For those on this list from the Boston area there is a public
hearing on the Mass version of the Super-DMCA bill on Wed April 2nd
at 10 AM in Room 222 of the Mass State house in downtown Boston.

        This might be a chance to find out who is sponsoring this
legislation and raise some objections to its overbroad nature.

        The actual sponsor of this legislation is a Rep Stephen Tobin
from Boston

        He advertises the bill as "legislation to establish a crime of
illegal internet and broadband access".

        I hope some Mass list members show up...

        (And for some strange reason my [EMAIL PROTECTED] address has suddenly
become blocked by as a spam site.   This has never happened
before and is rather scary.   It suggests a targetted counterattack
by someone).

        Dave Emery  - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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