Who needs Cloudflare in these new golden oldie days of TrumpelOrangeSkin
when the DOJay can just plain old stalk your contributors

“The subpoena claimed that the information it requested would be used at
the trial of the jailed journalist. However, the identities of, and the
amounts donated by, the journalist’s supporters are completely
irrelevant to the charges levied against the journalist,” the group says
in its filing. Indeed, no such information was presented at trial. The
real purpose was to “unlawfully surveil the donors in violation of the
First Amendment,” the suit says.

“Learning that these records were sought and obtained was highly
unsettling,” said Kevin Gallagher, Free Barrett Brown’s former director
said in a statement. “If we don’t send a message to the government that
it’s not okay to target private legal defense efforts, then they will
continue to get away with these sort of things.”

“The donations were acts of political expression, showing the donors’
frustrations with what they perceived to be government bullying and
prosecutorial overreach,” the lawsuit said. “Donations made in support
of litigation are protected by the First Amendment. The donors violated
no law by sending money to support Mr. Brown’s legal defense, and
instead were exercising their constitutionally protected rights.”

In full:

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