[Translation via Craig Spencer]


 >The Hidden Agenda of the IMF

 >The IMF has been urging an income tax (on Bolivia) for 4 years.

 > ...which included provisions for progressive rates between 13%
 > and 25%...

 > ... according to this document Bolivia has a tax structure that
 > is too simple.  The number of national and local taxes is only
 > about a dozen.  Doubtless, "this simplicity", according to the
 > IMF "has a cost in structural terms which results in an inability
 > to mitigate inequality of income and difficulty in directing
 > national resources.  ...

 > The IMF's proposal aimed at increasing tax revenues.  For this
 > purpose ... an income tax, especially on all the income of natural
 > persons is required


 >La Prensa : The Police Anti-Terrorist Squad fired at the Palace
 >of Government

 >... the Institute of Forensic Investigation ... established that
 >the anti-terrorist police of the Rapid Reaction Force (GAI) fired
 >at the Palace of Government during the armed confrontation with the
 >military in Murillo Square, Wednesday the 12th of February.

 >The GAI, whose unit is entirely financed by the US Embassy in
 >La Paz, apparently in aid of the rebellious police that resisted the
 >soldiers fired their sniper rifles ... at the windows of the
 >offices in the Palace of government. [where the President was
at the time]

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