Le 04/11/2022 à 21:58, Bernhard a écrit :

Bernhard schrieb am 04.11.22 um 21:54:

Jean-Luc schrieb am 04.11.22 um 17:49:


Not exactly that.
In fact, the maintainer of the repo which I installed from seems not active anymore - or at least only once a year.
So I did not get the summer update so far.
I would like to build dt myself, but not see it fall into my home directory, as it always happens when I do it. So, my question : how can I manage to install it as if it were done frome repo ? I searched and could find with /wereis/ that it currently uses the following directories :

    darktable: /usr/bin/darktable /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/darktable /usr/libexec/darktable /usr/share/darktable /usr/share/man/man1/darktable.1.gz

You know these instructions?

It tells you to do this

mkdir build/
cd  build/
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/darktable/ ..
sudo make install

with the prefix being the directory to install to ...
This works for me although I don't know much about all these things.

btw. I use `checkinstall` instead of `make install` to build a package (.deb in my case) and then use the package manager (dpkg in Debian) to install/uninstall the package.

Hello Bernhard,

So I might have done something weird when I tried this.
However, I notice that then the maintainer of the repository from which I installed did follow the instructions, since dt appears in /usr/bin/darktable instead of /opt/darktable/.
At this point, what would you advise me to do ? Backup my config and

 * unsinstall dt, erase everything related to it in the directories
   above and build as described in github, or
 * use cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/bin/darktable ..



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