I have an idea that could work to create 100% or almost identical color
profiles for each camera from the raw file in the future.
It would be sufficient to add the possibility to select a color via RGB or
LAB via the picker of the "Color Look up Table" module.
In this way, those who want to search and have a correspondence between
Jpeg and RAF colors will sample the colors of the jpeg file via "Color
Picker" and can re-enter the exact color value in the "Color Look up Table"
What do you think?
Lorenzo Fontanella

Il giorno ven 10 apr 2020 alle ore 19:23 Lorenzo Fontanella <
fontanellalore...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Good morning community, I have been using darktable for some years and I
> appreciate it for the cleanliness of the results and the power of the tools.
> However I happen to associate it with other development software.
> In the next e-mails, I will write in sequence some suggestions that could
> greatly improve the usability of the software.
> As a first suggestion that it is also the most complicated and perhaps
> impossible, I report a problem that has already been tackled but never
> solved.
> That is the mismatch between Fujifilm's Jpeg SOOC and .RAF file
> - Fujifilm files are displayed without any correspondence with the jpeg
> sooc, even if it was saved without special settings on the camera, such as
> DR or PDR. Raw Therapee, for example, does not have this type of problem,
> since for each file, the software applies a different ad-hoc tonal curve,
> which uniforms (over 90%) the .RAF file open to the jpeg (sooc) obviously
> this pre-equalization performed via software can be deactivated in order to
> obtain a raw "clean" "raw file
> Other software (such as Lightroom C01 or ON1, for example, read the
> metadata saved and present in the .RAF file and reproduce the file almost
> exactly compared to the jpeg sooc already in the opening phase using the
> "AUTO" mode (and only that).
> I know there are user-made LUTs for RAF files, but they are not absolutely
> accurate and the difference between .RAF and JPEG SOOC files is not only in
> the exposure.
> By using the "Color Look up Table" tool, good results are achieved, but
> they are valid only for the file subject to modification and the resulting
> "preset" is therefore not reusable for other photos taken in different
> conditions.
> Common problems remain 2.
> I would like a more accurate and precise method, since in other software
> there is, I refuse to think that it is not possible to get there, and I
> refuse to believe it because I would like DarkTable to become my ONLY
> development software. So being I own of Fujifilm, if I can help you in this
> aspect, I would be happy, but I don't even know where to start, do you have
> any suggestions?
> Thank you
> Lorenzo Fontanella

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