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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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GENERAL: Kohen marrying a divorcee

kevin asked:

If the kohein is able to cast doubt as to whether he may or may not be a 
kohein, is he allowed to marry a divorcee ( a jewess who has a get). My 
understanding is that if the Kohein is able to cast doubt this is allowed by 
the Beth Din. Can one cast doubt by looking at the gravestone of his 
grandfather - where the gravestone does not reflect that he was a kohein? 

kevin, jhb south africa
The Kollel replies*:

If a Kohen cast a doubt on his Yichus Kehunah then his status would be at best 
Safek Kohen and he would certainly be forbidden to do something which is Asur 
mid'Oraisa such as marrying a divorcee.  Furthermore he might forfeit his 
rights to receive the first Aliyah of Keri'as ha'Torah and to say Birkas 

There is a Teshuvah of the RIVASH (94) that says that Kohanim today are only 
Safek Kohanim.  Based on this Psak the Maharshdam (EH 235) allowed a Kohen to 
marry a Shevuyah (woman who was held captive by non-Jews) because it is only an 
Isur mid'Rabanan, or because it is a Sfek Sfeika (Safek whether he is a Kohen, 
and if he is a Kohen, Safek whether the woman is forbidden to marry a Kohen). 

Rav Moshe Feinstein (EH 4:12), however, argues that Kohanim today must be 
treated like Vadai Kohanim since they behave like Vadai Kohanim.  Since Kohanim 
today Duchen and Duchening is Asur mid'Oraisa for a non-Kohen according to many 
Rishonim therefore they have a Chezkas Kohen and must therefore behave like a 
Vadai Kohanim, as the Gemara says (Kidushin 80a) Soklin Al ha'Chazakos. 

Rav Moshe Sternbuch told me that a Kohen would have to bring solid proof that 
he is not a Kohen.  The fact that there is no indication on the Matzeivah of 
his grandfather that he was a Kohen is not enough.  

See Rav Moshe Feinstein's Teshuvah (op cit.) of one case where he allowed a 
supposed Kohen to marry a divorcee based on the testimony of his mother in 
front of a proper Beis Din that she was forbidden to marry a Kohen and 
therefore her son was only a Chalal.  You will see from that Teshuvah that it 
is not so easy for a Kohen to undo his status.

Kol Tuv,
Yonasan Sigler

*This is not a Psak Halachah

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