Here is the info for the series I mentioned.


The Ghetto Fighters' House invites you to a new Talking Memory series

*Romanian Jewry during the Holocaust: Filling in the Gaps*

Join us for the first program on
Sunday, June 25, 2023
*The Iasi Pogrom*
Opening Remarks:

*Yigal Cohen*
CEO, Ghetto Fighters' House

Guest Speakers:
*Greta Barak*
Archivist, Ghetto Fighters' House

*Wartime Commemoration of the Iasi Pogrom: Yitzhak Benditer's Synagogue 
Memorial Plaques

H.E. Dr. Radu Ioanid,*
Ambassador of Romania in the State of Israel

*The Iasi Pogrom: One of the Most Brutal Chapters in the History of 
Romanian Jewry during the Holocaust

Lyonell Fliss*, Holocaust child survivor of the Iasi pogrom will give 

The first program in this series will focus on the pogrom of Iasi that 
took place on June 29, 1941. Greta Barak from the Ghetto Fighters' House 
will present a memorial tablet from the museum's archive that 
commemorates the names of the worshippers at one of the synagogues in 
Iasi (Jassy) who were massacred in the pogrom that took place there.

Dr. Radu Ioanid, Ambassador of Romania in the State of Israel, will give 
a presentation on why the Holocaust in Eastern Europe is still a 
forgotten one, including the pogrom in Iasi. As he will show, this 
pogrom was a major outbreak of violent anti-semitism, yet it was neither 
isolated nor fortuitous; rather, it was part of a long series of mass 
murders committed by Romanian fascists. The pogrom was organized by the 
SSI (the Romanian Intelligence Service) in co-ordination with the 
General Staff of the Romanian Army. At least 6,000 Jews were murdered in 
the town of Iasi and another 2,600 perished in two death trains. The 
perpetrators were Romanian soldiers, gendarmes and police mobs from 
Iasi, and German soldiers. The Iasi pogrom was followed by the 
systematic deportation and extermination of the Jews from Bessarabia and 
Bukovina, and by the extermination of Ukrainian Jews from Transnistria.

The program will conclude with the personal testimony of Lyonell Fliss, 
a Holocaust survivor who lives in Johannesburg today. He was 6 years old 
at the time of the pogrom in Iasi. His relatives were murdered there and 
on the death trains. Last year he received from the Mayor of Iasi , the 
medal and title of Citizen of Honour of Iasi Municipality in a public 
ceremony  for 81st commemoration of the Pogrom.

The series is in participation with A.M.I.R. Organization, Romanian 
Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv, the Wilhelm Filderman Centre for the 
Study of Jewish History in Romania, the Elie Wiesel National Institute 
for Studying the Holocaust in Romania, Classrooms Without Borders, 
Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Center, and the Rabin Chair Forum at 
George Washington University.

*2 PM EST | 7 PM GMT | 8 PM SAST | 9 PM Israel*



לחץ לקבלת לגרסה הנגישה 

בית לוחמי הגטאות | Ghetto Fighters' House | | Israel | 
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