---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 22:51:07 -0000
From: atomic_play_doh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [infowars] Homeland Security Job Offer

I'm a professional software trainer and developer and below is an 
offer from a broker I use.  The thing that surprised me was the 
magnitude of this thing-30,000 new-hires for the Homeland Security 

I'm a little nervous about the new 'Homeland Security' branch of our 
government.  Once it kicks in, and we have a new government agency 
with 30,000-200,000 workers keeping an eye on the citizenry...I 
wonder what happens when the immediate threat goes away.  Will we 
just downsize the agency?  Historically, I'd say FAT CHANCE!  If 
anything, new enemies will be found that will justify an expansion-
both in the size and powers of this agency.

Back in the 70's I worked in the intelligence community as a Russian 
Linguist.  I used to subscribe to the 2 major Soviet newspapers:  
Isvestiya and Pravda- which translated mean literally 'News' 
and 'Truth' respectfully.  These two major papers tried to produce an 
illusion of choice in the news, but on all the major issues they 
agreed 100%.  People I knew who had fled the Soviet Union, used to 
joke "there's no Pravda in the Isvestiya, and there's no Isvestiya in 
the Pravda" --a play on the meanings of the words Pravda-Truth and 
Isvestiya-News.  I used to marvel that while the average Soviet knew 
the government was occasionally lying to them, by and large, they 
believed most of the major lies of the state.  I marveled that people 
in the Soviet Union didn't just see that the government was lying 
about almost everything and that the supposedly egalitarian 
government they had, was just as feudal as their old system under the 
czar.  Just different people in power, but those in real power lived 
just as extravagantly as the Czar's people and wielded their power 
with many times more cruelty.

But just like in the novel 1984, the Soviets had a very effective 
means of keeping the people in line.  They kept the common people 
stirred up with a constant enemy, which was usually the United 
States.  The effect of this, was to remove the people's attention 
from real issues, like shortages of toilet paper, food and clothing.

I now see a very similar pattern emerging here in the US.  I surf 
through all the channels on my cable, and virtually every national 
news station has had as their channel description:
-War on Terrorism
-American at War
-America Under Attack

And it's almost as if, every major news reporting agency is reporting 
the same exact thing, with exactly the same slant on every major 
story.  Every newspaper, every radio station and every TV channel 
seems to present the same party line, a whole lot like the way things 
were in the good ol' CCCP (USSR).  

By making the enemy into something pure evil--the common person's 
attention is drawn away from real issues.  And I'm not just talking 
about terrorism.  Before this, it was bootleggers.  Then in the 50's 
it was communists.  More recently, drugs.  Before the war on drugs, 
it was pretty rare for cops to break down doors and bust into 
people's homes at night dressed in military style uniforms, helmets 
and uniforms.  It was also more rare for corrupt prosecutors to steal 
all the private possessions of individuals and imprison them without 
evidence of any kind, other than the false testimony of 'snitches' 
who manufacture testimony to cut their own prison time.

Later I lived in Korea for several years as a civilian.  Walking 
through the countryside, North of Seoul, I would occasionally find 
pamphlets that the North Koreans had sent over via balloons.  They 
were a lot like the 'have-you-been-saved' Chick pamphlets that were 
everywhere back in the 60's and 70's.  The pamphlets portrayed 
Americans with grotesque caricatures-sunken eyes, large noses and 
drooling over the prospect of raping young Korean girls or evil 
businessmen stealing cartloads of money from the poor to support 
their evil and extravagant lifestyles.  The typical North Korean (and 
many South Koreans) believed much of this.  When faced with an 
American-genuine anger, fear and loathing were a natural response.  
Again, this attitude helps draw the focus of the common person away 
from disastrous government policies, and onto non-issues.

The term 'KGB' in Russian is Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Byezopastni  
which I would translate as "Bureau for State/Homeland Security".  The 
term KGB is often associated with evil and tyranny.  However, to most 
Soviets, and certainly to those who served, the ostensible purpose of 
the KGB was to 'protect' and ensure the safety of the 'homeland'.  
Then the  Germans had their Schutzstaffel (SS-defense corp), 
Sicherheitsdienst (SD-security service) and Geheime Staats Polizei 
(Gestapo-secret state police).  The average German, and again those 
who served inside these organizations were proud of them and 
considered that these groups were 'protecting' their homeland.


The Job Offer

Please read this FULLY before replying.

We are looking for at least eighty ( 80! ) instructors for a large 
government "Homeland Security" related project. Approximately 30,000 
students nationwide will be trained over a 10 month period. 
The training program will address stress management and conflict 
resolution. Following is a partial list of the elements of this 
· Coping skills; 
· Judgment; 
· Ambiguity; 
· Tolerance; 
· Rotation and avoiding boredom; 
· Courtesy; 
· Intellectual stimulation; 
· Scenario resolution; 
· Problem elevation (use of support structure). 
Instructors will be initially selected for this assignment based upon 
resume' review of background and apparent aptitude. Selected 
individuals will themselves be trained in the specifics of this 
unique program before being sent "on the road". While this is NOT 
specifically a "technology project", general technical ability is 
Here is a partial list of instructor skills & traits needed:
· Discerning and discriminating ability; 
· Ability to perform duties while being subject to distractions; 
· Ability to follow sets of complex directions; 
· Multi-tasking ability and alertness to objectives; 
· Ability to perform well under demanding situations; 
· Ability to comprehend and reason effectively; 
· Ability to identify principles governing relationships between 
· Ability to cope with conflicts; 
· Pattern recognition. 
Due to the nature of the project, preference may be given to 
candidates with military, law enforcement, physical security, public 
relations, or soft skills specific backgrounds.
To be considered, you must send BOTH of the following:
1. A copy of your resume (Word 97 format) CUSTOMIZED to address this 
specific project, emphasizing anything relevant to the skills & 
traits outlined above.
2. A MONTHLY salary expectation for the duration of the project 
(estimated at least 10 months, plus training time).
Thank you,

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