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Copyright status: Created by a Wikimedian (see image page for details); 
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Featured Picture category: Places


Asturianu: Semeya nocherniega nel puertu de Hong Kong.
Беларуская: Ганконгская прыстань №9 уначы
Bosanski: Nočna scena na doku 9, Centralni dokovi u Hong Kongu.
Česky: Noční Hongkong
Dansk: Nattebillede af Pier 9 i Hong Kong.
Deutsch: Blick auf den Pier 9 von Hong Kong bei Nacht
English: Night Scene of Pier 9, Central Piers, Hong Kong
Español: Vista nocturna en el puerto de Hong Kong.
Français: Vue nocturne du quai 9 à Hong Kong
한국어: 홍콩 센트럴 피어 9번 부두 야경
Íslenska: Nótt við bryggju 9, miðbryggjunum í Hong Kong.
Italiano: Vista notturna del porto di Hong Kong, Cina.
Magyar: Éjszakai kép a 9-es mólóról (Központi Mólók, Hong Kong)
Nederlands: Nachtgezicht op pier 9 van de Central Piers nabij het zakendistrict 
Center op Hong Kong Island in de Chinese stad Hongkong
Polski: Nocny widok na Nabrzeże nr 9, Nabrzeże Centralne, Hong Kong
Português: Vista noturna do cais nº 9, da doca central de Hong Kong.
Svenska: Nattvy över Pier 9 i Hong Kong.
简体中文: 香港中环9号码头夜景
繁體中文: 香港中環9號碼頭夜景

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