After 3 years of research and development, we have created the newest form of 
broadcast media that will revolutionize the way businesses promote their products and 
services.  Its call a Cybermercial.

Cybermercials are 30 second commercials that are e-mailed to Opt-In client lists and 
viewed immediately as the e-mail is opened on the desktop of the recipient’s computer. 
 Whether the recipient’s connectivity is low or high bandwidth, the intelligent 
program knows and sends a high quality video to their desktop.

No other technology exists like Cybermercial.  Those who have seen the technology all 
agree that it’s the most exciting new development, with unlimited Internet marketing 

We have decided to market this amazing technology through a worldwide franchise 
system.  Our franchise system is uniquely one-of-a-kind.  Discover the new creative 
Internet broadcasting model.  Let your imagination consider the possibilities. Seeing 
is believing!  

If you’re interested in a Cybermercial for your business, then type Cybermercial in 
the subject when you reply.  If you are interested in learning more about our 
franchise, type Franchise in the subject .

For a sample Cybermercial, email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone (303) 683-6179

NetStairs and Cybermercial are registered trademarks.


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