Secretary of State of the United States Colin Powell has now said that the United States principle objective now appears to be removing Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, no longer explicitly regime change. So we're now left with an Australian government with a position supporting regime change and a US administration now partly backing away from it. We now find ourself to the right of the Republicans.
The same week our navies ships were clearly seen violating Iraqi sea space while being shepherded by some larger US gunboats.
Then there's this...
It's not as if antipathy towards Australia is any secret. The Philippine Daily Inquirer carried a column this week – headed "Moron" – describing Howard as a "caricature of middling power arrogance and belligerence".,5744,5629512%255E12854,00.html
So far right,Godwins law has kicked in...An Indonesian paper has compared the au government to the Nazi' its very peculiar that this article is not online.
It really slams John Wayne Howard for his worst gaffe since the,'deputy sherriff',line a couple of years ago.Look for a dead tree Weekend Australian,page 17.Greg Sheridan.
"PM FINDs new ways to LOSE FRIENDS."
The madness spreads...
07 December 2002
AUSTRALIA should press ahead with efforts to secure legal backing for pre-emptive strikes against suspected terrorists on foreign soil despite the southeast Asian backlash, Defence Minister Robert Hill has declared.,5744,5632054%255E2702,00.html

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