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Tim wrote:

>I can't work up the energy to compose any kind of big article when:

Fuck your excuses. You got old and complacent.

What have you done lately that matters worth a damn to anyone but yourself?
Based on your usenet posts, it appears you've mainly been chitchatting,
watching TV and puttering around your compound. Where's that book you keep
hinting at? You could be doing so much. 

What a tragic waste.

Read your own posts from a few years ago and see how narrow, hard, and small
you've become. You used to say that Cypherpunks had room for people with all
kind of beliefs--now, someone like me who shares more of your opinions on a 
whole range of subjects than 99.9 percent of the population is somehow "the
enemy", to be shunned. Just filter me, quit whining, and realize people here are
going to decide for themselves who to read whether you like it or not. 

And I must say that regardless of whatever reasons Farr may have had
for posting here, at least she brought some life to the threads by giving
everyone something to debate against. Personally, I don't give a damn if she's
Janet Reno herself as long as she can put a halfway cogent point together. For
you to keep on with the "Agent" smear without ponying up a bit of proof because
she disagreed with you is weak. Almost as weak as your bitching about someone
who's been gone for months.       

Pathetic, how you always try to make a personal grudge seem objective with your
Madame Mao-like denouncements and repudiations. I don't think it's fooling


4) spammers, Choate, Agent Farr, Mattd, Faustine, and dozens of other 
marginal people, including a slew of halfwits who use remailers to lob 
silly insults from.

This from a man who invited the entire horde of cretinous dullards of
misc.bay.area.bored-losers or whatever the fuck it is into his home. With your
taste in conversation partners and dinner guests, you really don't have much of
a leg to stand on, do you. I never would have dreamed your standards were
so abysmally low, go figure. Though that sort of slumming certainly gives you 
plenty of opportunities for playing the grand man, doesn't it. Oh well, to each
his own. If you have the stomach for it. I sure don't.

And for you to use my tiny handful of posts here as some sort of excuse for
why you won't post original long articles to is the list is bizarre--curious,
to say the least. It almost comes across that you're afraid I won't be afraid
to pick it apart. 

hint: that was your cue to start blowing all the hot air you please about what
a ignorant whippersnapper I am who NEVER has ANYTHING of the REMOTEST relevance
or interest to contribute. Knock yourself out. 

But I really ought to get back to working on what's important to me rather than
wasting time here on off-topic bickering. 

As should anyone who hasn't given up, like you did.



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

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