"How long do you think it would be before the ISP described below would 
receive a cease and desist letter, ordering it to remove the cameras, 
in order to protect customer privacy?"

My mind is churning...one would think there'd be a cute techno-fix to this...oh wait, 
what about some form of brute force? Probably won't work but, call it 

1)In addition to having ISP services, the ISP also functions as a sort of info 
safe-deposit box-type place (where floppies and such are stored and loaded on 
request), except...

2) The boxes have a space-age plexiglass wall between the box and the main area

3) Each box is rented out to a different person

4) Only the rentees have the keys to open the boxes, and they do so only via blacknet, 
and there's no record of who rents what box (see 6).

5) Many of these customers may have chosen to place a little camera in their box, say 
to watch over their property

The idea here is that in order to shut down the cameras, they have to find every 
single owner, clearly not a very fruitful task if the proper measures have been taken.

Of course, they'll probably be back with a big can of black paint, but 6)that's 
exactly when each ownee can send a signal trashing any data with their names or other 
info on it.

Also,I'm wondering if some IR can penetrate paint...

ALright, alright, THIS idea probably has lots of holes in it, but the idea isn't to 
knock down ideas but to come up with something that works.


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