes — Donate Today!


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Privacy Policy 

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Re: Razer gets a call from the fedz about a ZuckerBook 'post you made in April'

2018-06-02 Thread Cari Machet
Long ago far away

How many years will you remain at the first step

Maybe instead of addressing my question outword you can take it inword ...
why are you posting on fb - ask yourself

Isnt there some other great use of your time space consciousness ... watch
a comedy ... sit in joy ... smell a lovely flower etc...

On 01:05, Sat, Jun 2, 2018 Razer  wrote:

>  Original message 
> From: juan 
> Date: 6/1/18 1:41 AM (GMT-08:00)
> To:
> Subject: Re: Razer gets a call from the fedz about a ZuckerBook 'post you
>   made in April'
> On Thu, 31 May 2018 11:51:46 -0700
> Razer  wrote:
> >
> > I just got a voicemail from one special agent Delligan
> and how did the turd get your phone number?
> Facebook DOES NOT have my phone number. Someone did a search on my name
> and info while doing the pre-call threat assessment. Note i was called at
> the end of May about an event at the end of April, so they probably ran my
> NCIC or whatever, sae no indication whatsoever that I'd be doing that,  and
> called me last... or something like that.
> But I KNOW they backgrounded me before they called because that's how they
> work. They know the answers before they ask questions, and if you lie...
> gotcha!
> I'm extrapolating from something he said in convo that leads me to believe
> FB flagged it to them without notifying me or removing the post. My guess
> is SELECTOR words AI did that, and I suspect the armor use of the words
> Bedded in, range, congress, triggered it.
> Rr

Re: Razer gets a call from the fedz about a ZuckerBook 'post you made in April'

2018-06-01 Thread Cari Machet
Why you post on fb ? And yes senate and Congress = fedz

The whole construct of the fbi and cia is a fuck all

The executive branch pulled a rabbit out of its hat and poof fake justice
is flying all over like that spring worms in a can trick

Humor was made just 15 minutes after the space shuttle with the teacher
blew up before leaving the atmosphere

On 15:39, Fri, Jun 1, 2018 Georgi Guninski  wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:51:46AM -0700, Razer wrote:
> >
> > I just got a voicemail from one special agent Delligan (sp? And why are
> they
> > almost always Irish?) in DC about a 'post you made in April', and he
> wanted
> too long, didn't read it all.
> was the troublesome info news or something well known to those familiar
> with weapons?

Re: Immutable Recording

2018-05-22 Thread Cari Machet go visit brewster in cali if you want to discuss it face to face

On 04:36, Tue, May 22, 2018 Zenaan Harkness  wrote:

> On Mon, May 21, 2018 at 09:28:44PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> > Hi cpunks,
> >
> > I'm trying to figure out how to produce lengthy recordings that cannot be
> > reasonably removed or altered even by a very powerful entity.
> Your sole option is distribution of the recording (presumably in real
> time) to multiple jurisdictions, at least one of which will be
> supportive of "not deleting/ suppressing" your recording.
> I imagine Wikileaks would like to know if you come up with something
> better than the Tor NSA CIA mafia.

Re: Interview: Frank Herbert - Saviors and Political Animals

2018-04-24 Thread Cari Machet
thanks cant wait to take a bite

On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 10:22 PM, Steve Kinney  wrote:

> I made a video from a found audio file, as little hobby project:
> Frank Herbert - Saviors and Political Animals
> This interview is a pre-Internet artifact recorded in 1984, and makes no
> reference to cryptography.  But IMO it's dead center on topic for
> CPunks, because self identifying Libertarians and Anarchists need all
> the help they can get.  Frank's ecological models of power dynamics in
> human affairs provides a stout dose of scientific and engineering sense
> that may cure any of several loads of ideological nonsense.
> "All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological
> personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to
> the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on
> violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted." - Frank Herbert
> Frank Herbert was a true polymath, accepted without credentials as a
> participating member of the academic Ecology community (a demanding
> multidiscipliplinary science), as well as being an avid historian and
> radical political theorist.  The mp3 I found included a lot with David
> Lynch, director of the original Dune movie, and about the film itself.
> So I cut the interview down to just Frank's historical and political
> exposition, and added a few appropriate quotes and pictures.
> Here's it.  Bring popcorn and/or paper & pencil.
> :o)

cari machet

Re: How the NSA identified Satoshi Nakamoto

2018-03-20 Thread Cari Machet
'caught' ?

On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 8:56 PM, grarpamp  wrote:

> nakamoto-868affcef595
> The ‘creator’ of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is the world’s most
> elusive billionaire (worth more than $7B as of November 2017). Very
> few people outside of the Department of Homeland Security know
> Satoshi’s real name. In fact, DHS will not publicly confirm that even
> THEY know the billionaire’s identity. Satoshi has taken great care to
> keep his identity secret employing the latest encryption and
> obfuscation methods in his communications. Despite these efforts
> (according to my source at the DHS) Satoshi Nakamoto gave
> investigators the only tool they needed to find him ...

cari machet

Re: Fw: is looking for volunteers

2017-10-14 Thread Cari Machet
> constant on the previous  1 1/3day.)
> A sudden spurt of increase occurred within about an hour, and by Friday,
> October 13, 2:40-2:49 UTC,  (Friday the 13th ?!?!?) the price in dollars
> had reached   $5814.18.  So, within about 6 days, the increase of $1463 had
> occurred.
> Did I do that?  Or most of that?
> Given that there are about 16.6 million Bitcoins extant, this represents
> an increase of around $23 billion dollars.   Is it reasonable for me to
> think that I should be given 1/1000 of that increase, say $23 million
> dollars?  Anyone who owns Bitcoins should pause to consider this.  They get
> 999, and I get 1.  Sounds fair to me.
>Jim Bell

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
AIM carismachet
Syria +963-099 277 3243
Amman +962 077 636 9407
Berlin +49 152 11779219
Reykjavik +354 894 8650
Twitter: @carimachet <>

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permission is strictly prohibited.

Re: I'm doing some signing. (2 images, 325kb)

2017-09-23 Thread Cari Machet
I tried to set up before for you to go to eff they were like uh no which
made it possible for me to fully understand their level of consciousness

Anyway go to san fran and talk to interent archive > brewster kahle > you
will totally love going there anyway

On Sep 23, 2017 11:32 PM, "Mirimir"  wrote:

> On 09/23/2017 04:07 AM, Razer wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 09/22/2017 10:40 PM, jim bell wrote:
> >> I am Jim Bell, author of the Assassination Politics essay, at
> >>
> >> I'm trying to implement public-key message signing with Mailvelope
> >> software, not with much success so far.  I haven't really done
> >> signficant amounts of encryption since the 1990's, not much even then,
> >> and then I used PGP, and not with an email client.
> >> I realize that I don't have a public key available; I'd like to
> >> publish it, but there probably haven't been any key-signings nearby.
> >> I'm trying to (re-) learn the bare bones of this.  This is my second
> >> attempt.The first attempt at signing simply lost my message, for
> >> reasons entirely unknown.
> >> I'd like to prove who I am.  At least initially, I though of using a
> >> Skype call, jimbell887, to talk to a few of the more credible people
> >> around here.  That will, at least, reduce the level of doubt until I
> >> can get up to speed on this very irritating software.
> >> I will put this message, and then have a signed copy of this message.
> >> I'd like to somehow include a copy of my public key, but as I said, I
> >> cannot yet figure out how do to that.
> >>
> >>  Jim Bell
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > It all looked good until I tried to import the key and I got:
> It worked fine for me, using Thunderbird + Enigmail.
> See for key properties.
> > Just  to make sure my always flaky 32bit Enigmail wasn't misleading me I
> > ran Steve's key:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Rr
> >

Re: USA Determined to Fuck Publisher Journalist Activist Assange

2017-04-25 Thread Cari Machet
political theater ... if you know any background its clear ...

snowdens visa will expire or he will extend?

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 10:11 AM, grarpamp  wrote:

> via Young Turks
> journalists-thank-obama.html
> wikileaks-us-charges/index.html
> prosecuting-assange-threatens-core-press-freedoms/

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
AIM carismachet
Syria +963-099 277 3243
Amman +962 077 636 9407
Berlin +49 152 11779219
Reykjavik +354 894 8650
Twitter: @carimachet <>

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permission is strictly prohibited.

Re: Anarchistic Software Licenses

2017-04-17 Thread Cari Machet

2017-04-17 22:50 GMT+03:00 grarpamp :

> Software_License_Agreement

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
AIM carismachet
Syria +963-099 277 3243
Amman +962 077 636 9407
Berlin +49 152 11779219
Reykjavik +354 894 8650
Twitter: @carimachet <>

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permission is strictly prohibited.

Re: RiseUp Warrant Canary Falls

2017-04-10 Thread Cari Machet

On Apr 10, 2017 8:40 AM,  wrote:

> On 10/4/17 10:11, Dr. Dooom wrote:
> > > Rachael Tackett ractack at
> > > Sun Apr 9 16:42:27 PDT 2017
> > >
> > > A document, which I public records requested, shows LEAP
> > > and RiseUp getting a quarter million dollars from the
> > > Digital Defenders Partnership, which is funded by US
> > > government and several European governments.
> >
> > RiseUp is in Seattle, Tor is in Seattle, and both are CIA/Mossad
> > properties.   I wonder what's going on in Seattle ?
> Perhaps it's just a hangover from those Grunge years?

Re: Riseup Warrant Canary Falls?

2017-04-09 Thread Cari Machet
snod off means fuck off?

i was referencing signal - really people signing up now for that shit -
nothing is foolproof

btw so irl not everybody only cares about what you care about and can talk
about other things with you so...

On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 10:40 PM, juan  wrote:

> On Sun, 9 Apr 2017 08:47:56 -0600
> Mirimir  wrote:
> > On 04/09/2017 07:04 AM, Cari Machet wrote:
> > > people with smarts dont trust anyone
> > >
> > > and people who trust one fraction of someone trying to sell them
> > > something bulletproof are sad blobs of meat - its like famous
> > > people fucking...
> > >
> > > strangely autonomy is in the far reaches of the soul/body some cant
> > > see it even
> >
> >
> > So just sod off with your snide crap, bro.
>     mirimir is defending riseup, more proof that riseup is not to
> be 'trusted' at all.

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
AIM carismachet
Syria +963-099 277 3243
Amman +962 077 636 9407
Berlin +49 152 11779219
Reykjavik +354 894 8650
Twitter: @carimachet <>

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permission is strictly prohibited.

Re: Riseup Warrant Canary Falls?

2017-04-09 Thread Cari Machet
people with smarts dont trust anyone

and people who trust one fraction of someone trying to sell them something
bulletproof are sad blobs of meat - its like famous people fucking...

strangely autonomy is in the far reaches of the soul/body some cant see it

On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 12:36 PM, Mirimir  wrote:

> On 04/08/2017 11:42 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> > Status update...
> >
> >
> >
> This is old news, bro.

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
AIM carismachet
Syria +963-099 277 3243
Amman +962 077 636 9407
Berlin +49 152 11779219
Reykjavik +354 894 8650
Twitter: @carimachet <>

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intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use of this
information, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email without
permission is strictly prohibited.

Re: Riseup Warrant Canary Falls?

2017-04-09 Thread Cari Machet
people with smarts dont trust anyone

and people who trust one fraction of someone trying to sell them something
bulletproof are sad blobs of meat - its like famous people fucking...

strangely autonomy is in the far reaches of the soul/body some cant see it

On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 12:36 PM, Mirimir  wrote:

> On 04/08/2017 11:42 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> > Status update...
> >
> >
> >
> This is old news, bro.

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
AIM carismachet
Syria +963-099 277 3243
Amman +962 077 636 9407
Berlin +49 152 11779219
Reykjavik +354 894 8650
Twitter: @carimachet <>

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permission is strictly prohibited.

Re: the intercept - corporate US mouthpiece

2017-03-24 Thread Cari Machet
He comes from corporate lawyer land


Scahill said when he was offered cash to start the shit he did no research
about omidar and basically was like ok i will take your $

On Mar 25, 2017 1:08 AM, "juan"  wrote:

> vulnerabilities-years-ago/
> for people who haven't been paying attention, the majority of articles
> published by the intercept are garbage like the one linked above.
> one would think greenwald being the founder and editor has some kind of
> responsibility for and control over  the government propaganda he
> publishes.
> notice that the majority of comments on the article are rational and
> hostile to that sort of content - yet the intercept doesn't give a fuck
> notice also that the 'progressive' 'lefty' intercept is actually a
> mouthpice for the flagship of american fascist corporatism, apple inc.
> Perhaps hardly surprising if one takes into account that the intercept
> is owned by paypal inc.

Re: US: Constitutional Convention?

2017-03-20 Thread Cari Machet
so i think there are incredible intelligences in trees bugs rocks water air
that arent literate but they are enlightened... enjoy your kingdom of
"literateness is the only knowledge base i respect" coffin or jail cell

remember the tsunami that hit thailand not long ago lotsa people died but
the animals didnt ... they had fled the area well beforehand WHY? cause
they know some shit y'all fuckin dont

inertia razer look in the mirror and talk to yourself about inertia

dont get me wrong i think the constitution is not salvageable - but i never
thought it was a good contract to begin with however your reasons stated /
your argument against razer just sucks so

On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 11:45 PM, Razer  wrote:

> On 03/19/2017 09:21 AM, some illiterate-worshiping troll wrote:
> well but razer you ARE literate and look where your fear takes you ...
> into inertia... so maybe the illiterate are wiser than to be consumed with
> fear

Cari Machet
NYC 646-436-7795
AIM carismachet
Syria +963-099 277 3243
Amman +962 077 636 9407
Berlin +49 152 11779219
Reykjavik +354 894 8650
Twitter: @carimachet <>

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intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use of this
information, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this email without
permission is strictly prohibited.

Re: US: Constitutional Convention?

2017-03-19 Thread Cari Machet
well but razer you ARE literate and look where your fear takes you ... into
inertia... so maybe the illiterate are wiser than to be consumed with fear

On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 9:55 PM, Razer  wrote:

> No... Just no. ESPECIALLY b/c TexASS where illiteracy and religious
> fundamentalism is normative and 95% of the children under state foster
> care have been forcibly drugged.
> I quote Randazza on the Second @Popehat as reference:
> >
> > I'm not prepared to get rid of our right to keep and bear arms unless
> > we do get rid of the Second Amendment. But, doing that requires
> > tinkering with the Constitution, which makes me nervous. Once you open
> > the hood, you never know what else someone will fuck with. With the
> > state of our idiocracy, opening the Constitution is just as likely to
> > wind up creating a right to keep and bear rape monkeys as it is to
> > have its intended effect.
> >
> >
> resist-the-government-with-your-guns/
> On 03/19/2017 02:10 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> amendments_to_the_United_States_Constitution
> >
> > Gov. Abbott calls for Convention of States, offers amendments to U.S.
> > Constitution
> > FOX 7 Austin
> > Streamed live on Jan 8, 2016
> > At Texas Public Policy gathering, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has
> > called for a Convention of States to pass nine amendments to the U.S.
> > Constitution. It's part of Abbott's Texas Plan to "restore the Rule of
> > Law and return the Constitution to its intended purpose."
> > The plan offers nine amendments to rein in the federal government and
> > restore the balance of power between the States and the United States.
> > The amendments are:
> >
> > -Prohibit Congress from regulating activity that occurs wholly within
> one State.
> > -Require Congress to balance its budget.
> > -Prohibit administrative agencies—and the unelected bureaucrats that
> > staff them—from creating federal law.
> > -Prohibit administrative agencies—and the unelected bureaucrats that
> > staff them—from preempting state law.
> > -Allow a two-thirds majority of the States to override a U.S. Supreme
> > Court decision.
> > -Require a seven-justice super-majority vote for U.S. Supreme Court
> > decisions that invalidate a democratically enacted law.
> > -Restore the balance of power between the federal and state
> > governments by limiting the former to the powers expressly delegated
> > to it in the Constitution.
> > -Give state officials the power to sue in federal court when federal
> > officials overstep their bounds.
> > -Allow a two-thirds majority of the States to override a federal law
> > or regulation.

Cari Machet
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Re: Why Cypherpunks Shouldn't Vote for the system of their own oppression

2016-10-24 Thread Cari Machet
Switzerland has a degree of direct democracy ... they vote on the budget

No state system could satisfy anything i desire for too many reasons but i
just want others to understand there is a long standing > 1700's > system
that develops forms of direct democracy

Not all anarchists think dd is anarchy but that just means they dont
understand its conceptual history

Maybe they dont understand anarchy at all really

Assange has said he is a libertarian wonder if he still after all these
embassy prison years thinks its viable esp now with no intertubes in prison

On Oct 24, 2016 8:51 PM, "jim bell"  wrote:

> *From:* Razer 
> The issue I'm having reading this thread about the US Erections is this
> list is ostensibly Anarchist and I don't understand why it's infested
> almost exclusively by Libertarians. Libertarians CANNOT be Anarchist ...
> because they believe in government. Small, but they BELIEVE that the US
> political system actually works in the interest of the people, or it can
> be made so.
> Not exactly, There are "anarchist libertarians" and "minarchist
> libertarians".  I was one of the latter, before 1995 when I
> discovered/invented my AP system.   Afterwards, I realized not only that
> having no government was possible, it was essentially inevitable.
> Note:  It is, strictly speaking, incorrect to say:  "Libertarians CANNOT
> be Anarchist ...because they believe in government."
> Libertarians believe in a certain set of limits to people's relationships
> and interactions with other people.  A Libertarian may believe that a small
> government is tolerable, and maybe still necessary; other libertarians may
> believe that a stable anarchy is possible.  (As I now do.)
>Jim Bell

Re: Why Cypherpunks Shouldn't Vote for the system of their own oppression

2016-10-24 Thread Cari Machet
Finding it hard in my soul that i once again agree with razer but then
again i always say "mass murderers are sometimes nice to others" so no one
is completely dark

On Oct 24, 2016 5:12 AM, "Razer"  wrote:

> On 10/23/2016 06:28 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > Although voting is likely not the answer, not voting is also not the
> > answer - as much as I agree with the sentiment and enjoy the above,
> > "voting vs not voting" is a false dichotomy.
> You think boycotts are ineffective then? Because that's what vocally
> refusing to vote is. A non-vote IS a vote. for none of the above. A
> selection not featured on any ballot anywhere.
> It's the only logical choice when all you're being offered is Fascists
> to vote for and you have a bunch of lame schmucks who think voting for a
> third party is either a wasted vote or assisting one of the candidates.
> That IS the level of COWARDICE seen in America today (Shawn Quinn), and
> that cowardice HAS created the mess we're in because sheeple willingly
> go to their slaughter.
> Btw, Bernie Sanders is a National Socialist. Jill Stein invited him to
> join her, NOT to coopt what passes for real socialism and destroy the US
> Green Party due to attrition of the base, who only vote for
> internationalist socialists. He won't. Most likely what would happen is
> the Greens would be overwhelmed by progressive-liberals and the party
> destroyed, so it all just as well that he sits in one of his three VERY
> EXPENSIVE Lake Champlain homes and dies a slow miserable death out of
> the national spotlight. No one I know will miss him.
> Rr
> "Dare to struggle baby... or stfu and sit in the corner out of the
> fucking way" ~Me
> A rapper covers the De-Baits.
> Trap News: The Farce Awakens
> "History has shown us that voting on elections accomplishes next to
> nothing, and that real lasting revolutionary change is won through hard
> work, by real people self organizing, and not by elected politicians.
> Yet every four years, the spectacle of the Democrats VS Republicans
> entices millions and makes them forget these proven facts. Trap News is
> our friendly (and funny, we hope) reminder of this."
> > On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 05:59:25PM -0700, Razer wrote:
> >> Feb 10, 2016
> >>
> >> As the media-fueled spectacle of election season heats up in the United
> >> Snakes, many anarchist and anti-authoritarian comrades are experiencing
> >> a serious case of deja fucking vu. Once again, we find ourselves
> >> engaging in the same stupid fucking debates with liberals, so-called
> >> “progressives” and other fair-weather radicals, about the pitfalls of
> >> electoral politics, all while being talked down to, as though we're just
> >> naive, contrarian ideologues, who don't know what we're fucking talking
> >> about."
> >>
> >> A 5 minute exposition in layman's terms about why you're simply fucking
> >> stupid if you vote, slave:
> >
> > Things need to change.
> >
> > Although voting is likely not the answer, not voting is also not the
> > answer - as much as I agree with the sentiment and enjoy the above,
> > "voting vs not voting" is a false dichotomy.
> You don't think boycotts are ineffective then? Because that's what
> vocally refusing to vote is. A non-vote IS a vote. for none of the
> above. A selection not featured on any ballot anywhere,
> >
> >
> > This election cycle is too late for a truly grass roots endeavour, so
> > only contact with the current runners is likely to yield any impact -
> > perhaps Trump can be caused to get back to his "end the war on drugs, it
> > is the ONLY way" statement from a decade ago - he evidently had heard
> > from someone or read something, compelling to him, at that time.
> >
> > Or some middle finger party dumping by Bernie.
> >
> > Or some "agile politics" process with a few of the second tier runners.
> >
> > If you have any contacts, this is your last week and a half to try.
> >
> > If you fail to try with what you have, don't blame anyone else for any
> > "failure" you perceive in the upcoming elections...
> >
> > (Speaking enerically here of course, not to you specifically Razer)
> >

Re: Intercept Greenwald Klein Talk Waffling Full Disclosure

2016-10-20 Thread Cari Machet
Yes well naomi is an elite so elite's concern themselves with so called

Hierarchy is in all human shit

Activists that are elite pose a huge threat to us all tremendously more
than any leak ever could

On Oct 20, 2016 8:47 PM, "Razer"  wrote:

On 10/20/2016 10:26 AM, Kevin Gallagher wrote:
> Thanks for the reply! I will consider these things.
> The only thing that worries me is the proposal that we use the same
> criteria as the people we are claiming to be criminals. Implicate the
> whole family for the sins of one... It just don't seem like an
> improvement to me.

It isn't. But it's a starting point to hold the people who accumulate
power for self-advantage (ie psychopaths) accountable for their power by
not allowing them a right to wield that power without panopticon-like

It implies that people who are born to privilege are
> incapable of seeing the problems with the system and escaping it.

Some people 'escape'. It's usually glaring obvious who those people are,
and there aren't many. Even fewer manage to avoid falling back into that
comfortable 'nest' of affluence.

> not sure that's the best way, but at the moment I don't yet have an
> alternative, so I will just think about it for a while.

We need to start somewhere. Start with the people who have the power and
have the ability to violate OUR privacy at their government-legitimized

Let's get some equality between the gander and the goose so to speak, or
OUR gooses get cooked. Recently there's been a reporting, by the
Intercept and ACLU notably, about the violation of NODAPL's privacy and
safety by COINTELPRO-like ops and data gathering on activists by, ahem,
Cloudflare, and others. Leonard Peltier, in his letter of support for
the Sacred Stone encampment made a POINT of warning everyone that the
end result of that sort of domestic spying may create more "Leonard
Peltiers". The same is very true for the BlackLivesMatter folks. They
COULD very much end um the next gen of "Geronimo Pratts" and other Black
Panthers. Imprisoned for decades for crimes they had no part in because
the government was able to fabricate 'circumstances'. I suspect the
Useful Idiot organization New Black Panthers are tasked with that
endeavor whether they understand it or not.


> Thanks,
> Kevin
> On 10/20/2016 01:16 PM, Razer wrote:
>> On 10/20/2016 09:50 AM, Kevin Gallagher wrote:
>>> Hello Razer,
>>> I actually don't disagree with you at all. I  agree with the
>>> "transparency for the powerful, privacy for the weak" mindset that is so
>>> ingrained in cypherpunk culture. I was just wondering where we draw the
>>> line between the powerful and the weak.
>> For me that line needs to be drawn where the power over one's personal
>> rights is delegated to a government.
>>> There is no doubt in my mind that the criminals currently running for
>>> government positions in the U.S. are powerful, and therefore need
>>> transparency, but this brings about a few questions in my mind. Is one
>>> powerful because they are related to someone who is powerful?
>> Could be. Neil Bush's bank in South America has quite the chokehold on
>> certain parts of the South American economy.
>> If so, at
>>> what point does the relation become "too distant" for someone to be
>>> considered powerful?
>> What say we use the government's standard for Drone Wars. They kill
>> whole family and tribal blood lines... or try to.
>> Charlie Wilson's Haquannis... al-Awalakis, other members of the
>> bin-Laden family have been killed though I'm not sure of their direct
>> relationship to terrorism.
>> Is there something other than money or political
>>> power that can be considered a source of power? These are just
>>> considerations I want to think through, and I was wondering what your
>>> take on it was.
>> Sigh... Theo Roszak proposed that money and power are really just
>> substitutes for, or ways of obtaining, life extension. But that doesn't
>> mean age is considered wealth and power in Capitalist societies (though
>> it sure does in the few undamaged tribal societies left)
>> I ascribe to the idea that accumulation of wealth and political power
>> (which is for the most part the equivalent of social power over society
>> and it's individuals) for the sake of those items dynamic in controlling
>> the continuation of wealth and power (hence social control) in the hands
>> of oneself and one's friends is a pretty good place to begin, anyway.
>> That implies for a start, that the wealth and power aren't shared
>> voluntarily by that group and they conspire to keep it that way (in
>> private). Monarchies and dictatorships are examples. The US is
>> essentially a two faction soft dictatorship. 'Soft' in the sense that
>> the dictators, neuropsychologically preened for media 'candidates'
>> Americans get to select from, have the manufactured consent of of the
>> masses that they have the right to rule.
>>> My q

Re: Fwd: [unwanted offlist mail] Re: It's for YOU! Fwd: Re: Jake and Tor article

2016-10-16 Thread Cari Machet
So its not muslims that treat women like crap really so much its more
everyone ... men women children ... infants ... thats the culture all
around and this list isnt living in a bubble

We have male and female aspects of our own selves and also in there in our
psyche and spirit we treat the female like crap

Lets not even talk about how "mother earth" is treated

Why? Lotsa reasons mostly infantile but it needs to shift and we can all do
our part

Please ask yourselves questions about your behavior and let the ego sit by
itself for 10 seconds of your life

I am connected to a domestic violence organization & there are problems
they work to help solve all over the world ... not just the middle east so
... you have a mirror whoever or whatever you are? Because by stating
things about muslims is just a reflection of state policy directives so
where are YOU ? I know your in there somewhere

I am also calling out cici here ... please treat yourself better

On Oct 15, 2016 4:11 AM, "rooty"  wrote:

Hi sea sea honey.- Muslim's are know to treat their women like shit -
please run away to America the land of the free.

 Original Message 
On Oct 14, 2016, 9:40 AM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

On Fri, 14 Oct 2016 20:46:51 -0400
John Newman  wrote:

> > On Oct 14, 2016, at 7:23 PM, juan  wrote:
> >
> > global warming is a hoax - and as I mentioned before you
> > are not even using the correct scam terminology : global warming
> >
> Global warming is not a hoax.

global warming is a hoax. Then again, try telling a
jew-kristian that kristianity is a hoax...

> >> This list is less than useless.
> >
> > translation : useless for establishment propaganda. Though
> > there's a good deal of establishment propaganda in it, so
> > who knows.
> >
> Translation: completely fucking barren of any worthwhile discussion,
> this one included.

So, why do you bother with it, and with your world-reheating

> > Anyway, I'm sure you would be warmly welcomed in some Elite
> > Enlightened Institution like the 'cryptography' mailing
> > list.
> >
> What’s your problem with the crypto list?

I made it quite clear why that list is a cesspool =) - Check
today's archives.

> Too much technical talk?

third-rate, nerdy, pseudo-technical talk. Pretty much useless.
Or more correctly, pretty useful as far as not dealing with
fundamental issues goes. A collection of useful 'idiots'. Not
idiots of course but fully corrupt clowns.

> Not enough Russian propaganda?

Well, since any 'american' forum, including this one, is usually
100% 'american' propaganda, russian propaganda at least brings
some variety to the table.

But I can understand how russian propaganda would upset a few
people in this list...

> John

Re: [ PFIR ] Google: Building on Surveillance Reform

2016-10-16 Thread Cari Machet
Yes r very well put and when the USG lets go of some piece of power i see
it as a red flag that they have found another route to even more power

Aaahhh george ... too bad some people cant live really longer than the

On Oct 15, 2016 6:04 PM, "Razer"  wrote:

> On 10/15/2016 12:32 AM, Evil incarnate wrote:
> >   Before producing data in response to a government
> >   request, we make sure it strictly follows the law, for example
> >   to compel us to disclose content in criminal cases we require
> >   the government use a search warrant, and that it complies with
> >   Google's strict policies (to prevent overreach that can
> >   compromise users' privacy).
> Two words: "FISC Court", over-rides all that crap. Last year the court
> passed EVERY SINGLE ORDER of the thousands put before it.
> Don't believe the LIES. FiveEyes DOES NOT ALLOW a digital
> right-to-privacy from their snooping. Never did... Even before teh
> intertubz, never will.
> As George Carlin put it: "You have owners."
> Rr
> > Google: Building on Surveillance Reform
> >
> >
> >
> >   Today, we've updated our Transparency Report on government
> >   requests for user data.  Globally, we received 44,943
> >   government requests for information regarding 76,713 accounts
> >   during the first half of 2016.  We provided user information
> >   in response to 64% of those requests, which remains unchanged
> >   from the previous reporting period (i.e. the second half of
> >   2015).  We also received our first ever requests from the
> >   following countries: Algeria, Belarus, Cayman Islands, El
> >   Salvador, Fiji, and Saudi Arabia. In addition, pursuant to the
> >   USA Freedom Act, the FBI lifted a gag restriction on an NSL
> >   issued in the second half of 2015.  To reflect this, we have
> >   updated the range of NSLs received in that period -- July to
> >   December 2015 -- from 0-499 to 1-499.  As we have noted in the
> >   past, when we receive a request for user information, we
> >   review it carefully and only provide information within the
> >   scope and authority of the request.  The privacy and security
> >   of the data that users store with Google is central to our
> >   approach.  Before producing data in response to a government
> >   request, we make sure it strictly follows the law, for example
> >   to compel us to disclose content in criminal cases we require
> >   the government use a search warrant, and that it complies with
> >   Google's strict policies (to prevent overreach that can
> >   compromise users' privacy).
> >
> > --Lauren--
> >

Re: Wikileaks says Wednesday is the End for Hillary.

2016-10-03 Thread Cari Machet
See the germans get it >

Really the longer everyone just stands and gawks at the dead bodies the
longer it will take to clear the space of debris

On Oct 3, 2016 12:29 PM, "Cari Machet"  wrote:

> I am always astounded by intelligent people buying into political theater
> ... please take a history lesson ... start before the formation of the NSA
> and look at the roles of the council on foreign relations ... there is also
> the formulation of the central bank > the fed which is privately held ...
> then have a bit of a discussion with yourselves
> On Oct 3, 2016 12:09 PM, "John Young"  wrote:
>> All leaks advance a particular agenda with biased information,
>> that is their purpose. None are neutral or wholly truthful or
>> complete representation of material assembled for release.
>> Withholding and redaction and censorship are obligatory for
>> the marketing pretense of candor.
>> No reason to expect WikiLeaks to be any more honest and angelic
>> than the context from which it derived, is sustained, and reaps
>> the rewards from. The information spectrum from openness to
>> Top Secret Codeword is single complicity with pretense of
>> oppositional multiples to cloak the covert unification.
>> Moreover, leaks, like hacking and whistleblowing and Tor and
>> privacy policy and HTTPS, have become lucrative businesses,
>> profit and celebrity driven. These are urged and supported by
>> the giants, pipsqueaks, start-ups and spy fronts of commerce
>> and non-profits and governments.
>> Leaks are tools of spies before all else, and spies are tools
>> of authority. Inherently dirty, deceptive, manipulative, dishonest,
>> all too human. Primarily leaks are entertainment, and in this
>> like political campaigns, lies and prevarication are essential.
>> But this is the case with media of all kinds, history, economics,
>> business, social research, science, math, religion, education,
>> cryptography, comsec, infosec, espionage, NSA, The Intercept,
>> Snowden, Manning, Assange, and so on, especially here.

Re: Wikileaks says Wednesday is the End for Hillary.

2016-10-03 Thread Cari Machet
I am always astounded by intelligent people buying into political theater
... please take a history lesson ... start before the formation of the NSA
and look at the roles of the council on foreign relations ... there is also
the formulation of the central bank > the fed which is privately held ...
then have a bit of a discussion with yourselves

On Oct 3, 2016 12:09 PM, "John Young"  wrote:

> All leaks advance a particular agenda with biased information,
> that is their purpose. None are neutral or wholly truthful or
> complete representation of material assembled for release.
> Withholding and redaction and censorship are obligatory for
> the marketing pretense of candor.
> No reason to expect WikiLeaks to be any more honest and angelic
> than the context from which it derived, is sustained, and reaps
> the rewards from. The information spectrum from openness to
> Top Secret Codeword is single complicity with pretense of
> oppositional multiples to cloak the covert unification.
> Moreover, leaks, like hacking and whistleblowing and Tor and
> privacy policy and HTTPS, have become lucrative businesses,
> profit and celebrity driven. These are urged and supported by
> the giants, pipsqueaks, start-ups and spy fronts of commerce
> and non-profits and governments.
> Leaks are tools of spies before all else, and spies are tools
> of authority. Inherently dirty, deceptive, manipulative, dishonest,
> all too human. Primarily leaks are entertainment, and in this
> like political campaigns, lies and prevarication are essential.
> But this is the case with media of all kinds, history, economics,
> business, social research, science, math, religion, education,
> cryptography, comsec, infosec, espionage, NSA, The Intercept,
> Snowden, Manning, Assange, and so on, especially here.

Re: [WAR] What the CIA Does When The Other Side Won't Fight - YouTube

2016-10-01 Thread Cari Machet
Mafia has more ethics than the cia

On Oct 2, 2016 1:02 AM, "Cecilia Tanaka"  wrote:

> On Oct 1, 2016 2:37 AM, "Zen H."  wrote:
> >
> > - Forwarded message from Jim -
> >
> > What the CIA Does When The Other Side Won't Fight
> Uh, uh...  Zen  (, when you pretend that another person
> forwarded you a "shocking revelation", at least you should change the nick
> for another one more compatible with your new persona  (Jimmy or Jim, for
> example)  and choose another server  ( too?  Wow, amazing
> coincidence, Jimmy boy!).   :P
> A gift for your weekend, dear!  You can imagine Putin and Trump playing
> with honey before sleeping.  Sooo sexy!  Awww, you will have the sweetest
> wet dreams...  <3
> softcore-porn-video-featuring-1787316169
> cia cia...  ops, sea sea, haha!!  ;)
> (Nooo, I don't support the CIA and Trump's sexual life isn't interesting
> for me, ugh!  :P)

Re: Attempt to re-create and test Hillary's email server for security?

2016-09-30 Thread Cari Machet
Yay not many people have the brain capacity you do jim so thats why no one
is doing that level of work

On Oct 1, 2016 3:27 AM, "jim bell"  wrote:

> I wonder if somebody has attempted to re-create the software suite used to
> make Hillary Clinton's email server, fill it with dummy (test) data, and
> place it online, and challenge the world to try to crack it.  Too often
> I've heard the comment out of Hillary's camp, 'There is no evidence anybody
> hacked the server', more or less.  Such a claim seems obviously
> questionable to me.  They are already admitted that various somebodies
> TRIED to hack the server, and that those running that server were aware of
> these attempts, and then shut the server down for a few minutes as a
> consequence.  But whether anybody succeeded, I don't know.  It would be
> useful to actually show that such a server could be successfully hacked.
> Jim Bell
> Here's an example of discussion of study of her server, mostly in order to
> retrieve or re-create the seemingly lost emails.  What they are not
> describing is what I advocate:  Implement a recreation suitable to expose
> it to the world, challenging the world to crack it.
> clinton-emails-server-fbi
> ×

Re: Continual Violation of List Charter

2016-09-04 Thread Cari Machet
On Sep 5, 2016 8:12 AM, "Mark Steward"  wrote:
> On 4 Sep 2016 22:13, "juan"  wrote:
> >
> ...
> > > > "Form your own group, your own mailing list, with a catchy
> > > > name, something like "The Privacy Education Foundation," or
> > > > "The American Civil Liberties Union" (whoops, taken), or
> > > > "The Society for the Preservation of Cyberspatial Liberty."
> > > > "
> > > > "Evolution in action. The market in action. A better
> > > > approach than trying to get the name and the charter changed."
> > >
> > > A market in action...
> >
> > My point is that the CHARTER of the mailing list is supposed to
> >
> I don't think you have a clue what libertarian means.
> >
> > >  I even found time to
> > > correct Tim May, who cried uncle sort of. ;-)  I happened to have
> > > personal knowledge of that situation.
> > >
> > > I wasn't mature enough to philosophize much then.
> >
> >
> > And you think you are know? Do you know the etymology of the
> > word "philosophy", I suppose?
> >
> > Philo-sophy means love of knowdlege/wisdom. See, the requirement
> > for philosophy is not 'maturity'(whatever you mean by that).
> > The requirement for philosophy is the love of truth and
> > intellectual honesty.
> >
> I see you're authoritarian about language too. Philosophy's history, much
like Scientology's, owes more to narcissism than etymology.

Prove it

> Mark

Re: Continual Violation of List Charter

2016-09-03 Thread Cari Machet
Why are you fucks trying to kill a listserv ? ... because you are fascists
the topic of fascism is brought to the list by you enacting fascist
tendencies ... should we ban the topic of fascism ? lets ban you and any
admin because that is fascist ... if you dont want to be wholly part of the
list you can set your little gadget to edit out the sad parts for you ...
or dont you little fascist pussies know how to use technology ?

On Sep 4, 2016 5:35 AM, "juan"  wrote:

On Sat, 3 Sep 2016 14:14:13 -0700
"Stephen D. Williams"  wrote:

> On 9/3/16 1:30 PM, juan wrote:
> > On Sat, 3 Sep 2016 14:41:52 -0400
> > grarpamp  wrote:
> >
> >
> >> [1]
> >> "The Cypherpunks mailing list is a mailing list for discussing
> >> cryptography and its effect on society."
> > incomplete, and you didn't even provide a 'source'
> >
> > plus, it's obvious that you haven't read the 1992 - ~1998
> > archives of the list.
> Archives?  We read it in real time.

Who - the fuck - is we. My message was addressed to grarpamp. I
bet he didn't read it in real time.

> If it isn't directly about the access to or effects of cryptography
> and related security practices, it is off topic.

Because an absurdist like you says so.

> Early on, the list was largely about making sure that we had
> unfettered access to encryption and reasoning about the consequences
> of that.  This was important for ecommerce, the Internet in general,
> the boundaries of the First Amendment, and as the baseline for the
> rest of the world.  All kinds of power grabs were in play, directly
> from the FBI and others.  A weak response might have left us in a
> position difficult to unravel.  Most of that came out OK,

Exactly what a US establishment puppet woud say.

So let's see :

1992 :

"Computer technology is on the verge of providing the ability
for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with
each other in a totally anonymous manner. "

I wonder if Tim May is embarrased at having mande such a
blatantly wrong predicion.

" Interactions over networks will be untraceable, via extensive
re- routing of encrypted packets and tamper-proof boxes which
implement cryptographic protocols with nearly perfect assurance
against any tampering."

Where are such networks operating?

What we do have is completely sabotaged hardware courtesy of
Intel Inc, a criminal organization that May had something to
do, I believe.

> but there
> are always ongoing concerns and implications.


> Arguing whether the end of the world is coming or whose fault it is
> or who is making political or military mistakes is all completely off
> topic.

Sure. It's especially important that the political 'mistakes' of
the american nazis be completely 'ignored'.

> sdw