SciTechDaily: How Big Does Your Quantum Computer Need To Be To Break Bitcoin 
Encryption or Simulate Molecules?.

Quantum computers are expected to be disruptive and potentially impact many 
industry sectors. So researchers in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands 
decided to explore two very different quantum problems: breaking the encryption 
of Bitcoin (a digital currency) and simulating the molecule responsible for 
biological nitrogen fixation.

n AVS Quantum Science, from AIP Publishing, the researchers describe a tool 
they created to determine how big a quantum computer needs to be to solve 
problems like these and how long it will take.

“The majority of existing work within this realm focuses on a particular 
hardware platform, superconducting devices, like those IBM and Google are 
working toward,” said Mark Webber, of the University of Sussex. “Different 
hardware platforms will vary greatly on key hardware specifications, such as 
the rate of operations and the quality of control on the qubits (quantum bits).”

Many of the most promising quantum advantage use cases will require an 
error-corrected quantum computer. Error correction enables running longer 
algorithms by compensating for inherent errors inside the quantum computer, but 
it comes at the cost of more physical qubits.

Pulling nitrogen out of the air to make ammonia for fertilizers is extremely 
energy-intensive, and improvements to the process could impact both world food 
scarcity and the climate crisis. Simulation of relevant molecules is currently 
beyond the abilities of even the world’s fastest supercomputers but should be 
within the reach of next-gen quantum computers.

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