[Dailydave] INFILTRATE - and conferences in general.

2014-05-08 Thread Dave Aitel
I think a lot of us have spent the last decade or so going to security conferences. And frankly, a lot of them have been pretty bad. The last BlackHat I went to was too big, and you spent much of your time walking from one end of Cesears to the other if you wanted to see talks. At RSA the talks

[Dailydave] STRATEGIC

2014-04-29 Thread Dave Aitel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2qlUk3S-J0 Most penetration tests are still two people for two weeks. It's been like this for a decade at least. And even when you work closely together, it can be somewhat annoying to coordinate in a recordable, controllable way. So CANVAS now has STRATEGIC built

[Dailydave] INNUENDO and WMI and being an APT :

2014-04-25 Thread Dave Aitel
http://vimeo.com/92952484 INNUENDO Movie on WMI and Machine Reporting. You should watch it now. -dave signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Dailydave mailing list Dailydave@lists.immunityinc.com

[Dailydave] Lateral Movement with INNUENDO

2014-04-21 Thread Dave Aitel
they get to the INNUENDO team! Thanks, Dave Aitel signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Dailydave mailing list Dailydave@lists.immunityinc.com https://lists.immunityinc.com/mailman/listinfo/dailydave

[Dailydave] VisualSploit 2.0

2014-04-17 Thread Dave Aitel
http://immunityservices.blogspot.com/2014/04/unethical-hacking-training-available-at.html I wanted to point out the above blog post - I'm a huge believer in modern educational techniques and advantages (Khan Academy, etc.) and the fact is that online training has really ruined the reputation that

[Dailydave] A summary of all the RSA Keynotes and the future we have to beat.

2014-04-16 Thread Dave Aitel
in the current release is pretty smooth as well, and we're hoping to have this available to the public sometime next week! Thanks, Dave Aitel Immunity, Inc. signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Dailydave mailing list Dailydave

[Dailydave] BJJ AT INFILTRATE 2014

2014-04-14 Thread Dave Aitel
As you can see from the schedule http://www.infiltratecon.com/schedule.html INFILTRATE is once again having a friendly BJJ area. The plan is to keep it much the same as last year, which is largely unstructured and a lot of fun. FAQ as follows: Q: Will Cyborg show up to throw Jeremiah around like

[Dailydave] Innuendo Demo #1

2014-04-11 Thread Dave Aitel
http://vimeo.com/91647732 This little movie shows a couple of the features in INNUENDO that I like - although it probably does not emphasize enough the difference in thinking that you have to do with INNUENDO as compared to other commercial tools. Still, it's a start. : -dave signature.asc

Re: [Dailydave] Some slides for a keynote

2014-04-09 Thread Dave Aitel
On 4/8/2014 7:28 AM, Halvar Flake wrote: Hey all, on Dave's recommendation, here are some slides from a keynote I gave today at ISACA Nordic Security. It is non-technical (as keynotes are prone to be), and full of vague speculation. Perhaps someone will find the slides

[Dailydave] Nobody but us.

2014-04-09 Thread Dave Aitel
I spent some time talking to various people lately about the concept of Nobody but us (NOBUS) especially now that the DUAL_EC algorithm is being researched more closely. People got confused because the papers that came out didn't really stress that the attacks against Dual_EC were in the case

[Dailydave] Shady headlines

2014-04-04 Thread Dave Aitel
http://krebsonsecurity.com/2014/04/u-s-states-investigating-breach-at-experian/ So I read the Krebs report today with interest because the CISO of Experian (Stephen Scharf) is an old friend of mine, and probably one of the better CISO's in the business, imho. So there are a few things I think

[Dailydave] The Future of Security (Symantec RSA 2014 Keynote)

2014-04-02 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.rsaconference.com/videos/125/the-future-of-security by Stephen Trilling Symantec SVP Security Intelligence and Technology (This post continues the tradition of summarizing and peer reviewing all the RSA Keynotes every year. More here

Re: [Dailydave] The Source

2014-04-01 Thread Dave Aitel
So, although Katie disagreed with me back in October when this got posted, I wanted to point out this interesting article: http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22129613.600-genetic-mugshot-recreates-faces-from-nothing-but-dna.html#.Uzr_1_ldXAs ; -dave On 10/31/2013 2:32 PM, Dave Aitel wrote

[Dailydave] Huawei

2014-03-31 Thread Dave Aitel
Americans in the Intelligence Community like to play dumb - in their ideal world everyone would assume they were so colossally stupid that any success they might be having was sheer beginners luck. This is why the executive management of Huawei assumes that if they buy off a few Brits here and

[Dailydave] The new model of insecurity

2014-03-31 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.rsaconference.com/videos/126/the-new-model-of-security Cisco's keynote starts with the traditional eyeball gouging humorous video making fun of how it's hard to get different security solutions to work together. Wouldn't it be easier if everyone just bought everything from Cisco? I'm

[Dailydave] Late Friday thoughts on the Kevin Mandia RSAC keynote.

2014-03-21 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.rsaconference.com/videos/128/state-of-the-hack-one-year-after-the-apt1-report If 97% of the breaches you find are directly attributable to Chinese hackers (aka, due to keyboard language settings, C2 IP, etc.) then how much are you missing?! Boggles the mind. You're telling me you don't

[Dailydave] Line Dancing.

2014-03-05 Thread Dave Aitel
One thing I like about Crimea is that if you squint hard enough, you can see the cyber battle and it's a battle of restraint. To wit: a while back the Syrian Electronic Army tweeted about messing with the SCADA systems for a power system. Doing this sort of thing kills innocent people, and the US

[Dailydave] Peeing in your own pool

2014-03-03 Thread Dave Aitel
One thing people always ask whenever something like Crimea gets invaded is about the information warfare angle on it. But if I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times: Only terrible hackers hack in response to current events. If you know anything at all about hacking you know that if you

[Dailydave] C2

2014-03-03 Thread Dave Aitel
One rather facetious saying that has annoyed everyone for a while is the whole defenders have to protect everything, attackers just have to get in once meme. If you talk to defenders who are leading with new technologies and techniques, the difference really does blur quite a bit. I was happily

[Dailydave] Drinking the Cool-aid

2014-02-22 Thread Dave Aitel
/Security Technology// / /What am I blind to?// / /Benefits// / Email Gateway (FireEye, TrendMicro, etc.) Best practices for sensitive information recommends endpoint to endpoint encryption such as GPG/PGP/SMIME. These completely blind any email gateway. Virtualization based

[Dailydave] What is the next step?

2014-02-18 Thread Dave Aitel
When we sell people El Jefe related services (which we call Digital Executive Protection) the first thing they ask is Can we also have the data. And the answer is, surprising everyone, yes. There's no reason a company in this day and age can't have their own Splunk or ElasticSearch engine that

[Dailydave] aaron ' ./x2 -t

2014-02-13 Thread Dave Aitel
CLICK ME NOW: http://vimeo.com/user18478112/review/86558038/d9b0857399 (this video is completely serious. There are no in-jokes or funny bits). May 12th through 14th Immunity is holding a Web Hacking class here in Miami Beach right before INFILTRATE. Probably the part I like best is the training

[Dailydave] The Empire Strikes Back: Part 1

2014-02-12 Thread Dave Aitel
With the right kind of eyes, there are no shadows. And likewise, with the right kind of ears, Obama's NSA speech was the beginning of the second wave. You can view the transcript

[Dailydave] Walking on Sunshine

2014-02-03 Thread Dave Aitel
Vanessa is playing upbeat happy music in the office all day, which is making me optimistic. So hopefully everyone who gets this email will log in and vote on the two new talks, especially considering JDuck made a little sign in his own handwriting that says Vote for me! nicely.

[Dailydave] Ignorance is Bliss

2014-01-14 Thread Dave Aitel
As Stephen Colbert Says: A great man said that. Who? Don't know, and don't want to know! And frankly, this is where Matt Blaze and his Co-Authors are on the subject of the 0days, or anything hacking related. I'll pause here to post a couple links: *

[Dailydave] How do we surprise you this year?

2014-01-13 Thread Dave Aitel
We try to take the dry season (January for our consulting service) to do statistics and review of the work we've done all year for our bigger consulting clients. Alex McGeorge wrote this interesting and brief blog post on one of his experiences doing a penetration test. You should read it!

[Dailydave] Various things people say.

2014-01-08 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/nsa-considers-shifting-database-of-domestic-phone-logs-to-third-parties/2014/01/07/1df6b7f6-7718-11e3-8963-b4b654bcc9b2_story.html *Should NSA point out holes?* Among the weapons in the NSA's arsenal are zero day exploits, tools that take

Re: [Dailydave] Various things people say.

2014-01-08 Thread Dave Aitel
That was a quote from the article that I wanted to highlight. I obviously did not write that (in case there is some confusion). -dave On 1/8/2014 4:08 PM, Dave Aitel wrote: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/nsa-considers-shifting-database-of-domestic-phone-logs-to-third

[Dailydave] Systems Programming

2014-01-06 Thread Dave Aitel
So the thing about writing trojans is that they end up being large scale systems programs. What I mean by that, is one second your thinking about all the cool stuff you can do with covert channels and P2P networks and internal cryptographics, and the very next second, once any of that stuff is

[Dailydave] Stuxnet Class

2014-01-06 Thread Dave Aitel
http://opencfp.immunityinc.com/cfp/1/ So far we have 13 talks up for your review - the system is working pretty well I think and I know there will be a few more added shortly. So submit your talks now! Sometimes people wonder if program analysis and related topics are offensive, and *I* think

[Dailydave] 2013 - A New Hope

2013-12-24 Thread Dave Aitel
2013 - A New Hope So I hesitate to make predictions, but I think it's important to at some level acknowledge that 2013 was a huge year for information security. A few things happened... : o The rebirth of managed security services. When you don't care about bringing hackers to court, but you

[Dailydave] The NSA Task Force Document.

2013-12-19 Thread Dave Aitel
I wanted to cover some of the issues with the NSA Task Force document. I'll begin abruptly here: The document recommends splitting the NSA up quite a bit - specifically moving defense (INFOSEC otherwise known as IAD) to one organization, and offense (SIGINT, TAO, etc.) to another. It also

[Dailydave] Failing at Segue

2013-12-10 Thread Dave Aitel
People are strange. For example, they often say You have to assume you are compromised! and then in the very next breath they are buying more perimeter equipment like Fireeye and WAF and whatnot. Likewise, people measuring click-rates on how many people clicked a phishing email, but a lot of the

[Dailydave] SHIELD is disappointing.

2013-11-21 Thread Dave Aitel
Those of us who loved Buffy watch anything Joss Whedon puts out, because we KNOW he's capable of genius. That said, he always has a hacker character, and they've been getting progressively worse. Willow is entirely believable - conflicted, dark, and at the same time cheerfully nerdy. Avengers'

[Dailydave] Realistically looking at all the things

2013-11-20 Thread Dave Aitel
http://0xdabbad00.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/emet_4_1_uncovered.pdf https://www.exodusintel.com/files/Aaron_Portnoy-Bypassing_All_Of_The_Things.pdf So I wanted to compare and contrast the EMET paper with the Portnoy Bypassing all the Things paper. Because nothing makes me madder than the

[Dailydave] Better living through state machines

2013-11-19 Thread Dave Aitel
So when writing remote access tools like INNUENDO, you have to throw out all the parts of your brain that try to do normal RPC (remote procedure call). For example, I just wrote a module (yes, I can still write code, sorta), which sits on the client taking screengrabs every ten seconds. If the

[Dailydave] The wrong thing.

2013-11-04 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/nsa-apparently-taps-google-yahoo-networks-without-companies-knowledge/2013/10/30/f14749d0-4195-11e3-a751-f032898f2dbc_story.html Otherwise known as Much ado about basically the wrong thing. Eric Schmidt is pretty mad about how when you send

[Dailydave] The Squeeze

2013-10-31 Thread Dave Aitel
So in general my feeling on 0days is that they come from new attack surfaces. Finding those new attack surfaces takes a lot of initial time - months in many cases. Usually it requires a lot of painful strip mining. For example, you may end up having to implement an entire USB stack from scratch in

[Dailydave] The Source

2013-10-31 Thread Dave Aitel
So, to continue today's email flood, one thing I've been thinking about, as it pertains to cyberweapons, is of course, the original information virus of them all: DNA. First of all, I think it's pretty clear databases exist that are wide enough and complete enough (and covert enough) that a

[Dailydave] DNSSEC

2013-10-07 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.immunityinc.com/infiltrate/albertogarciaillera.html Notable quotes: I'm not a developer, but I'm going to speak about malware. Malware that I developed. : Spain is perfect. I liked this talk because it was about the practical realities of how to do data exfiltration out of networks in

[Dailydave] Deep Half.

2013-09-26 Thread Dave Aitel
So there's a concept in BJJ/Judo called base, and it's all about knowing the center of gravity of your opponent and also knowing where they're support structures are, and which direction they can flex and push. I know almost nothing about such things (as evidenced by my performance at INFILTRATE's

[Dailydave] How to flush a trillion dollars right into the Chesapeake

2013-09-23 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/hidden-lynx-professional-hackers-hire So I don't usually link to random blogs from the big boys, but this article is worth a read. On Twitter Ben Nagy asked what an integrated team looks like - and though Symantec didn't really DELVE into the details,

Re: [Dailydave] Top10 Blowing Chunks :

2013-09-18 Thread Dave Aitel
From an attacker's perspective this is the defender attacking the exploit supply chain - where there are two parties, one which writes the exploits and the other which uses them, it's hard to cycle new targets into the mix. Hence, the target that is most prolific is the one that has been QA'd and

[Dailydave] GIFs of Cats

2013-09-12 Thread Dave Aitel
GIFs. We love them. And we love them giving us remote code execution http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-3174even more than we love them showing us how to escape from jail http://imgur.com/gallery/40Nd2. The last CANVAS release (the base release, since I also consider the

Re: [Dailydave] Top10 Blowing Chunks :

2013-09-09 Thread Dave Aitel
. - Wolfgang On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Dave Aitel d...@immunityinc.com wrote: http://www.qualys.com/research/top10/ So I recently found out about the Qualys Top 10 vulnerabilities list, which is a pretty cool resource really. Any time a big company with a lot of data offers a view

[Dailydave] smaller errors eroding situational awareness.

2013-08-16 Thread Dave Aitel
Related Twitter threads here: https://twitter.com/carnal0wnage/status/367734642213801985 https://twitter.com/SelsRoger/status/367751020442832897 One thing you should pay attention to, as someone who works in IT security is how the various assumptions change over time. It used to be that managing

[Dailydave] That weird rack at LGA has always bugged everyone I know...

2013-08-11 Thread Dave Aitel
Tomorrow I'm heading to speak on a panel at a conference on Airport Security http://www.aci-na.org/event/2747. This is not a topic that in and of itself I am an expert on, other than, as all of you on this list, shuddering as I walk past that cage of computer equipment within easy access as you

[Dailydave] On Haiku, and Marketing.

2013-07-18 Thread Dave Aitel
You seek the Nothing, but you have not even mastered having one thought. Off and on this week Vanessa and I were still working hard on Immunity's BlackHat marketing slicks. One night I bought Vanessa a book from Basho because the Immunity way is that good marketing is about having one true

[Dailydave] Regulations and Cybersecurity

2013-07-17 Thread Dave Aitel
So Quantum Dawn 2 http://www.sifma.org/services/bcp/cybersecurity-exercise--quantum-dawn-2/ is coming up - and it's a good opportunity to talk about how exercises like that in general work, and what they find, and so forth. These are essentially faked table-top exercises, which leads a lot of the

[Dailydave] Maps, more maps. Graphs. More Graphs.

2013-07-01 Thread Dave Aitel
Halvar once said something like People are pretty rubbish at thinking in graphs, much better at thinking about which fruit looks tastier. I'm heavily paraphrasing just to troll him, of course. But the concept of visualizations in our field being incredibly hard is interesting in terms of the

[Dailydave] The Neutron Star

2013-06-26 Thread Dave Aitel
http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2013-06/26/content_16659265.htm Normally I don't like to stick my toe in the neutron star's gravity well that is the NSA-Snowden discussion. But it's important to point out that there are developing standards of behavior being negotiated not between China and

[Dailydave] Triads

2013-06-24 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/06/20/the_new_triad#.UcOf4jgwA9M.twitter With the way everyone talks about triads you'd think humans had three fingers. But the article was worth reading. And if you're wondering this morning how STALKER is doing:

[Dailydave] 2 new videos!

2013-06-20 Thread Dave Aitel
And neither one is about Edward Snowden!!! : http://infiltratecon.com/chriseagle.html --the end of this video is fixed. It's worth a watch if you weren't at INFILTRATE to see it live. Often the questions and responses to the questions are the best parts of any presentation.

[Dailydave] Chris Eagle's INFILTRATE Keynote

2013-06-14 Thread Dave Aitel
Keynotes, unlike normal technical talks, should sometimes cover very broad areas because your keynote speakers should have broad, interesting experiences. Chris Eagle's keynote at INFILTRATE 2013 is one of those. Few people knew that before working with IDA, Chris Eagle was a Naval Pilot. And yet,

[Dailydave] INFILTRATE 2013 Video #1

2013-05-24 Thread Dave Aitel
So the first video we're releasing is Stephen Watt's keynote. Yesterday we released it as a link in Immunity Debugger, so if you were doing real WORK then you got it early. : http://infiltratecon.com/watt.html Of course, the best time to get tickets for INFILTRATE 2014 is now, and not the day

[Dailydave] Starters.

2013-05-23 Thread Dave Aitel
Andwe're back! I got a few emails asking where DD went, and the answer is after INFILTRATE there's lots of work to do. We'll have quite a few announcements and blog posts and dissertations on social insects and their relationship to trojan protocols coming in the following days! For a

[Dailydave] The underlying structure is foamy

2013-05-23 Thread Dave Aitel
So Ben Nagy, who is nothing if not an iconoclast, disagrees with my and Halvar's general tenets that the easiest analogy to what is happening in the cyber space is the creation of a new Navy (or set of Navy's). But he refuses to argue with it when it's not words on paper. So I figured I'd put down

[Dailydave] SyScan 2013

2013-05-02 Thread Dave Aitel
It's really only after you finish writing a keynote that you know what it's about. In a sense, everyone around you writes it with you as you talk through it with people. The one I delivered at SyScan itself was funnier. . . although even so, not very funny. Not everything is funny! Even things

[Dailydave] Linux Hangman Rules

2013-04-17 Thread Dave Aitel
http://blog.ioactive.com/2013/04/can-gdbs-list-source-code-be-used-for.html So reading the above blog is amusing for many reasons. But it did make a lot of people sit around looking at the funniest games you could play on modern Linux. For example, Linux Hangman. Linux Hangman Rules You take

[Dailydave] top game

2013-03-22 Thread Dave Aitel
up the podcast I did this morning with Ryan Naraine here:https://www.securityweek.com/podcast-dave-aitel-security-awareness-training-exploit-sales-jiu-jitsu -dave signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Dailydave mailing list

[Dailydave] Seeing is believing

2013-03-19 Thread Dave Aitel
So a while back I asked what the point of PWN2OWN was, and Mark Dowd said that of course many people have never SEEN a modern exploit, and hence it has some strategic value. I think for Google it's also useful to see what new bugclasses exist in their products that people have not otherwise

[Dailydave] The Truth of TrueType

2013-03-11 Thread Dave Aitel
So the above blog is a bit of a tease. But then in a way the best talks are teases themselves. Essentially it is someone standing at the edge of a thick forest, pointing into the underbrush, and saying I went a little bit this way, and it seems good. INFILTRATE is bigger than last year. Not by a

[Dailydave] RSA

2013-02-24 Thread Dave Aitel
How to be offensive without being offensive. There's no class in this, and I have to say that I'm not that great at it and maybe never will be. I spent all last week with my grandfather who's 92, and lived through WWII. I'd say fought in WWII, since he was in the Air Force and really wanted to

[Dailydave] Someone, not me, wanted to post this to the list anonymously

2013-02-05 Thread Dave Aitel
Every time I do this people assume it's me posting. I don't post to DD pretend-anonymously. -dave Hello DD, Sir Tim Berners Lee was in Canberra recently for a Linux conference, and discussed the events surrounding the untimely death of Adam Swartz. He mentioned that Adam had wanted his hard

Re: [Dailydave] CyberSyScan 2013 - The Speakers!

2013-02-04 Thread Dave Aitel
it up. (It might be about something else entirely) KEYNOTE: Dave Aitel - What's At Stake? - Everything Buffy The Vampire Slayer Taught Me About Cyberwar signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature ___ Dailydave mailing list Dailydave

[Dailydave] The New York Times Plays with Fire

2013-02-04 Thread Dave Aitel
So one thing I think is interesting is that New York Times story. Here's how it goes, in bullet points: 1. NYT knows it's ruffling feathers, so it hires ATT (??) to watch their network 2. ATT sees something, so NYT calls in Mandiant 3. Mandiant and NYT let the Chinese hack things and watch them

[Dailydave] Also - this link is worth reading.

2013-01-18 Thread Dave Aitel
http://venturebeat.com/2013/01/17/convicted-hacker-steven-watt-on-aaron-swarzt-its-just-not-justice/ -- INFILTRATE - the world's best offensive information security conference. April 2013 in Miami Beach www.infiltratecon.com signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[Dailydave] Grey

2013-01-14 Thread Dave Aitel
After reading a lot of Grey's Anatomy's blogs I came upon the snippet that in fact, the name Grey indicated her character saw things always in shades of grey, as opposed to everyone else on the show, who tend to be a bit more black and white. It's snazzy wordplay like that that gets it 9 seasons

Re: [Dailydave] Priorities

2013-01-08 Thread Dave Aitel
, there appear to be new rules for cleared defense contractors who now have to report to the DoD any intrusions. (Perhaps this is not new?) It's quite interesting to read through though. -dave On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Dave Aitel d...@immunityinc.com mailto:d...@immunityinc.com wrote

[Dailydave] Processes.

2013-01-08 Thread Dave Aitel
In addition to amazing keynotes, INFILTRATE is starting to put up some speakers. To start, Matias Soler is going to talk about a project he has been working on called The Chameleon; A Cellphone-based USB impersonator http://infiltratecon.com/speakers.html . Remember to get the hotel password from

[Dailydave] BACK

2013-01-02 Thread Dave Aitel
I'm back from NZ, and because it is a 24 hour plane ride, and last time I went to work the very next day and did idiotic things, I promised myself I wouldn't work today. Idiotic things are still OK, just not at work. However, I couldn't resist posting this tidbit from our main IRC. 14:29 a

[Dailydave] Al Qassam and videos on youtube

2012-12-12 Thread Dave Aitel
So the question is: Can internet hacktivism cause a nation state to kindly ask Google to remove a video that Muslims hate, the same way Google removes known terrorist videos or videos of your baby dancing to Britney Spears tunes under copyright reasoning. So far the answer is no. But the Al

[Dailydave] Building a better honeypot

2012-12-10 Thread Dave Aitel
I don't normally read Honeynet.org, but when I do...well I have to say I'm impressed. http://www.honeynet.org/node/1004 Building a better honeypot is a worthy effort - one that may possibly have a big place in the future of network security insomuch as right now most people have forgotten the

[Dailydave] Weev's collateral damage.

2012-11-21 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/11/att-hacker-found-guilty/ So I'm no fan of Weev aka Andrew Auernheimer. The man is seriously disturbed and it's odd to see people support him https://twitter.com/maradydd/status/271067146145107968 on Twitter. Just as an example, here's some bizarre rape

[Dailydave] Context, and in which contexts context is important

2012-11-13 Thread Dave Aitel
CANVAS added HTTP/S + Proxy support to Java MOSDEF last week for the release. http://www.immunityinc.com/news-latest.shtml This means that when you attack people with Java client-sides you get a much higher rate of success against Financial and Federal Govt networks, which is awesome in its own

[Dailydave] This is a great movie

2012-11-13 Thread Dave Aitel
The hard thing, with these product demo movies, is to imagine how we would have done it 5 years ago. Is it any different from today? If not, then we need to work harder...but in this case, I think it's a pretty smooth show. You get to see the various new things from this month's CANVAS release,

[Dailydave] Master Classes

2012-10-02 Thread Dave Aitel
I remember when people were wondering when Microsoft was going to kill Linux off. But these days, Linux exploitation is more in demand than ever. We see it in consulting engagements all the time, for example. Also, now that it's the new federal business year, it's time for everyone to think about

[Dailydave] The City.

2012-09-27 Thread Dave Aitel
So I'm in DC today (ostensibly for the Plan X meeting, but I didn't register in time, and I don't have the necessary clearances anyways, so instead, heading to the Immunity DC office, etc.) and of course, the whole area is suffused in politics the way Palo Alto is suffused in VC money or Paris is

[Dailydave] Fwd: Re: Friends, Romans...

2012-09-27 Thread Dave Aitel
Some people don't know how to use email, so I'm forwarding things for them. -dave Original Message Subject:Re: [Dailydave] Friends, Romans... Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:18:05 +0700 From: the grugq thegr...@gmail.com To: Dave Aitel d...@immunityinc.com On 09

[Dailydave] Code signing FTW!

2012-09-27 Thread Dave Aitel
Good Muse Everyone! http://blogs.adobe.com/asset/2012/09/inappropriate-use-of-adobe-code-signing-certificate.html My fav. line in the above is There is no evidence to date that any source code was stolen. I mean, aside from the obvious fact that the attackers were knowledgable enough about the

[Dailydave] Friends, Romans...

2012-09-25 Thread Dave Aitel
So I just got back from Ekoparty, in Argentina. Ekoparty has great technical content - much of which I listened to through a translator service they had (which was surprisingly effective). Of course, sometimes the interesting talks are not technical at all (and, luckily for me, in English), as is

[Dailydave] INFILTRATE 2013! Sports and such

2012-09-13 Thread Dave Aitel
While I think having Stephen Watt and Chris Eagle as keynote speakers is enough reason for everyone to come to INFILTRATE, apparently the new hotness is having sports. At BlackHat we did indoor soccer via Hack-Cup http://hack-cup.com/ and it was awesome, even for those of us who otherwise never

[Dailydave] INFILTRATE 2013 Keynote Announcement: Chris Eagle

2012-08-30 Thread Dave Aitel
http://infiltratecon.com/speakers.html So like many of you I'm rarely impressed by capture the flags. There's whole countries out there with working Internets but without functioning governments, isn't that enough for people? Also, I tend to lose CTFs to SK Chong whenever I play, which is

[Dailydave] Videos for you: The Navy and Cyber

2012-06-29 Thread Dave Aitel
So these are great videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/USNavalInstitute/videos You'll notice the one by General Cartwright (which we twittered/posted earlier) has about 2000 views, and all the others have like, 10. But that could just be because his video is awesome. Panels are always hard to

[Dailydave] Last day to sign up for HACK CUP!

2012-06-01 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.hack-cup.com/add-your-team And of course, in the real-world hack cup, we have FLAME. Hooray for naming schemes! http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/1665315023001/whos-behind-cyber-attack-against-iran/ -dave -- INFILTRATE - the world's best offensive information security conference.

[Dailydave] Iron Man, nukes, vogon poetry.

2012-05-25 Thread Dave Aitel
So now that Max is six, I get to read comic books while pretending they're for him. And one thing you learn quickly is that the comic books people revere - the old-school Stan Lee era comic books - are godawful. They're just terrible. The art is terrible. The writing is campy and flowless and just

[Dailydave] Hacking the tribal websites, scuba divers, and lilacs.

2012-05-24 Thread Dave Aitel
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/clinton-state-department-hacked-al-qaida-sites-in-yemen-part-of-covert-war-on-terror/2012/05/23/gJQAKFOdlU_story.html So you know how when you're at a stoplight, and you see flashing lights from a fire truck behind you, and you'll carefully maneuver to pull

Re: [Dailydave] Hacking the tribal websites, scuba divers, and lilacs.

2012-05-24 Thread Dave Aitel
though, iiuc. -dave On 5/24/12 10:47 AM, Dave Aitel wrote: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/clinton-state-department-hacked-al-qaida-sites-in-yemen-part-of-covert-war-on-terror/2012/05/23/gJQAKFOdlU_story.html So you know how when you're at a stoplight, and you see flashing lights from

[Dailydave] Jailbreaking

2012-05-23 Thread Dave Aitel
So for those of you who do not follow the twitters...IntevyDis released a new version of VulnDisco Mobile, which includes an untethered jaibreak for the latest iOS. http://www.idownloadblog.com/2012/05/22/new-jailbreak-vulndisco-mobile/ You can watch the movie to see a CANVAS node pop up as

[Dailydave] Howard Schmidt

2012-05-18 Thread Dave Aitel
As for getting into the power grid, I can't see that that's realistic, Schmidt said. http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/03/schmidt-cyberwar/ Likewise as that Threat Point article from the start of his time in the White House points out: People have to recognize that when we close the door

[Dailydave] Ten years.

2012-05-17 Thread Dave Aitel
Immunity is ten years old now - and like any ten year old, it is interested mostly in shiny things that bleep and bloop. : But also like any ten year old we are growing and always hungry, and so if you're interested in working in the new DC office or Miami Beach HQ, please let me know. We only

[Dailydave] Spooked at RSA 2012

2012-04-26 Thread Dave Aitel
So we put my RSA 2012 talk up, along with the comments from the viewers that RSA collected. I 100% agree with every comment in the feedback form, which include such bon mots such as You reek of pride. Frankly, I am quite proud of what the offensive community has been able to do over the last

[Dailydave] Mark Wuergler

2012-03-30 Thread Dave Aitel
When I watch Mark Wuergler's INFILTRATE 2012 talk on wireless attacks it makes me think of the tiny Fear Demon from Buffy http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d7/Buffy4x04.jpg. We had to squeeze him down into a tiny window at the top right. All you can really see about him is that he's

[Dailydave] See Andrew Cushman of Microsoft Trusted Computing speak at INFILTRATE 2012!

2012-03-29 Thread Dave Aitel
We're working our way through the INFILTRATE 2012 movies slowly - each one has to be re-rendered in iMovie since the original recording was done into some Silverlight applet. So we find we are re-syncing the slides with the videos by hand, which is less than ideal. Nonetheless, the first videos

[Dailydave] Paid-for Vendor talk .... seems legit?

2012-03-21 Thread Dave Aitel
Why is it that every conference has gone the full hog and decided that you must sell keynotes? When I tried to watch the Whitman Diffie keynote at BH EU, it was proceeded by a 30 minute Fortigate infomercial. RSA had like 5 paid-for keynotes for every one real keynote. Everyone who hasn't should

[Dailydave] RSA

2012-03-01 Thread Dave Aitel
So I guess my summary would be : Better than expected so far! The first talk I saw, was a panel discussion lead by CloudStrike's Dmitri Alperovitch (who is uniquely confused as to how new his Android exploit talk is - I mean there's products out there that do everything his talk discusses. Then

[Dailydave] Apply Slides!

2012-02-16 Thread Dave Aitel
Movies and Links of the day! If you haven't seen the new SILICA Release movie, then you should. Team SILICA worked hard at making the WPS attack as easy to make work as possible. There are a lot of popular routers where you have NO WAY to turn this feature off. I love that.

[Dailydave] Cyber Politics By Other Means

2012-01-27 Thread Dave Aitel
Dear DD - attached is some red meat. : -dave Introduction It is, of course, very possible that hackers will get to help choose America's next president. Possibly not in the most direct way (aka, attacking the electoral system directly, the candidates, or the super PACs that support their

[Dailydave] Alligators

2012-01-19 Thread Dave Aitel
INFILTRATE 2012 is over (as of an hour from now). I will say that all the talks, especially the keynotes, exceeded our expectations. That's a good thing - we had high expectations even of Thomas Lim! Here is one review: http://blog.opensecurityresearch.com/2012/01/infiltrate-wrap-up.html

[Dailydave] Apache Struts

2012-01-06 Thread Dave Aitel
Just how bad is that Sec-Consult Apache Struts vulnerability... (from their advisory) ___ 2.) Remote command execution in Struts = 2.3.1 (CookieInterceptor) Given struts.xml is configured to handle all cookie names (independent of limited cookie values): action name=Test

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