Soeara Berbisa (Indonesian for Venomous Voice) is a 1941 film from the
Dutch East Indies. Produced by Ang Hock Liem for Union Films and
directed by R Hu, this black-and-white film starred Raden Soekarno,
Ratna Djoewita, Oedjang, and Soehaena. The story, written by
Djojopranoto, follows two young men who compete for the affections of a
woman before learning that they are long-lost brothers. Completed
between September and October 1941, Soeara Berbisa featured kroncong
music and was shot partly in western Java. It was released to coincide
with the Eid al-Fitr holiday, and rated for all ages. Advertisements
(example shown) emphasised the film's appeal to both Native and Dutch
audiences, and a review in De Indische Courant was positive. This was
Union's penultimate production before the company closed after the
Japanese occupied the Indies in March 1942. Soeara Berbisa was screened
as late as 1949 and is now likely lost..

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Today's selected anniversaries:


Wilson Bentley took the first known photograph of a snowflake
by attaching a bellows camera to a microscope (process pictured).


The mutilated corpse of the "Black Dahlia", a 22-year-old woman
whose murder is one of the most famous unsolved crimes in the U.S., was
found in the Leimert Park neighborhood of Los Angeles.


Portugal signed the Alvor Agreement with the nationalist
factions of UNITA, the MPLA, and the FNLA, ending the Angolan War of


Salvatore Riina, one of the most powerful members of the
Sicilian Mafia, was arrested in Palermo after 23 years as a fugitive.

Wiktionary's word of the day:

field of vision:
The area that a person, an animal, etc., can see with its eyes (or each
eye individually) without turning the head.

Wikiquote quote of the day:

      Education does have a great role to play in this period of
transition. But it is not either education or legislation; it is both
education and legislation. It may be true that morality cannot be
legislated, but behavior can be regulated. It may be true that the law
cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I
think that’s pretty important also. It may be true that the law cannot
change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless, and this is what we
often do and we have to do in society through legislation. We must
depend on religion and education to change bad internal attitudes, but
we need legislation to control the external effects of those bad
internal attitudes. And so there is a need for meaningful civil right
  --Martin Luther King, Jr.

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