On 19 Mar 2002 at 9:21, Sunder wrote:
> So why do you [Jim Choate] run a CDR node?  If you're claiming
> that the ideals that Erich Hughes and Tim May forged are "CACL
> theories" and you disagree with them, then why run a such a
> mailing list node?

Back in the big period of revolutions, the late eighteenth
century, the socialists were on the wrong side, the past and
losing side, and ever since then they have been running around
trying to intrude themselves into anything that seems to be on the
side of the future, and the side of revolution

In fact of course, revolutions, now as back then, have been
capitalist, and often anti socialist, and the socialist presence
and influence in these revolutionary and subversive movements has
generally been as hostile and alien as that of Jim Choate and
Mathew X is among us.   Thus the Soviet communist revolution was
in fact a counterrevolutionary coup, carried on by a tiny
conspiratorial group against a chaotic revolutionary regime,
Castro purported to be making anti communist revolution against
the communist Batista, the Sandinistas came to power with Violetta
Chamorro as their front woman, and then dumped this supposed
leadership once they got their hands on power, and so on and so

This intrusion has generally had the same levels of hostility and
anger as we see in Jim Choate and Mathew X.  For example until
1944 the Soviet KGB administrator, Ho Chi Minh, working behind his
desk in Moscow, had the agents under his direction spent far more
time, energy, and effort murdering Vietnamese nationalists than
they did killing colonialists. 

         James A. Donald

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