The psychohistory meter is acting funny, but it looks like
west coasters really don't give a fuck what the swamp-dwellers
eastward think.

Note the Santa Cruz pot giveaway story also in the news.

                Calif. Town Bans Aerial Banner Ads

                HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif.- This Southern
                California city has imposed a no-fly zone for airplanes
                towing banners, becoming the first coastal municipality
                in the state to ban aerial advertising.

                The Huntington Beach City Council approved the law
                to put a stop to airplanes buzzing its city and beaches
                with banner ads.

                Under the law, which takes effect in 30 days, aircraft
                companies, pilots and advertisers face fines up to
                $1,000 if banner ads are towed over city limits, which
                includes the beach and extends three miles out to sea.
                Pilots can also be sentenced to as much as a year in

                Some owners of aircraft companies said Tuesday they
                would defy the measure. Federal aviation officials said
                they would continue to issue permits for pilots pulling
                banners, but would not prevent city officials from
                enforcing the law passed Monday.

                "We're going to court and we're going to sue them,"
                said Bob Dobry, owner of Aerial Promotions Inc.

                Huntington Beach officials say the law was wanted by
                residents annoyed with the noise and the banners.

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