On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 5:54 PM, W. Trevor King <wk...@drexel.edu> wrote:
> Previous discussions in this thread [1,2] have discussed the issues
> associated with overloading the 'public' keyword.  For an example of
> the difficulties this causes, see the ugly workaround [3] in my recent
> commit [4].  Definately worth fixing this syntax.
> How do syntax changes with deprecations work?  The Parsing module
> doesn't seem to be setup to handle things like that.

It's not.

We rarely deprecate syntax, and we should at least give people a
chance to move away from the old syntax first to the new first, so
we'll have to support both for a bit at least. When we do deprecate
the old way of doing things, I think we'll just use

In the long run it'd be nice to have a formal grammar for Cython and
use a generated parser rather than maintaining this all by hand, but
Parsing.py does more than just parsing at the moment.

- Robert

> [1] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/cython-devel/2011-February/000081.html
> [2] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/cython-devel/2011-February/000086.html
> [3] 
> https://github.com/wking/cython/commit/a918d1466928ea712817df18c3bc66d9c4c5c53f#L1R2552
> [4] 
> https://github.com/wking/cython/commit/a918d1466928ea712817df18c3bc66d9c4c5c53f
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