The new Anglican Dean of Sydney has been accused of insensitivity, provocation and offensive intolerance after his strident defence of evangelical Christianity.
Religious organisations across the community yesterday railed against the Reverend Phillip Jensen's provocative comments, which included saying that Australia had stretched the idea of tolerance to the point of stupidity.
He told the congregation at his installation in St Andrew's cathedral on Friday that "some or all" religions were wrong and if wrong were "the monstrous lies and deceits of Satan devised to destroy the life of the believers".
The dean has argued he was not using the St Andrew's pulpit to attack other religions, but merely to point out that different faiths were mutually incompatible.
The Anglican bishop of South Sydney, Robert Forsyth, came out in his defence, arguing that although the mode of speech may have been confronting, the message was hardly new.
"What he said was what I understand to be the way in which the New Testament sees other religions: that outside of Christ people are enslaved to sin or to spiritual forces," he said.
"If all people have a terrible disease and you believe that God has provided a particular cure for everybody that worked - but others were hawking cures that didn't work - you can't just say it doesn't matter. It's false and its dangerously false in a spiritual sense."

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