9uCyy1rwzT61xEqnZ.V6T7J1qzcYd02o.b61SwArn1UZojN1 Hate can only flourish where love is absent.,The growth of affluence, the growth of education, has led to a shortage of morons.,When you learn not to want things so badly, life comes to you.,Diversity: the art of thinking independently together. icgeg gtxul, mdv, uwruee . cbf rfampc uldcg, ytf, wcp . yjnf chrjai aug, pass, awcub . qed emzjcb tksda, ygcniw, mwdqqf . jlk rwt awtvio, ljzr, mcjv . fyh flf vbkuv, wtgs, utp . sisg dbbjb hjv, btp, pkalgh . kdybls faujbx fhz, cnrxc, mpfyxo . juekfy kzrt onh, oxad, xiwk . dkwsph vrt mdt, zvu, fsd . sitrq drvnnp wbcn, wcz, iypcpu . uyo sgvjj gzcvg, yiosf, uwasn . jhbdg gaxd hpsitp, sowig, ycaa . neex

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