Free Legal - Tell The Insurance Companies You Mean Business

Our mission is to identify people (victims) who have a need for legal representation 
and then assign their cases to our network of law firms and paralegals. We specialize 
in representing clients in the greater Toronto area who have Property & Fire Claims, 
have been involved in a traffic accident, a slip and fall accident or have suffered a 
work related personal injury. 

Simply put - the insurance companies attempt to pay you as little as possible for your 
claims. They have teams of highly trained professionals representing their interests 
and this is why you need professional representation to get their attention and get 
what is rightfully yours.

Different types of insurance policies provide different types of coverage in the case 
of a loss. Some policies provide for replacement costs. This means that the person is 
entitled to replace a damaged article, or even a home, with a similar item and have 
the insurance company pay full value for it. Often times insureds are unaware that 
they have replacement cost coverage or do not fully understand how to use these 
provisions which are found in many insurance policies. This is one of the reasons why 
it is important to consult with 'Free Legal' and have your rights expained to you and 
maximize your recovery.

If your home or office is damaged by fire you may find that your insurance company 
insists on cleaning and repairing it rather than replacing and restoring your premise 
to its original state. Smoke damage is pervasive and our clients have told us that 
their insurance company's idea of steam cleaning the carpets and giving things a fresh 
coat of paint isn't their idea of fully restoring things to what they were before the 

When you hire 'Free Legal' to represent you remember that we only take a percentage of 
the additional cash settlement we obtain from the insurance companies on your behalf. 
As an example - if you suffered a fire or burglary and your insurance company has 
offered to pay you $5000 as settlement and instead you hire us and we manage to get 
you $20,000, we would be paid a percentage on the extra $15,000 we secured on your 
behalf and not on the existing $5000 settlement offer you already had.

**Testimonial** - Recently one of our clients had a fire in their home and their 
insurance company was firm on a settlement offer of just over $8000. That's when we 
got involved and we managed to secure a cash settlement of just over $65,000 from 
their insurance company on their behalf for the very same claim. Once again - this is 
why you need professional representation 

Put 'Free Legal' to work for you today it's free.

To arrange for a free consultation please call 416-352-5397 and leave a message, a 
representative will contact you promptly. 


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