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To: Kindly Contributor
Subject: Save My Family and Fortune 

From Tao, 

This letter may come to you as a surprise as we have not met, but it is a serious 
matter. I am desperately in need of help.
I am Mr. Tao Sakaita, son of the late rebel leader Jonas Savimbi of Angola who was 
killed on the 22nd of February 2002. I managed to get your contact details through the 
Time is of the essence and I am desperate.
My late father, Jonas Savimbi was able to deposit some funds in Canada with a Security 
Company that he intended to make purchases with.
Our movement presently (including me) is restricted. We were released from the 
restrictions of Angola and has thus relocated temporarily to Cameroon. 
Right now the Government is trying to lay claim to some of his wealth by saying it was 
gained through arms smuggling and by my father's extended family and relations who 
want a share of his properties at any cost.

 Most of his wealth remains hidden, to even me. I, being close to my father, happen to 
be in possession of documents and information of some of the wealth.
Presently, the US$ 87,000,000.00 (Eighty Seven Million United Stated Dollars) cash my 
father transferred to Canada before his death for some purchases he intended to make 
and it is now safe in a security firm. I have the pass code and the documents to the 
security firm. This is where I will need your help because at present I want to act 
fast before the Angolan Government finds out. 

Moreover, the political climate in Angola at the moment is so sensitive and unstable. 
With this password and information and power of attorney you will be able to proceed 
to the security firm. But you will also have to give me a guarantee first. When you 
are ready, I will give you the information needed before you can get access to the 
funds.  You will then proceed to the security company where the funds will be given to 
you as payment either in installment or depending on the advice of the security 


Yours sincerely, 



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