Students of UK politics should be aware that the british prime minister
considered it a sign of "moral courage" to press ahead with an attack on
iraq despite protests in the streets and massed opposition by politicians
of all parties, and that forging evidence is fully justified by the
  That being given, it should come as no surprise that, despite public
opposition by the people, other politicans and the prime minister himself,
and repeated proofs that ID cards have no effect at all on terrorism (for
instance, the 9/11 attackers all had ID) the Home Secretary is pressing
forward with a road map to compulsory ID cards for all UK citizens by
  The "results summary" from a consultation process that was more than 70%
opposed to introduction of ID Cards is here:
  Note that the preferred path is now to update passport and driving
licence documents (at the citizen's expense) to include digital ID and
biometric information; once 80% of citizens have been forced to accept ID
cards by this backdoor process (no parlimentary debate required) it will
seem only a small step to force the remaining 20% to purchase such a card.
There will apparently not be any compulsion to *carry* the card (at this
stage) but it will be required to be produced to obtain access to
government controlled services such as healthcare....

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