Fox's Cavuto: You damn well bet I'm slanted and biased!
Baltimore Sun
Fair and balanced? Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto will have none of that when it comes to commenting on the war. Responding to a journalism prof's charge that the anchor has abandoned objectivity for overt nationalism, Cavuto says: "There is nothing wrong with taking sides here, professor. You see no difference between a government that oppresses people, and one that does not, but I do. ... So am I slanted and biased? You damn well bet I am, professor. I'm more in favor of a system that lets me say what I'm saying here rather than one who would be killing me for doing the same thing over there."
Posted at 9:37:50 AM
Critic: Smart people don't get war news from big media
SF Weekly
You won't find Matt Smith sitting in front of a TV, watching CNN and reading the New York Times these days. He's had it with mainstream media. His beef: "It's now clear that, by unquestioningly parroting Pentagon flackery, metropolitan daily newspapers, broadcast and cable television networks, and radio networks misled Americans into believing that the U.S. Army last month entered an easily won battle from which the country could quickly extract itself."
> U.S. media have flashy graphics; Brit media show dead bodies (ChiTrib)

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