Largest Mawlid Parade in UK - Syaikh Hisyam Kabbani
Bismillah ir rahmanir rahim
Subhanallah for the first time Milad an-Nabi,
sall’Allahu `alayhi wa sallam took place with the
largest number ever participating in the UK, held in

The Naqshbandi silsila held a parade marking the
beginning of the Mawlid month of the Prophet
sall’Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, and the parade was more
than 3 miles in length in heavy rain. People came from
around England and despite the downpour insisted to
walk for love of the Prophet sall’Allahu `alayhi wa
sallam. The parade was escorted by police who
organized and escorted it very professionally
throughout the six hours of the event.

When the leaders of the parade reached the mosque
there were still people at the start of the parade
beginning the march. All the time walking in this
heavy rain with everyone praising the Prophet Muhammad
sall’Allahu `alayhi wa sallam, and it is said that
this is the biggest parade in honour of the Prophet in

During the majlis, held in a hall for 3000, but in
fact with so many people perhaps twice that number
were present, plus another hall next door and the
mosque as well, nothing was mentioned of politics.
Rather the focus was on love of the Prophet, the
Greatness of the Prophet, the Beauty of the Prophet
and how Prophet Muhammad sall’Allahu `alayhi wa sallam
is the light that Allah created first before all

This is as the hadith of Jabir, in Abdur Razzaq’s
Musannaf mentions, which today some are trying to say
that hadith is weak. The main focus of Shaykh
Kabbani’s talk was on that subject. He explained that
Shaykh `Isa al-Mani of Dubai, who recently called
Shaykh Kabbani by phone to locate the “lostEfirst
volume of the Abdur Razzaq's Musannaf in which the
hadith of Jabir is mentioned in different libraries in
the west which might have a manuscript of an ancient
edition that contain that hadith.

Later he told a group of us that in the discussion
with Dr. `Isa, he informed Shaykh Hisham that they
found a manuscript in India and they have published
and copied it and now they are looking for another
manuscript to back up that proof.

The Shaykh mentioned miracle after miracle, including
the lion that is making dhikrullah. You can pull this
up on the website, (be sure the watch the whole mpg)
and see the lion first making ablution, then making
dhikrullah by lafdhz “Allah, AllahE which is one of
the Naqshbandi Dhikrs. Also there is the fish that has
on one side the is the name of Allah and the other
side the name of the Prophet.

These students of Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani  and Shaykh
Hisham have posted it on a website

Check out pictures of the parade and the majlis that
followed at:

wassalam, arief hamdani
Note : Teman2 daarut tauhid silahkan buka web tsb
diatas dan banyak foto2 yang sangat menarik ketika
Syaikh Hisyam berceramah dihadapan ribuan peserta
Mawlid terbesar di UK.

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