I have examined VOIP-related crimes, and I have come to the conclusion they
did not happen. If they did happen, a sane policy would be in place. (I
have come to similar conclusions regarding Bin Laden, we never expelled any
Pakistani diplomats)

When you ship alcohol, many states require showing ID proving the recipient
is of legal age. When you order an OVH server, they require ID. For
Chinamen, they require a deposit.

Klinger said that Internet-based orga­ni­za­tions charged the equiv­a­lent
of $50 in bit­coins to cre­ate a bomb scare using auto­mated phone calls,
which account for 13 per­cent of all threats, according to her school
secu­rity research.

Defendants are very concerned that this was a ‘spoofing’ incident, whereby
a caller unaffiliated with the Congresswoman or her office, used one of any
number of means to place a call that would appear, on the recipient’s
caller ID, to be coming from that office.

Well... to summarize this link concisely, basically international VOIP
companies are violating common carrier rules and are spoofing recipient
numbers with voice readings of books.

Now there is of course another possibility. The police enjoy investigating
things they can't solve, they have too many resources. Erm. Now if they
spend this much time investigating things that they can't solve, couldn't
they take a step further and petition their representatives to make their
jobs easier?

Clearly VOIP-related crimes did not happen. Is it so hard to code it so
that if you call a number, you end up with "The number you have dialed is
registered with a service that is prohibited from operating an interstate
VOIP service in the United States."

The illegality of some VOIP activities, I mean, there's nothing comparable
to that of other common carriers.

A congresswoman was the victim of a VOIP-related crime. No one has written
a law.

What will it take for anyone to notice anything wrong?

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