The price of gold has jumped 30% over the past year. As preparations for the war against Iraq reach fever pitch the price of gold continues to escalate. The US holds 8149 tons of gold in reserve, to support the value of its currency. It has by far the largest stockpile of any country or organisation in the world. Germany has 3445 tons while the International Monetary Fund has 3217 tons held in reserve. As the call and preparations for war gather pace, investors are dumping stocks and shares and moving into gold.

As the price skyrockets (it¹s expected to reach US$400 per ounce before the US invades Iraq), the US government will begin selling some of its gold reserves at these inflated prices to finance its war effort in Iraq. The cynical way the gold market has been manipulated to finance the war is one of the untold stories of the US campaign. The US government has driven the price of gold up by slowly escalating tensions in the Middle East. As the US President and his inner cabinet are the only ones who know when and if they will invade Iraq, their financial advisors are sitting in the box seat as far as making decision about when to sell and buy gold stocks.

Once the initial shock of the invasion subsides and the US government controls Iraq¹s oil fields, the prices of gold will drop considerably. When the price drops, the US Reserve Bank will once again enter the gold market and rebuild its supplies. Whether this scenario occurs or not will to a large degree depend on the amount of resistance that the US meets in Iraq. A long drawn out war will have a major effect on the Wall Street markets. If stock prices fall too low, the US will need to hold on to its gold reserves to prop up its economic system.

The type of campaign the US will launch in Iraq and the resultant civilian casualties that will occur will be determined by economic not strategic, military or humanitarian factors. The US needs to bomb Iraq back into the dark ages by using a massive deployment of firepower to ensure a rapid victory. The number of civilians who will die from this campaign has more to do with the fluctuations of the gold prices than any concern about freeing the Iraqi people from a dictatorship.

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