On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

> > This really is infowar, and I suspect the US government is the hacker.
> I entirely forgot about another, already-existing, infrastructure: P2P
> networks!
> Freenet, Gnutella, Kazaa, WinMX, lots and lots of napsteroids.
> Get the files - images, webpages, whatever you have, package them into
> suitably-sized files (if the size is too big, split the files to Basic and

Yeah, Cool, etc.

But, who cares?

Aljazeeeeeeeera, at least, people tend to believe. (not saying folks
shouldn't. Just think.) 

Orbit-by-shootings aren't really that interesting. Way too much to

Any other images? any Photoshop-pro can handle that. So... what are you
showing me and mine?

Yes, I think distribution on Freenet and other tools are a good idea.
But who cares? 

This isn't rhetorical.


Jamie Lawrence                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The sign that points to Boston doesn't have to go there."
   - Max Scheler

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