On Sun, 29 Aug 2004, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

> Question for the crowd: How difficult it would be to write a suitable 
> crypto engine as a plug-in module for FUSE itself? Then we could have 
> support for encrypted files on any filesystem accessible through FUSE.
> -----------
> http://www.boingboing.net/2004/08/29/turn_gmail_storage_i.html

It seems that there is a solution Out There already, in the form of EncFS. 
See http://arg0.net/users/vgough/encfs.html

Mount the GmailFS as eg. /mnt/gmail, and then mount encfs to eg. 
/mnt/gmailsec with /mnt/gmail as its root.

Voila, problem solved! (At least theoretically. I didn't test it.)

What are your thoughts on EncFS, please?

Related note: Is there a way to encrypt a removable medium, eg. a CD or 
DVD disk, in a way that makes it readable under all major OSs (with the 
required add-ons installed), namely Linux, BSD, and Windows 98/2000/XP? 
The appeal (and a certain disadvantage) of EncFS is its file-oriented 
approach, making it easy to have a portable userspace decoding utility, 
for data access anywhere if you got the password.

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