[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [p2p-hackers] P2P Authentication]

2005-11-01 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Kerry Bonin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Kerry Bonin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 07:25:20 -0800
To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [p2p-hackers] P2P Authentication
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)
Reply-To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


In my experience w/ pretty hardcore authentication and security domains, 
it is pretty much impossible to guarantee that a remote node connecting 
over an untrusted network is running trusted code.  For every clever way 
to try and detect a compromised client, there are even more clever ways 
to subvert the detection process.  The simplest model - simply reverse 
engineer the network traffic via packet capture, and write a client that 
looks identical from the network traffic.  One example of a common 
client validation approach is requesting a strong checksum of some 
random range of the client or its dataset, but this is pretty trivial to 
circumvent once you have a complete copy of the client and have reverse 
engineered its checksum algorithm.

In my experience, if you really care about what your node are doing, 
then NEVER trust ANY node - validate every bit of every packet.

If you are trying to catch compromised nodes, there are clever ways to 
do that - build heuristic models that examine what nodes are doing, and 
forward captures to admin nodes for human analysis for heuristic 
refinement and analysis of what your attackers are up to.  While it is 
in theory impossible to allow users to do "anything" and still catch a 
user "doing something they're not supposed to", it may be possible to 
specify terms in your EULA that define constraints users would not 
typically violate, and respond with penalties that are not too strong 
for the corner cases where a user triggers a false positive by crossing 
the line.  An example of this in the file sharing domain would be 
temporary bans on nodes that initiated too many searches in some time 
frame, suggesting spidering.  On the other hand, clever 
counter-heuristics and large numbers of zombies can defeat most 
heuristics - see SPAM for many examples...


Frank Moore wrote:

>Matthew Kaufman wrote:
>>I think what you're asking here is "is it possible to design a p2p 
>>such that the peers must be running the official code that does the 
>>thing, instead of running some subverted code that does something 
>Very eloquently put. Yes, this is exactly what I was asking.
>We supply the client as well as the server and we just need to make 
>sure that any client that joins the
>network is our client and not a 'rogue'.
>>The one exception is that you *can* in some cases design the network 
>>that peers that don't behave "properly" are shunned or dropped by the 
>>of the network, assuming that such behavior is detectable. For 
>>instance, in
>>a distributed file store, you could store test data and see if it sticks
>>around... If it doesn't, that peer is "cheating".
>We have a way (we think) of authenticating the stream put out by a 
>peer, so we can catch a 'rogue' client this
>way, but it seems more logical to prevent someone from logging into 
>the network in the first place.
>Thanks for your help,
>p2p-hackers mailing list
>Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

p2p-hackers mailing list
Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

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Description: Digital signature

Re: Multiple passports?

2005-10-30 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sun, Oct 30, 2005 at 03:05:25AM +, Justin wrote:
> If I apply for a new one now, and then apply for a another one once the
> gov starts RFID-enabling them, will the first one be invalidated?  Or
> can I have two passports, the one without RFID to use, and the one with
> RFID to play with?

Here in Germany the current ID (sans smartcard/rfid/biometics) will
be valid until expiry date.

Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820http://www.leitl.org
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] more on U.S. passports to receive RFID implants start

2005-10-30 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sat, Oct 29, 2005 at 08:42:35PM -0400, Tyler Durden wrote:
> One thing to think about with respect to the RFID passports...
> Um, uh...surely once in a while the RFID tag is going to get corrupted or 
> something...right? I'd bet it ends up happening all the time. In those 
> cases they probably have to fall back upon the traditional passport usage 
> and inspection.

Actually, an RFID can be ridiculously reliable. It will also
depend on how much harassment a traveler will be exposed to, 
when travelling. Being barred from entry will definitely prove
sufficient deterrment.
> The only question is, what could (believably) damage the RFID?

Microwaving it will blow up the chip, and cause a scorched spot.
Severing the antenna would be enough for the chip to become mute.
Violetwanding or treating with a Tesla generator should destroy
all electronics quite reliably -- you always have to check, of

Also, the ID is quite expensive, and a frequent traveller
will wind up with a considerable expense, and hassle.

Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820http://www.leitl.org
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] more on U.S. passports to receive RFID implants starting in October 2006 [priv]]

2005-10-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 17:49:06 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] more on U.S. passports to receive RFID implants starting in 
October 2006 [priv]
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Edward Hasbrouck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 28, 2005 11:07:28 AM EDT
Subject: Re: [IP] more on U.S. passports to receive RFID implants  
starting in October 2006 [priv]

>From: "Lin, Herb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>*Front* cover?  Does that mean that if I hold the passport the wrong
>way, the skimmer will have a free ride?


(1) The sample RFID passports that Frank Moss passed around at CFP,  
looked like <http://travel.state.gov/passport/eppt/eppt_2501.html>, had
the RFID chip (which was barely detectable by feel) in the *back* cover.
The visible data page was/is, as with current passports, in the *front*
cover.  This is not compliant with the ICAO specifications, which
recommend having the chip in the same page as the visible data, to  
make it
more difficult to separate them.  I can only guess that it was hard to
laminate the visible data without damaging the chip, if it was in the  
page.  But it's interesting in light of the importance supposedly being
placed on compliance with ICAO standards.

(2) Moss had 2 sample RFID passports, 1 with and 1 without the  
He cliamed it was a layer in the entire outer cover (front and back),  
it wasn't detectable by feel.

I have more threat scenarios for the latest flavor of RFID passport at:


Edward Hasbrouck

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Description: Digital signature

Re: [PracticalSecurity] Anonymity - great technology but hardly used

2005-10-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 11:28:42PM -0400, R.A. Hettinga wrote:

> The cypherpunks list is about anything we want it to be. At this stage in
> the lifecycle (post-nuclear-armageddon-weeds-in-the-rubble), it's more
> about the crazy bastards who are still here than it is about just about
> anything else.

While I don't exactly know why the list died, I suspect it
was the fact that most list nodes offered a feed full of spam,
dropped dead quite frequently, and also overusing that "needs 
killing" thing (okay, it was funny for a while).

The list needs not to stay dead, with some finite effort on our
part (all of us) we can well resurrect it. If there's a real content
there's even no need from all those forwards, to just fake
a heartbeat.

Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820http://www.leitl.org
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [p2p-hackers] P2P Authentication]

2005-10-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Matthew Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Matthew Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 19:28:53 -0700
To: "'Peer-to-peer development.'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [p2p-hackers] P2P Authentication
X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.6353
Reply-To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Alen Peacock:
>   Personally, I'm put off by the centralization.  I'm not 
> really concerned about the library size or complexity of 
> PKI,.  In fact, my experience indicates that implementing 
> centralized CAs is a good deal less complex than trying to 
> distribute identity verification throughout the system with 
> no centralization.

Agreed... Hierarchical PKI with a single root is distinctly easier than
multiple roots, random chains of trust, or reputation models, which is why
we've started with the simplest design for the default PKI that ships with
the amicima MFP and MFPNet libraries.
>   Completely decentralized p2p applications have the 
> advantage of being especially resilient to DoS and other 
> attacks on centrality. 
> Introducing centralized components negates this advantage.  

It negates some advantages, not all.

> In the case of using CAs in a p2p app, the entire network can 
> be disabled by attacking the CAs.

As has already been pointed out, the network still runs, but new clients
can't be authenticated. However, it is possible to make that unlikely... For
instance, if enough trusted entities already have the ability to sign keys,
you can reduce the odds that an attacker can successfully disable ALL of the
CAs. Adding additional roots to the PKI, especially if they are public roots
that are unlikely to be disabled, also helps... It doesn't seem likely that
the world will shut down the existing secure web PKI in order to take your
P2P app off the air.
>   p2p networks pose an interesting challenge because you have 
> to design for the fact that malicious or misbehaving clients 
> *will* be present. 

This is actually true of the entire Internet and isn't unique to p2p
networks at all. All protocol implementations and higher level applications
that run on them must be designed to deal with malicious or misbehaving
clients will be present... See buffer overflows of mail servers and http
servers, for instance.

> Since there is no single entity or known 
> group of entities controlling the nodes (as in typical 
> distributed applications), there is no way to enforce 
> adherence to protocols other than with the protocols 
> themselves.  

This isn't about p2p networks at all, but about open-source distribution, it
seems. Lots of totally proprietary p2p and client-server applications have
been shipped where "a single entity" controls the implementation... Skype
comes to mind as an example in the P2P space. These have the temporary
advantage of unpublished protocols and implementations, but this won't stop
a dedicated attacker for long, which brings us back to the original point,
that everything attached to the Internet needs to assume that malicious and
misbehaving things will try to mess things up.

Whether or not that really matters is another point... There's numerous ways
one could build a highly incorrect Gnutella peer, for instance, and yet it
doesn't seem to have become commonplace.

> This may sound idealistic and naive, perhaps 
> justly so, but the further away from protocols that require 
> centralized architectures we get, the better (IMHO, of course).

Well, that's why we're all here on the "P2P" hackers list, I suppose,
because we believe that decentralization is good, but it doesn't really
change the most basic of the design parameters at all.

Matthew Kaufman

p2p-hackers mailing list
Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

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8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] EFF: Court Issues Surveillance Smack-Down to Justice Department]

2005-10-27 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 19:28:46 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] EFF: Court Issues Surveillance Smack-Down to Justice Department
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 26, 2005 7:00:22 PM EDT
Subject: [E-B] EFF: Court Issues Surveillance Smack-Down to Justice  

Electronic Frontier Foundation Media Release

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Kevin Bankston
   Staff Attorney
   Electronic Frontier Foundation
   +1 415 436-9333 x126

Kurt Opsahl
   Staff Attorney
   Electronic Frontier Foundation
   +1 415 436 9333 x106

Court Issues Surveillance Smack-Down to Justice Department

No Cell Phone Location Tracking Without Probable Cause

New York - Agreeing with a brief submitted by EFF, a
federal judge forcefully rejected the government's request
to track the location of a mobile phone user without a

Strongly reaffirming an earlier decision, Federal
Magistrate James Orenstein in New York comprehensively
smacked down every argument made by the government in an
extensive, fifty-seven page opinion issued this week.
Judge Orenstein decided, as EFF has urged, that tracking
cell phone users in real time required a showing of
probable cause that a crime was being committed.Judge
Orenstein's opinion was decisive, and referred to
government arguments variously as "unsupported,"
"misleading," "contrived," and a "Hail Mary."

"This is a true victory for privacy in the digital age,
where nearly any mobile communications device you use might
be converted into a tracking device," said EFF Staff
Attorney Kevin Bankston. "Combined with a similar decision
this month from a federal court in Texas, I think we're
seeing a trend--judges are starting to realize that when it
comes to surveillance issues, the DOJ has been pulling the
wool over their eyes for far too long."

Earlier this month, a magistrate judge in Texas, following
the lead of Orenstein's original decision, published his
own decision denying a government application for a cell
phone tracking order.  That ruling, along with Judge
Orenstein's two decisions, revealed that the DOJ has
routinely been securing court orders for real-time cell
phone tracking without probable cause and without any law
authorizing the surveillance.

"The Justice Department's abuse of the law here is probably
just the tip of the iceberg," said EFF Staff Attorney Kurt
Opsahl.  "The routine transformation of your mobile phone
into a tracking device, without any legal authority, raises
an obvious and very troubling question:  what other new
surveillance powers has the government been creating out of
whole cloth and how long have they been getting away with

The government is expected to appeal both decisions and EFF
intends to participate as a friend of the court in each

You can read the full text of Judge Orenstein's new
opinion, and the similar Texas opinion, at

For this release:

About EFF

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading civil
liberties organization working to protect rights in the
digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF actively encourages and
challenges industry and government to support free
expression and privacy online. EFF is a member-supported
organization and maintains one of the most linked-to
websites in the world at http://www.eff.org/


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [p2p-hackers] P2P Authentication]

2005-10-27 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Kerry Bonin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Kerry Bonin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2005 06:52:57 -0700
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [p2p-hackers] P2P Authentication
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)
Reply-To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There are only two good ways to provide man-in-the-middle resistant 
authentication with key repudiation in a distributed system - using a 
completely trusted out of band channel to manage everything, or use a 
PKI.  I've used PKI for >100k node systems, it works great if you keep 
it simple and integrate your CRL mechanism - in a distributed system the 
pieces are all already there!  I think some people are put off by the 
size and complexity of the libraries involved, which doesn't have to be 
the case - I've got a complete RSA/DSA X.509 compliant cert based PKI 
(leveraging LibTomCrypt for crypto primitives) in about 2k lines of C++, 
<30k object code, works great (I'll open that source as LGPL when I 
deploy next year...)  The only hard part about integrating into a p2p 
network is securing the CA's, and that's more of a network security 
problem than a p2p problem...



>>>And if they do, then why reinvent the wheel? Traditional public key
>>>signing works well for these cases.
>> Traditional public key signing doesn't work well if you want to
>>eliminate the central authority / trusted third party.  If you like
>>keeping those around, then yes, absolutely, traditional PKI works
>Where is the evidence of this bit about "traditional PKI working"?  As far 
>I've observed, traditional PKI works barely for small, highly centralized,
>hierarchical organizations and not at all for anything else.  Am I missing 
>case studies of PKI actually working as intended?
>p2p-hackers mailing list
>Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

p2p-hackers mailing list
Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: EFF is looking for Tor DMCA test case volunteers]

2005-10-27 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 16:55:36 -0400
Subject: EFF is looking for Tor DMCA test case volunteers
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

Fred asked me to forward this to the list. If you have legal questions
(and probably most questions about this count as legal questions), you
should contact Fred and Kevin directly (fred at eff.org and bankston at
eff.org). Fred also reminds us that any correspondence you have with me
or others here would be discoverable, so that's an added incentive to
go to them directly.

Please look through this checklist, and decide if you match the profile
they're looking for. I'd like to encourage you to contact them even
if there are a few points you don't match so well -- I'd rather have a
big pile of pretty-good volunteers than have everybody hold off because
they are not perfectly suited -- then Fred and Kevin can make their own
decisions from there.


If record label and movie studio representatives continue sending
infringement notices to Tor node operators and their upstream ISPs,
it will become increasingly important to set a clear legal precedent
establishing that merely running a node does not create copyright
liability for either node operators or their bandwidth providers. In
order to establish such a precedent, it will be necessary to bring or
defend a test case. EFF is actively seeking clients willing to be the
test case.

Picking the right client is half the battle in any test case.
Accordingly, we cannot promise that we will be able to defend any and
all Tor node operators. There are several factors that are relevant
in finding the right test case client. Here are some of them:

1. You must have received a complaint from a copyright owner about
operating a Tor node. Complaints from your ISP about running a proxy
do not count, even if they mention copyright infringement as the
reason for their objection -- that's a contractual fight between you
and your bandwidth provider. We are looking for node operators who
have either received copyright complaints directly, or forwarded to
them from their ISPs.

2. You should not be an infringer yourself, or be engaged in any
other kind of unlawful activity. In litigation, the copyright owners
will want to examine every hard drive and email message in your
possession or control, looking for evidence that you are running Tor
because you want to encourage people to infringe copyright. So if you
are a big file-sharer, warez trader, or are involved in any other
unlawful activities (even if unrelated to Tor), you are probably not
the right person.

3. You should have a legitimate reason to run Tor. If you are the
client for the test case, you will be deposed under oath and asked
why you run Tor. You should be able to truthfully respond in a way
that does not suggest that you are doing it to encourage any illegal
activity, including copyright infringement. For example, running it
because you value free speech is a legitimate reason. Same if you are
running it for research purposes. Any documentary evidence from your
past (e.g., emails, papers presented, etc) should not contradict your
story. Most Tor node operators will qualify under this criteria, but
if you wrote a bunch of emails and bulletin board posts describing
how great Tor will be for the coming copyright revolution, you are
probably not the ideal client.

4. You should be willing to see the case through. Litigation takes
time -- often several years. The process will occasionally involve
some inconvenience, including depositions and allowing the other side
to go through most documents in your possession or control (including
email, hard drives, etc). EFF will provide the legal services for
free. But there is some risk of personal liability for damages,
perhaps amounting to several thousand dollars, if we lose. We will do
everything to minimize the risk, but cannot eliminate it altogether.

5. You should be located in the United States. Your Tor server should
also be located in the United States.

6. You should have an upstream bandwidth provider who will stand by
you. It would be less than ideal if your upstream ISP terminates your
account before we ever get to court.


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Description: Digital signature

Re: [PracticalSecurity] Anonymity - great technology but hardly used

2005-10-27 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 08:41:48PM -0500, Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

> 1) You have told your HR person what a bad idea it is to introduce a
> dependency on a proprietary file format, right?

Telling is useless. Are you in a sufficient position of power to make
them stop using it? I doubt it, because that person will be backed
both by your and her boss. Almost always.

It's never about merit, and not even money, but about predeployed
base and interoperability. In today's world, you minimize the surprise
on the opposite party's end if you stick with Redmondware. (Businessfolk
hate surprises, especially complicated, technical, boring surprises).
> 2) OpenOffice can read Excel spreadsheets, and I would assume it can
> save the changes back to them as well.

OpenOffice & Co usually supports a subset of Word and Excel formats.
If you want to randomly annoy your coworkers, use OpenOffice to process
the documents in MS Office formats before passing them on, without
telling what you're doing. Much hilarity will ensue.

Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820http://www.leitl.org
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

/. [Snooping Through Walls with Microwaves]

2005-10-26 Thread Eugen Leitl

Link: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/10/26/0424211
Posted by: ScuttleMonkey, on 2005-10-26 10:26:00

   denis-The-menace writes "According to an article from newscientist,
   scientists have devised a system to [1]use microwave energy for
   surveillance. If people are speaking inside the room, any flimsy
   surface, such as clothing, will be vibrating. This modulates the radio
   beam reflected from the surface. Although the radio reflection that
   passes back through the wall is extremely faint, the kind of
   electronic extraction and signal cleaning tricks used by NASA to
   decode signals in space can be used to extract speech. Although, I
   doubt it would work in [2]this room"


   1. http://www.newscientist.com.nyud.net:8090/article.ns?id=dn8208
   2. http://www.imagireal.com.nyud.net:8090/gallery/foiled

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Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820http://www.leitl.org
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [Politech] U.S. passports to receive RFID implants starting in October 2006 [priv]]

2005-10-25 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh  -

From: Declan McCullagh 
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 13:23:23 -0700
To: politech@politechbot.com
Subject: [Politech] U.S. passports to receive RFID implants starting in
 October 2006 [priv]
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Macintosh/20050716)

Text of regulations:



Passports to get RFID chip implants
October 25, 2005, 12:12 PM PDT

All U.S. passports will be implanted with remotely-readable computer 
chips starting in October 2006, the Bush administration has announced.

Sweeping new State Department regulations issued Tuesday say that 
passports issued after that time will have tiny radio frequency ID 
(RFID) chips that can transmit personal information including the name, 
nationality, sex, date of birth, place of birth and digitized photograph 
of the passport holder. Eventually, the government contemplates adding 
additional digitized data such as "fingerprints or iris scans."

Over the last year, opposition to the idea of implanting RFID chips in 
passports has grown amidst worries that identity thieves could snatch 
personal information out of the air simply by aiming a high-powered 
antenna at a person or a vehicle carrying a passport. Out of the 2,335 
comments on the plan that were received by the State Department this 
year, 98.5 percent were negative. The objections mostly focused on 
security and privacy concerns.

[...remainder snipped...]
Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
Moderated by Declan McCullagh (http://www.mccullagh.org/)

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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Wiretapping innocent people on the Internet]

2005-10-25 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 14:08:43 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] Wiretapping innocent people on the Internet
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

To: Declan McCullagh , [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Politech] Wiretapping innocent people on the Internet
In-reply-to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:20:16 -0700
From: John Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The NYT covered this story, on the front page, too.  But somehow it
was all about "Colleges Protest Call to Upgrade Online Systems".  It
wasn't about the government automating the bugging of every student,
professor, and staff person by typing a few commands from the basement
of the FBI building.  The nasty word "wiretap" didn't appear til the
eighth paragraph, "below the fold", and when it did appear, it was
buried in mid-sentence, right next to "criminals, terrorists and
spies".  (They never wiretap "citizens", "innocent bystanders", or
"suspects", and everyone wiretapped is of course guilty-as-charged,
though they haven't been charged with any crime yet.)

There's no shortage of bias in the New York Times, but this is a
particularly blatant example.  Now why is it in the interest of
the Times to build wiretapping into the hardware of the Internet?

The story also claimed that "Because the government would have to win
court orders before undertaking surveillance, the universities are not
raising civil liberties issues."  I think there's a civil liberties
issue when the US Government wants to wire the country like the Stasi
wired East Germany for indiscriminate bugging.  And there's no
"winning" of these court orders; they happen in secret, without the
participation or knowledge of the target of the wiretap.  The
university cannot appear in court to argue about whether the order
should be issued (and very few challenge them after issuance).  In
most cases the judge is *required* to issue the secret wiretap order
every time the Feds merely say "we need the info".  To get 99% of such
orders, they don't need a warrant, nor probable cause to believe that
a crime has been committed.

What used to be tough wiretap standards have been whittled away inch
by inch by decades of aggressive pushing on the part of the FBI, DEA,
CIA, NSA, and DoJ.  In August, one judge woke up and published a
decision that said, despite his previously regular issuance of secret
orders to track the location of peoples' cellphones in real time,
without probable cause or any suspicion of criminal activity, he was
concerned about whether this routine secret practice was actually
legal.  (See http://www.eff.org/news/archives/2005_09.php#004002).
Bravo for that one judge who found his conscience.  The government
argues that under the same conditions (no warrant, no reason to
suspect you in particular), they can monitor about 40% of the bits you
send over the Internet, in real time, including where you are, who
you're talking with, what protocols you're using, and every URL, email
address, IM name, or other "addressing and signaling information".
(I argue that they don't have this authority, but I never get to show
up in court at these discussions with the judge.)

Not only is this information supposedly legal for the government to
get about every citizen, it's perfect for automated software tracking
of who's-talking-to-who, all the time.  The NSA term for it is
"traffic analysis", and most of it works even if your communications
are encrypted.

I understand why the authoritarian brass would want routine wiretaps
of the innocent; as Orson Welles said, "Only in a police state is the
job of a policeman easy."  They've lost sight of their goal (keeping
people safe and free), yet redoubled their efforts.  Why this would be
in the interest of the citizens (or the FCC, or the NY Times) is the

John Gilmore (speaking for myself)

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Skype security evaluation]]

2005-10-24 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Damien Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Damien Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:39:42 +1000 (EST)
To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Skype security evaluation]

On Sun, 23 Oct 2005, Joseph Ashwood wrote:

>- Original Message - Subject: [Tom Berson Skype Security Evaluation]
>Tom Berson's conclusion is incorrect. One needs only to take a look at the
>publicly available information. I couldn't find an immediate reference
>directly from the Skype website, but it uses 1024-bit RSA keys, the coverage
>of breaking of 1024-bit RSA has been substantial. The end, the security is 
>flawed. Of course I told them this now years ago, when I told them that 
>1024-bit RSA should be retired in favor of larger keys, and several other 
>people as well told them.

More worrying is the disconnect between the front page summary and the 
body of the review. If one only reads the summary, then one would only see 
the gushing praise and not the SSH protocol 1-esque use of a weak CRC as a 
integrity mechanism (section 3.4.4) or what sounds suspiciously like a 
exploitable signed vs. unsigned issue in protocol parsing (section 3.4.6).

Also disappointing is the focus on the correct implementation of 
cryptographic primitives (why not just use tested commercial or 
open-source implementations?) to the exclusion of other more interesting 
questions (at least to me):

- What properties does the proprietary key agreement protocol offer (it
  sounds a bit like an attenuated version of the SSH-1 KEX protocol and,
  in particular, doesn't appear to offer PFS).

- Does the use of RC4 follow Mantin's recommendations to discard the
  early, correlated keystream?

- How does the use of RC4 to generate RSA keys work when only 64 bits of
  entropy are collected from Skype's RNG? (Section 3.1)

- Why does Skype "roll its own" entropy collection functions instead of
  using the platform's standard one?

- Ditto the use of standard protocols? (DTLS would seem an especially
  obvious choice).

- What techniques (such as privilege dropping or separation) does Skype
  use to limit the scope of a network compromise of a Skype client?


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Publicizing Hidden Services]

2005-10-24 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 23:41:20 -0400
Subject: Re: Publicizing Hidden Services
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 11:17:56PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 10:37:54PM -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 2.3K bytes 
> in 57 lines about:
> : It would probably work (publishing of hidden services I mean) if it was a
> : voluntary thing. Like having a central place for people to leave a link and
> : general desc. would be nice...
>   http://4ha7nlx3shi5gcty.onion/

And the more canonical one is

which is linked from
but could also be helpfully linked from overview.html and
documentation.html (which was why this thread started).

I've just linked them more loudly from both of these places. Let
me know if you think that helps.

I couldn't actually access the one phobos provided. Which leads to the
more important point -- we need to work on speed and reliability of
hidden services before we try to make them more popular. That's on the
todo list, but it's pretty far down the list at this point, at least
until somebody with funding decides that this is important to them.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Access for the uncomputed]

2005-10-24 Thread Eugen Leitl
t; considering interfacing it with a proper anonymizer at some point,
> > > > like Tor, so I'd be happy to do that if thats what you want.
> > > >
> > > > The script -shouldn't- be breaking stylesheets, so I'll have a look :)
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Patrick
> > > > +++
> > > > Public Key ID 0x4A6880B2
> > > > Key Fingerprint: 7867 E238 1608 1A20 89C4  BA6C 8FC3 C6EB 4A68 80B2
> > > > http://warhn.org/pcoleman/pubkey.txt
> > > >
> > > > On 22/06/05, Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 03:26:33PM -0700, Joel Franusic wrote:
> > > > > > Some quick searches on sf.net and freshmeat.net turn up:
> > > > > > http://cecid.sourceforge.net/
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Links to servers running CECID:
> > > > > > http://cecid.sourceforge.net/mirrors.php
> > > > >
> > > > > Oh hey, and Patrick Coleman runs a Tor server too:
> > > > > http://serifos.eecs.harvard.edu:8000/cgi-bin/desc.pl?q=hal
> > > > >
> > > > > Patrick, how is this going? It looks like Tor can replace the more
> > > > > ambitious part of your project, but step one is still a hard task to
> > > > > get right too. :)
> > > > >
> > > > > It looks like it's GPL, which is good. But it looks like it breaks
> > > > > stylesheets of the pages it downloads (e.g. tor.eff.org), which is
> > > > > bad. What about SSL to the proxy page? Does it have a back-end that 
> > > > > can
> > > > > http-proxy to privoxy, and/or socks4a-proxy to Tor?
> > > > >
> > > > > Is this still in development, or should I take the "Copyright 2003"
> > > > > to be a bad sign? :)
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > --Roger
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Public Key ID 0x4A6880B2
> > > > Key Fingerprint: 7867 E238 1608 1A20 89C4  BA6C 8FC3 C6EB 4A68 80B2
> > > > http://warhn.org/pcoleman/pubkey.txt
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Public Key ID 0x4A6880B2
> > > Key Fingerprint: 7867 E238 1608 1A20 89C4  BA6C 8FC3 C6EB 4A68 80B2
> > > http://warhn.org/pcoleman/pubkey.txt
> > >
> >
> --
> Public Key ID 0x4A6880B2
> Key Fingerprint: 7867 E238 1608 1A20 89C4  BA6C 8FC3 C6EB 4A68 80B2
> http://warhn.org/pcoleman/pubkey.txt

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Skype security evaluation]

2005-10-23 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from "Steven M. Bellovin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: "Steven M. Bellovin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 09:48:37 -0400
To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Subject: Skype security evaluation
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Skype has released an external security evaluation of its product; you 
can find it at 
(Skype was also clueful enough to publish the PGP signature of the 
report, an excellent touch -- see 
The author of the report, Tom Berson, has been in this business for many
years; I have a great deal of respect for him.

--Steven M. Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] more on Colleges protest netwoprk upgrades to allow easier surveillance]

2005-10-22 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 16:36:43 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] more on  Colleges protest netwoprk upgrades to allow easier 
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: finin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 22, 2005 3:22:57 PM EDT
To: Dave Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Colleges protest netwoprk upgrades to allow easier surveillance

According to this story, the only complaint from colleges is
the cost.  In addition to ultimate concerns about privacy,
are there also technical issues that might come up, like
adding to latency or congestion?  Many universities are
engaged in building and testing innovative high speed
computation and communication applications and testbeds that
span the Internet.  Would a required re-architecting of
campus networks cause problems for this kind of research?
I'm not expert enough in these areas to have a well informed
opinion. Tim


Colleges Protest Call to Upgrade Online Systems
By Sam Dillon and Stephen Labaton, NYT, October 23, 2005

The federal government, vastly extending the reach of an
11-year-old law, is requiring hundreds of universities,
online communications companies and cities to overhaul their
Internet computer networks to make it easier for law
enforcement authorities to monitor e-mail and other online

The action, which the government says is intended to help
catch terrorists and other criminals, has unleashed protests
and the threat of lawsuits from universities, which argue
that it will cost them at least $7 billion while doing
little to apprehend lawbreakers. Because the government
would have to win court orders before undertaking
surveillance, the universities are not raising civil
liberties issues.

The order, issued by the Federal Communications Commission
in August and first published in the Federal Register last
week, extends the provisions of a 1994 wiretap law not only
to universities, but also to libraries, airports providing
wireless service and commercial Internet access providers.

It also applies to municipalities that provide Internet
access to residents, be they rural towns or cities like
Philadelphia and San Francisco, which have plans to build
their own Net access networks.  So far, however,
universities have been most vocal in their opposition.
The universities do not question the government's right to
use wiretaps to monitor terrorism or criminal suspects on
college campuses, Mr. Hartle said, only the order's rapid
timetable for compliance and extraordinary cost.
But the federal law would apply a high-tech approach,
enabling law enforcement to monitor communications at
campuses from remote locations at the turn of a switch.  It
would require universities to re-engineer their networks so
that every Net access point would send all communications
not directly onto the Internet, but first to a network
operations center where the data packets could be stitched
together into a single package for delivery to law
enforcement, university officials said.
Law enforcement has only infrequently requested to monitor
Internet communications anywhere, much less on university
campuses or libraries, according to the Center for Democracy
and Technology. In 2003, only 12 of the 1,442 state and
federal wiretap orders were issued for computer
communications, and the F.B.I. never argued that it had
difficulty executing any of those 12 wiretaps, the center

"We keep asking the F.B.I., What is the problem you're
trying to solve?" Mr. Dempsey said. "And they have never
showed any problem with any university or any for-profit
Internet access provider. The F.B.I. must demonstrate
precisely why it wants to impose such an enormously
disruptive and expensive burden."

 Tim Finin, Computer Science & Electrical Engineering, Univ of Maryland
 Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Cir, Baltimore MD 21250. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 http://ebiquity.umbc.edu 410-455-3522 fax:-3969 http://umbc.edu/~finin

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2005-10-22 Thread Eugen Leitl
st of an additional $13 million, to replace  
equipment that is brand new.

"It's like you buy a new car, and then the E.P.A. says you have to  
buy a new car again," Mr. Siegel said. "You'd say, 'Gee, could I just  
buy a new muffler?' "

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: nym paper preprint]

2005-10-22 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 10:20:40 + (UTC)
Subject: nym paper preprint

I've finished a first draft of an academic paper on nym:


nym is a straightforward application of blind signatures to create a
pseudonymity system with extremely low barriers to adoption.  Clients use
an entirely browser-based application to pseudonymously obtain a blinded
token which can be anonymously exchanged for an ordinary TLS client
certificate.  In the appendix, we give the complete Javascript application
and the necessary patch to use client certificates in place of IP addresses
in the popular web application MediaWiki.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: nym-0.4 released (now includes Javascript)]

2005-10-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 09:22:34 + (UTC)
Subject: nym-0.4 released (now includes Javascript)

The most notable feature in this release of nym is that you can now use nym 
entirely from your web browser:


Until someone figures out how to create client certificate requests in 
Javascript, the CA will have to do so instead (or, you could generate the 
request on a separate machine and paste it in with a trivial hack).  This 
means the CA will know your certificate's private key; this is bad if you 
want to make sure you can never be impersonated.  It's actually good if you 
want deniability, since you can always claim that the CA chose to 
impersonate you.

There are other miscellaneous bugfixes which break compatibility with 
earlier versions.

Sources (including the javascript client) are available here, as always:



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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: SSL fro hidden services]

2005-10-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from "Dan Mahoney, System Admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

From: "Dan Mahoney, System Admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 19:18:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: SSL fro hidden services

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, loki tiwaz wrote:

>>>>>That said, the certificate naming scheme may be way off, since there's 
>>>>>no concept of a valid certificate (I doubt verisign will want to sign 
>>>>>one for 786237261871621.onion :)
>i am considering running an onion-based CA which could be used... i simply 
>need to make a script which allows a user to sign a certificate signing 
>request and produce a signed server key. the server key only needs to have 
>its onion address as content, nothing more is required, and a link to 
>import the CA key into the browser so that it can be trusted automatically 
>by the browser.
>>>>>However, assuming the user installs your self-signed cert, it *should* 
>>>>>work the same unless there's something I'm missing.)
>>>>>Of course, you're really just protecting content from being sniffed 
>>>>>between the user and the entry node (usually, the same machine, but not 
>>>>>always), and the exit node and the hidden service (presumably, you 
>>>>>control both).
>>>>>This is my understanding of it -- if someone has a better one please 
>>>>>step on me without hesitation :)
>yes, this is the case, and it is a valid reason to use ssl. in my opinion, 
>since tor already uses multi-layered encryption anyway, one more layer at 
>the core is not going to create that much of an extra load on the server, 
>and it means that there is no way the traffic can be sniffed at any point - 
>for example a trojan could sniff localhost traffic. also, using onion 
>routing defeats the one way in which SSL can be attacked, by 
>man-in-the-middle intermediaries on the network pathway, which of course 
>cannot be known within the tor network. Also, it should be noted that tor 
>exit nodes could potentially be modified to become men-in-the-middle, 
>although this would not be possible without compromising the key of the 
>server being contacted - another aspect of the advantage of using tor.
>onion addresses are impossible to remember though - which brings me to 
>another idea - of a name resolution system within the tor network so 
>simpler names can be used. this would require a second directory system, i 
>don't know if it is practical or not, but i thought i should put the idea 
>out there because i2p has name resolution systems, and benig able to type 
>in oniondomainname.onion rather than u15syoa125au.onion would be nice. it 
>would increase the rate of take-up of hidden services, both use and hosting.

The other thing that could be interesting of course is an onion-only 
search engine, which could either compliment or reduce the need for vanity 

Still, I don't see why the directory servers can't maintain this info.  It 
would have to (for the most part) be first-come first-served, and I 
suppose some sort of uptime monitoring should also play a part (i.e. if 
you don't use it for say 6 months, you lose it).

Shame there's not a whole lot of clients that make use of SRV records, as 
an onion specifier in there could prove remarkably useful in some way.


"If you aren't going to try something, then we might as well just be

"We can't have that now, can we?"

-SK & Dan Mahoney,  December 9, 1998

Dan Mahoney
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM
Site:  http://www.gushi.org

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: SSL fro hidden services]

2005-10-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from loki tiwaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: loki tiwaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2005 22:57:24 +
Subject: Re: SSL fro hidden services


>>>>That said, the certificate naming scheme may be way off, since there's 
>>>>no concept of a valid certificate (I doubt verisign will want to sign 
>>>>one for 786237261871621.onion :)

i am considering running an onion-based CA which could be used... i simply 
need to make a script which allows a user to sign a certificate signing 
request and produce a signed server key. the server key only needs to have 
its onion address as content, nothing more is required, and a link to import 
the CA key into the browser so that it can be trusted automatically by the 

>>>>However, assuming the user installs your self-signed cert, it *should* 
>>>>work the same unless there's something I'm missing.)
>>>>Of course, you're really just protecting content from being sniffed 
>>>>between the user and the entry node (usually, the same machine, but not 
>>>>always), and the exit node and the hidden service (presumably, you 
>>>>control both).
>>>>This is my understanding of it -- if someone has a better one please 
>>>>step on me without hesitation :)

yes, this is the case, and it is a valid reason to use ssl. in my opinion, 
since tor already uses multi-layered encryption anyway, one more layer at 
the core is not going to create that much of an extra load on the server, 
and it means that there is no way the traffic can be sniffed at any point - 
for example a trojan could sniff localhost traffic. also, using onion 
routing defeats the one way in which SSL can be attacked, by 
man-in-the-middle intermediaries on the network pathway, which of course 
cannot be known within the tor network. Also, it should be noted that tor 
exit nodes could potentially be modified to become men-in-the-middle, 
although this would not be possible without compromising the key of the 
server being contacted - another aspect of the advantage of using tor.

onion addresses are impossible to remember though - which brings me to 
another idea - of a name resolution system within the tor network so simpler 
names can be used. this would require a second directory system, i don't 
know if it is practical or not, but i thought i should put the idea out 
there because i2p has name resolution systems, and benig able to type in 
oniondomainname.onion rather than u15syoa125au.onion would be nice. it would 
increase the rate of take-up of hidden services, both use and hosting.

onion domains could be propagated throughout the onion network, so that 
every tor node can translate a name into an onion hashed address. there 
would also need to be a system to prevent name spoofing... how to ensure 
there is no collisions of names would be tricky - very likely it would 
require a set of authoritative name servers similar to how there is 
authoritative onion directory servers.

ah dammit, i am always ideas ideas ideas and so little action... 
prioritising goals is something i find difficult... i think i should make 
this idea a priority, however, which means joining the dev effort and, at 
the very least, defining a protocol, if not implementing code... well, 
anyway, i have put the idea out now. i think that the idea is a good one. 
tor is coming of age now and ideally tor should aim to provide all of the 
features one would expect in an internet layer, but with the guiding 
principle of protecting anonymity always ascendant. an onion-based CA would 
work much better if the name-resolution system were in place, so i think it 
should be the priority.


FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar - get it now! 

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] reply from Tropos on 1 more on Limits on wireless le ave U.S. at risk]

2005-10-18 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:07:11 -0500
To: ip@v2.listbox.com
Subject: [IP] reply from Tropos on 1 more on Limits on wireless le
 ave U.S. at risk
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Subject:RE: [IP] more on Limits on wireless leave U.S. at risk
Date:   18th October 2005 6:09:16 am


Tropos has shipped a couple of hundred of our Tropos 5210 mesh routers into
MS and LA in the days following the storm, and had a few hundred installed
in the stricken area previously.  These are high-power (36 dBm), high rx
sensitivity (-100 dBm), outdoor-constructed 802.11b/g access points with
embedded mesh routers so they can backhaul wirelessly amongst each other to
a source of Internet connectivity. Each has a 1,000 ft plus range to an
outdoor Wi-Fi device, emergency vehicle with external antenna or building
with a window-mounted CPE.  So, a couple of hundred nodes represents 10-15
sq mi or so of contiguous coverage in typical configuration. Every 10 nodes
or so are fed with a Motorola Canopy "WiMAX" link, typically shot from the
roof of an MCI PoP, or from city backhaul locations. These devices, at these
densities, are non line of sight so can be installed by city workers with
bucket trucks on street lamps, with power taken from street-light photo
cells.  They will self-configure, find their backhaul, optimize throughput
and route around problems. They can be battery and solar-powered due to
their low wattage (28 watts or so).

Last I have heard, we were in 25 or so FEMA and Red Cross shelters in NO,
Biloxi, Lamar-Dixon and Baton Rouge. We are around the NO airport and on a
couple of cruise ships off the gulf that are housing FEMA workers.  We had
200 nodes previously installed in high-crime areas of NO doing video
surveillance.  As the power has been restored to the street lights, these
nodes have come back up on their own and are performing their functions
again.  We are now in the process of expanding that network as a "force
multiplier" for the police. Data applications as well as Vonage phones and
Skype are active on the networks.

The CIO of NO is actually in DC today testifying about the benefits of Wi-Fi

Hope that helps.  You can see more on our technology at www.tropos.com 

Ron Sege
President and CEO
Tropos Networks
555 Del Rey Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94085

408-331-6810 office
650-861-7564 cell
617-407-5000 international cell
408-331-6530 fax

The leading supplier of products for building true metro-scale Wi-Fi mesh

-Original Message-
From: David P. Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [IP] more on Limits on wireless leave U.S. at risk

Gerry Faulhaber wrote:

> Reed claims firms were offering WiMax and WiFi mesh networks for  
> first responders in the wake of Katrina and Rita.  He also mentions  
> the role of municipal WiFi in this effort.  Coulda happened, but it  
> seems wildly unlikely.  Is there any proof of this?

I'm a bit skeptical about Reed Hundt's broad claims, too.   However, I 
do know that Tropos and others who have such technology were attempting 
to demonstrate the value of their systems post-Katrina, so there almost 
certainly was some deployment, given the value to the companies of the 
opportunity to show their stuff.

I've cc'ed Ron Sege of Tropos, who may have more direct knowledge and data.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Interoperating with p2p traffic]

2005-10-18 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Brian C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 18:26:58 -0700
Subject: Re: Interoperating with p2p traffic
User-Agent: Thunderbird 1.4 (Macintosh/20050908)


Matt Thorne wrote:
>That isn't a bad Idea, and possibly something that They (with help 
>ofcourse :-) could build into their P2P software. Probably not a bad 
>thing for them to lookinto just for their own use, not because We ask 
>them to, but becuase that would really mess with the heads of the people 
>at (Insert 4 letter accronym here).
>how do the people who feel posesive towards tor think about this idea?
>On 10/12/05, *Arrakistor* wrote
>What  if  we  designated  some type of tor family specifically for p2p
>content, and coordinated with the software developers?

If an anonymizing service based on Tor were integrated into some p2p 
project or if a fork of Tor were to devote itself to serving p2p, then 
that should only be encouraged by the current Tor community if

1. It didn't take away any current tor servers or tor resources.

2. It used another name and was clearly its own standalone effort.

The reason for 1 is obvious. If the point is to make Tor more usable, 
then we shouldn't support a migration of its resources elsewhere.

The reason for 2 should also be obvious. Tor is a neutral technology 
that allows privacy. Some people use their privacy for uses we want to 
support; others for uses we wish they wouldn't engage in. But, if 
something were called "Tor" and were devoted to p2p traffic then it 
would taint the whole Tor project. Don't get me wrong. p2p also has 
legitimate uses. But in the current climate anything remotely associated 
with file-sharing is assumed to be illegal. Let's not let that shadow be 
cast upon Tor. It has enough reputational problems already.

Also, Tor is open source. If someone wants to take the code and change 
it to use their own farm of servers exclusively for p2p traffic then 
there's nothing the Tor community can do to stop them. I'm not 
suggesting we should try to stop them. Rather, I'm suggesting we insist 
that if someone does do that, then they should not call it "Tor" or 
anything confusingly similar.


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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: nym-0.3 released]

2005-10-18 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 01:17:09 + (UTC)
Subject: nym-0.3 released

Hacking MediaWiki to map client certificates to IP addresses turns out to be 
quite trivial.  nym-0.3 includes the 17 line patch, as well as the security 
fix proposed by cyphrpunk.  The live demo at erg.no-ip.org now includes a 
live, patched MediaWiki called NymWiki.


If you want to be able to edit wikipedia through tor, I suggest you try out 
the code and email me, so that we can make a case that there's actual demand 
for inclusion of the patches.


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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: cost to install surveillance cameras in public places]

2005-10-17 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 03:37:01 -0400 (EDT)
To: kragen-tol@canonical.org
Subject: cost to install surveillance cameras in public places

Suppose you wanted to plant a hidden camera for some long period of
time and capture photos of all that went past.  You'd like to never
again have to enter the place where it's hidden, and only visit it
rarely; you'd like it to be small; and you'd like it to last a long
time.  For example, the book "The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces"
was based on a few years of research in this vein using Super 8
cameras for time-lapse photography.  It appears to me that this
equipment should now be incredibly cheap.

USB "webcams" that capture 100-kB 640x480 JPEGs are on the order of
$10.  I think 4-port USB hubs (again, on the order of $10) contain all
the hardware necessary to act as USB host controllers; one could
imagine integrating the USB hub hardware with a small single-board
computer with SD/MMC and Bluetooth interfaces, for a total cost on the
order of $50 plus up to 4 cameras and their USB cables, and an MMC
card ($50-$110).

This device would presently be limited in smallness only by the size
of its power supply, USB ports, and multi-chip integration, so it
could be concealed in many places.  You could probably run it on 200mW
when running (for less than a second) and <1mW when idle.

You could drop by periodically with an inconspicuous Bluetooth device,
such as a cellphone or laptop, to download the pictures (say, 4
cameras * 100kB/shot/camera * 4 shots / minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24
hours/day = 2.3GB/day; but one shot per minute is only 144MB/day).
Anyone snooping over Bluetooth at the time could tell that a lot of
data was being sent over Bluetooth (1megabit/sec? not sure; but at
that speed you'd have to spend 2300 seconds in the vicinity.)

Alternatively, you could use a directional antenna from hundreds of
meters away (the "Bluesniper" folks managed to do 1km.)

An adaptive surveillance algorithm could shoot four times per minute
until the data card was full, followed by twice a minute (replacing
every other old shot, starting with the oldest) until the data card
was all full at twice a minute, then once per minute (thinning out old
shots to once a minute) until it was full again, etc.

Supposing that USB 12Mbps transfers were the limiting factor, you'd
need about 67ms of "on time" per shot, or (according to my 200mW
estimate above) 13.4 mJ.  My laptop's Li-ion battery supposedly holds
around 46Wh, or 165kJ (abridged info below):

$ cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state 
present rate:1227 mA
remaining capacity:  2579 mAh
present voltage: 11300 mV
$ cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info
design capacity: 4500 mAh
last full capacity:  4067 mAh
design voltage:  10800 mV
model number:XM2018P02   
battery type:Li-ION  

11.3V * 4.067Ah = 46Wh.

On that basis, my laptop's battery could power 12 000 000 invasions of
privacy by this system --- saving that many camera shots to an MMC
card.  It might only be able to power 4 000 000 invasions of privacy
if it had to transmit them all over Bluetooth.  Still, that's nearly
six months in the four-shots-with-four-cameras-per-minute maxi
configuration described above, where you'd have to come download up
your photos at least once a day, and at one camera shooting once per
minute, it would last 8 years.

(I'm assuming that the webcams power up instantly.  This may be

Obviously you could do a similar job with audio surveillance, but
ironically, this may consume more storage and power; minimally
comprehensible speech is 10kbps under the best of conditions, so you'd
need at least 108MB/day, and probably several times that to get
anything useful.  You'd need some very-low-power constantly-on device
to buffer the audio so you wouldn't have to run the CPU all the time.

A similar system, but without the cameras or other transducers, could
serve as a maildrop or backup server (for data with high value per
byte, obviously).

We can anticipate that the power and monetary cost of data storage and
transmission will decrease considerably more before Moore's Law runs

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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] READ more on Location tracking -- for people, products, places -- is fast coming into its own / It's 11 o'clock. Do you know where your _______ is?]

2005-10-17 Thread Eugen Leitl
rld"; the server says "OK,
here are maps of every city in the world and the encrypted locations of
all your friends everywhere in the world".  The client then picks out
the map and the friends' locations that it concludes are relevant.
(If and when we have the communications capacity, this is the ideal for
subscriber privacy; the intermediary _does not have to know anyone's
location at all_.)

(2) The client says "I'm in New York City"; the server says, "OK, here
is a map of all of New York City, and the locations of all your friends
who told me that they were in New York City".  The client then picks out
the region of the map that's relevant and displays the locations of
friends who appear to be nearby.

(3) The client says "I'm on the Upper West Side in New York"; the server
says, "OK, here is a map of the Upper Wide Side, and the locations
of all your friends in that neighborhood"; the client again displays
the subset that it finds relevant.

(4) The client says "I'm on the east side of Broadway between 93rd
and 94th"; the server says "Your friend Josephine is on Broadway
between 94th and 95th; your friend Sam is on Amsterdam Avenue
between 92nd and 93rd; your friend Kate is headed west from Central
Park; your friend Jim just walked out of the building across the
street, take a look!".

If people developing these applications are willing to go a little more
coarse-grained than what they have the _ability_ to do, privacy will be
better protected.

Second, there's the question of how long information is retained.  If
it's retained as long as possible, it's a greater temptation for
subpoenas, and a virtual certainty that these subpoenas will eventually
become routine -- for law enforcement, divorce, child custody,
employment and worker's compensation litigation, and probably other
things we haven't thought of yet.  Not to mention the traditional risks
that it will be stolen, or that some successor-in-interest, in dire
financial straits, will decide to sell it off to the highest bidder.
It takes an effort to overcome the temptation to keep things forever,
but a data-retention policy would do a lot to protect privacy here.

Seth David Schoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | This is a new focus for the  
 http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   | community. The actual user  
of the PC
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/ | [...] is the enemy.
   |  -- David Aucsmith,  
IDF 1999

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: questions about hidden service hashes, and experiences running hidden services]

2005-10-17 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Mike Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Mike Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2005 01:28:24 -0500
Subject: Re: questions about hidden service hashes, and experiences running 
hidden services
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

Thus spake loki tiwaz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> now, to the question which concerns me. I read in the tor spec that the 
> hidden service address is an SHA1 hash of the server public key. I'm not 
> sure if anyone here is aware of this (but i seriously doubt it) - SHA1 is 
> now no longer secure. If the public key were equal or shorter than the 
> length of the hash, this would mean that the hidden service .onion address 
> could be cracked and the public key discovered, and the public key would 
> then be able to be searched in the directory and the ip address revealed. I 
> apologise if this is a question that has already been covered, my reading 
> of the specs was not deep although i looked some ways, i couldn't discern 
> whether the possibility of inverting the hash and identifying the IP 
> through the directory was a possibility, so i thought i'd ask the list and 
> see if anyone can answer this question. I realise that if the data used to 
> generate a hash with an insecure function is longer than the hash produced 
> that there is no issue. I just want to be sure about the security of the 
> hidden services before i go announcing the address any further than here 
> without knowing if giving this address is going to compromise my IP address 
> - cos that would defeat the purpose of doing it at all.

A couple of points. First, unless I've fallen behind, SHA1 is only
broken to the point where you can generate two different arbitrary
datum and have them result to the same hash. This is not the same as
being able to "undo" SHA, or to even determine an arbitary collision
to a fixed hash. Unless I've missed something.

Second, even if this were the case, the hidden service is supposedly
only listed with the introduction points that the service connected to
through Tor. Assuming Tor remains unbroken, these Intro Points cannot
reveal the hidden service IP, and the public key of the hidden service
is not secret information anyway.

Here are some slides that illustrate the process of connecting to a
hidden service: http://www.freehaven.net/~arma/wth3.pdf

The one thing I would advise against is running your hidden service on
the same IP as your Tor server (or at least do not announce this
fact). This can leave you vulnerable to an intersection attack, where
the attacker keeps track of uptime of your hidden service and compares
it to uptime stats of the various tor servers. You only have 300-some
nodes to hide among.

Incidentally, I would like to know exactly which directory server listing
hidden services are published in. I don't see any of them in
http://belegost.seul.org/ for example..

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist
fscked.org evil labs

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/. [Future Cell Phone Knows You By Your Walk]

2005-10-15 Thread Eugen Leitl

Link: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/10/15/0640206
Posted by: Zonk, on 2005-10-15 12:39:00

   jangobongo writes "Researchers at the [1]VTT Technical Research Centre
   of Finland have come up with a unique way to secure your cell phone if
   it should get lost or stolen: 'Gait code'. Motion sensors in the phone
   would [2]monitor the walking pattern (or gait) of whoever is in
   possession of the phone, and if the 'gait' doesn't match a
   pre-established biometric the phone would require a password to
   operate. The prototype cell phone correctly identified when it was
   being carried by someone other than its owner 98% of the time. The
   research team [3]points out (powerpoint document) that this method
   could also work for PDAs, laptops, USB tokens, smart cards, wallets,
   suitcases, and guns."


   1. http://www.vtt.fi/indexe.htm
   2. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn8161
   3. http://www.vtt.fi/vtt/uutta/2005/img/wsbr/tiedoteeng.doc

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Re: cypherpunks@minder.net closing on 11/1

2005-10-14 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 04:49:00PM -0400, Brian Minder wrote:
> The minder.net CDR node will be shutting down on November 1, 2005.  This
> includes the cypherpunks-moderated list.  Please adjust your subscriptions
> accordingly.

Thanks Brian.

I'm suggesting [EMAIL PROTECTED] as an alternative node
to subscribe to. 

Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";>leitl
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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Location tracking -- a bill of rights?]

2005-10-14 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 19:21:22 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] Location tracking -- a bill of rights?
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Brian Smithson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 13, 2005 4:55:01 PM EDT
Subject: Location tracking -- a bill of rights?

[OK for IP if it's OK with you]


I think Dennis' post about dodgeball gives a real life example of what I
think should be the basic "Bill of Rights" for tracking devices. This is
kind of rough, as I am making it up as I write. And pardon my wishful  
thinking :-).

I. I should be informed of the existence of any tracking mechanism.

This would include those which are integral to a product like in a  
cellphone, those which are deliberate add-ons like if "dodgeball" is  
an app I'm installing on my phone, and those which are embedded for  
some purpose unrelated to my own purpose like an RFID inventory- 
tracking tag in a sweater that I'm buying. Many people don't know  
that their phone can be used to track their location. Many more won't  
know that their *sweater* could be used to track their location.

II. I should be able to turn the tracking function on and off.

Of course, this may render the item useless, like a cellphone which  
can't communicate with its network. RFID companies won't like this  
one because RFIDs usually have no external controls and cost is a  
major factor in RFID adoption, so maybe it will be sufficient in some  
cases to
simply be able to turn the function off (permanently). After I've bought
the sweater, inventory tracking is no longer needed.

III. I should be able to give explicit permission for trackers to track
me for specific purposes.

This would be like GLBA privacy laws, only let's try to make them  
actually work :-). So the cellphone carrier could track me, but only for
the purpose of making the phone work unless I give them permission to  
do something else with that information.

IV. I should be able to give permission through intermediaries.

For example, I might want to give my cellphone carrier permission to  
give my tracking information to a third party for a particular  
purpose. This could have multiple levels, such as if (through a third  
party service, let's say dodgeball) I gave permission to Bob and  
Carol but denied it to Ted and Alice.

V. I should own my tracking information.

Those who facilitate tracking would have a "license" to the tracking  
data. I should be able to control how long it is retained by revoking  
that license.

VI. Tracking facilitators are common carriers.

Let's say I have a Verizon phone. If I want Verizon to make my  
tracking data available to another party, such a request should not  
be unreasonably refused. In other words, if I want Verizon to make my  
tracking data available to dodgeball, for example, they should not be  
able to refuse and insist that I use their social networking service  

VII. I should be able to access records of who has been tracking me,  
when, and how.

This may not be easy all the way to a personal level, but we should try.
I can think of cases when I would want to know that on March 19th, Joe
Blow at the phone company looked at my location records for the month of
February. Or I might just want to know who location-enabled-spammed me
when I had not given anyone permission to do that.

VIII, IX, and X. I know there should be 10 rights, but I couldn't  
think of them.

- Brian Smithson

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Software from "Low-Cost Traffic Analysis of Tor"]

2005-10-12 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from "Steven J. Murdoch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: "Steven J. Murdoch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 23:26:10 +0100
Subject: Software from "Low-Cost Traffic Analysis of Tor"
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

Some of you might have read the paper "Low-Cost Traffic analysis of
Tor"[1], by myself and George Danezis. I have now released the code I used
to run these experiments, in case it will help any future research.

For more information, and to download the code, see:

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please let me


Steven Murdoch.

[1] http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/papers/oakland05torta.pdf

w: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [ANNOUNCE] OpenSSL version 0.9.8a and 0.9.7h released]

2005-10-11 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Mark J Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Mark J Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 12:20:20 +0100 (BST)
To: openssl-announce@openssl.org, openssl-users@openssl.org,
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] OpenSSL version 0.9.8a and 0.9.7h released
Reply-To: openssl-dev@openssl.org

Hash: SHA1

   OpenSSL version 0.9.8a and 0.9.7h released

   OpenSSL - The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS

   The OpenSSL project team is pleased to announce the release of
   version 0.9.8a of our open source toolkit for SSL/TLS. This new
   OpenSSL version is a security and bugfix release and incorporates
   changes and bugfixes to the toolkit.  For a complete list of
   changes, please see http://www.openssl.org/source/exp/CHANGES.

   We also release 0.9.7h, which contains the same security bugfix as
   0.9.8a and a few small bugfixes compared to 0.9.7g.

   These updates contain a fix for CAN-2005-2969, a potential SSL 2.0
   rollback reported by Yutaka Oiwa. For more details of the security
   issue being fixed in this release please see

   We consider OpenSSL 0.9.8a to be the best version of OpenSSL
   available and we strongly recommend that users of older versions
   upgrade as soon as possible. OpenSSL 0.9.8a is available for
   download via HTTP and FTP from the following master locations (you
   can find the various FTP mirrors under

 * http://www.openssl.org/source/
 * ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source/

   For those who want or have to stay with the 0.9.7 series of
   OpenSSL, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to OpenSSL 0.9.7h
   as soon as possible.  It's available in the same location as

   The distribution file names are:

 * openssl-0.9.8a.tar.gz
   MD5 checksum: 1d16c727c10185e4d694f87f5e424ee1
   SHA1 checksum: 2aaba0f728179370fb3e86b43209205bc6c06a3a

 * openssl-0.9.7h.tar.gz
   MD5 checksum: 8dc90a113eb8925795071fbe52b2932c
   SHA1 checksum: 9fe535fce89af967b29c4727dedd25f2b4cc2f0d

   The checksums were calculated using the following commands:

openssl md5 openssl-0.9.*.tar.gz
openssl sha1 openssl-0.9.*.tar.gz


   The OpenSSL Project Team...

Mark J. Cox Nils Larsch Ulf M?ller
Ralf S. Engelschall Ben Laurie  Andy Polyakov
Dr. Stephen Henson  Richard Levitte Geoff Thorpe
Lutz J?nickeBodo M?ller

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


OpenSSL Project http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List   openssl-dev@openssl.org
Automated List Manager   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [p2p-hackers] Workshop on Dependable and Sustainable Peer-to-Peer Systems]

2005-10-10 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Sam Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Sam Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 03:53:51 +0900
To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: [p2p-hackers] Workshop on Dependable and Sustainable Peer-to-Peer
Organization: NeuroGrid http://www.neurogrid.net/
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)
"Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The First International Workshop on Dependable and Sustainable Peer-to-Peer
Systems (DAS-P2P 2006) is the first workshop which focuses on dependability
and sustainability of P2P systems, with respect to their designs,
applications and social impacts.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) can be a promising technology on which we can depend
of ours and our children, upon which we can build sustainable societies.
Designs of P2P systems are characterized by their usage of overlay networks
such that there is symmetry in the roles among participants. This implies
distribution of authorities, not only preventing introduction of single
of failure, but also assuring a level of autonomy which allows many of
us to
spontaneously start, maintain, or recover from failures of, such systems.

Although difficulties exist, such as uncertainty in the trust among
participants, one needs to be aware that such difficulties are, in many
due to our own human nature; depending on P2P is, in fact and literally,
depending on ourselves and our friends, which seem to be the only ones
we can
trust anyway, when it comes to our own survival.

The goal of this workshop is to share experiences, insights and new
ideas, and
set forth research agendas and suggestive future directions by
among researchers with different disciplines and with similar interests
dependability and sustainability.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of relevant topics:

** Designs and operations of dependable and sustainable P2P systems
- Self-organization and emergence
- Attack-resistance
- Fault tolerance
- Sustainable operations
- Sustainable mutual trust
- Sustainable reciprocal relationships

** Applications and social impacts of dependable and sustainable P2P
- Sustainable economy
- Sustainable governance
- Sustainable lifestyles
- Rescue activities
- Post-catastrophic recovery
- Tackling environmental problems

The program of the workshop will be a combination of invited talks, paper
presentations and discussions.


The workshop invites your contributions of previously unpublished
papers, which
will be selected based on their originality, technical merit and topical
relevance. Papers will also be selected by the likelihood that they will
to interesting and fruitful discussions at the workshop.

Your contributions should be formatted acoording to the IEEE Computer
Press Proceedings Author Guidelines: 10-point Times, single-spaced,
format (see http://www.tinmith.net/tabletop2006/IEEE/Format/instruct.htm
detail). Each of your contributions should not exceed 8 pages.

See the workshop web site (http://das-p2p.wide.ad.jp/) for the submission


Proceedings of the workshop will be published by IEEE Computer Society


Paper submission due: December 4th, 2005
Notification of acceptance: January 15th, 2006
Camera-ready copies due: February 1st, 2006
Author registration due: February 1st, 2006
Workshop: April 20th-22nd, 2006 (exact date is to be decided)


Workshop registration will be handled by the ARES 2006 organization along
with the main conference registration.


Program co-chairs:

Yusuke Doi
Communication Platform Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center,
TOSHIBA Corporation
1 Komukai-Toshiba-Cho, Saiwai-Ku, Kawasaki
Kanagawa 212-8582 Japan

Youki Kadobayashi
Graduate School of Information Science
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Takayama 8916-5, Ikoma
Nara 630-0192 Japan

Kenji Saito (main contact)
Graduate School of Media and Governance
Keio University
5322 Endo, Fujisawa
Kanagawa 252-8520 Japan


See the workshop web site (http://das-p2p.wide.ad.jp/).

p2p-hackers mailing list
Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

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/. [You Need Not Be Paranoid To Fear RFID]

2005-10-10 Thread Eugen Leitl

Link: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/10/10/0643235
Posted by: Zonk, on 2005-10-10 10:32:00

   An anonymous reader writes "A story at the Boston Globe [1]covers
   extensive privacy abuses involving RFID." From the article: "Why is
   this so scary? Because so many of us pay for our purchases with credit
   or debit cards, which contain our names, addresses, and other
   sensitive information. Now imagine a store with RFID chips embedded in
   every product. At checkout time, the digital code in each item is
   associated with our credit card data. From now on, that particular
   pair of shoes or carton of cigarettes is associated with you. Even if
   you throw them away, the RFID chips will survive. Indeed, Albrecht and
   McIntyre learned that the phone company BellSouth Corp. had applied
   for a patent on a system for scanning RFID tags in trash, and using
   the data to study the shopping patterns of individual consumers." I
   think they may be going a little overboard with their stance, but it's
   always interesting to talk about.



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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Tor is out]

2005-10-08 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 18:26:23 -0400
Subject: Tor is out
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

This is the eighth development snapshot for the 0.1.1.x series. The
main changes are that clients now use the new directory protocol, that
servers that are tight on resources stop advertising their DirPort,
and that we use OpenSSL's AES if it's available.


Changes in version - 2005-10-07
  o New features (major):
- Clients don't download or use the directory anymore. Now they
  download and use network-statuses from the trusted dirservers,
  and fetch individual server descriptors as needed from mirrors.
  See dir-spec.txt for all the gory details.
- Be more conservative about whether to advertise our DirPort.
  The main change is to not advertise if we're running at capacity
  and either a) we could hibernate or b) our capacity is low and
  we're using a default DirPort.
- Use OpenSSL's AES when OpenSSL has version 0.9.7 or later.

  o New features (minor):
- Try to be smart about when to retry network-status and
  server-descriptor fetches. Still needs some tuning.
- Stop parsing, storing, or using running-routers output (but
  mirrors still cache and serve it).
- Consider a threshold of versioning dirservers (dirservers who have
  an opinion about which Tor versions are still recommended) before
  deciding whether to warn the user that he's obsolete.
- Dirservers can now reject/invalidate by key and IP, with the
  config options "AuthDirInvalid" and "AuthDirReject". This is
  useful since currently we automatically list servers as running
  and usable even if we know they're jerks.
- Provide dire warnings to any users who set DirServer; move it out
  of torrc.sample and into torrc.complete.
- Add MyFamily to torrc.sample in the server section.
- Add nicknames to the DirServer line, so we can refer to them
  without requiring all our users to memorize their IP addresses.
- When we get an EOF or a timeout on a directory connection, note
  how many bytes of serverdesc we are dropping. This will help
  us determine whether it is smart to parse incomplete serverdesc
- Add a new function to "change pseudonyms" -- that is, to stop
  using any currently-dirty circuits for new streams, so we don't
  link new actions to old actions. Currently it's only called on
- On sighup, if UseHelperNodes changed to 1, use new circuits.
- Start using RAND_bytes rather than RAND_pseudo_bytes from
  OpenSSL. Also, reseed our entropy every hour, not just at
  startup. And entropy in 512-bit chunks, not 160-bit chunks.

  o Fixes on
- Nobody ever implemented EVENT_ADDRMAP for control protocol
  version 0, so don't let version 0 controllers ask for it.
- If you requested something with too many newlines via the
  v1 controller protocol, you could crash tor.
- Fix a number of memory leaks, including some pretty serious ones.
- Re-enable DirPort testing again, so Tor servers will be willing
  to advertise their DirPort if it's reachable.
- On TLS handshake, only check the other router's nickname against
  its expected nickname if is_named is set.

  o Fixes forward-ported from
- Don't crash when we don't have any spare file descriptors and we
  try to spawn a dns or cpu worker.
- Make the numbers in read-history and write-history into uint64s,
  so they don't overflow and publish negatives in the descriptor.

  o Fixes on 0.1.0.x:
- For the OS X package's modified privoxy config file, comment
  out the "logfile" line so we don't log everything passed
  through privoxy.
- We were whining about using socks4 or socks5-with-local-lookup
  even when it's an IP in the "virtual" range we designed exactly
  for this case.
- We were leaking some memory every time the client changes IPs.
- Never call free() on tor_malloc()d memory. This will help us
  use dmalloc to detect memory leaks.
- Check for named servers when looking them up by nickname;
  warn when we'recalling a non-named server by its nickname;
  don't warn twice about the same name.
- Try to list MyFamily elements by key, not by nickname, and warn
  if we've not heard of the server.
    - Make windows platform detection (uname equivalent) smarter.
- It turns out sparc64 doesn't like unaligned access either.

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Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [extropy-chat] Worldwide SOS system]

2005-10-07 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Lubkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Lubkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 13:53:10 -0400
To: ExI chat list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Worldwide SOS system
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
Reply-To: ExI chat list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kevin Freels wrote:

>This is a nice, productive thread, but one thing in missing - 

When my father was building mini-RPVs in our living room in the 
1970's for the Israelis, he was also figuring out how to use them. 
Low-cost was inherent in his concept. He could turn a profit selling 
them for a few thousand each. They were essentially light-weight 
wooden planes powered by lawn mower engines, and could heft a 75 kg payload.

As the ideas morphed into Pentagon procurement, the vehicle 
requirements became gold-plated, and the price tag went up 200x or 
more. I haven't looked at the specifics of the current generation of 
drones to see how useful the add-on requirements are, but there's 
clearly great value in having many thousands of throw-away drones.

The simplest warfare use is to carry 75 kg of explosives, fly around 
until you spot something more valuable, and then crash into it. The 
sticky point for your enemy is that a SAM or AAM to shoot it down 
could itself cost more than the drone.

There are also civilian uses that fold into our thread. There are 
many search and rescue scenarios where it is too dangerous to send a 
flight crew out, where one could instead load a drone with 75 kg of 
emergency supplies.

Perhaps we could take the comm ideas and add an assistance component, 
a la a network of long-duration blimps that serve as airborne hangers 
for a drone fleet.

Just add uniforms, jerky movement, and Lady Penelope, and we have an 
international rescue operation.

-- David Lubkin.

extropy-chat mailing list

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Low-Cost Traffic Analysis of Tor]

2005-10-07 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from "Eugene Y. Vasserman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: "Eugene Y. Vasserman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 15:07:23 -0500
Subject: Re: Low-Cost Traffic Analysis of Tor
Organization: University of Minnesota
User-Agent: Thunderbird 1.4 (Windows/20050908)

Hash: RIPEMD160

Probabilistic guarantee is a timeliness guarantee - delivery is still
guaranteed, but the time within which this delivery is made is not
guaranteed. (We could provide a weaker guarantee - say, this will be
delivered before the TCP session times out. However, a complex guarantee
policy might introduce an unacceptable performance hit.) The point is
that round-robin scheduling (as Tor does now) is too easy to predict.
What I suggest does not require changing anything expect the mixing
strategy (which right now is round-robin - no mixing at all). I still
haven't had a chance to look at the mixing code to see if this could be
done with low-enough overhead as to not be noticeable by end-users. I
don't want to make the argument on the performance/penalty tradeoff yet
because I'm hoping there won't be any significant performance hit. I
suspect it's possible, and can only be determined through testing. I'll
report on my progress, if and when when there is some.

Thus spake Paul Syverson:
> Hi Andrei,
> Who is this from?
> Question from a two second glance, which is all I can spare at the
> moment: probabilistic throughput guarantee? Does this imply
> probabilistic guarantee of delivery? If so, you're talking UDP or
> something not TCP in any case. In which case you're talking
> substantial change from current Tor. Thus maybe an interesting design
> theory suggestion, but something that will not be implementable in the
> system for years if ever.
> Gotta run,
> Paul
> On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 08:08:27PM +0100, Andrei Serjantov wrote:
>>> Greetings. Let me introduce myself. I'm a grad student and the U of MN
>>> in computer science. I've been working on anonymous network systems. I
>>> also had a chance to play with Tor, and read the "Low-Cost Traffic
>>> Analysis of Tor" paper (mentioned below).
>>> I have a general question: this may or may not decrease performance, but
>>> wouldn't locking and/or randomizing bandwidth per flow through a Tor
>>> server solve this problem? This attack seem comparable to a variant on
>>> SSL (and general crypto) timing attacks. Similar solutions could be
>>> applied. Also, since this attack relies on a malicious node being able
>>> to estimate its flow's likely performance through an honest node at any
>>> given time, Tor could apply a somewhat more complex mixing approach,
>>> making this attack more difficult. I was thinking of something like
>>> lottery scheduling, which is really easy to implement and, if done
>>> right, will not impose any noticeable CPU overhead, and still provide
>>> the same (albeit probabilistic, not deterministic) throughput guarantees
>>> for every flow. Please let me know your thoughts. I will hopefully have
>>> some time to spend implementing this in the near future, if there is a
>>> consensus that some of these suggestions would help.
>> Before you start hacking, I would advocate writing down your mixing
>> strategy and trying to show (or at least argue) that what you are
>> doing has a reasonable anonymity/performance tradeoff. It's probably
>> worth sticking my nose out and saying that Tor does not really want to
>> do any mixing for performance reasons -- lower performance means lower
>> number of users and hence lower anonymity sets against weaker
>> adversaries. (hmm is this strictly true?? I suppose the anonymity
>> set is the set of all people if you don't observe the entire network)
>> A.

- --
Eugene Y. Vasserman
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Wikipedia proposal]

2005-10-07 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 07:57:11 + (UTC)
Subject: Wikipedia proposal

I just posted this to wikitech-l:

There has been a lot of discussion lately on the or-talk list about
how to let tor and other anonymizing proxy users edit wikipedia without
allowing vandals free rein. Several straightforward approaches have been
proposed, such as holding edits in escrow pending approval by a trusted
user, and requiring anonymizing network users to login before posting.
The latter idea in particular could easily be abused, since abusers can
create a new account for each edit.

Roger Dingledine, tor's author, suggested creating a pseudonym service
using a cryptographic construction called blind signatures:


Basically, Alice can generate a token, mathematically blind it
(obscuring its value), have it signed, then unblind the signature.
Anyone can verify that the signature on the token is valid, but nobody,
including the signer, can link the blinded value Alice had signed with
her unblinded token.

I implemented such a scheme which works as follows:

* Alice creates and blinds a token, then submits it to a token server
for signing.  Optionally, the token server may have a list of IPs banned
from wikipedia, and refuse to sign Alice's token if her IP is on the list.

* The token server signs the blinded token, then records what IP address
Alice used so that she can't obtain multiple tokens per IP address.
Later, this will allow us to block Alice's IP address if she misbehaves,
just as Wikipedia admins currently do, except that now it'll work even
when she connects via tor.  Token rationing could also be done based
on other (more or less) scarce resources, including email addresses,
captchas, CPU-intensive tasks or even money, just as I'm sure has been
proposed for the vanilla wikipedia.  The advantage of blind signatures is
that tokens can be recorded and blocked without revealing the potentially
sensitive underlying resource (such as a personal email address or
IP address).

* Alice can now turn on tor and present her token to wp, without revealing
her actual IP address.  This token takes the place of the IP address
record currently stored along with article edits, and can be blacklisted
just the same way that IPs are banned.

* However, I implemented an intermediary step which has several
advantages.  Instead of presenting her token to wp, Alice generates an
essentially empty client certificate and presents it via the tor network
to a certificate authority (CA) for signing, along with the signed token.
The CA records that the token has been "spent" (preventing her from
receiving multiple certs per token), then signs her cert just as Verisign
would sign a server SSL certificate. Since she connects via tor, the CA
doesn't learn her real IP address.

* Alice installs the client certificate in her browser, then connects
to a special wp server running an SSL server that demands valid client
certificates from our CA.  That configuration takes only 4 lines in my
apache-ssl server's httpd.conf.  Apache automatically sets environment
variables which identify the client certificate, and which can be used
in place of the REMOTE_ADDR variable currently used to record users'
incoming IP addresses when marking page edits.  Blocking a client cert
would then be just as easy as blocking an IP address.

All of Alice's edits will be marked with that identifier unless she
obtains a new IP address (or other scarce resource) and repeats the
process to obtain another certificate.  Later, features can optionally
be added which will allow her to have separate identifiers for each edit
(protecting her in case, say, her repressive government confiscates her
computer in order to find out if she wrote a particular article they
disagree with).

I have already released code to implement this system, with the exception
of the wp-specific code. I sent the proposal to both the or-talk lists
and the cryptography list at metzdowd.com on Monday. Next I'd like your
comments, before I dive into the mediawiki code (or find someone willing
to help with this part).  Once the feature is complete, we can set up a
live test wiki for people to bang on, before we consider implementation
on the live wp servers.


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Description: Digital signature


2005-10-06 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Nick Mathewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Nick Mathewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 14:51:09 -0400
Subject: Re: TOR in Java?
User-Agent: Mutt/

On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 08:21:20PM +0200, Oliver S. wrote:
> I think that TOR-servers don't need to be that performant as their
> usage is currently and will in future be very uncommon. So it would
> be easier to deveop TOR in Java (or maybe even C#?). This would also
> reduce the probability of security-issues like buffer-overflows (may-
> be it would be even possible to go back the TOR-chain through chai-
> ned buffer-overflows, i.e. BOs that go from one gate in the chain
> from the previous).
> What do you think of my idea.

I think your idea is a fine one for somebody's spare time; we always
need more implementations for the Tor protocol, and Java is a popular
choice these days.  You might want to start with the code from the
Java Anon Proxy people; I don't know their current status here, but
for a while, they had a working Tor *client* written in Java.  Of
course, a server is significantly more complicated, so there would be
a lot more work.

As for the performance issue: you are completely wrong about Tor
servers not needing CPU; at reasonable bandwidth, the requirements are
high.  Fortunately, most of the CPU is used for AES, DH, and RSA, all
of which any sane implementation will implement in native code, so one
might stand a chance of having a compatible implementation of the Tor
protocol written in a less performance critical language.

In other words:  if you want to clone Tor in Java, feel free!  We look
forward to your work.

Note, however, that I keep talking about "compatible implementations"
here.  Tor is 49 thousand lines right now[1], and we're trying to
strengthen incrementally it all the time.  Throwing out the
implementation that we've been working on for the last four years and
starting again from scratch is not likely to work for us.

As for the rest of this thread: language choice is a classical
bike-shed problem[2].  Please, tread lightly, and consider whether
what you're saying needs to be said.  If you're worried about Java:
there's no risk we'll switch the main Tor implementation to it in the
foreseeable future.  If you want Java: great, get some programmers
together and bang out an implementation.

[1] Tor has about 37.6 klines of code, and 11.4 klines of comments.
[2] On bikesheds: http://www.unixguide.net/freebsd/faq/16.19.shtml

Nick Mathewson

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents]

2005-10-05 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Thomas Sj?gren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Thomas Sj?gren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 23:20:14 +0200
Subject: Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents  
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans fronti?res, RSF) has
released a "Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents":

Topics include:
How to blog anonymously
Technical ways to get around censorship
Ensuring your e-mail is truly private
Internet-censor world championship

From the chapter "How to blog anonymously":
"Step five - Onion Routing through Tor

Given the complexity of the technology, Sarah is pleasantly surprised to
discover how easy it is to install Tor, an onion routing system. She
downloads an installer which installs Tor on her system, then downloads
and installs Privoxy, a proxy that works with Tor and has the pleasant
side benefit of removing most of the ads from the webpages Sarah views.

After installing the software and restarting her machine, Sarah checks
noreply.org and discovers that she is, in fact, successfully "cloaked"
by the Tor system - noreply.org thinks shes logging on from Harvard
University. She reloads, and now noreply thinks shes in Germany. From
this she concludes that Tor is changing her identity from request to
request, helping to protect her privacy.

This has some odd consequences. When she uses Google through Tor, it
keeps switching language on her. One search, its in English - another,
Japanese. Then German, Danish and Dutch, all in the course of a few
minutes. Sarah welcomes the opportunity to learn some new languages, but
shes concerned about some other consequences. Sarah likes to contribute
to Wikipedia, but discovers that Wikipedia blocks her attempts to edit
articles when shes using Tor.

Tor also seems to have some of the same problems Sarah was having with
other proxies. Her surfing slows down quite a bit, as compared to
surfing the web without a proxy - she finds that she ends up using Tor
only when shes accessing sensitive content or posting to her blog. And
shes once again tied to her home computer, since she cant install Tor on
a public machine very easily.

Most worrisome, though, she discovers that Tor sometimes stops working.
Evidently, her ISP is starting to block some Tor routers - when Tor
tries to use a blocked router, she can wait for minutes at a time, but
doesnt get the webpage shes requested."

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] more on USG RFI for "metrics" on the 'terror war']

2005-10-04 Thread Eugen Leitl
to resolve the issues identified. In this
>>> effort, the
>>> contractor shall work as an independent contractor not subject  
>>>to the
>>> supervision and control of the Government. All deliverables  
>>>become the
>>> property of the US Government.
>> Source document:
>> http://blogs.washingtonpost.com/earlywarning/files/  
>> -
>> You are subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> To manage your subscription, go to
>>  http://v2.listbox.com/member/?listname=ip
>> Archives at: http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/ 
>You are subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To manage your subscription, go to
> http://v2.listbox.com/member/?listname=ip
>Archives at: http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting- 

You are subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To manage your subscription, go to

Archives at: http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hooking nym to wikipedia]

2005-10-04 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 11:35:43 -0700
Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Subject: Re: Hooking nym to wikipedia
Reply-To: cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 10/3/05, Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> More thoughts regarding the tokens vs. certs decision, and also multi-use:

This is a good summary of the issues. With regard to turning client
certs on and off: from many years of experience with anonymous and
pseudonymous communication, the big usability problem is remembering
which mode you are in - whether you are identified or anonymous. This
relates to the technical problem of preventing data from one mode from
leaking over into the other.

The best solution is to use separate logins for the two modes. This
prevents any technical leakage such as cookies or certificates.
Separate desktop pictures and browser skins can be selected to provide
constant cues about the mode. Using this method it would not be
necessary to be asked on every certificate usage, so that problem with
certs would not arise.

(As far as the Chinese dissident using net cafes, if they are using
Tor at all it might be via a USB token like the one (formerly?)
available from virtualprivacymachine.com. The browser on the token can
be configured to hold the cert, making it portable.)

Network eavesdropping should not be a major issue for a pseudonym
server. Attackers would have little to gain for all their work. The
user is accessing the server via Tor so their anonymity is still

Any solution which waits for Wikimedia to make changes to their
software will probably be long in coming. When Jimmy Wales was asked
whether their software could allow logins for "trusted" users from
otherwise blocked IPs, he didn't have any idea. The technical people
are apparently in a separate part of the organization. Even if Jimmy
endorsed an idea for changing Wikipedia, he would have to sell it to
the technical guys, who would then have to implement and test it in
their Wiki code base, then it would have to be deployed in Wikipedia
(which is after all their flagship product and one which they would
want to be sure not to break).

Even once this happened, the problem is only solved for that one case
(possibly also for other users of the Wiki code base). What about
blogs or other web services that may decide to block Tor? It would be
better to have a solution which does not require customization of the
web service software. That approach tries to make the Tor tail wag the
Internet dog.

The alternative of running a pseudonym based web proxy that only lets
"good" users pass through will avoid the need to customize web
services on an individual basis, at the expense of requiring a
pseudonym quality administrator who cancels nyms that misbehave. For
forward secrecy, this service would expunge its records of which nyms
had been active, after a day or two (long enough to make sure no
complaints are going to come back).

As far as the Unlinkable Serial Transactions proposal, the gist of it
is to issue a new blinded token whenever one is used. That's a clever
idea but it is not adequate for this situtation, because abuse
information is not available until after the fact. By the time a
complaint arises the miscreant will have long ago received his new
blinded token and the service will have no way to stop him from
continuing to use it.

I could envision a complicated system whereby someone could use a
token on Monday to access the net, then on Wednesday they would become
eligible to exchange that token for a new one, provided that it had
not been black-listed due to complaints in the interim. This adds
considerable complexity, including the need to supply people with
multiple initial tokens so that they could do multiple net accesses
while waiting for their tokens to be eligible for exchange; the risk
that exchange would often be followed immediately by use of the new
token, harming unlinkability; the difficulty in fully black-listing a
user who has multiple independent tokens, when each act of abuse
essentially just takes one of his tokens away from him. Overall this
would be too cumbersome and problematic to use for this purpose.

Providing forward secrecy by having the nym-based web proxy erase its
records every two days is certainly less secure than doing it by
cryptographic means, but at the same time it is more secure than
trusting every web service out there to take similar actions to
protect its clients. Until a clean and unemcumbered technological
approach is available, this looks like a reasonable compromise.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Italy requires logging of personal info at cybercafes]

2005-10-04 Thread Eugen Leitl
rrorism Analysis  
Committee, which aims to examine and take action against all terror  

Due to new measures, more than 25 Islamic extremists were arrested on  
Italian soil in 2005, according to the Interior Ministry. The  
ministry also reported that they are conducting "rigorous  
surveillance" of high-risk areas of terrorist activity and over  
13,000 strategic locations in Italy. On Aug. 12 and 13 alone, a  
reported 32,703 checks were carried out on suspicious individuals.

Despite the inconvenience, most Italians seem relatively unfazed by  
the law.

"If I am not doing anything wrong, fundamentally nothing is going to  
happen to me," says Mauro Pallotta, a young artist, after checking  
his e-mail at Savoni's cafe.

URL: http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/1004/p07s01-woeu.htm

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: nym-0.2 released (fwd)]

2005-10-03 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 22:23:50 + (UTC)
To: cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], cryptography@metzdowd.com
Subject: Re: nym-0.2 released (fwd)

On Sun, 2 Oct 2005, cyphrpunk wrote:
>1. Limting token requests by IP doesn't work in today's internet. Most

Hopeless negativism.  I limit by IP because that's what Wikipedia is already 
doing.  Sure, hashcash would be easy to add, and I looked into it just last 
night.  Of course, as several have observed, hashcash also leads to 
whack-a-mole problems, and the abuser doesn't even have to be savvy enough 
to change IPs.

Why aren't digital credential systems more widespread? As has been suggested 
here and elsewhere at great length, it takes too much infrastructure. It's 
too easy when writing a security paper to call swaths of CAs into existance 
with the stroke of the pen.  To assume that any moment now, people will 
start carrying around digital driver's licenses and social security cards 
(issued in the researcher's pet format), which they'll be happy to show the 
local library in exchange for a digital library card.

That's why I'm so optimistic about nym. A reasonable number of Tor users, a 
technically inclined group of people on average, want to access a single 
major site. That site isn't selling ICBMs; they mostly want people to have 
access anyway. They have an imperfect rationing system based on IPs. The 
resource is cheap, the policy is simple, and the user needs to conceal a 
single attribute about herself. There's a simple mathematical solution that 
yields certificates which are already supported by existing software. That, 
my friend, is a problem we can solve.

>I suggest a proof of work system a la hashcash. You don't have to use
>that directly, just require the token request to be accompanied by a
>value whose sha1 hash starts with say 32 bits of zeros (and record
>those to avoid reuse).

I like the idea of requiring combinations of scarce resources. It's 
definitely on the wishlist for future releases.  Captchas could be 
integrated as well.

>2. The token reuse detection in signcert.cgi is flawed. Leading zeros
>can be added to r which will cause it to miss the saved value in the
>database, while still producing the same rbinary value and so allowing
>a token to be reused arbitrarily many times.

Thanks for pointing that out! Shouldn't be hard to fix.

>3. signer.cgi attempts to test that the value being signed is > 2^512.
>This test is ineffective because the client is blinding his values. He
>can get a signature on, say, the value 2, and you can't stop him.
>4. Your token construction, sign(sha1(r)), is weak. sha1(r) is only
>160 bits which could allow a smooth-value attack. This involves
>getting signatures on all the small primes up to some limit k, then
>looking for an r such that sha1(r) factors over those small primes
>(i.e. is k-smooth). For k = 2^14 this requires getting less than 2000
>signatures on small primes, and then approximately one in 2^40 160-bit
>values will be smooth. With a few thousand more signatures the work
>value drops even lower.

Oh, I think I see. The k-smooth sha1(r) values then become "bonus" tokens, 
so we use a large enough h() that the result is too hard to factor (or, I 
suppose we could make the client present properly PKCS padded preimages).  
I'll do some more reading, but I think that makes sense.  Thanks!


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: nym-0.2 released (fwd)]

2005-10-02 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 09:12:18 -0700
To: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], cryptography@metzdowd.com
Subject: Re: nym-0.2 released (fwd)

A few comments on the implementation details of

1. Limting token requests by IP doesn't work in today's internet. Most
customers have dynamic IPs. Either they won't be able to get tokens,
because someone else has already gotten one using their temporary IP,
or they will be able to get multiple ones by rotating among available
IPs. It may seem that IP filtering is expedient for demo purposes, but
actually that is not true, as it prevents interested parties from
trying out your server more than once, such as to do experimental
hacking on the token-requesting code.

I suggest a proof of work system a la hashcash. You don't have to use
that directly, just require the token request to be accompanied by a
value whose sha1 hash starts with say 32 bits of zeros (and record
those to avoid reuse).

2. The token reuse detection in signcert.cgi is flawed. Leading zeros
can be added to r which will cause it to miss the saved value in the
database, while still producing the same rbinary value and so allowing
a token to be reused arbitrarily many times.

3. signer.cgi attempts to test that the value being signed is > 2^512.
This test is ineffective because the client is blinding his values. He
can get a signature on, say, the value 2, and you can't stop him.

4. Your token construction, sign(sha1(r)), is weak. sha1(r) is only
160 bits which could allow a smooth-value attack. This involves
getting signatures on all the small primes up to some limit k, then
looking for an r such that sha1(r) factors over those small primes
(i.e. is k-smooth). For k = 2^14 this requires getting less than 2000
signatures on small primes, and then approximately one in 2^40 160-bit
values will be smooth. With a few thousand more signatures the work
value drops even lower.

A simple solution is to do slightly more complex padding. For example,
concatenate sha1(0||r) || sha1(1||r) || sha1(2||r) || ... until it is
the size of the modulus. Such values will have essentially zero
probability of being smooth and so the attack does not work.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: nym-0.2 released (fwd)]

2005-10-02 Thread Eugen Leitl
o you want a real solution or not? 
Because I can think of at least 2 ways to solve that problem in a practical 
setting, and that's assuming that your assumption about MediaWiki being 
limited to 4-byte identifiers is even correct.

>The simpler solution is to have the gateway proxy not be a hidden
>service but to be a public service on the net which has its own exit
>IP addresses. It would be a sort of "virtual ISP" which helps
>anonymous users to gain the rights and privileges of the identified,
>including putting their reputations at risk if they misbehave. This
>solution works out of the box for Wikipedia and other wikis, for blog
>comments, and for any other HTTP service which is subject to abuse by
>anonymous users. I suggest that you adapt your software to this usage
>model, which is more general and probably easier to implement.

Sure.  I always meant for the gateway to exit on a public IP address.  The 
reason to make it a hidden service is to keep n00bs from forgetting to turn 
on tor when they talk to the proxy.  Thanks for clarifying, though.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: nym-0.2 released (fwd)]

2005-10-02 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Adam Langley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Adam Langley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 03:21:41 +0100
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], cryptography@metzdowd.com
Subject: Re: nym-0.2 released (fwd)

> Each link in this chain has to trust all the
> others. ... any of these can destroy the security properties
> of the system.

Dude, we're not launching missiles here, it's just Wikipedia.

On 10/2/05, Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The reason I have separate token and cert servers is that I want to end up
> with a client cert that can be used in unmodified browsers and servers.

First, how do you add client certificates in modern browsers? Oh,
actually I've just found it in Firefox, but what about
IE/Opera/whatever else? Can you do it easily?

The blinded signature is just a long bit string and it might well be
better from a user's point of view for them to 'login' by pasting the
base64 encoded blob into a box.

Just a thought (motivated in no small part by my dislike for all things x509ish)

> > privacy and is vulnerable to future exposure due to the lack of
> > forward secrecy.

The lack of forward secrecy is pretty fundamental in a reputation
based system. The more you turn up the forward secrecy, the less
effective any reputation system is going to be.

And I'm also going to say well done to Jason for actually coding
something. There do seem to be a lot couch-geeks on or-talk - just
look at the S/N ratio on the recent wikipedia threads. It might not
work, but it's *something*. No amount of talk is going to suddenly
become a solution.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: nym-0.2 released (fwd)]

2005-10-02 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 15:27:32 -0700
To: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: nym-0.2 released (fwd)

On 9/30/05, Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.lunkwill.org/src/nym/
> ...
> My proposal for using this to enable tor users to play at Wikipedia is as
> follows:
> 1. Install a token server on a public IP.  The token server can optionally be
> provided Wikipedia's blocked-IP list and refuse to issue tokens to offending
> IPs.  Tor users use their real IP to obtain a blinded token.
> 2. Install a CA as a hidden service.  Tor users use their unblinded tokens to
> obtain a client certificate, which they install in their browser.
> 3. Install a wikipedia-gateway SSL web proxy (optionally also a hidden 
> service)
> which checks client certs and communicates a client identifier to MediaWiki,
> which MediaWiki will use in place of the REMOTE_ADDR (client IP address) for
> connections from the proxy.  When a user misbehaves, Wikipedia admins block 
> the
> client identifier just as they would have blocked an offending IP address.

All these degrees of indirection look good on paper but are
problematic in practice. Each link in this chain has to trust all the
others. Whether the token server issues tokens freely, or the CA
issues certificates freely, or the gateway proxy creates client
identifiers freely, any of these can destroy the security properties
of the system. Hence it makes sense for all of them to be run by a
single entity. There can of course be multiple independent such
pseudonym services, each with its own policies.

In particular it is not clear that the use of a CA and a client
certificate buys you anything. Why not skip that step and allow the
gateway proxy simply to use tokens as user identifiers? Misbehaving
users get their tokens blacklisted.

There are two problems with providing client identifiers to Wikipedia.
The first is as discussed elsewhere, that making persistent pseudonyms
such as client identifiers (rather than pure certifications of
complaint-freeness) available to end services like Wikipedia hurts
privacy and is vulnerable to future exposure due to the lack of
forward secrecy. The second is that the necessary changes to the
Wikipedia software are probably more extensive than they might sound.
Wikipedia tags each ("anonymous") edit with the IP address from which
it came. This information is displayed on the history page and is used
widely throughout the site. Changing Wikipedia to use some other kind
of identifier is likely to have far-reaching ramifications. Unless you
can provide this "client idenfier" as a sort of virtual IP (fits in 32
bits) which you don't mind being displayed everywhere on the site (see
objection 1), it is going to be expensive to implement on the wiki

The simpler solution is to have the gateway proxy not be a hidden
service but to be a public service on the net which has its own exit
IP addresses. It would be a sort of "virtual ISP" which helps
anonymous users to gain the rights and privileges of the identified,
including putting their reputations at risk if they misbehave. This
solution works out of the box for Wikipedia and other wikis, for blog
comments, and for any other HTTP service which is subject to abuse by
anonymous users. I suggest that you adapt your software to this usage
model, which is more general and probably easier to implement.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Guardian Observer (London) on Google Privacy Issues]

2005-10-02 Thread Eugen Leitl
actual commitment to the  
security of data' and 'fundamental problems in achieving lawful  
customer consent'.
For now, campaigners may have to console themselves with a story of  
the biter bit. Google's chief executive, Eric Schmidt, was reportedly  
enraged this month when an online newspaper published his address and  
other personal details - having found them on Google.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Wireless access for all? Google plan would offer free Internet throughout SF]

2005-10-01 Thread Eugen Leitl
etwork. But even if it's free,  
it might represent too much involvement by the city in a sector that  
should left to private industries, he said.

"Our concern is with public money and publicly controlled internet  
access," said Vasquez. "We take a lot of caution about how government  
should intervene in the market."

URL: <http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/10/01/ 

Weblog at: <http://weblog.warpspeed.com>

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: nym-0.2 released]

2005-10-01 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 02:18:43 + (UTC)
Subject: nym-0.2 released

nym-0.2 is now available at:


My tor server is currently down, so I can't set up a public trial of this, 
but perhaps someone else will.  This release makes the following 

* Tokens are now issued one-per-IP to clients via a "token" CGI script. 
Tokens are still blindly issued, so nobody (including the token issuer) can 
associate tokens with IP addresses.  The list of already-served IPs could be 
periodically removed, allowing users to obtain new pseudonyms on a regular 
basis.  (Abusers will then need to be re-blocked assuming they re-misbehave).

* A token can be used to obtain a signature on a client certificate from a 
separate "CA" CGI script (potentially on a different machine).  Tokens can 
only be "spent" to obtain one cert.  Code to make a CA, client certs and 
have the certs signed is included.

* The CA public key can be installed on a third web server (or proxy) to 
require that users have a valid client certificate.  Servers can maintain a 
blacklist of misbehaving client certs.  Misbehavers will then be unable to 
access the server until they obtain a new token and client cert (via a new 

My proposal for using this to enable tor users to play at Wikipedia is as 

1. Install a token server on a public IP.  The token server can optionally 
be provided Wikipedia's blocked-IP list and refuse to issue tokens to 
offending IPs.  Tor users use their real IP to obtain a blinded token.

2. Install a CA as a hidden service.  Tor users use their unblinded tokens 
to obtain a client certificate, which they install in their browser.

3. Install a wikipedia-gateway SSL web proxy (optionally also a hidden 
service) which checks client certs and communicates a client identifier to 
MediaWiki, which MediaWiki will use in place of the REMOTE_ADDR (client IP 
address) for connections from the proxy.  When a user misbehaves, Wikipedia 
admins block the client identifier just as they would have blocked an 
offending IP address.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Why some Tor servers are slow (was Re: TOR Park Exit Node Question)]

2005-10-01 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 18:46:01 -0400
Subject: Why some Tor servers are slow (was Re: TOR Park Exit Node Question)
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 02:04:46PM +0300, Giorgos Pallas wrote:
> >What I mean is, is it normal for the Tonga server to claim over 4 MB of
> >bandwidth ? If so, why are other servers that are on a 100 Mbit link not
> >reporting more bandwidth ?

Tonga is using dual AMD64's. Moria also uses those CPUs. They seem to
be extremely fast at crypto (and everything else).

Tonga also advertises port 80 and 443, so it's useful for people
stuck behind fascist firewalls.

Tonga also opened up its exit policy to attract more traffic. Servers
that have lots of unused capacity, and are fast and have high uptime, and
offer unusual ports like the default file-sharing ports, will bootstrap
themselves by advertising a little bit, attracting more clients, and
so on.

(I'm not sure I actually like the fact that Tonga opened up its file
sharing ports, since it puts more load on the rest of the network too,
but I guess since we're still in development, a little bit of stress
like this can be good for us.)

> >While typing this it occurred to me that the default
> >MaxAdvertisedBandwith is 2 MB and that Tonga has probably set it higher...

Actually, the default MaxAdvertisedBandwidth is 128 TB. I believe
you're thinking of BandwidthRate.

> Whis has also been a question of mine. Why my tor router handles a very 
> low traffic volume (~30 KB in and out) while at the same time has 100% 
> connectivity, 100Mbps of real bandwidth and stays up for more than a 
> week (until it crashes due to memory ;-)... Could anyone help with that? 
> It's frustrating wanting to share (bandwidth in our case) with the 
> community but not being able to do so!

There is something wrong with the masquerade Tor server. You can see it
yourself (you may have to try from someplace other than masquerade's LAN,
though) -- run "telnet 9001" and hit enter about 10 times.

Notice how it's really sluggish and takes a long time before it hangs up.

Now run "telnet 443" and do the same thing. Notice how it
realizes the ssl handshake has failed after about 5 lines. This is how
it's supposed to be.

So masquerade is somehow not putting much attention into its ssl
handshakes. This could be because its network connection is actually
through a proxy or a firewall that is dropping some of the packets or
slowing things down tremendously. It could also be that it's running on
a 100 mhz 486, or its ulimits are set to something crazy-low, or it's
busy ray-tracing a movie, or something else.

I'd be curious to learn what's up with it. I've seen this behavior before
on Windows machines behind cable modems and crappy NAT boxes.


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2005-09-30 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: cyphrpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 16:44:37 -0700
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Wikipedia & Tor]]

One of the problems with the idea of a pseudonym service
distinguishing between "good" and 'bad" users is that it has no way on
its own of telling the difference. The service manages pseudonyms,
which are intended to be used out on the web in some way. But the
service can't tell if people are playing nicely or not.

The only way this could happen is if the service receives
*complaints*. This is the only feedback mechanism possible. I gather
that Tor does in fact send out complaints about people who misbehave.
Perhaps blog services do so as well.

One problem is that these complaints generally don't arrive in real
time. It takes time for a human being to notice that some vandalism
has occured and register a complaint. If the pseudonym service is
going to be able to respond, it has to know which pseudonym was active
at the time the bad actions occured.

Jimmy Wales very accurately describes the problem with pseudonyms at
the web-server level. If Wikipedia or blog comments require the use of
pseudonyms, these can be linked after the fact. I am very sensitive to
this problem myself.

The implied solution is that the pseudonym service would maintain the
pseudonyms, but would not reveal them to the web service. Rather, it
would only provide a certificate that the pseudonym is currently in
good standing, i.e. it has not received (too many) complaints.

This implies that the pseudonym service must maintain a record of
recently used pseudonyms, and have some way of mapping them to what
the web services (which issue the complaints, services like Wikipedia)
would have seen. This mapping might be by IP address, or if Wikipedia
and other services are willing to do more, it could perhaps be an
opaque identifier which the pseudonym service provided at the time the
web service (Wikipedia) asked whether this pseudonym was a "good guy"
or not.

As a specific example, the pseudonym service might have replied, to a
query from Wikipedia, "Yes, this user is a good guy, and the sequence
number of this reply is #1493002." Then later if abuse occured,
Wikipedia (or the blog service, or other victim of vandalism) comes
back and said "we had a problem with the user who was certified with
sequence number #1493002". The pseudonym server would map this back to
the pseudonym in use at that time, and invalidate the pseudonym (or at
least give it a bad mark, with enough such marks killing the nym).

The main problems with this solution are first, it requires
considerable manual work on the part of the pseudonym server, similar
to the work necessary at an ISP to resolve complaints about users. It
could be a full time job. And second, it requires custom software at
Wikipedia and other web services that might be willing to work to
implement such a solution.

The second problem could be alleviated by the use of a related
service, a web proxy that is only for "good" pseudonyms. The web proxy
would provide transparent pass-through similar to anonymizer.com, but
only for users who were able to provide the kind of certification
described above, from the pseudonym server. In this way, the outgoing
IP addresses belonging to the web proxy would be "good" from the POV
of Wikipedia and other web services. Those services could continue to
use IP blocking as one of their main tools for handling misuse,
treating the web proxy service as being like an ISP. The web proxy
service could be bundled with the pseudonym service, or they could
exist independently.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Abuse resistant anonymous publishing - Proposed solution to the Wikipedia issue.]

2005-09-30 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 18:26:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Abuse resistant anonymous publishing - Proposed solution to the
 Wikipedia issue.
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)

Ben Burch wrote:
> The biggest problem I see is that if moderation is commissive, rather 
> than reactive, then if the original poster commits a crime (like 
> violating the Official Secrets Act) then the moderator who approves  the
> posting would likely be liable for the same crime.

Well, at least with respect to Wikipedia there are a few misconceptions
I should clear up.  First, something like that wouldn't be appropriate
for Wikipedia on editorial grounds.  ("No original research") -- we have
specific intellectual standards that would generally preclude that sort
of thing.

Second, 'moderation' at wikipedia is reactive.  That is, people
vandalize, and then we clean it up.

> The only solution I can think of that would allow Tor and Wiki to 
> interoperate would be to have a Tor-Wikipedia Moderation Team who  would
> actively look for Wikipedia vandalism originating from Tor exit  nodes,
> and revert out vandal's postings promptly.
> The support we would need from Wikipedia would be minor;  Wiki would 
> have to implement a Watch function for postings from Tor exit nodes 
> that the Tor-Wikipedia moderation team would get email notifications 
> on.  There already are exit node listings that would allow Wikipedia  to
> create and refresh this list on a regular basis, and obviously  they can
> already do that as they have implemented a block.  Wikipedia  would have
> to agree that the Tor-Wikipedia Moderation Team would have  the right to
> revert ANY change from a Tor exit node without  discussion.  Once the
> vandals realize that they won't have any fun  using Tor to vandalize
> Wikipedia, the job of the TWMT would get quite  easy, as I don't imagine
> there would be more than a few dozen real  edits on any given day from
> the Tor cloud.
> Or am I barking up the wrong tree here?

Well, it seems unlikely that we could recruit enough people to do this
effectively.  We already have a huge number of people monitoring the
site, people who are (mostly) sympathetic to Tor's aims, but they get
tired of it.


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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Pseudonymity for tor: nym-0.1 (fwd)]

2005-09-30 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 23:32:48 + (UTC)
Subject: Re: Pseudonymity for tor: nym-0.1 (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 23:32:24 + (UTC)
From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Subject: Re: Pseudonymity for tor: nym-0.1 (fwd)

On Thu, 29 Sep 2005, Ian G wrote:
>Couple of points of clarification - you mean here
>CA as certificate authority?  Normally I've seen
>"Mint" as the term of art for the "center" in a
>blinded token issuing system, and I'm wondering
>what the relationship here is ... is this something
>in the 1990 paper?

Actually, it was just the closest paper at hand for what I was trying to do, 
which is "nymous accounts", just as you say.  So I probably shouldn't have 
referred to "spending" at all.

My thinking is that if all Wikipedia is trying to do is enforce a low 
barrier of pseudonymity (where we can shut off access to persons, based on a 
rough assumption of scarce IPs or email addresses), a trivial blind 
signature system should be easy to implement.  No certs, no roles, no CRLs, 
just a simple blindly issued token.  And in fact it took me about 4 hours 
(while the conversation on or-talk has been going on for several days...)

There are two problems with what I wrote. First, the original system is 
intended for cash instead of pseudonymity, and thus leaves the spender a 
disincentive to duplicate other serial numbers (since you'd just be accused 
of double spending); this is a problem since if an attacker sees you use 
your token, he can get the same token signed for himself and besmirch your 
nym. And second, it would be a pain to glue my scripts into an existing 
authentication system.

Both problems are overcome if, instead of a random token, the client blinds 
the hash of an X.509 client cert.  Then the returned signature gives you a 
complete client cert you can plug into your web browser (and which web 
servers can easily demand).  Of course, you can put anything you want in the 
cert, since the servers know that my CA only certifies 1 bit of data about 
users (namely, that they only get one cert per scarce resource).  But the 
public key (and verification mechanisms built in to TLS) keeps abusers from 
being able to pretend they're other users, since they won't have the users' 
private keys.

The frustrating part about this is the same reason why I'm getting out of 
the credential research business.  People have solved this problem before 
(although I didn't know of any Free solutions; ADDS and SOX are hard to 
google -- are they Free?).  I even came up with at least a proof of concept 
in an afternoon. And yet the argument on the list went on and on, /without 
even an acknowledgement of my solution/.  Everybody just kept debating the 
definitions of anonymity and identity, and accusing each other of anarchy 
and tyranny.  We go round and round when we talk about authentication 
systems, but never get off the merry-go-round.

Contrast that with Debevec's work at Berkeley; Ph.D in 1996 on "virtual 
cinematography", then The Matrix comes out in 1999 using his techniques and 
revolutionizes action movies.  Sure, graphics is easier because it doesn't 
require everyone to agree on an /infrastructure/, but then, neither does the 
tor/wikipedia problem.  I'm grateful for guys like Roger Dingledine and Phil 
Zimmerman who actually make a difference with a privacy system, but they 
seem to be the exception, rather than the rule.

So thanks for at least taking notice.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [FoRK] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Ripple currency development begins]]

2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Mark Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Mark Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 10:31:33 -0400
To: fork@xent.com
Subject: [FoRK] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Ripple currency development begins]
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040907i

A very munchkin-esque project.  It appears to need a bootstrap though;
the last thing I need is another social network to maintain.

- Forwarded message from Ryan Fugger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Ryan Fugger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ripple currency development begins
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 02:15:42 -0700
Reply-To: Ryan Fugger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.4 (2005-06-05) on bork.markbaker.ca
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RCVD_BY_IP autolearn=ham version=3.0.4

This email is going out to all who have expressed interest in the
Ripple decentralized currency project (http://ripple.sf.net/).  I hope
you are all doing well.

Since I got bogged down trying to define a protocol for communication
between hosts in a Ripple peer network, it seemed like a good idea to
go back and start with a simpler single-host prototype.  The other
developer on the project is two-thirds done the initial coding in
Python using the Django framework.

We will be developing the initial single-host version of Ripple as
proprietary software -- we don't want to allow multiple Ripple hosts
that can't talk to each other. The fully decentralized multi-host
protocol and software, if and when it is necessary, would be
appropriately free and open.  Our goal in either case is to build and
administer a commercially viable Ripple payment service.  Anyone
wishing to put some energy (or money) into the project for a share of
the venture, please let me know.

Thanks for all your help,

- End forwarded message -

Mark Baker.  Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.  http://www.markbaker.ca
Coactus; Web-inspired integration strategies   http://www.coactus.com
FoRK mailing list

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Abuse resistant anonymous publishing]

2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
als the first hop (ie Alice). 
Others need to collaborate to ask further down the chain for someone to take 
responsibility. In any case the final user is no certain as we will see...

Wait a sec, a bad user can connect other abusive users easily!?

Yes as soon as an abuse user connects to the intro graph they can introduce as 
many of their friends as they like! This is the reason why filtering policies 
need to make use of the full path from the Root to the user that ultimately 
takes responsibility: a user that consistently introduces many other abusers 
will always be on the path, and can be used to filter stuff out! As a side 
effect of this one cannot (and should not) trust that the user that finally 
took responsibility is indeed the initiator of the abusive action. They could 
be a Sybil or another person up the chain that disagrees with the fact that 
this action constitutes abuse!

Why are you calling it 'taking responsibility' instead of tracing?

The point of the protocol is for someone to say 'I stand by this action' -- 
his path to the root can then be used for filtering such action out, by users 
that do consider it as abuse. Note that there is always contention in online 
communities about what constitutes abuse and this mechanism allows for 
differing opinions. Then there can be different policies filtering out 
different users in the chain. Possibly anyone (not just people on the Path 
between Root and Charlie) should be able to take responsibility and have the 
item tagged with their path.

What about abusing the anti-abuse system?

There is a risk that trolls will abuse the action of requesting tracing/taking 
responsibility for all actions, trying to get as much information as 
possible/wasting time/undermining confidence in the system. The conditions 
under which this mechanism is initiated is really not clear, (Root decides, 
voting, veto, ...). In any case it is a good idea for someone to take 
responsibility of the initiation of this process by tagging the request with 
their path to the Root. This way Root, Alice and Bob can filter out persistent 
abusers of the anti-abuse system :-). There is no contradiction there: 
anonymous political speech is a right (hence this complex system), but 
moderation (censorship?) has to be done transparently, and those doing it must 
come forward by tagging their action with their path to Root.

It seems that Root has a lot of power in all this (== your system embodies 
fascist values!)?

Yes, this is a problem. At the same time there is nothing stopping (aside from 
efficiency and the appropriate crypto-fu) full decentralization. Each person 
can be their own Root, and apply custom filtering according to the paths 
relative to them. Note that taking responsibility cannot be abused any more 
than before (since either you connect directly to the abuser, at which point 
you should know better, or you are still connected through nodes that will not 
consider your action abusive and will take responsibility for it!).

Ok, so how do we do all this magic?

It is clear that a trusted third party can do all this efficiently. Can we 
find a variant of certificate systems that allow delegation in an anonymous 
way to decentralize all this, and make sure that no one party can screw any 
other? Open research problem -- I am working on it!

Any feedback is welcome!


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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] eDonkey to close]

2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl

Now we will see how good the anonymizing
networks are, and how long it will take until
they will become a target.

I'm surprised it has taken them so long. I'd
expect this would have happened at least 5 years ago.

- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 18:33:21 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] eDonkey to close
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: dep21 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 28, 2005 6:12:43 PM EDT
Subject: for ip: eDonkey to close


EDonkey (MetaMachine) are to 'exit the business' of peer to peer  
after a cease and desist letter from the RIAA a few weeks ago. They  
"simply couldn't afford the protracted litigation" needed to "prove  
their case" in a court.


You are subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Archives at: http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia]

2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Paul Syverson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Paul Syverson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:56:19 -0400
Subject: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

Some points of clarification that I hope will help:

(1) On anonymity and authentication/pseudonymity/etc.

All versions of Onion Routing, including Tor,  were designed to separate
identification from routing.  The slogan way that I have put this for
the last five or six years is:

 Onion Routing is about anonymizing the communication pipe, not what
 goes through it.

The devil's always in the details, but as one-line summaries go, I
think that sums it up pretty well.{1}

(2) On various pseudonym authentication or anonym
authentication{2}, etc. approaches to solving the problem at hand.

Some of this is ultimately necessary for various applications,
especially once the Internet looks as Geoff described it. (In fact I
think it's one precondition to realizing anything like that vision.)
But I'm dubious about any of those proposed to date here providing
enough friction to identifier acquisition to deter abusers but not
honest users in this context. They may be worth trying.  Roger's
suggestion about the temporary IP blocks and Steven's about the
separate puzzle servers come to mind, probably some others I'm
forgetting just now.  But as Roger says, somebody's gotta code them
up---and probably much more work---deploy them, maintain them, and
evaluate their effectiveness, all on the Tor-Wikipedia frontier.  I
suspect that the abuser who goes postal as Jimmy described is willing
to waste lots of time acquiring IDs, but perhaps stereotypes about
attention span are close enough to true for some of the proposals to
be effective.  I had my own proposal that doesn't rely on any of this,
and that could be implemented and deployed in a few days (OK after
spending at least a few months or so thinking about the design, the
engineering, and the implications.) In the spirit of mutt: All these
ideas suck; I just think that one sucks a little less.

{1} Some further specifics for (1)

Anonymity and identification/authentication can be entirely
compatible. By this I mean that one can be anonymous (to everyone) as
far as one identifier goes but authenticated (to a specific protocol
principal) wrt another as part of the same communication. This has
been an intentional part of the design of every Onion Routing system
including Tor.  It contrasts with systems like Crowds, which was
directed at distinct but related security properties, thus they made
anonymity of the circuit inherently depend on the anonymity of the
data passing over it. As a specific example of using Tor for
authenticated communication over anonymous circuits, when travelling I
often need to log back into NRL to check mail and do other things. I
do this via ssh over Tor. That way the local hotel staff, ISP staff,
any other network observers don't see me logging in to NRL. But I can
assure you that I want to make sure I am going to NRL and no place
else and that I want to make sure only I, and no one else, succeeds in
accessing my account. (And Jimbo, in my experience, it has been
realtime enough to be editing in vi or emacs with no noticeable
trouble over this line. I can't say that someone who expects permanent
T1 rate downloading is going to be happy with Tor, but you should check it
out and see the performance for yourself over a few days, rather than
relying on the reports you've heard.)

I also discussed this in my testimony to the National Academy of
Engineering panel that did a study of authentication and privacy
several years ago. (Cf. _Who Goes There?  Authentication Through the
Lens of Privacy_ from the National Academies Press.)

As many have noted, Tor has enough of a job trying to do one thing
well.  Trying to do more things will just mean it does that thing less
well or later. But that does not preclude designing to be compatible
with other things, e.g., privoxy to somewhat sanitize, i.e., anonymize
web traffic over Tor, or connect to enable authenticated communication
via ssh over Tor.  (There's a program named `connect' in case you had
trouble parsing that.) The discussion now is how to make Tor and
Wikipedia compatible, the interface as Nick put it.

{2} Yes you can authenticate someone who is anonymous from you.
Besides various group signature approaches, cf., e.g., my papers on
UST (Unlinkable Serial Transactions), or look at the proposal for
common terminology (new version recently out) at


What we called an `anonym' in the UST work and elsewhere they call a
`transaction pseudonym'.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia]

2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl

Sorry for the flood, but this is winding down already.
What I didn't like about this discussion is that all
concerned parties seem to have been shouting into
space past each other, just trying to make a noise
instead of understanding and solving the problem.

- Forwarded message from "Steven J. Murdoch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: "Steven J. Murdoch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 00:27:51 +0100
Cc: Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 05:48:59PM -0400, Jimmy Wales wrote:
> All I'm saying is that Tor could segregate users easily enough into two
> clouds: "We sorta trust these ones, more or less, a little bit, but no
> guarantees" -- "We don't trust these ones, we don't know them".

This would be very difficult to do using the existing Tor design as it
doesn't know anything about users or sessions. It lives at the TCP
layer and all it does is shift packets from one IP address to another,
giving some privacy to both ends. Adding higher layer functionality to
Tor increases the chance that it will do neither job well, so here is
a proposal which I think does what you want, but avoids this problem.

The goal is to increase the cost for a Tor user to commit abuse on
Wikipedia. It doesn't need to be full-proof, but just enough to make
them go elsewhere. Wikipedia could require Tor users to log in before
making edits, and ban accounts if they do something bad. However the
cost of creating new accounts is not very high. The goal of this
proposal is to impose a cost on creating accounts which can be used
though Tor. Non-Tor access works as normal and the cost can be small,
just enough to reduce the incentive of abuse.

Suppose Wikipedia allowed Tor users to only read articles and create
accounts, but not able to change anything. The Tor user then goes to a
different website, call it the "puzzle server". Here the Tor user does
some work, perhaps does a hashcash computation[1] or solves a
CAPTCHA[2], then enters the solution along with their new Wikipedia
username. The puzzle server (which may be run by Wikipedia or Tor
volunteers), records the fact that someone has solved a puzzle along
with the username entered. The puzzle server doesn't need the
Wikipedia password as there is no reason for someone to do work for
another person's account.

Now when that Tor user logs into their Wikipedia account to edit
something, the Wikipedia server asks the puzzle server whether this
account has ever solved a puzzle. If it has, the user can make the
edit, if not then the user is told to go to the puzzle server first.
This check can be very simple - just an HTTP request to the
puzzle server specifying the Wikipedia username, which returns "yes"
vs "no", or "200" vs "403". For performance reasons this can be
cached locally. There is no cryptography here, and I don't think it is
needed, but it can be added without much difficulty.

If the Tor user starts committing abuse, his account is cancelled. The
puzzle server doesn't need to be told about this, as Wikipedia will
not let that user make any edits. The reason this approach avoids the
usual problems with proof-of-work schemes[3] is that good Tor users
only have to solve the puzzle once, just after they create the
account. Bad Tor users will need to solve another puzzle every time
they are caught and had their account cancelled.

So my question to Jimbo is: what type of puzzle do you think would be
enough to reduce abuse through Tor to a manageable level? The
difficulty of the puzzle can be tuned over time but what would be
necessary for Wikipedia to try this out?

Hope this helps,
Steven Murdoch.

[1] http://www.hashcash.org/
[2] http://www.captcha.net/
[3] "Proof-of-Work" Proves Not to Work by Ben Laurie and Richard
 Clayton: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/rnc1/proofwork.pdf
w: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia]

2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 07:49:34 -0400
Cc: Nick Mathewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)

Jeffrey F. Bloss wrote:
> I was operating under the assumption that the problem was more along the 
> lines 
> of nefarious juveniles selectively posting "Kilroy was here" graffiti. 
> Something along those lines. If I'm out in left field about the nature of the 
> attack against Wikipedia, I'd be happy to be corrected, and forced to agree 
> that HashCash would be unsuitable. 

I have no opinion about HashCash just yet.  I have to think about it
some more.

The nefarious juveniles problem is partly what it is, yes.  But that
sort of random vandalism goes on all the time, and isn't particularly

What is problematic is the lunatic on crack and steriods who is
selectively posting "Kilroy sucked your mothers cock" graffiti,
obsessively, hundreds of times.  Our admins find it much more peaceful
to just block open proxies and Tor servers than to deal with that for
hours on end, days on end, weeks on end.

I am not an expert on ideas like HashCah or anything of the sort.  I am
a bit of an expert on the behavior of problem users at Wikipedia. :-)
And what I can say is that problem users at Wikipedia are problem users
everywhere for the most part.  Ordinary sane people don't go on a spree
of Wikipedia vandalism.

So the _degree_ of trust we need is actually quite small.  It isn't "We
certify this person to be a certain user, guaranteed, the same as ever".
It's just "this packet is being sent to you from a source that has
somehow tended generally to lead us to believe to some small extent that
the person posting it has not been a jackass, by and large".

Or, as has been brilliantly discussed here already, it could be "this
packet has been sent to you via a mechanism that one might bother to
use, were one a dissident really needing anonymity, but sufficiently
bothersome that were one simply a lunatic on crack, one would more
likely have simply switched to using anonymous proxies".

It won't be perfect, but as an empirical matter, it's probably good enough.


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Description: Digital signature


2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 07:40:41 -0400
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Wikipedia & Tor]]
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)

Nick Mathewson wrote:
> But these aren't your goals, if I understand correctly.  Wikipedia
> doesn't ultimately care how Tor is implemented, or what it contains,
> so long as it is significantly less effective as a tool for Wikipedia
> abuse.  Yes?

That's right.  I'm not an expert in Tor-ish matters, and so despite my
strident manner at times, I am very happy to learn more and understand
why some initial suggestion I might have has already been considered and
rejected with good cause.

And as an ongoing gesture of goodwill, let me explain _why_ I want Tor
to be significantly less effective as a tool for Wikipedia abuse.  It
isn't because Tor is a threat to our work.  One of the nice things about
how Tor is implemented is that we can easily get a list of the exit
servers and block them.  Problem solved.

No, the reason I am interested in exploring possibilities for reducing
the abuse is not to protect wikipedia, but to make it possible for Tor's
goals to be achieved more effectively.

> {1} To be clear, I think that it's more accurate to talk about changes
> to the User/Tor/Wikipedia interaction, and to suggest a need for
> action by the Tor project and its supporters, than to talk about a
> need for changes in Tor's architecture, and a need for action by
> Tor.

Yes.  The one thing I should caution against, though, is assuming that
the right solution to the problem should involve anything complicated on
the part of Wikipedia.  We're willing to do whatever, but I'm also
interested in how this problem can be solved more generally.  In this
way, tor servers can be allowed to post anonymously and in a hit-and-run
fashion to blogs, for example.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia]

2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 07:29:24 -0400
Subject: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)

Steven J. Murdoch wrote:
> What needs to be done is to give Wikipedia a way to tell the
> difference between legitimate Tor users and abusers. The basis for my
> proposal is that abusers can currently get IP addresses quite easily,
> through open proxies, zombie machines or simply rebooting their ADSL
> modem, as well as through Tor.
> To mitigate abuse from Tor, the cost of committing abuse through Tor
> needs to be just higher than the cost of an abuser getting another IP
> address.  This is not very high. 

I do not use Tor, and so at risk of offending those who already think
that I "hate Tor", I will say that it has been said to me by some people
that we're lucky that Tor is horribly slow, or lots of people would use
it, making the problem much worse. :-)

> Whether this will work depends on the type of abuse that Wikipedia
> receives, and Jimbo is much more qualified to comment on this then me.

The typical problem case, and I asked around for horror stories to
confirm my impression, is that some lunatic first starts writing at
Wikipedia in an incoherent, biased, offensive, etc. way.  The community
at first tries to work with them, because it does take a while to absorb
our peaceful ways if you're used to Usenet or mailing list debates.  But
eventually, the worst offenders end up getting blocked.

Then they go ballistic.  Imagining themselves to be el1t3 h4xx0rs, they
write (or find online somewhere) vandalbots and start using them to
replace pages with "fuck you" or goatse images or... well, there seems
to be no shortage of creativity in the world of the deranged and snubbed.

We don't sweat this too much.  We just block them and rever the changes.
 The problem is much worse for small wiki sites than it is for Wikipedia
because we're fully staffed by hundreds of smart people 24 hours a day.
 The people on the frontlines tell me this isn't such a huge problem,
because we do things to limit the abuse.

One of the things we currently do is block Tor.  I consider that a
reasonable solution to the vandalism problem, but an unfortunate thing,
since to my mind, Tor is something very good.

It would be nice if we could look at the edits coming from Tor and say
"Oh, these are fine, they are mostly responsible edits."  It'd even be
ok if we could look at the edits coming from Tor and say "Ok, so there's
a touch more vandalism from these than from other ip pools, but there's
also some good stuff coming through from places where we normally don't
see a lot of editing activity.  We'll put up with it."

As it is now, we look at it and say "oh, jesus".


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Pseudonymity for tor: nym-0.1]

2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 01:49:26 + (UTC)
Subject: Pseudonymity for tor: nym-0.1

Per the recent discussion regarding tor and wikipedia, I've hacked together 
an implementation of the basic system from Chaum, Fiat and Naor's 1990 
"Untraceable Electronic Cash" paper.  This system allows CAs to blindly 
issue tokens (or "coins") which can then be "spent" elsewhere.  It runs in 
perl, and comprises a CA, nym-maker, client application and auth checker 
(for the server).

The tarball is here:


Of course, it's useless at the moment since it gives out tokens 
indiscriminately (and probably has massive bugs), but if anyone actually 
cares about this idea, it will be (more or less) easy to do the following:

* Put up a sample CA and server that people can use (potentially as hidden 

* Make the CA issue only one token per email address, or one token per IP 
address, one per computational puzzle, one for every $20 mailed in...

* Automatically expire CA keys and generate new ones on a regular basis 
(rather than bothering with CRLs)

* Instead of randomly generated tokens, have the CA sign an actual X.509 
cert request, which will then become a perfectly valid X.509 cert useful as 
a client-side cert in unmodified browsers and web servers

* Create some sort of aid for maintaining server-side (or CA) blacklists of 
improperly behaving users

* Check to see if the protocol is actually still secure and properly 

Comments welcome.


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2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Benfell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Benfell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 02:59:44 -0700
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Wikipedia & Tor]]
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.7i

On Thu, 29 Sep 2005 00:17:07 -0400, Nick Mathewson wrote:
> I assume that you're not just ignoring everybody else and replying
> only to what Jimmy says, right?  There have been other posts here
> explaining why pseudonymity and Tor are not at odds, so long as
> pseudonymity is user selected.

Pseudonyms are a separate problem from Tor.  As someone posted, Tor
does not prevent people from using pseudonyms.  If pseudonyms will
solve Wikipedia's problem, then fine; a good portion of this argument
has been about Wikipedia's need for authentication.  See my comments
following your footnote.

> Wikipedia has user accounts and IP-based blocking.  That's a kind of
> authentication.  Wikipedia does not require you to use a user account
> to edit pages, and does not do much to ensure that user accounts
> belong to real people.  That's a lack of authentication.
Now why couldn't *he* say that?  The man's involved with an
encyclopedia project; he should be able to write.

The way this particular aspect of our disagreement arose is that I
accused him of wanting Tor to do his authentication for him.  He
claimed that Wikipedia does do its own authentication.  Now you
explain that Wikipedia does not *require* authentication.  Which
undermines the usefulness of offering authentication.

> It's like how Tor blocks some highly-abusable services, like SMTP on
> port 25, but doesn't do content filtering to try to hunt for abusive
> behavior on exiting streams.  We filter out some abuse, but we can't
> filter out all abuse without turning off the network.  An anti-Tor
> rhetorician could say, "You filter abuse, but you don't filter abuse!"
> But what would that prove?

You are attempting to compare Tor's security policy to Wikipedia's
security policy.

Tor has a security policy.  Tor's security policy is to protect
originating IP addresses which might be connected to persons.  We
hope, in combination with Privoxy, it protects anonymity
reasonably well.  On the reasonable (I think) premise that other
sites are primarily responsible for their own security, it only
limits some abuse.

Now, what is Wikipedia's security policy?  With no authentication
requirement, and a policy that allows anyone to edit (unless they're
connecting from a blacklisted IP address), I might as well ask, "What
is truth?"

> {1} This case is more commonly known, in the literature, as
> pseudonymous communication than anonymous communication.  Then
> again, if you're going to invoke dictionaries in a technical
> discussion, anonymity becomes a very broad term.

But Tor is about anonymity.  Not about pseudonymity.  Not about other
forms of authentication.  As it should be.

>From a communication perspective, anonymity has a very specific
meaning.  It means we cannot identify a person.  Note that the failure
to identify a person makes no reference to kind of identification.
There need be no preference for "real life" names versus pseudonyms
versus IP addresses versus whatever else you can think of.  Anything
that identifies a person contradicts the concept that this person is

This has practical implications.  For instance, as someone pointed
out, when the Chinese police raid a dissident's apartment, and search
his hard drive, they are able to tie the pseudonym to a "real life"
identity.  If the police can also connect the pseudonym to what they
consider "crime," the distinction between a pseudonym and a "real
life" name loses much of its value; hopefully, the pseudonym permitted
the dissident to continue his activities for longer.

Now, I will certainly agree, as someone else pointed out, that Tor
should permit the use of pseudonyms or other forms of authentication.
But the fact remains that any identification--as implied by
authentication--contradicts anonymity; it is therefore something which
Tor should not involve itself with.

Simply put, it is not and cannot be Tor's problem.

David Benfell, LCP
Resume available at http://www.parts-unknown.org/

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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Pseudonymity for tor: nym-0.1 (fwd)]

2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 01:51:32 + (UTC)
To: cryptography@metzdowd.com
Subject: Pseudonymity for tor: nym-0.1 (fwd)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 01:49:26 + (UTC)
From: Jason Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pseudonymity for tor: nym-0.1

Per the recent discussion regarding tor and wikipedia, I've hacked together 
an implementation of the basic system from Chaum, Fiat and Naor's 1990 
"Untraceable Electronic Cash" paper.  This system allows CAs to blindly 
issue tokens (or "coins") which can then be "spent" elsewhere.  It runs in 
perl, and comprises a CA, nym-maker, client application and auth checker 
(for the server).

The tarball is here:


Of course, it's useless at the moment since it gives out tokens 
indiscriminately (and probably has massive bugs), but if anyone actually 
cares about this idea, it will be (more or less) easy to do the following:

* Put up a sample CA and server that people can use (potentially as hidden 

* Make the CA issue only one token per email address, or one token per IP 
address, one per computational puzzle, one for every $20 mailed in...

* Automatically expire CA keys and generate new ones on a regular basis 
(rather than bothering with CRLs)

* Instead of randomly generated tokens, have the CA sign an actual X.509 
cert request, which will then become a perfectly valid X.509 cert useful as 
a client-side cert in unmodified browsers and web servers

* Create some sort of aid for maintaining server-side (or CA) blacklists of 
improperly behaving users

* Check to see if the protocol is actually still secure and properly 

Comments welcome.


The Cryptography Mailing List
Unsubscribe by sending "unsubscribe cryptography" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Description: Digital signature


2005-09-29 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Nick Mathewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Nick Mathewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 00:38:01 -0400
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Wikipedia & Tor]]
User-Agent: Mutt/

Hi again, Jimmy!

On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 06:57:37AM -0400, Jimmy Wales wrote:
> I said no such thing.  Tor servers exist for the sole purpose of aiding
> people who have a genuine need for privacy.  Tor operators by and large
> are unhappy that Tor users can't edit Wikipedia, and are genuinely
> interested in exploring solutions, especially solutions which involve
> changes or enhancements to the Tor architecture which help solve the
> problem not just for Wikipedia but for _all_ internet services which
> desire to carefully balance a desire for privacy and openness against abuse.

I think I've identified one of the reasons some people here are disturbed
about your suggestions.  When you talk about changing the Tor
architecture, they think you mean changes to Tor that would require
all users to have pseudonyms, or ostracize the users who didn't.  When
you say "Tor should do X," they think you mean "the Tor software
should do X".{1}

If that were what you meant, they would be right to be concerned.
Pseudonymity is wrong for many users.  Complicating the core Tor
implementation would be bad.

But these aren't your goals, if I understand correctly.  Wikipedia
doesn't ultimately care how Tor is implemented, or what it contains,
so long as it is significantly less effective as a tool for Wikipedia
abuse.  Yes?

This could be achieved, as some people fear, through modifying the
core of Tor.  But that isn't the only way to change matters.  As
discussed, introducing a separate pseudonymous authentication service
(perhaps even an anonymous credential service, if we can find a way to
do this without patent infringement) would serve just as well, and
require no modifications to the Tor code.  Users who didn't want to
use such a service would be no worse off than they are today.  Users
who wanted to use Tor and edit Wikipedia at the same time could decide
whether the implications of such a service were acceptable to them.

{1} To be clear, I think that it's more accurate to talk about changes
to the User/Tor/Wikipedia interaction, and to suggest a need for
action by the Tor project and its supporters, than to talk about a
need for changes in Tor's architecture, and a need for action by

Nick Mathewson

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [p2p-hackers] [Fwd: [Planetlab-users] Announcing: TCP NAT Traversal/Hole-Punching Library]]

2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Michael Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Michael Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:39:43 -0700
Subject: [p2p-hackers] [Fwd: [Planetlab-users] Announcing: TCP NAT 
Traversal/Hole-Punching Library]
User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.3)
Reply-To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I just got this by way of the PlanetLab mailing list... Definitely thought it
would be of interest!

- Mike

 Original Message 
Subject: [Planetlab-users] Announcing: TCP NAT Traversal/Hole-Punching
Library From:"Saikat Guha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:Wed, September 28, 2005 3:46 am

Hi all,
(apologies if you get multiple copies of this)

I am pleased to announce the availability of our open-source TCP NAT
Traversal/Hole-Punching library based on our research published in [1].

[1] "Characterization and Measurement of TCP Traversal through NATs
 and Firewalls", S. Guha and P. Francis. IMC 2005.

The key result of the paper is: TCP NAT traversal can work 85%-90% of the
time today (without any special assumptions about NATs), and 100% of the
time between pairs of certain popular, well-behaved NATs. See [1] for more

An open-source Java library for TCP NAT Traversal is now available:
 webpage: http://nutss.net/stunt.php
 faq: http://nutss.net/jstunt-faq.php
 library and example: http://nutss.net/jstunt-examples.php

The above library has been tested for pair-wise connectivity across 11
brands of NATs from Windows and Linux hosts. NATs tested were Linksys,
DLink, Netgear, Belkin, 3Com, Netopia, Allied Telesyn, SMC, Trendnet, USR,
Buffalo Tech. Out of the 121 possible pair-wise combinations, 113
connections are successful. The only ones that failed are when both the
endpoints are behind the _same_ NAT device that does not support TCP
hairpin-behavior yet (see [1]).

The java library is released under LGPL; contact me if this does not meet
your needs. Feel free to extend it/port it etc.

Q: I am a P2P developer/researcher. How does this help me?
A: The library adds TCP NAT traversal out-of-the-box. This increases the
connectivity in your P2P network since two users behind their NATs can now
exchange data without having to go through an intermediary node. You can:
- Use this library as is (for development of P2P software, research,
  small deployments, etc in java)
- Study it to provide TCP NAT Traversal in your existing P2P
  applications in your language of choice.
- etc.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or problems, do not
hesitate to contact me. Cheers,
Users mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- End forwarded message -

Gnucla-devel mailing list

p2p-hackers mailing list
Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia]

2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Marc Abel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Marc Abel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:17:40 -0400
Subject: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia
X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.4.5 (1.4.5-7) 

Hi Jimbo,

My concern about pseudonyms is that they can compromised after-the-fact.

Suppose Li Li is over in China writing blogs, and she selects Muzimei as
her pseudonym and implements it with any of several digital signature
schemes.  Then she writes a bunch of blog entries, and possibly a few
edits to her Wikipedia page.  Wikipedia trusts her because of her
reputation, and presumably no one knows her real name is Li Li.

Except there's an eyewitness to one of her blogs, or the authorities
raid her Linux box and her private key is compromised.  Li Li has a
serious problem, because all of her previous activity is signed by her
Muzimei pseudonym, so after 36 hours of interrogation she confesses, is
found guilty of separatism in an 18 minute trial, and executed 20 days

I still lean in favor of approaches which protect Wikipedia on the basis
of actual content submitted, instead of information about the
submitter.  This is why Paul Syverson and I are advancing these types of

Once again, one way to check content (until machines can "think" better)
is to have not-necessarily-anonymous parties with interests in specific
subjects ok what would otherwise be anonymous posts prior to the posts
showing up.  This system would be only as efficient as these "approving"
personnel for anonymous posts, but these people can be mutually selected
in the sense that an anonymous editor can nominate anyone, and Wikipedia
may refuse anyone.

It's a little like any meeting held under Robert's Rules of Order.  To
discuss anything, someone must present a motion and someone else needs
to second it.  If the content's not pertinent enough for even a second,
there really no need for the group to consider it.  In the mechanism I
am suggestion (as an intermediate-term approach to try), the mover may
be anonymous if the seconder is willing not to be.


On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 08:36, Jimmy Wales wrote:
> Marc Abel wrote:
> > This has law enforcement implications; if you can prove that Alice took
> > the cookie from the cookie jar, perhaps using eyewitnesses, you can now
> > show that Alice did many other unreputable things.
> Can you explain this in more detail?
> --Jimbo

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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Wikipedia & Tor]

2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:00:58 -0400
Cc: Paul Syverson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Wikipedia & Tor
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)

Paul Syverson wrote:
> I want to emphasize a central aspect of my suggestion: The goal is not
> just to provide a filter for abusive posts, it's to change incentives.

This is exactly the right approach!

> We can't know for sure without running the experiment, but my guess is
> that if abusive posts through Tor never succeed (OK perhaps virtually
> never), and if the process of posting through Tor informs posters of
> that fact, then Tor will become worth it for your admins. The abusers
> will disappear or greatly diminish because they will know from being
> warned, and if necessary from experience, that their attempts will
> fail. Posts through Tor will then mostly have value (in the sense of
> not being abusive in the ways that prompted this discussion.)

I would say that even some fairly slight changes to the incentive
structure may help a lot.  The less desirable Tor is for problem users,
the more they will shift to traditional broken open proxies.  We can
play whack-a-mole with these as we do now, while at the same time
leaving Tor more open.

> Yes, I know (and I'm sure Jimmy knows) that this won't solve the
> longterm underlying issues. Abusive posters will just move on to
> another avenue than Tor. But I think it will be a quick, cheap, and
> big win for both Tor and Wikipedia.

Yes, but I don't really mind them moving to other avenues.  That's the
point.  If I didn't love Tor, I wouldn't care about blocking Tor either.
 Let them abuse broken proxy servers, let them do whatever, that's fine,
we can deal with it.  We just want to open up to Tor.

> Yes, as Marc Abel suggested you could implement passwords, pseudonyms,
> or hell ZKPs.  But this is stepping onto the slippery slope of trying
> to solve the more longterm problem that using IP addresses in the way
> Wikipedia does is a temporarily useful kludge. (Kludges are great, but
> function creep is dangerous and can make for bigger problems in the
> long run.)

Let me see if I can explain a bit more of the math behind this.  I'm
just going to make up a hypothetical example.

Suppose 100 out of every 1,000,000 edits to Wikipedia is malicious.  And
suppose we study them and discover, hmm, 25 of them come from Tor, which
is easily blockable.  50 of them come from static ips or dynamic ips
that are expensive for users to get new.  25 of them are from broken

Now, our present solution is to block Tor, do various things in other
situations, and this works reasonably well.  Of the 25 bad edits we
block from Tor, some portion of them surely shift to other means, but
not all of them.  So we find it to be a net win.

Except.  Except we don't really like to block Tor.

Now, fast forward, and imagine that the "expensive ip" situation goes
away in a few years, either due to widespread onion routing, or whatever
you may want to dream up that makes our temporary kludge of using ips no
longer functional.

Then we'll still only have 100 out of every 1,000,000 edits to Wikipedia
as being malicious.  How we'll deal with that is how we'll deal with
that, but that's fine.  We'll manage.

For now the key thing to do is to shift the incentives on the bad users
so that Tor is less desirable for them than playing with the broken
proxies or just doing whatever with a dialup account or aol addresses or


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Description: Digital signature


2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Geoffrey Goodell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Geoffrey Goodell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:55:41 -0400
Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Wikipedia & Tor
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040907i

On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 09:27:12AM -0400, Jimmy Wales wrote:
> But now we're back to the question: how can Tor be improved to deal with
> this very serious and important problem?  What are the steps that might
> be taken, however imperfect, to reduce the amount of abuse coming from
> Tor nodes?

I think that we can agree that there are short-term and long-term
solutions to this problem.  In the short-term, we can block Tor nodes by
routing address and develop special mechanisms to allow Tor users to
edit Wikipedia content anyway.  We can do this either via some sort of
indirection or via some sort of special change to Wikipedia itself,
working around the limitations in Mediawiki.  We can focus on the
short-term for now.

However, I think that most proponents of Tor believe that in the
long-term, Wikipedia should support location-independent users.  So we
need a plan going forward, and this plan should be sufficiently general
to apply to any location-independent users, not just users of Tor.  I
think that many of us hope that some day the Internet will be flat and
routing information will be useless in tracking identity or reputation.
This will be difficult to achieve, but it is certainly my hope.  As
such, I am loath to encourage the design of systems that require any
form of access control at the network layer, and I believe that the
right thing to do is avoid such temptation, even if software tools like
Mediawiki appear to be designed with network-layer access control in


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Geowanking] Google Earth Exposes the Indian Military]

2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Sonny Parafina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Sonny Parafina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:33:03 -0400
Subject: Re: [Geowanking] Google Earth Exposes the Indian Military
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Its funny when the tables are turned.   Long before Google Maps or Earth 
was released, was Cryptome's Eyeball series, which used internet mapping 
and photos mined from internet sources to raise awareness about 
different places.  For exampe here's a recent Eye-Ball report:  

The best one was when Cryptome published the address, maps, aerial 
photos to convicted/pardoned felon Admiral John Pointdexter who promoted 
the "Total Information Awareness" program in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.


Allan Doyle wrote:

>See also this article in the Register
>and the quote about India on the first page:
>"India agrees. Reuters quotes an anonymous security official there as  
>confirming that "the issue of satellite imagery had been discussed at  
>the highest level but the government had concluded that 'technology  
>cannot be stopped'."
>"We are aware that there are websites which give detailed pictures of  
>buildings like the president's house including every tree in the  
>compound. Our security agencies are aware of this but how can we stop  
>technology?" he added."
>At the end of the last page, there are links to other articles they  
>have been running about Google Earth. Very interesting stuff.
>On Sep 28, 2005, at 07:17, Shekhar Krishnan wrote:
>>Dear All:
>>:: apologies for cross-posting ::
>>This has caused quite an uproar in Mumbai, and the consequences  will be
>>interesting to follow.
>>To read more about open geo-data and free mapping initiatives in  India,
>>see the Mumbai Free Map ( http://www.crit.org.in/projects/gis |
>>http://freemap.crit.org.in | http://www.freemap.in ).
>>Please also visit and sign the open geo-data manifesto hosted by the
>>Open Knowledge Foundation ( http://okfn.org/geo/manifesto.php ) and
>>visit Mapping Hacks ( http://www.mappinghacks.com ).
>>Google Earth exposes IAF bases
>>MUMBAI: Legally, you aren?t supposed to come within arm?s length of
>>India?s military bases. Whether it is the naval dockyards in Mumbai or
>>the air force bases in New Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad, they  
>>to be strictly out of bounds for unauthorised personnel.
>>But technology, unerringly, finds ways to subvert the law. A little  
>>two weeks ago, Google released fresh satellite images of New Delhi,
>>south Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad as part of its new initiative,
>>Google Earth (  http://earth.google.com  ). These images, available to
>>anybody with access to the Net, provide users with images of earth  from
>>Punch New Delhi and the software first zooms in on Rashtrapati Bhavan.
>>After having taken a look at its lawns, take in a detailed perspective
>>of Parliament building. Maybe, fly over the Prime Minister?s  residence.
>>And if that doesn?t satiates the voyeur in you, move over to Palam
>>Airport where IAF planes are based.
>>The level of detail even reveals the camouflage used to mask hangars.
>>Pictures of Mumbai reveal with numbing clarity the docks where INS
>>Viraat is berthed. Users can zoom close enough to take a reasonably  
>>look at the deck of India?s lone aircraft carrier. Browse around  and 
>>can stroll past piers where warships of all kinds and submarines are
>>Pan across to take a long look at what lies beyond the fortified gates
>>of Navy Nagar where access is normally controlled by gun-wielding
>>guards. And if that isn?t enough, there are shots of a carrier under
>>construction, which sources speculate, could be the top secret  advanced
>>technology vessel (ATV).
>>It?s much the same thing with Bangalore. The air force base at  
>>with the jets and helicopters parked are available for all to view.  And
>>if it?s the HAL factory you?re interested in, zoom right i


2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:27:12 -0400
 Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Wikipedia & Tor
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)

Eugen Leitl wrote:
>>What is it that we don't get?
> That Tor is working as designed, and that the problem with bad actors using 
> its
> cloak is a problem with the actors themselves.

"Finally, we note that exit abuse must not be dismissed as a peripheral
issue: when a system's public image suffers, it can reduce the number
and diversity of that system's users, and thereby reduce the anonymity
of the system itself."

I'm pleased to report that the original design documents rightly agree
with me that the it is in the interest of the longterm success of the
Tor project that an attitude of throwing up our hands in defeat is not

> Those people are not sticking their heads in the sand.  They're correctly 
> noting
> that nothing is broken except the bad actors.

That *is* sticking their heads in the sand.

Yes, we can lay moral blame on the bad actors.  That's fine.  Let's all
stop typing for a minute or two and just _hate_ them for it.  Ok, now we
all feel better. :-)

But now we're back to the question: how can Tor be improved to deal with
this very serious and important problem?  What are the steps that might
be taken, however imperfect, to reduce the amount of abuse coming from
Tor nodes?


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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia]

2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Adam Langley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Adam Langley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 14:25:15 +0100
Subject: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia

On 9/28/05, Nick Mathewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hashcash is often considered, but commonly dismissed, because it
> limits identities based on the wrong resource: computers.

A similar scheme  would be to make people perform many CAPTCHAs[1] in
order to generate a login id. That way the resource is human time and
it's difficult to generate lots of them [1]. Abuse from these accounts
results in the account being deleted, which makes it costly.

(More detail here: http://www.imperialviolet.org/page26.html#e509)

The design of the CAPTCHA is actually far more difficult than I
imagined because it turns out that the range of ability of people for
solving them is very large - but there are several widly used CAPTCHAs
which seems to be good for many of people. (Very unscientifically, it
seems that computer minded people can solve them but other's have
great problems. My mother can't even do the Google CAPTCHA).

Although this seems possible it's tough to believe that it's worth
doing for Wikipedia because I've already written a small (1500 line)
patch for MediaWiki; the design of which was okayed in general by one
of the developers. It was intended to make it easier to block and
unblock IP ranges (like all Tor nodes) . The patch certainly wasn't
perfect but, despite the efforts of several people, I never got any
responce from anyone in MediaWiki about it.

I don't mind - I've the attention span of a flea anyway. But it's not
good for people who might be willing to do this work.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captcha

[2] You could setup a sweatshop to do it, or you could distribute it 
and make setup a porn website which requires you to solve them to gain
entry. Either way - it's quite a lot of effort. See

http://www.imperialviolet.org   (+44) (0)7906 332512
PGP: 9113   256A   CC0F   71A6   4C84   5087   CDA5   52DF   2CB6   3D60

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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [Geowanking] Google Earth Exposes the Indian Military]

2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Shekhar Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Shekhar Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:17:23 +0100
[EMAIL PROTECTED], fsf-friends@mm.gnu.org.in,
Subject: [Geowanking] Google Earth Exposes the Indian Military
Organization: CRIT (Collective Research Initiatives Trust)
X-Mailer: Evolution 2.4.0 

Dear All:

:: apologies for cross-posting ::

This has caused quite an uproar in Mumbai, and the consequences will be
interesting to follow. 

To read more about open geo-data and free mapping initiatives in India,
see the Mumbai Free Map ( http://www.crit.org.in/projects/gis |
http://freemap.crit.org.in | http://www.freemap.in ). 

Please also visit and sign the open geo-data manifesto hosted by the
Open Knowledge Foundation ( http://okfn.org/geo/manifesto.php ) and
visit Mapping Hacks ( http://www.mappinghacks.com ). 



Google Earth exposes IAF bases


MUMBAI: Legally, you aren???t supposed to come within arm???s length of
India???s military bases. Whether it is the naval dockyards in Mumbai or
the air force bases in New Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad, they continue
to be strictly out of bounds for unauthorised personnel. 

But technology, unerringly, finds ways to subvert the law. A little over
two weeks ago, Google released fresh satellite images of New Delhi,
south Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad as part of its new initiative,
Google Earth (  http://earth.google.com  ). These images, available to
anybody with access to the Net, provide users with images of earth from

Punch New Delhi and the software first zooms in on Rashtrapati Bhavan.
After having taken a look at its lawns, take in a detailed perspective
of Parliament building. Maybe, fly over the Prime Minister???s residence.
And if that doesn???t satiates the voyeur in you, move over to Palam
Airport where IAF planes are based.

The level of detail even reveals the camouflage used to mask hangars.

Pictures of Mumbai reveal with numbing clarity the docks where INS
Viraat is berthed. Users can zoom close enough to take a reasonably good
look at the deck of India???s lone aircraft carrier. Browse around and you
can stroll past piers where warships of all kinds and submarines are

Pan across to take a long look at what lies beyond the fortified gates
of Navy Nagar where access is normally controlled by gun-wielding
guards. And if that isn???t enough, there are shots of a carrier under
construction, which sources speculate, could be the top secret advanced
technology vessel (ATV). 

It???s much the same thing with Bangalore. The air force base at Yelahanka
with the jets and helicopters parked are available for all to view. And
if it???s the HAL factory you???re interested in, zoom right in.


Shekhar Krishnan
9, Supriya, 2nd Floor
709, Parsee Colony Road no.4
Dadar, Mumbai 400014


Geowanking mailing list

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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia]

2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Nick Mathewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Nick Mathewson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 05:03:30 -0400
Subject: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia
User-Agent: Mutt/

On Wed, Sep 28, 2005 at 02:45:35AM -0400, Jeffrey F. Bloss wrote:
> Has anyone considered applying a HashCash type solution to this?

Hashcash is often considered, but commonly dismissed, because it
limits identities based on the wrong resource: computers.

If you haven't read the paper "'Proof-of-work' Proves Not To Work" by
Ben Laurie and Richard Clayton, I recommend it highly.  See
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/rnc1/proofwork.pdf .  It mostly
discusses why hashcash can't prevent spam, but the arguments would
seem to apply to wikipedia editing as well.

> > On the other hand, if there were an authentication service that gave
> > you pseudonyms for Tor users who wanted pseudonyms, you could tell
> > which pseudonyms contributed well, and which were jerks, and which
> > were nonentities.
> The problem I see with this is that as the name implies, it's 
> pseudo-anonymous. 

Sorry, but you've stumbled a personal crusade of mine.

The word is pseudonymous, not pseudo-anonymous.  And the difference is
importatant.  "Pseudonymous" means "using false names," like calling
yourself Batman instead of Bruce Wayne.  "Anonymous" means "without a
name," like writing "The Joker will pay for his crimes" and not
signing it.  "Pseudo-anonymous" isn't a real word, but if it were, it
would mean "falsely anonymous", like the bank robber who disguised
himself by wearing a motorcycle helmet with his name written on the

>  Tor is an anonymous network by design. And there is a
> difference.

As one of the designers, I'd like to weigh in.  Tor provides
anonymity, but we've never opposed people who wanted to use an
anonymous system to bootstrap per-service or cross-service

We will never, of course, alter Tor to make people have pseudonyms.
But letting using pseudonyms is not against our overarching goals.

The overarching goals are privacy and usability.{2}

>   It's real time nature also compounds any additional partitioning 
> problems a hard-keyed pseudonym setup brings with it.

I don't see any iterable (that is, awful) partitioning attacks here.
Assume a network where some users have pseudonyms and some don't.
Assume that pseudonyms are first obtained through a blinded{3}
process, so that an attacker can't tell which user has which

Assume that the attacker is watching all authentication services
(since this is probably the best point for these attacks).  The
attacker could tell when users create new pseudonyms, and when
pseudonymous users are active.  From this info, the attacker could
rule out some users as possible owners of some pseudonyms, but that's
about it.  Correlation and intersection attacks are unlikely to work
unless the attacker is watching the user as well as the auth server,
and that's outside our threat model.

> Although, this too might fall under that "good enough" umbrella as
> long as the tor network were disjoined from the nym creation and key
> distribution process as much as possible. The nyms would have to be
> managed outside a tor egress point to maintain user's anonymity.


> I also question whether or not a system can be devised that makes
> nym creation expensive enough to thwart nefarious users from simply
> collection a lot of nyms. :(

Right.  I suspect that this is one of those social engineering
problems that we won't solve except by trying things out and seeing
whether they work.

{1} There are all other kinds of great terms in the field.  For
example, "allonymous" is using a name belonging to someone else,
like if the Joker writes a letter and signs it "Batman."  Oddly,
there is no classical term for using one's given name.

{2} If you care about privacy and not usability, I recommend DC nets.
If you care about usability and not privacy, I recommend turning
Tor off.

{3} Again see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_signature

Nick Mathewson

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Description: Digital signature

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia]

2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
> Willful ignorance?  Not at all.  What I know is that we are forced to
> block Tor servers regularly due to persistent vandalism.  That's a sad
> fact to me.  It's a difficult thing for those of us who are serious
> about these issues.  But the really sad thing is when elements of the
> Tor community are not willing to face up to this as a legitimate and
> difficult problem.
> "everyone is so worried about it, but has any one ever been successfully
> been able to use tor to effectively spam anyone?"
> Yes, of course!  We deal with it constantly.  We have an effective means
> of dealing with it: we block Tor servers from editing wikipedia.  But is
> that what any of us want?
> "Misbehaviour is in the eye of the observer, however."
> No, actually it isn't.  There is such a thing as objectively
> identifiable malicious behavior.  We aren't Chinese censors here.  We're
> the good guys.  We want to work with you.
> Yes, we could implement tight security to only allow people who identify
> themselves (perhaps we'll require a credit card number, someone
> suggests?)... but *cough*, aren't we supposed to care about privacy here?
> --Jimbo

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia]

2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from cypherpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: cypherpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 17:25:07 -0700
Subject: Re: Hello directly from Jimbo at Wikipedia

As an occasional Tor and Wikipedia user, let me add a couple of points.

First, in case it is not obvious, the problem with the present system
is that Tor users can no longer edit on Wikipedia. I have done so in
the past, in what I like to think is a constructive manner, but cannot
do so since this summer. I have valid although perhaps unpopular
contributions to make, and not only is my freedom to express myself
limited, the quality of the material on Wikipedia suffers due to the
absence of my perspective. The status quo is not acceptable and we
should work to find a solution.

Looking at the proposals for authentication servers and such, I see a
major issue which is not being addressed. That is, how does the web
server distinguish "authenticated" Tor users from unathenticated ones?
If this is via a complicated protocol, there is no point as the
servers won't use it.

The hard truth is this: the distinction must be done on the basis of
IP address. That is, there must be a separate set of Tor exit nodes
which are only for authenticated users.

This does not necessarily mean building complex authentication
protocols into the Tor network, and having two classes of traffic
flowing around. It could be that this authenticated Tor is a separate
network. It only lets users in who are authenticated, and owns a
specific set of IP addresses which servers can whitelist. The regular
Tor exit nodes can be blacklisted as they are now.

The technical problem is then, how to achieve as much anonymity as
possible in the authenticated network, while still providing the abuse
prevention services which Wikipedia and other servers will require in
order to whitelist the nodes.

What does Wikipedia need? What is the minimum level of service they
require? Presumably, it is similar to what they can get via ISPs, who
also map many users to a fixed set of IP addresses. Wikipedia can
complain to the ISP, and it will get back in some form to that user.

Of course, Wikipedia does not know the details of how their complaint
is handled. Is the user kicked off, banned temporarily, or merely
given a stern warning? What matters to them is that, generally, users
that they complain about don't keep coming back. Their complaints are
effective, at least much or most of the time. This is the level of
response which an authenticated Tor network would have to provide.

The problem with this functionality from Tor's perspective is that
unlike an ISP, Tor does not have knowledge of the mapping from users
to IP addresses. Given a complaint that a certain IP was misused at a
certain time, Tor has no information about which user to penalize.

To solve the problem we would need to use some cryptographic
mechanism. Let authenticated users gain credentials via some
expensive, slow process. Let them embed the credentials in their
messages such that they are revealed in some blinded form to the exit
node. Let the exit nodes remember the credentials which were used at
different times. When valid complaints arrive, let the exit nodes
blacklist the credential which was in use at that time. This stops the

There could be many such authenticated-Tor subnetworks. Each could
have its own credential servers, its own abuse policies, and its own
set of exit IP addresses. They would be like anonymous ISPs, from the
POV of web server operators like Wikipedia. Those which are
effectively able to suppress abuse will avoid blacklists and their
users will be able to successfully use web based services.


- End forwarded message -
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Description: Digital signature


2005-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Jimmy Wales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 19:50:52 -0400
Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Wikipedia & Tor]]
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Macintosh/20050317)

Eugen Leitl wrote:
>>Wikipedia already needs this sort of thing because of AOL IPs -- they
>>have similar characteristics to Tor, in that a single IP produces lots
>>of behavior, some good some bad.
> So Wikipedia understands that the transport layer isn't to blame, yet they
> persist in asking for changes in the Tor transport to address the problem of
> malicious users?  *groan*

Actually, the transport layer *is* to blame.  I don't know how much more
clear I can be about it.  Because Tor users are almost universally bad,
because almost no good edits come out of the Tor network, we block them.

Why is it that Tor users are so bad?  The main reason is that the
anonymity provides them with cover.

AOL users are sort of bad, but not universally bad.  Why is that?  It is
in part because of the way their transport layer is designed.

> That's not the perception they need to change.  They need to realize that if 
> an
> avenue for action without responsibility exists, someone will use it. 

We *do* realize that.  That's exactly what I'm talking about.  Tor
provides an avenue for action without responsibility, and people do use it.

> Wikis get defaced all the time *without* AOL or Tor, because the philosophy 
> allows
> anyone to edit.  It is that philosophy that is in error, not the transport
> layers used by the vandals.

If what you're saying is "I think it is fine for Wikipedia to block
Tor," then you really aren't contributing productively to this
conversation.  There are some facts we know: we can usefully reduce the
amount of anonymous grief we get by blocking Tor exit servers.  So, this
is what we are currently doing.  I consider this unfortunate, but there
you go.

We are not looking for a perfect solution.  Yes, Wikis will be
vandalized.  We're prepared to deal with that, we do deal with that.
But what I am seeking is some efforts to think usefully about how to
helpfully reconcile our dual goals of openness and privacy.

I don't say "privacy is wrong, so Tor should change their philosophy".
I make no apologies for simply ignoring you if you say that "openness is
wrong, so Wikipedia should change their philosophy."

> Roger gets it.  The Wikipedians don't.

What is it that we don't get?  This thread started off because a Tor
server complained to me about the blocking, and part of my response is
that one beef I have is that some people in the Tor community seem very
happy to simply stick their heads in the sand and pretend that
"Wikipedians don't get it".

That's not helpful.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: Wikipedia & Tor]

2005-09-27 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Roger Dingledine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 15:54:38 -0400
Subject: Re: Wikipedia & Tor
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 11:18:31AM -0400, Paul Syverson wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 27, 2005 at 10:27:58AM -0400, Matt Thorne wrote:
> > everyone is so worried about it, but has any one ever been successfully been
> > able to use tor to effectively spam anyone?
> No. Cf.
> http://tor.eff.org/faq-abuse.html#WhatAboutSpammers

To be fair, this answer is yes. People have used Tor to deface Wikipedia
pages, along with Slashdot pages, certain IRC networks, and so on. I
think that counts as spam at least in a broad sense.

> A potential for cooperation is the proposal below for authenticated
> access to Wikipedia through Tor. I will not speak to any particular
> design here, but if Wikipedia has a notion of clients trusted to post
> to Wikipedia, it should be possible to work with them to have an
> authentication server that controls access to Wikipedia through Tor.

As I understand it, Jimmy is hoping that we will develop and maintain
this notion. We would run both "halves" of the Tor network, and when they
complain about a user, we would cut that user out of the authenticated

Jimmy and I talked about Tor-and-Wikipedia many months ago, and the
conclusion was that they (mediawiki) would be willing to try a variety of
technological solutions to see if they work (i.e. cut down on vandalism
and aren't too much of a burden to run). My favorite is to simply have
certain address classes where the block expires after 15 minutes or
so. Brandon Wiley proposed a similar idea but where the block timeout is
exponentially longer for repeated abuse, so services that are frequently
blocked will stay blocked longer. This is great. But somebody needs to
actually code it.

Wikipedia already needs this sort of thing because of AOL IPs -- they
have similar characteristics to Tor, in that a single IP produces lots
of behavior, some good some bad. The two differences as I understand
them are that AOL will cancel user accounts if you complain loudly enough
(but there's constant tension here because in plenty of cases AOL decides
not to cancel the account, so Wikipedia has to deal some other way like
temporarily blocking the IP), and that it's not clear enough to the
Wikipedia operators that there *are* good Tor users.

(One might argue that it's hard for Wikipedia to change their perception
and learn about any good Tor uses, firstly because good users will
blend in and nobody will notice, and secondly because they've prevented
them all from editing so there are no data points either way.)

So I've been content to wait and watch things progress. Perhaps we will
find a volunteer who wants to help hack the mediawiki codebase to be more
authentication-friendly (or have more powerful blocking config options).
Perhaps we'll find a volunteer to help build the blind-signature
pseudonymous authenticated identity management infrastructure that Nick
refers to. Perhaps the Wikimedia operators will increasingly get a sense
that Tor has something to offer besides vandalism. (I presume this thread
re-surfaced because Tor users and operators are periodically telling
Wikipedia that they don't like being blocked.) Maybe we will come to
the point eventually that it makes sense to do something different than
blocking the Tor IP addresses from editing Wikipedia. (Which, we should
all remember compared the Gentoo forum situation, is a great step above
blocking them from both reading and writing.)

It could be that we never reach that point. Certain services on the
Internet (like some IRC networks) that are really prone to abuse are
probably doing the right thing by blocking all Tor users (and all AOL
users, and all open proxies, and ...). And we want to keep Tor easy
to block, or we're really going to start getting the other communities
angry at us.

In summary, I'm not too unhappy with the status quo for now. Tor needs
way more basic development / usability work still. In the absence of
actual volunteers-who-code on the side of Tor _or_ Wikipedia to resolve
the problem, I'm going to focus on continuing to make Tor better, so
down the road maybe we'll be able to see better answers.


- End forwarded message -
Eugen* Leitl http://leitl.org";>leitl
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Description: Digital signature

/. [How Chinese Evade Government's Web Controls]

2005-09-27 Thread Eugen Leitl

Link: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/09/27/1235203
Posted by: CmdrTaco, on 2005-09-27 13:37:00

   [1]Carl Bialik from the WSJ writes "China is moving to 'centralize all
   China-based Web news and opinion under a state regulator,' the Wall
   Street Journal reports, but determined citizens have found a way out
   of previous restrictions in what has become a cat-and-mouse game:
   '[2]Many Chinese Internet users, dismissing what they call government
   scare tactics, find ways around censorship. The government requires
   users of cybercafs to register with their state-issued ID cards on
   each visit, but some users avoid cybercaf registration by paying off
   owners. In response, the government has installed video cameras in
   some cafs and shut others. ... While certain words such as "democracy"
   are banned in online chat rooms, China's Web users sometimes transmit
   sensitive information as images, or simply speak in code, inserting
   special characters such as underscoring into typing.' Also noteworthy
   is that major portals seem to be cooperating with authorities'
   restrictions: 'Insiders who work for the big portal sites say they are
   already in regular contact with authorities about forbidden topics,
   such as the outlawed Falun Gong religious group, which their teams of
   Web editors pull off bulletin boards.'"


   1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Wikipedia & Tor]

2005-09-27 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Arrakis Tor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Arrakis Tor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 07:48:22 -0500
Subject: Wikipedia & Tor

This is a conversation with Jimmy Wales regarding how we can get
Wikipedia to let Tor get through.

> Anyone with a port 80 can vandalize your website.

Yes, but we notice that we can control a significant amount of vandalism
by blocking ip numbers which have proven to be particularly problematic.
 TOR servers are among the absolute worst.  And TOR operators don't seem
to care.

 We go to the trouble
> to  block  all  the  file  sharing clients, and often abused ports and
> protocols like IRC. Many of us typically block ports which do not have
> any  legitimate  reason for being used. If all it take is a port 80 to
> vandalize  the  wikipedia,  of which port 80 is a public service, then
> there  is  no point in discriminating against Tor users since every IP
> is an equal opportunity offender.

Equal *opportunity*, but we have very strong empirical evidence here.
TOR ip numbers are the worst offenders that we have seen.  People use
TOR specifically to hide their identity, specifically to vandalize

> You say that tor is quite irresponsibly managed. How would you propose
> we manage tor servers differently?

Ban users who vandalize wikipedia.  That'd be a start.  Rate limit edits
at Wikipedia, that'd be good.  Write an extension to your software which
would help us to distinguish between "trusted" and "newbie" Tor clients.

I completely fail to comprehend why Tor server operators consistently
refuse to take responsibility for their crazed users.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: [p2p-hackers] Re: [rest-discuss] Re: RESTful authorization]

2005-09-27 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Nick Lothian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Nick Lothian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 11:05:31 +0930
To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [p2p-hackers] Re: [rest-discuss] Re: RESTful authorization
Reply-To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> p2p-hackers, meet rest-discuss.  rest-discuss, I'd like to 
> introduce you to p2p-hackers.
> RESTafarians: there is a long-running conversation on 
> p2p-hackers about friendnets, also known as darknets, small 
> world networks, and F2F networks; also capabilities security, 
> sometimes known as smart contracts.  An example thread begins 
> at http://zgp.org/pipermail/p2p-hackers/2005-August/002915.html 
> p2p-hackers: Tyler Close' method for HTTP access control 
> using nothing but unguessable (and secret) URIs came up on 
> REST-discuss.  That thread begins at 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rest-discuss/message/5228  In 
> the context of friendnets, Tyler's scheme is a beautifully 
> simple way of controlling access using nothing but low-tech 
> means.  Not only does it limit access to trusted parties, it 
> also allows for transitive relationships.  (Warning: his 
> scheme is counterintuitive, since the dependence on secret 
> URLs smells like security through obscurity).

Interesting idea.

It may not be security via obscurity, but it does appear to ignore a
number of practical considerations.

For instance, what about the secret URL being passed on in referrer
headers to other pages? I think some browsers block it when you go from
a secure page to a non-secure page on another site (although I'm unsure
about that). The argument that users shouldn't put links to on a secured
page is more surprising than the things it is trying to avoid (to me

OTOH, all browsers block HTTP authenticaion credentials from being
passed in the referrer header.

p2p-hackers mailing list
Here is a web page listing P2P Conferences:

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] China Tightens Its Restrictions for News Media on the Internet]

2005-09-26 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 13:49:32 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] China Tightens Its Restrictions for News Media on the Internet
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Dewayne Hendricks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 26, 2005 11:40:25 AM EDT
To: Dewayne-Net Technology List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] China Tightens Its Restrictions for News Media  
on the Internet

[Note:  This item comes from reader John McMullen.  DLH]

>From: "John F. McMullen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: September 25, 2005 10:58:53 PM PDT
>To: "johnmac's living room" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: Dewayne Hendricks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dave Farber  
>Subject: China Tightens Its Restrictions for News Media on the  
>From the New York Times -- <http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/26/ 
>China Tightens Its Restrictions for News Media on the Internet
>BEIJING, Sept. 25 - China on Sunday imposed more restrictions  
>intended to limit the news and other information available to  
>Internet users, and it sharply restricted the scope of content  
>permitted on Web sites.
>The rules are part of a broader effort to roll back what the  
>Communist Party views as a threatening trend toward liberalization  
>in the news media. Taken together, the measures amount to a stepped- 
>up effort to police the Internet, which has become a dominant  
>source of news and information for millions of urban Chinese.
>Major search engines and portals like Sina.com and Sohu.com, used  
>by millions of Chinese each day, must stop posting their own  
>commentary articles and instead make available only opinion pieces  
>generated by government-controlled newspapers and news agencies,  
>the regulations stipulate.
>The rules also state that private individuals or groups must  
>register as "news organizations" before they can operate e-mail  
>distribution lists that spread news or commentary. Few individuals  
>or private organizations are likely to be allowed to register as  
>news organizations, meaning they can no longer legally distribute  
>information by e-mail.
>Existing online news sites, like those run by newspapers or  
>magazines, must "give priority" to news and commentary pieces  
>distributed by the leading national and provincial news organs.
>This restriction on the ability of Web sites to republish articles  
>produced by the huge array of news organizations that do not fall  
>under direct government control seems intended to ensure that the  
>Propaganda Department has time to filter content generated by local  
>publications before it can be widely disseminated on the Internet.
>The new rules are the first major update to policies on Internet  
>news and opinion since 2000.
>"The foremost responsibility of news sites on the Internet is to  
>serve the people, serve socialism, guide public opinion in the  
>right direction, and uphold the interests of the country and the  
>public good," the regulations state.
>Although Chinese authorities have already effectively unlimited  
>powers to control the gathering and publication of news, the  
>Propaganda Department has sometimes struggled to censor information  
>about delicate developments before it circulates on the Internet.
>About 100 million Chinese now have access to the Internet. Though  
>the government closely monitors domestic content and blocks what  
>officials consider to be subversive Web sites from overseas, savvy  
>users can obtain domestic and overseas information that never  
>appears in China's traditional news media.
>By the time officials have decided that a topic might prove harmful  
>to the governing party's agenda, an item about it has often already  
>been posted or discussed on hundreds of sites and viewed by many  
>people, defeating some traditional censorship tools.
>Experts who follow the Internet say one of the most significant  
>changes is the ban on self-generated opinion and commentary  
>articles that accompany the standard state-issued news bulletins on  
>major portal sites.

Weblog at: <http://weblog.warpspeed.com>

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [Politech] White House supports forcible DNA extraction from Americans by cops [priv]]

2005-09-26 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh  -

From: Declan McCullagh 
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 02:36:51 -0700
To: politech@politechbot.com
Subject: [Politech] White House supports forcible DNA extraction from
 Americans by cops [priv]
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Macintosh/20050716)

We discussed this here weeks ago:



Bill Would Permit DNA Collection From All Those Arrested

By Jonathan Krim
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 24, 2005; Page A03

Suspects arrested or detained by federal authorities could be forced to 
provide samples of their DNA that would be recorded in a central 
database under a provision of a Senate bill to expand government 
collection of personal data.

The controversial measure was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee 
last week and is supported by the White House, but has not gone to the 
floor for a vote. It goes beyond current law, which allows federal 
authorities to collect and record samples of DNA only from those 
convicted of crimes. The data are stored in an FBI-maintained national 
registry that law enforcement officials use to aid investigations, by 
comparing DNA from criminals with evidence found at crime scenes.

[...remainder snipped...]
Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [Politech] Are geeks being targeted as "terrorists?" [fs]]

2005-09-26 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh  -

From: Declan McCullagh 
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 02:29:16 -0700
To: politech@politechbot.com
Subject: [Politech] Are geeks being targeted as "terrorists?" [fs]
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Macintosh/20050716)

 Original Message 
Subject: Geeks being targeted as "terrorists"
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 16:18:04 -0400
From: Richard M. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Declan McCullagh' 

Hi Declan,

It appears that there is a growing group of "geeks" who are being singled
out as "terrorists".  Although suspected or charged with terror-related
crimes, these folks in many cases were simply in the wrong place at the
wrong time, have quirky hobbies, or showed poor judgement.  Attached is a
list of articles about these individuals and their alledged crimes.

Richard M. Smith


Suspicious behaviour on the tube

Cape pilot wages battle over FBI's 'No Fly' action

In N.Y., Case Of Germs Shifts From Bioterror To Moral Error

Man Charged Under Patriot Act for Laser

Agents search homes of bioterror expert [Kenneth M. Berry]
Actions in N.Y., N.J. part of anthrax investigation

Patent 6,710,711 - Method for identifying chemical, biological and nuclear
attacks or hazards, Kenneth M. Berry

Scientist in plague vial case set to appear court

The Hunting of Steven J. Hatfill
Why are so many people eager to believe that this man is the anthrax killer?
by David Tell

Man wrongly linked to Madrid bombings sues
Names Ashcroft, Justice Department, FBI; challenges Patriot Act

Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
Moderated by Declan McCullagh (http://www.mccullagh.org/)

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Secrecy Power Sinks Patent Case]

2005-09-23 Thread Eugen Leitl
n raised the argument in  
the Crater case last year.

"The more information that is disclosed, the easier it becomes to  
disclose more, and soon the floodgates are opened and nothing is  
secret," Olson told Judge Webber.

A Navy spokeswoman declined to comment on the Crater case, but  
outside experts say it's easy enough to guess the nature of the top- 
secret project the government is protecting. "It's all but self- 
evident that it has to do with the clandestine monitoring of fiber- 
optics communications cables on the ocean floor," says Aftergood.

"They've been interested in it since the first fiber-optic cable was  
ever invented," says James Bamford, author of two books on the NSA.  
"It's clear that they have a major operation in terms of tapping into  
sea cables."

Fiber-optic cables were well on their way to supplanting less-secure  
communications technologies at the time that Lucent approached the  
Crater inventors, and it's been widely reported that the switch  
threatened to cut off the electronic spies at the NSA. "There's been  
this huge shift from using satellite communications, which is very  
easy to tap into, to using both terrestrial and transoceanic fiber- 
optic cables, and that's presented a major problem for NSA," says  

To counter that problem, and keep the electronic intelligence  
flowing, NSA has reportedly developed sophisticated techniques for  
wiretapping undersea cables, relying on specially equipped Navy  
submarines, the most advanced of which is the newly recommissioned  
USS Jimmy Carter, fresh from a $1 billion upgrade that reportedly  
includes state-of-the-art technology for tapping into undersea fiber- 
optic communications.

French, now 74 and living in Maine, is not a party to the case since  
his partners bought out his interest in the invention. But he still  
has bad feelings over the affair.

"If it had been war time, World War II, I'd have given it to them.  
But if they're hiding behind some friggin' law, basically to screw  
somebody" says French, trailing off.

Lucent spokesman John Skalko says the court's secrecy order prevents  
him from addressing the inventors' claims in depth. "We deny any  
breach of contract or any misappropriation of trade secrets," says  

"You can't try this case in your publication, it's only to be tried  
in a court of law," Skalko adds -- a prospect that seems increasingly  


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Re: GPS Jammer Firm nearly ejected from Russian air show.

2005-09-22 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 04:50:07PM +0200, Nomen Nescio wrote:

> GPS frequencies are fixed, so they can be interfered with.  Only in

Military receivers are somewhat hardened at least against terrestrial
jamming. It would be probably impossible to be immune to strong
airborne (balloons and drones) jammers.  

> these days of general technological incompetence, where intangible
> scientific principles have reverted to their ancient status as mystic,
> is the concept of RF interference newsworthy.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] European Commission: data retention voice: 1 year and Internet 6 months]

2005-09-22 Thread Eugen Leitl
EC will  
apply. The processing of such data will be under the full supervisory  
powers of the data protection authorities established in all Member  
States. The Directive is also fully in line with the European policy  
on consumer protection.

The proposal has taken into account to a significant extent the  
ongoing works on an initiative from Member States for a Framework  
Decision on the same topic, which has been in discussion within the  
Council since April 2004. However, the Commission proposal is founded  
on a different legal basis (EC Treaty instead of EU Treaty), which  
means that the European Parliament will be fully involved in the  
decision making process.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Request: Check your cell phone to see if it's always transmitting your location [priv]]

2005-09-22 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:57:50 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] Request: Check your cell phone to see if it's always transmitting 
your location [priv]
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Declan McCullagh 
Date: September 21, 2005 6:22:26 PM EDT
To: politech@politechbot.com
Subject: [Politech] Request: Check your cell phone to see if it's  
always transmitting your location [priv]

Related Politech message:
And a column I wrote on this a while ago:


 Original Message 
Subject: Always-on location tracking in cellphones
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 18:04:30 -0400
From: Richard M. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Declan McCullagh' 

Hi Declan,

We have talked before about the FCC mandate which is requiring all U.S.
wireless carriers to provide location information to emergency operators
accurate to about 150 feet on all 911 calls as part of the Enhanced 911
program (http://www.fcc.gov/911/enhanced/).  To meet this FCC  
mandate, my
Verizon Wireless Treo 650 cellphone includes some kind of GPS tracking
technology.  The Treo also has an option to select if location  
is sent in to Verizon for all calls or only 911 calls.

I was a bit surprised to learn that my Treo defaults to always sending
location information.  After a bit of initial confusion, I got  
from both Palm and Verizon Wireless that my observation about the  
was correct.  However, Verizon Wireless told me this is a mistake and  
forward, they plan to change the default to "911 calls only".

I'm curious now when other models of cellphones transmit location
information to carriers.  Can folks on Politech check their  
cellphones and
phone manuals to see what kind of controls there are over location
information and send me the results?  I'll also need the make and  
model of
the phone and the wireless carrier.

For my Treo phone, I found the location option under "Phone  
Preferences" in
the Options menu of the main phone screen.

Richard M. Smith

Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] OT: Canada: Sweeping new surveillance bill to criminalize investigative journalism]

2005-09-21 Thread Eugen Leitl

Mr. Joynt said private detectives already steer clear of surveillance in
residences and other private places.

"What we would be concerned about is the definition of 'private  
activity,' "
he stressed. "We are aware that there are certain things that are  
kind of
sacrosanct and that we wouldn't videotape, such as people changing their
clothes or going to the bathroom. But if it was a spousal domestic
investigation, for example, and somebody was having sex in the front  
seat of
a car, we would be videotaping it."

Mr. Joynt also argued that parents should be entitled to install a  
video camera in their kitchen, for example, if they are suspicious  
about how
a child-care giver is interacting with their helpless infant.

"If they become suspicious about the quality or the level of that  
care, they
should be able to check it out and I don't think that employee's  
right to
privacy supercedes the right of the child to a safe environment," Mr.  

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [Politech] In China, U.S. tech companies face free speech choices [fs]]

2005-09-21 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh  -

From: Declan McCullagh 
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:01:57 -0700
To: politech@politechbot.com
Subject: [Politech] In China,
U.S. tech companies face free speech choices [fs]
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Macintosh/20050716)


Chinese Internet vs. free speech
Hard choices for U.S. tech giants

Carrie Kirby, Chronicle Staff Writer
Sunday, September 18, 2005

U.S. tech giants are helping the Chinese express themselves online -- as 
long as they don't write about democracy, Tibet, sex, Tiananmen Square, 
Falun Gong, government corruption or any other taboo subject.

Microsoft bans "democracy" and "Dalai Lama" from the Chinese version of 
its blog site. Yahoo recently turned over information that helped the 
Chinese government track down and imprison a journalist for the crime of 
forwarding an e-mail. Google omits banned publications from its Chinese 
news service.

Critics say that cooperating with governments to suppress free speech 
violates human rights, international law and corporate ethics. But what 
the experts can't agree on is what the companies should do about it. The 
Internet -- even with limitations -- is generally considered a powerful 
democratizing force. If international companies withdrew from the 
Chinese Internet market, the result might mean even fewer chances for 
free communications there.

[...remainder snipped...]
Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Anonymity on mobile devices]

2005-09-17 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Christian Beil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Christian Beil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 17 Sep 2005 18:02:04 +0200
Subject: Anonymity on mobile devices
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

developing on a project which uses Tor, I hope to get some opinions from 
I'm working with the mobile business group at my university in Germany. 
We are developing a platform for location-based and context-based 
applications. We also want to provide security and anonymity to the 
users of these locaion- and context-based services. Beside using 
pseudonyms, we want to apply an anonymizing service like Tor.
Our tests with some quite fast mobile devices (PDAs) showed that Tor 
could not (yet) be applied directly on the client. In the first place 
performance of the PDAs is too low for the (many) publice key 
operations, and secondly setting up a circuit causes much traffic which 
takes long and costs money; e.g. the OR list is quite big.

So we switched to a different architecture: now there is gateway to 
which the user connects to and which does all the anonymizing for him. 
This means we have a single point of failure, but we only need to 
connect securely (TLS,VPN,...) to the gateway.
Additionally we want to enable the user to choose the way of 
anonymizing, e.g. using Jap or Tor. Because of this and because we use 
the gateway for some other things, we had to design our own protocol 
which is similar to Socks, but has some additional parameter for the 
anonymity configuration.
So our architecture looks like this: the mobile client connects securely 
(by VPN) to the gateway, then it sends a Socks-like connect request 
along with the configuration parameters to the gateway, the gateway 
sends a request to the chosen anonymity service (e.g. talking socks5 to 
Tor on port 9050) and after the connection has been established the 
gateway forwards all incoming data.

What do you think of this architecture and of anonymity on mobile 
devices in general? There was a system called mCrowds which implemented 
Crowd's Jondos on WAP-gateways. Does anyone know it?


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/. [Keyboard Sound Aids Password Cracking]

2005-09-13 Thread Eugen Leitl

Link: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/09/13/1644259
Posted by: CmdrTaco, on 2005-09-13 17:04:00

   from the but-i-love-clicky-keyboards dept.
   [1]stinerman writes "Three students at UC-Berkley used a 10 minute
   [2]recording of a keyboard to recover 96% of the characters typed
   during the session. The article details that their methods did not
   require a 'training text' in order to calibrate the conversion
   algorithm as has been used previously. The [3]research paper [PDF]
   notes that '90% of 5-character random passwords using only letters can
   be generated in fewer than 20 attempts by an adversary; 80% of
   10-character passwords can be generated in fewer than 75 attempts.'"


   1. http://www.livejournal.com/~stinerman
   2. http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/?p=893

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [Politech] Judge denies Feds' cell-phone tracking request, in first case of its kind [priv]]

2005-09-13 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh  -

From: Declan McCullagh 
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:17:01 -0300
To: politech@politechbot.com
Subject: [Politech] Judge denies Feds' cell-phone tracking request,
 in first case of its kind [priv]
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Macintosh/20050716)


"Police blotter" is a weekly report on the intersection of technology 
and the law. This episode: Feds' location-tracking rebuffed.

What: In the first case of its kind, a federal judge chastises the U.S. 
Department of Justice for trying to constantly track a cell phone user's 
location without providing any proof of criminal behavior.

When: Decided Aug. 25 by U.S. Magistrate Judge James Orenstein in 
Central Islip, N.Y.

Outcome: Justice Department's Patriot Act surveillance request was denied.

[...remainder snipped...]
Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: China Telecom Blocking Skype Calls]

2005-09-10 Thread Eugen Leitl

The real reason is that they can't tap Skype.

Link: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/09/09/2241223
Posted by: Zonk, on 2005-09-09 23:37:00

   from the no-freebies dept.
   [1]Retrospeak writes "According to a Reuters report [2]China is
   starting to block Skype service in Shenzhen, an affluent southern city
   of China. Local Chinese media report that China Telecom has plans to
   eventually block the service throughout its coverage area nationwide.
   Could this have something to do with the fact that China Telecom
   charges close to $1 per minute for calls to United States and Europe?"
   From the article: " A China Telecom spokesman had no comment on the
   reports about the Shenzhen blockage, but gave a broader view. 'Under
   the current relevant laws and regulations of China, PC-to-phone
   services are strictly regulated and only China Telecom and (the
   nation's other fixed-line carrier) China Netcom are permitted to carry
   out some trials on a very limited basis,' he said."


   1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Judge says no to law enforcement cell-phone tracking request]

2005-09-09 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 08:21:19 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] Judge says no to law enforcement cell-phone tracking request
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gregory Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 8, 2005 9:56:59 PM EDT
Cc: ip@v2.listbox.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Judge says no to law enforcement cell-phone tracking request
Reply-To: Gregory Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


By Heather Forsgren Weaver
Sep 6, 2005

WASHINGTON  A federal judge in New York has ruled that law enforcement
may not track someone without probable cause, according to News.com by

Burton Ryan, an assistant U.S. attorney, had tried to obtain a "pen
register" tap that would track constantly a target whenever his cell
phone was in use.

U.S. Magistrate Judge James Orenstein said no.  To require that type of
information, Ryan must apply for a wiretap, which requires probable

"I don't know anything about the specific case, but it is true that
location information only attaches to a court order obtained with
probable cause," said Les Szwajkowski, a former FBI agent now with
Raytheon Corp "This is exactly the role magistrates are supposed to
play. They are not rubber stamps."

The rules implementing the Communications Assistance for Law
Enforcement Act said that law enforcement was entitled to pen register
information from a cell-phone conversation at the beginning and end of
the call.

This information would make it similar to a pen register in the wired
world, which gives the date, time and number called. Because the
location is fixed in the wired world, the location is known.

According to CNET, Orenstein said that more definitive rules need to be

"My research on this question has failed to reveal any federal case law
directly on point. Moreover, it is my understanding based on anecdotal
information that magistrate judges in other jurisdictions are being
confronted with the same issue but have not yet achieved consensus on
how to resolve it.

If the government intends to continue seeking authority to obtain
cell-site location information in aid of its criminal investigations, I
urge it to seek appropriate review of this order so that magistrate
judges will have more authoritative guidance in determining whether
controlling law permits such relief on the basis of the relaxed
standards set forth (under federal law), or instead requires adherence
to the more exacting standard of probable cause," wrote Orenstein.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [IP] Radio jamming in New Orleans during rescue operations]

2005-09-09 Thread Eugen Leitl
- Forwarded message from David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: David Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 08:25:43 -0400
To: Ip Ip 
Subject: [IP] Radio jamming in New Orleans during rescue operations
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.734)

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Glenn S. Tenney CISSP CISM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 8, 2005 3:24:45 PM EDT
Subject: Radio jamming in New Orleans during rescue operations

I saw this... For IP if you like:


September 2, 2005 -- Who is jamming communications in New Orleans? Ham
radio operators are reporting that communications in and around New
Orleans are being jammed. In addition, perplexed ham radio operators
who were enlisted by the Federal government in 911 are not being used
for hurricane Katrina Federal relief efforts. There is some
misinformation circulating on the web that the jamming is the result of
solar flares. Ham radio operators report that the flares are not the
source of the communications jamming.  If anyone at the National
Security Agency is aware of the source of the jamming, from direction
finding or satellite intelligence, please discretely contact me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (from a private or temporary email account).
In this case, the Bush administration cannot hide behind national
security and it is the duty of every patriotic American to report such
criminal activity to the press. Even though the information on the
jamming may be considered classified -- it is in the public interest to
disclose it. Also, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is
reporting that no aircraft over New Orleans have been fired on over New
Orleans or anywhere else in the area. Are the reports of shots being
fired at aircraft an attempt by the Bush administration to purposely
delay the arrival of relief to the city's homeless and dying poor? The
neocons have turned New Orleans into Baghdad on the Mississipppi

New Orleans: Who is jamming communications and why?

UPDATE: We can now report that the jamming of New Orleans'
communications is emanating from a pirate radio station in the
Caribbean. The noise is continuous and it is jamming frequencies,
including emergency high frequency (HF) radios, in the New Orleans
area. The radio frequency jammers were heard last night, stopped for a
while, and are active again today. The Pentagon must locate the
positions of these transmitters and order the Air Force to bomb them

However, we now have a new unconfirmed report that the culprit may be
the Pentagon itself. The emitter is an IF (Intermediate Frequency)
jammer that is operating south southwest of New Orleans on board a U.S.
Navy ship, according to an anonymous source. The jamming is
cross-spectrum and interfering with superheterodyne receiver
components, including the emergency radios being used in New Orleans
relief efforts. The jammed frequencies are:

72.0MHZ   (high end of Channel 4 WWL TV New Orleans)
45.0MHZ(fixed mobile)
10.245MHZ  (fixed mobile)
10.240 Mhz   (fixed mobile)
11.340 Mhz  (aeronautical mobile)
233 MHZ  (fixed mobile)
455 IF  (jammer)

A former DoD source says the U.S. Army uses a portable jammer, known
as WORLOCK, in Iraq and this jammer may be similar to the one that is
jamming the emergency frequencies.

UPDATE Sep. 3 -- A Vancouver, British Columbia Urban Search & Rescue
Team deployed to New Orleans reported that their satellite phones were
not working and they had to obtain other satellite phones to keep in
touch with their headquarters and other emergency agencies in British

There is a report on a ham radio web site that jamming is adversely
affecting the New Orleans emergency net on 14.265 Mhz.

If a U.S. Navy ship is, in fact, jamming New Orleans communications,
the crew must immediately shut down the jammer and take action against
the Commanding Officer.


We have just learned from a journalist in Mobile that yesterday,
Sprint blocked all cell phone calls from the Gulf Coast region to
points north and west. Calls were permitted between Alabama,
Mississippi, and Florida but no calls could be made to Washington, New
York, or Los Angeles

September 5, 2005 ...
Meanwhile, the communications jamming in the New Orleans area  
continues. It is now being reported by  truck drivers on  
Interstate-10 as affecting the Citizens' Band (CB) frequencies.

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