My name is Silver Orkhali,I am one of the former adviser to the 
former president of Madagascar, Mr.D.Ratsiraka on Finance.I was 
compelled to contact you and reveal this 'Very Confidential' issue to 
you. And I hope it will be kept confidential. During the last 
presidential election conducted by the former government of Mr. 
Ratsiraka, in my country, the former president withdrew large sums of 
funds in U.S.dollars for his re-election campaign,and to buy more 
votes from the opposition members. The funds were kept in different 
offices of Mr. Presidents confidants, which my own office was one. 
During the campaign and the election proper the former president 
spent so much money. Large part of the fund in my custody was spent 
and $15 million U.S.D was left.But the election was marred by civil 
disobedience led by the leader of the opposing party Mr.Marc 
Ravalomanana who eventually becomes the President of Madagascar,and 
so many deaths, that resulted in the intervention of some world 
leaders and at the end, the former President was ousted by the 
opposition party.

Fortunately, before the total collapse of the government of the 
former President Mr. D. Ratsiraka I was able to move this $15million 
dollars in a disguised manner as a diplomatic baggage by cargo out of 
the country to the Netherlands and the baggage deposited in a 
security company there in Netherlands. I have decided to divert this 
fund which I have decleared to be an 'Official consignment' belonging 
to my foreign affiliate,as nobody have requested for it till date, 
but I was not able to leave the country because of security put in 
place to monitor my movement, that is the reason for communicating to 
you through e-mails.

More importantly, this message  is to inform you that I want to 
transfer this fund into any of your personal account or company's 
account within the shortest possible time for safe keeping. Please 
note that this transaction demands the highest degree of trust and 
confidentiality between us, moreover, it's a risk free in sense that 
I have taken proper care of all formalities regarding it. In  
appreciation of your assistance , I have worked out the sharing ratio 
for this transaction as follows:70% for my investment in your country 
under your close supervision and directions, 25% for your effort [help
and assistance] and shall set aside 5% for all incidental expenses.

Please reply  on the above email as to give me your private telephone 
and fax numbers for confidential communication .Upon recieving your 
favourable reply, I will send to you the particulars of the Security 
company where the consignment was kept in the Netherlands.
As I wait to hear from you ,be informed that all communication on 
this transaction shall be confidential.Even if you are not interested 
to assist me please let me know by email.

Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Best regards,

Mr.Silver Orkhali

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