This Is A One Time Email - For Removal Instructions see below... 

** A buck a month gets your ad to over 16 million optin
    PayPal subscribers, yearly! That's 50,000 every day!
** has just been bought by!
    Just THINK how many millions more subscribers will be
    automatically added to the database your ad will
    be sent to...

** No more daily blasting!  Set your ad, forget it, and
    OUR servers will auto-send it daily  OR

** Change your ad any time to reach those same prospects
    with a different opportunity!

** Your ad will *not* roll off of like on FFA sites or 
    free safe-lists! Delivery is *staggered* so that
    prospects will actually *see* your ad!

Lock in your subscription now!

PS. Because of the eBay merger with PayPal our database
     becomes more and valuable with every day. Prices
     for membership will increase to $12 quarterly soon.
     So HURRY and secure your position NOW!
This e-mail is sent in compliance with strict anti-abuse 
and NO SPAM regulations. You are receiving this message
for one of the following reasons: 

1) you are on the same opt-in list 
2) your address was collected as a result of
    posting to a link
3) you are on a opt-in list that I have purchased
4) as an automated response to your URL submission to one 
    of our FFA Link Pages. 

You may remove your E-mail address at no cost to you 
whatsoever by simply clicking on 'Reply' and type :
"remove" into the subject line. That's it.

This, however, is not necessary since this is a one time
mailing only. You will not receive any more email from us.

This is not spam as we have included contact information
and a remove link in accordance with the Unsolicited 
Commercial Electronic Mail Act of 2001.
Refer to:

Thanks for reading this message - have a great day!

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