Want to know where you can get anonymous offshore bank accounts, credit
cards, trusts etc? You'll find the sources in the Underground Directory. 

Want to know how to keep ALL your money instead of giving it to the tax
authorities? Did you know that even if you paid the lowest taxation rate
you would still be paying a minimum 50% of your  earnings to the
government through direct and indirect taxes. This means  you work six
months of the year to pay a bureaucrat. Want to stop wasting your money
like this? Get in touch with the people who can help  you! 

Want the best and cheapest surveillance equipment? You are aren't going to
find better prices anywhere in the  world. 

Where to find low profile mail drops, that don't require any ID to use. 

Want the cheapest phone rates in the world! How about making untraceable
and completely anonymous phone calls? The sources are  in the Underground
Directory.  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

Where to buy slim-jims for those times when you need to  get in your car
without keys!  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

Where to buy equipment to open locks in under seven  seconds, tubular lock
master keys, plus many other lock picking  tools, as well as master keys
for most makes of cars on the road  today. 

Fed up with law enforcement officers turning up late after you've been
mugged/robbed? Defend yourself with 300,000 volt stun  guns, sword canes,
blow guns, nunchaku, brass knuckles, liquid bullet that's 80 times more
powerful than mace, fake handguns that weigh and  look like the real
thing, plus many more little-known gadgets that will  get you out of a
tricky situation fast!  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

Learn where to get speed trap detectors, financial  newsletters, anonymous
mobile phones, second passports and supporting ID  papers, gambling
machine jackpotters, academic degrees and diplomas that  require no study
or class attendance.  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

Where to get plans for TV and radio jammers, fountain pen bugs, voice
disguisers and more.  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

Want to recover stolen assets, find hidden bank accounts,  trace a car,
conduct an identity verification, do a criminal  background check, or any
kind of search or trace for that matter. The Underground Directory lists
the people who can help.  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

Secret check cashing services that will cash any check  made out in any
name without the need for ID.  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

How to move hundreds, thousands even millions offshore without the need to
report it.  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

Want to network with freedom minded people and other folk  who don't want
Big Brother intruding in their lives. 

Train at secret schools and learn protective driving skills, executive
protection, close quarter combat, street fighting  know-how, firearms
skills, deadly force confrontation, jungle and survival training, plus
primitive living skills.  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

Read the most controversial and exciting financial and insider magazines
and journals available. You won't find many of these advertised in the
mainstream, they are truly underground. 

Discover how to legally obtain a prestigious title. Become a Lord, Lady,
Count, Countess, Sir for only a few dollars. Now you can get all the
benefits that a title brings!  http://ns5.super-hosts.com/~suremarketing.net

Want to know where to buy the best knives at up to a 60%  discount. 

Discover totally secure offshore web hosting companies,  also where to get
offshore merchant accounts without the need for credit checks. 

Where to get low profile automatic internet money machines that provide
ever increasing income streams. 

Where to buy thousands of asian manufactured high demand goods that resell
for up to 100 times their cost. 

Plus much more that your "rulers" don't want you to  know.


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