On Tue, Jan 07, 2020 at 05:16:52PM -0500, John Young wrote:
> CIA Offers Tips on Preparing a Plan and "Go-Bag" for Emergencies (say, Iran
> payback):
> https://www.cia.gov/news-information/blog/2019/ask-molly-nov-20-2019.html

Might be more useful for Israeli's at this point ...

  Here's Why Trump Tipped Israel Off To Soleimani Strike:
  They Helped With Intel



    This latest revelation should not surprise anyone who has been
    actively following the exploits of the current Trump
    Administration and its partner organization, Israel’s Netanyahu

    [Pic of Trump+Bibi bff hand clasp not attached]

    According to a recent report released by the Times of Israel, it
    was officials in Tel Aviv who provided the White House with the
    key intelligence details leading to the targeted double
    assassination of Iranian Quds Force leader, General Qasem
    Soleimani, and senior Iraqi PMU commander, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis,
    on January 3rd.

    This latest news also validates previous analysis by 21WIRE which
    concluded that Israel has been the primary source of
    “intelligence” provided to the White House, relating to the
    recent chain of events involving the United States, Iraq and

    Netanyahu Lied About Involvement

    This also indicates that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu was lying
    last week when he told ministers that the killing of Soleimani
    was “carried out solely by the US,” and that Israel was not
    involved. According to Axios:

      “Netanyahu told Security Cabinet ministers Monday that the
      killing of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani was carried out
      solely by the U.S. and that Israel was not involved in any
      way and must not be dragged into the escalating conflict, two
      ministers who attended the meeting told me.”

    It is important to note that from the onset of the Trump
    presidency, Israel has played a visible role in directing US
    policy regarding Iran. In fact, the current round of hostilities
    between the US and Iran was started when the White House
    unilaterally withdrew from the landmark international JCPOA Iran
    Nuclear Agreement in May 2018. Leaked recordings reveal that
    Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu boasted about his own role in
    convincing the White House to unilaterally withdraw from the
    JCPOA deal.

"Like sands through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives."

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