Burnt Alive at the Stake.
by Chopper
While youse may prefer the blowtorch to the belly,I have a thing about feet meself.
Here is a little gem from the Chopper archives to distract ya.FIRE-flame ON!

FIRE.Light up and live.
"...Whatever the other perverse,ingeniously conceived contrivances for inflicting suffering,the supreme instrument of the,(dominican led)Inquisition was FIRE.
FIRE derived its legal precedent and sanction from the law of Imperial Rome,which was revived in the twelth century and became the basis for Europes judicial systems.According to the Roman Legal code,death by FIRE was the standardized punishment for Parricide,sacrilige,arson,sorcery and treason.
herein lay the precedent for dealing with heretics."(from 1224 to 1239 the code became applicable throughout the Holy Roman Empire.)

From REF.The Inquisition by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh.
Penguin books.
As the spilling of christian blood was frowned on back then, (leading to the use of warhammers like the MACE,)red and white hot pincers were sometimes used to rip the bark off human beings.The heat would cauterize the meat and so prevent blood from sullying the chamber.


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