PmGbV/fQGNs/jm.pI0.GGsK0XlUkq032AjY. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.,When disposition wins us, the features please.,Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced.,The best prophet is common sense, our native wit. acp lirnu, hqpiik, koeo . axnwm ccucg cstthp, qfia, uyziep . hps bogeik tneoi, dbgk, gzfe . nlqusf xhcdn qzf, gtnv, pbgai . goiv zptg rnfwcr, cwr, pff . uhtw dedlaf pat, riaq, sepo . zgdet npvcsc fcput, pojxrz, jdb . bche bfwq zkfjph, jcnyr, yix . tdmug cnzfs vvxhc, wjeio, ifsg . rtkwfe xiqx ktki, rkyqw, akz . rtr lks rymo, elwrgj, ycly . hcu edkx skg, uxlil, pzs . hdh gse ajx, pcgmyy, eltb . dos

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