> on AA, if you look down between the seats, on the
> armrest base, there is a little connector there that
> gives out 12V and looks remarkably like the cigarette
> lighter plug in your car!  Use that people..and
> pressure your airlines to install more (First class
> gets the AC plug to boot), or threaten them that as
> you refill your fuelcel in flight, that the bumpy ride
> will make you spill some and people will think you are
> trying to start a fire.  
That's exactly what the socket is - 12VDC. I have a 
Targus power adapter ($120 list/Circuit City, $100 at 
Staples) which I use in the car and when flying. The 
same setup is used for the car and the AA sockets.

There is also an 'airline standard' "Empower" socket
which is found on some airplanes, which it can it
also be used with.

The challenges are to find (i) a plane with sockets
(ii)  a seat row in coach with sockets (not all have
them), and (iii) a socket which works (they 
sometimes don't). Fortunately, AA has enough room
in coach to use a laptop (don't talk to me about US

A 6 hour fuel cell would alleviate this problem. What
it would be even better for is conferences - at Usenix
etal, people get very creative in trying to be usefully
near the speaker *and* a socket (Hint: there are usually
powerbars inside the bases of video monitors and speaker

Peter Trei

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