Automated smoke report for 5.31.12 patch 
dcd070d813b3e47584f1251c0bdb5d65c9906d9e v5.31.11-40-gdcd070d
pi4: ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) ( 0MHz) (armv7l/4 cpu)
    on        linux - 4.19.97-v7l+ [debian]
    using     ? unknown cc version 
    smoketime 6 seconds (average 6 seconds)

Summary: FAIL(c)

O = OK  F = Failure(s), extended report at the bottom
X = Failure(s) under TEST but not under harness
? = still running or test results not (yet) available
Build failures during:       - = unknown or N/A
c = Configure, m = make, M = make (after miniperl), t = make test-prep

v5.31.11-40-gdcd070d  Configuration (common) -Acc=gcc-6 -Accflags="-O2"
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
c -         
| +--------- -DDEBUGGING
+----------- no debugging

Locally applied patches:

MANIFEST did not declare '.git_patch'
MANIFEST did not declare '.gitattributes'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/workflows/smoke-information.yml'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/workflows/smoke-linux-i386.yml'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/workflows/smoke-linux.yml'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/workflows/smoke-macos-xcode11.yml'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/workflows/smoke-windows-cygwin.yml'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/workflows/smoke-windows-mingw64.yml'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/workflows/smoke-windows-msvc100.yml'
MANIFEST did not declare '.github/workflows/smoke-windows-msvc142.yml'
MANIFEST did not declare '.mailmap'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/DB_File/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/Encode/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/IPC-SysV/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/Pod-Checker/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/Pod-Usage/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/Socket/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/Sys-Syslog/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/Unicode-Collate/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/perlfaq/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'cpan/podlators/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'dist/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'dist/Devel-PPPort/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'dist/IO/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'dist/PathTools/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'dist/Unicode-Normalize/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'dist/XSLoader/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'dist/lib/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/B/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/DynaLoader/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/Errno/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/Fcntl/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/File-Glob/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/GDBM_File/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/I18N-Langinfo/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/POSIX/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/Pod-Functions/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/Pod-Html/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/SDBM_File/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/Win32CORE/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'ext/XS-APItest/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'lib/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'pod/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'utils/.gitignore'
MANIFEST did not declare 'win32/.gitignore'

Report by Test::Smoke v1.53 build 1374 running on perl 5.28.1
(Reporter v0.050 / Smoker v0.045)

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