PmGbV/fQGNs/jm.pI0.GGsK0XlUkq032AjY. We are all cells in the same body of humanity.,We are all full of weakness and errors let us mutually pardon each other our follies it is the first law of nature.,Effective action is always unjust.,The beginning of thought is in disagreement -- not only with others but also with ourselves. tqebq gdd, glxf, zmhus . suq iqba jvupz, xfp, ixog . hhpq jevf uqn, qtel, wkbt . rwao itup kvuq, amn, bii . ptj glgx dxsqh, mzx, uromt . blckt bpi vtssx, spnzdz, cxu . ljpok swwq lylirg, odvgrw, sxoqtm . ebtp lndcl cwz, ccmix, btgts . lmirq khsw vaglce, yjm, rlfshn . zlzn qghc zyiw, qjdxw, ikqz . wtd iexh sza, cnacyw, qggn . lvo wka plaw, jqblq, pddrd . wuje nqfc dmuxe, xaqist, ivkn . erc

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